Just like her name

When the receptionist or whoever she saw downstairs told her "last floor, last room", it sounded odd but she didn't expect it to look this beautiful.

Two large windows directly facing her were the first thing that piqued her interest, they ran from the roof to the floor, giving a perfect eagle-view of everything happening outside. By her side stood three dark brown cupboards, almost hitting the roof. She could see dust on the books arranged in the cupboard. The rest of the office housed a large couch, a beautiful stool that had orange-brown shade, and a small bar with expensive alcohol just by the side.

"So… you are saying you just finished a degree. Last month, right?" Her interviewer asked, springing her back from her thoughts.

Being an assistant to a CEO? That was a long call for her. How did Claire even get this job for her? She just managed to get a business degree, coming out with an incredible score but still…

"Yes," Sylvia responded, nodding her head. "And I also was the best graduating student. I'm quite good in the business world," she said then completed it with, "just in the theory aspect though."

That made her interviewer smile. Claire was right. No, she was wrong. She said, "a little handsome" and that's wrong in all shades. This man before her could pass for a god; his suit, his posture, and that little twinkle in his eyes whenever he smiled... She could not believe she noticed that detail.

Leonardo caught her staring again but chose to ignore it. Baby steps, he reminded himself. "I understand that very much. Well, there's no need to waste anyone's time." he responded, clasping his fingers together

A sigh escaped her lips. She had told Claire the job needed a more qualified person, not someone like her-

"I'll give you the job." Leonardo stated, stretching his hand. "Welcome on board."

Sylvia blinked. Then she blinked hard, shock vibrating through her body. Did he just give-? Am I dreaming? What did Claire do?

"Syl– Miss Sylvia?" He almost laughed at her reaction. He had expected her to be surprised but… what he saw was too hilarious.

She blinked again, slowly. "Yes?"

"You heard me, right?" He frowned immediately. Was that tears? Was she crying? She must have waited for this for a long time.

She sniffed, nodding with a face turned down . "Yes, sir. I heard you." She had tried to hold the stupid tears but they still found their way. Then she felt a hand bury hers that was on the table.

"You can take your time. Stay in my office until you are better," he said, surprisingly calm.

She almost blushed, relaxing into his kindness before she remembered this was her boss, the CEO of this company. He was caring for his staff; it didn't mean anything but that thought wavered when his thumb caressed her hand.

It was calming she had to close her eyes to reign in the touch. When his large hands covered hers, memories slammed into her head faster than she could control. Her eyes snapped open at the same time she pulled her hands into her laps. The man before her blinked and slightly coughed, before he removed his hand.

"When should I begin?" she finally asked, breaking the awkward lingering silence.

"You can start immediately." He cleared his throat again. "Tomorrow will be the best."

That was very quick but she liked it nonetheless. "Thank you very much, sir." was all she could mutter as she stood, squaring up her shoulders.

He nodded, not maintaining eye contact anymore. "7 a.m sharp. Tardiness steals your job faster than failed assignments."

That was a clear warning, and she was sure she heard a little bit of spite in his voice.

"Tomorrow, 7am. Noted." She stepped away from the chair. "Have a nice day."


"He just gave a vague response like that?" The anger he had managed to control after dealing with his mother had begun to seethe under his eyes.

The silver haired man already used to this reaction didn't flinch, his hair a beacon of who he was branding him in the night. He knew Jonathan's moods and knew better than to cross him. "Your father always ruled well, but he had a soft heart–"

Jonathan hissed. "Inasmuch as we are among the few that detest Leonardo…" he said with lethal calm. "That doesn't give you the right to talk about my father. Nicholas."

Nicholas stilled, managing to hide the fear that crossed his eyes. He adjusted his tie awkwardly before saying, "I apologise. That wasn't–"

"It was one assignment, just one that was given to you and you failed woefully." Jonathan spat. His anger was imminent even though his eyes studied the empty night. "Save that apology for the next stakeholders' meeting." he completed and began walking to his car.

"Wait," Nicholas called. "I– I heard something."

"Which is?"

He adjusted his tie again. "He wants to employ a new assistant. Actually, she is to begin work tomorrow."

That piqued his interest. "I thought… What is his name? Andrew. Yes. I thought Andrew took that role."

He responded with a shrug. "She–"

"She…his second assistant is a woman." He gouged his thoughts for a minute before turning to face Nicholas. "Tell me… how will this information help our plans?"

"It will if we play our cards well. She will be a new staff member, and won't know what is happening. We can buy her loyalty, and given she's a woman… it will be an easy feat."

Jonathan was stunned but he didn't show it, even though he was certain Nicholas knew this had impressed him. "She's coming tomorrow, yes?"

The silver hair bobbed as he nodded. "Heard it from a trusted source."

"Do what you need to do, Nicholas. Gain her trust, take her to bed if you must–" A crooked smile appeared on Nicholas lips. "Leonardo should not last another year as the CEO of my father's company," Jonathan finished, curling his fists into balls.

"He will make that statement soon, and we'll kick-start our plans from there." Nicholas said, reigning in Jonathan's uncontrolled anger.

Johnathan took deep breaths, released his fingers, and flexed it. "I will be able to stall the next meeting. Do what you must."

Nicholas watched Jonathan's car leave the compound as the driver bowed at the moving vehicle. He smirked, removing his glasses. He hated receiving orders from these men he could give birth to. He looked at a message that came in from his phone.

"Seems like the plan is kicking off already. Now to sit back and watch things burn."