Chapter 19: Preparing for the Marquis's Ball (Part-I)

Lucian stood quietly in his father's chambers, his posture straight and respectful as Baron Lionheart explained the purpose of his summons. The room, with its high ceilings, richly decorated tapestries, and an air of authority, had always made Lucian feel a mixture of pride and apprehension. Today, however, the gravity of the discussion was clear from the baron's tone.

"The Marquis of Veridale has extended an invitation to the coming-of-age ceremony for his daughter, Lady Anna," Baron Lionheart began, his voice steady and firm. "It will take place next month at the Marquis's estate. This event is not merely a celebration; it's a gathering of noble families, a chance for the younger generation to socialize, forge connections, and leave lasting impressions."

Lucian nodded, understanding the weight of the occasion. A coming-of-age ceremony for the daughter of a Marquis was no trivial affair. It was a significant event where political alliances could be strengthened, marriages could be arranged, and, as his father implied, reputations could be made—or broken.

"You will be attending," the baron continued, fixing Lucian with a gaze that brooked no argument. "And I expect you to be on your best behavior. This is a rare opportunity for you to engage with your peers, other young nobles who will one day hold power and influence in their own right. How you present yourself will reflect on our house."

Lucian listened intently, aware that his father's expectations were not just about manners or appearance. The Baron was a shrewd man, well aware of the importance of social maneuvering in the intricate web of noble society. To him, this event was as much a battlefield as any physical conflict—a place where words, gestures, and impressions could determine the future.

"I understand, Father," Lucian replied, his tone measured and respectful. "I will do everything necessary to prepare."

Baron Lionheart nodded in approval. "Good. For the next month, you will dedicate time to studying proper etiquette, ballroom dancing, and social customs. I've arranged for Master Roland, a well-known etiquette tutor, to instruct you. You'll also continue your usual training regimen with Sir Garrett. I don't want you neglecting your martial skills."

Lucian inclined his head in acknowledgment. "I'll make sure to balance my time effectively."

The Baron's gaze softened slightly, a rare moment of paternal concern breaking through his otherwise stern demeanor. "Lucian, I know you're capable. You've proven yourself in many ways already. But remember, the world of nobility is full of hidden dangers—ambitions, rivalries, and expectations. Keep your wits about you."

"I will, Father."

The Baron dismissed him with a nod, and Lucian bowed before leaving the chamber, his mind already whirring with plans for the coming month.

As Lucian returned to his quarters, he mulled over the tasks ahead of him. He would have to master ballroom dancing, memorize the countless nuances of noble etiquette, and refine his social skills—all while keeping up with his physical training. It would be a challenging month, but Lucian was no stranger to hard work.

The first task was to meet with Master Roland. The etiquette tutor was an older man, with graying hair and a sharp, discerning gaze. He had been in the service of various noble houses over the years, teaching their children the art of comportment, conversation, and all the subtleties that separated the well-bred from the rest.

"Good afternoon, Master Lucian," Master Roland greeted him as he arrived in the study where the lessons would take place. "I trust you are ready to begin."

Lucian nodded. "I am, Master Roland."

The older man smiled slightly, a thin, professional smile. "Excellent. We have much to cover. Let's start with the basics of ballroom etiquette."

Over the next few hours, Lucian was drilled in the proper way to greet a lady, the correct posture for dancing, and the countless little rules that governed noble interactions. He learned how to move gracefully across the dance floor, how to hold a conversation without seeming too forward or too reserved, and how to navigate the subtle, unspoken hierarchies that existed among the nobility.

Despite the intense focus required, Lucian found himself adapting quickly. His mind, sharpened by years of study and practice in both his current life and the memories of his previous one, absorbed the lessons with ease. He practiced the steps repeatedly, making sure each movement was fluid and precise. When he wasn't with Master Roland, he reviewed what he had learned, determined to master every detail.

As the days passed, Lucian couldn't help but think about the kinds of people he would encounter at the Marquis's ball. He knew the world of nobility was filled with a variety of personalities—some charming, some arrogant, some cunning. The prospect of meeting other noble children his age brought back memories of the cliché egoist brats he had read about in webnovels from his previous life. Spoiled, entitled youths who believed the world revolved around them, quick to engage in petty arguments and rivalries.

Lucian smiled wryly at the thought. He had no intention of getting drawn into such trivial disputes. However, he also knew that such events could be unpredictable. If there was one thing he had learned from his previous life, it was to always be prepared for the unexpected.

Given his skills in enchanting, particularly his focus on creating potions and items that invoked lust and desire, Lucian decided to prepare something discreet but effective—just in case. He thought of crafting a hidden blade and some dart needles, which he could coat with his aphrodisiac. These would serve as his trump cards, should any confrontation arise where he needed to defend himself without drawing too much attention.

The next morning, Lucian visited the estate's blacksmith, a burly man named Garen who had been with the Lionheart family for years. Garen was known for his skill in crafting fine weapons and armor, and Lucian trusted him to create the tools he needed.

"Garen," Lucian greeted as he entered the forge, the heat from the roaring fires washing over him.

"Master Lucian," Garen replied with a respectful nod. "What can I do for you today?"