Only took a knock.

So you didn't actually miss me?" a woman said, running her long manicured fingers on the back of his palm.

It enraged him; not the little need of body contact the woman forced from him, it was the heavy makeup that was already cracking on her cheek. And what is that on her lips?! Red paint?

In as much he wanted to bark at her as he had always wanted to, she wasn't just any woman, and her father isn't someone you want to get angry at.

He dragged his palm away from the table and relaxed on his chair, ignoring the scowl on her face. "Do you want the truth, Gabrielle?"

She rolled her eyes. "You said you will stop calling me that name."

"But it is your name. Isn't it?"

She bawled her fist. "You promised-"

"I did." Leonardo nodded, hiding his disgust. "But it was in the heat of the moment. You should know by now men say anything when taking a woman. But they never intend to keep it."

"I'm not those prostitutes you still visit." clearly looking down on him. "Don't talk to me as such."

But that only made him smile wider which enraged her the more. "Gabrielle. It was one night s–"

"You will not say that to me!" she screamed, losing her control already.

Everyone knew. Everyone knew when Leonardo spoke, you dare not disrupt him. So when he paused, dropping the smirk on his face, staring hard at the woman sitting before him, Gabrielle knew she had to beg.

"I'm-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"Get out," the command grumbled from his throat. "Now."

"Leonardo, I have been meaning to talk to you. You can't keep pushing me-"

He was about to stand and drag her out with his bare hands, damning the consequences when his door opened.

It was her, his mind rang. The woman he has been waiting for. Unconsciously, the anger suddenly disappeared from his eyes.

"And what are you doing here?" Gabrielle questioned, with a frown etched on her face.

The curiosity from her eyes suddenly dimmed and he hated it. He hated it so much.

Credits to her, she ignored the heavy makeup woman and locked her eyes with him. "Good morning, Sir. First of all, I want to apologise for not coming to your office any sooner. I was with the chairman."

He smiled inwardly. Risabel had been wanting to meet her after he told her yesterday about his new assistant. Risabel noted something about her name resembling the company's name.

Maybe he should pluck Gabrielle's eyes. That will stop the glares.

"It's fine." he finally said, noticing her shoulders relaxing. "Did the chairman show you your office?"

"No. She said you are yet to decide about that." but she wasn't finished. "Though I'm wondering why you're the one deciding."

"At least, she has some sense." Gabrielle mocked and turned back to Leonardo. "It is not your job to worry about her-"

"That is none of your business. And why are you still here?"

Of course, she always had something to say but she surprisingly closed her mouth and grabbed her bag. "I'll come and see you tomorrow."

She didn't leave without glaring at Sylvia who stared back unflinchingly .

Immediately the door was banged shut, he released a sigh of relief. "Nuisance," he whispered.

"Sir." Sylvia gently called. "...about my office."

"Right." He stood up, arranging his silver-grey suit jacket. "I made my decision this morning. Follow me."

Leonardo stepped out of his office, trying to quieten the warning voice in his head and greeting staff that had shock written on their face; he hardly leaves his office, especially not in the morning.

It was just next door from his office. Wait, she will be working in an office that's beside the CEO's?? The question rang in her head, trying to refocus on Leonardo opening the door, of course, it needed a password.

"You can change the password once you are settled in." his voice snapping her back to reality. He punched the numbers on the door and the door automatically clicked open.

She had thought her office would be a small scrawny room with just a table and chair that would take the whole space; how wrong she was.

The first thing that passed her nose was the air freshener that filled the room, it was obviously just cleaned. It was cleaned…for her. The windows occupied the left side of the room; standing like walls. The table was almost the same as the CEO's; beautiful brown, large and…expensive. Not forgetting the white long couch and coffee maker that stood at the edge of the office. The walls were her best colours; White and light blue!

"Ehm…I'll take it that you like your office." Leonardo finally breaks the silence.

Oh shit! She had totally forgotten he was standing behind her. "Like" is an understatement. This place is really…beautiful, Sir. I love it very much, thank you for giving me this place as my office."

He nodded, trying to control his smile. "I'm glad you like it. Andrew–my second will soon be here to get you settled before you can begin working on your own."

That seemed to relieve her a bit, causing to smile as professionally as she could. "Alright, Sir. I am a very fast learner, learning has never been a hassle for me." She knew she should stop rambling because that was the exact thing she was doing, and sadly, her boss is a very hard man to read. Oh God. Why is even trying to get a read of him?

"I know you are. I'll leave you to it now, don't forget to change the password," He said. Burying his fingers in his pockets to calm down and put up a composed expression, he left for his office.

Sighing quite too loudly for a tension she was oblivious to, a smile curled on her lips as she walked to the office chair and sat on it comfortably, swinging it left to right in circular motions.

There were different files on the table waiting to be attended to, but she had to wait for…now she has forgotten his name. She had to be doing something before he came. Her eyes darted to the scattered books on the shelf, that was enough to keep her busy.

An hour was coming to an end when a knock erupted from the door. She hurriedly walked to open the door and was met with a slightly older man but with the most alluring brown eyes she has ever seen.

"Hi. Good morning. I'm–

"Sylvia Hudson." He completed, smiling at the shock on her face. "When the CEO personally brings you to your office; everyone gets to know you."

That was something she didn't expect. "So you mean the CEO has never done this?"

He shrugged, adjusting his glasses. "It is shocking to everyone."

"Oh…" was all she could say.

"Don't worry about it too much." He shrugged again. "I'm sure he's just being nice. I just came to see the new staff on everyone's lips. I am Nicholas. Nicholas Lewis."