Meeting Risabel

Sylvia stretched her hand forward at the same time the door pulled back automatically. She'd made the same mistake yesterday, assuming the door to somewhere as big as The Duncan Silver Wares would be manually operated.

As she walked in, anxiety was coating her skin and she was grateful that she'd applied roll-on before stepping out, as if that would do anything. She kept her gaze on the desk that was placed to the right side of the hallway, twenty feet away from the front doors.

One step after the other, she reminded herself as she walked.

People walked past her, either outrightly ignoring her, or glaring at her as they went. She understood the eyes. Her dressing was… mediocre. It was by no means near the standards of what these people wore.

"Hi," she breathed, almost sagging with relief as she stood two feet away from the table.

"Good morning, miss, how may I be of help?"

"I was—" Sylvia started but clamped down. Her voice was shaky and she had to reign in that force that had helped her survive all those years. "I'm to start work here today and was told to report to you so I can have my ID card made."

"Sylvia Hudson, correct?" Sylvia nodded. "Here's a temporary card. You'll have a permanent one ready for you before closing time." The receptionist replied softly.

She gave another nod but she stood still. What was she to do now? Reporting to Mr Leonardo's office was her best bet but was that what she needed to do? She needed to do this right. It was her first day and first job, damn it!

"The Secretary-general is waiting for you, miss," the receptionist offered.

Good, she was late on her first day. She concluded without checking the time.

"Thank you, Kaitlyn," she said, taking in the name tag, and took off towards the elevator placed opposite the front of the door.

Of course, the receptionist didn't bother to give her complete directions again. Which floor was the secretary-general's office situated? She stared at the button with such intensity, she didn't realise someone was behind her.

"You are new," a female voice called with a smacking sound.

Sylvia turned. The first thing she noticed was the woman's lips covered with blinding red paint. Claire would have said something hilarious about how distracting these lips were. She tried to stiffen the laugh crawling up her throat, but she wasn't fast enough. The woman noticed it scowled, dragging her eyes on Sylvia's borrowed suit.

Straightening her shoulders, she said. "Yes I'm new–"

"Obviously lost and rude. You won't last a day in this company," the woman cut in, chewing the gum too loudly. Did she seriously think this makes her attractive? The question rang in Sylvia's mind.

She only nodded. "I'm actually lost. I need to go to the chairman's office. I don't know where that is."

The woman straightened her office skirt that was so tight Sylvia wondered how she walked in it. "And what do you want me to do about that?"


"No." she spat, clearly disgusted by what Sylvia wore. It was obviously not the designer everyone wore here. "Ask someone else. Or just leave and never come back."

Now this was getting entertaining. "And why should I do that?" surprisingly herself for asking.

Smacking the gum obnoxiously loud. "Because I told the truth. You won't last here," was all she said before pressing a button in the elevator.

Sylvia watched the door close, biting her lips to control her anger. Getting angry on the first day at work isn't a good omen; maybe she should just leave.

Not wanting to meet Karen again, she decided to take the stairs. Maybe it was because she was slow or the stairs were actually stressful to climb. She managed to get to the second floor, and a spiral of working people, footsteps and hushed tones welcomed her.

Her eyes scanned the front door of the offices, hoping to see Secretary-general written on any of them. She stopped looking when she saw a young woman walking towards her with a bright smile.

"Hi." Her voice flowed quite soothingly. "You must be new."

Sylvia sighed loudly. "Is it that obvious?"

That earned a short chuckle from the woman. "Is there any reason why it should be hidden?"

She shrugged. "I guess not."

Sylvia noticed this woman carried herself with grace. Her wine long-sleeve with a fancy scarf tied around her waist suited her body like it was specially made for her, and she could not stop staring at her smile.

"Don't worry about any of that. I'm sure you are looking for the Secretary-general?"

Sylvia had almost forgotten and the woman had understood, offering her a knowing smile. "Yes, I am. Apparently, the Secretary-general's office is hidden beyond the clouds."

"Ah." stretching her hand to Sylvia before she said. "Hi. My name is Risabel George, Secretary-general of Duncan Silver Wares."

If the ground could open up and swallow her, she would have hidden herself with the speed of light. Risabel widened her smile, clearly enjoying her turmoil.

"Um…" she cleared her throat.

"It is rude to keep someone's handshake waiting," Risabel stated.

Oh My God! She immediately grabbed the hand stretched out to her. "I'm Sylvia. Syl - Sylvia Hudson. I-I was just employed as the CEO's assistant." God knows she never knew she could stutter like this.

Risabel stared at her for a long time, not saying a word before she bellowed a huge laughter erupting from her throat. "God!" she forced herself to say, struggling to breathe. "It works every time!"

Unknowingly Sylvia's shoulders relaxed but with a small frown. "That wasn't fair."

"I know but it is fun. You needed to see your face." still chuckling.

She pouted. "So that means you aren't the Secretary-general…" Noticing how young she looked.

"Actually." straightening her black skirt that showed her curves. "I am exactly that. I don't know why that always surprises people."

"Hmm." not wanting to tell her she carried herself with such grace, nobody will see her in that light. "Well. I was told to meet you."

"Oh yes!" she said smiling. "I have already been informed of the position you will be taking. Let's go to my office and set you up for the day."

Finally, "Thank you."

"You are welcome. I saw your name on your CV and it made me smile," she confessed, walking beside Sylvia.

"Why? Is it a funny name?" smiling at her own sarcastic joke. She had never liked her name given how her ex-husband called it during their intercourse.

"That's not the reason." Risabel said, not noticing the shrug from the person beside her. "It is just that it almost sounds like the company's name."