Chapter 6

Aria walked alone, her feet carrying her on autopilot as her mind wandered to the competition and her dreams. The fight with Jack and Liam still lingered, and she couldn't shake off the feeling that her relationships with them were complicating her chances.

As she turned a corner, two drunk men slurred out catcalls, their eyes fixed on her. Aria's heart quickened, and she picked up her pace. But the men gave chase, their footsteps closing in.

Just as panic set in, a car screeched to a halt beside her. Aria's eyes widened as Jack leapt out, his fists flying as he took on the thugs. She fumbled for her phone, trying to call for help, but her eyes were fixed on the chaos.

One of the men smashed a bottle against a tree, the shards glinting menacingly as he advanced on Jack. Aria screamed a warning, but it was too late. The man lunged, and Jack dodged, but the bottle found a new target - Aria's stomach.

She felt a searing pain as the glass pierced her skin, twice. Her vision blurred, and she crumpled to the ground, Jack's name on her lips.

Everything went dark.

Allison paced in her room, her mind seething with resentment. She had thought her plan was foolproof, but now she was faced with the possibility of failure. She picked up her phone and dialed a number, her eyes fixed on the wall as she waited for an answer.

"Did you do your job right?" she asked, her voice low and menacing.

The man on the other end hesitated before responding, "Jack was with her."

Allison's grip on the phone tightened. "Hope Jack wasn't hurt."

The man reassured her, "Jack wasn't hurt, but Aria was. We managed to escape and are now at City Hospital."

Allison's eyes narrowed as she disconnected the call. She couldn't believe it. Jack was with Aria again, and now she was hospitalized. A wave of anger washed over her. She had to act fast.

In the office, Mrs. Anita and Mr. Steven were discussing the upcoming international competition. "I still think we should include an exam in the selection process," Mrs. Anita insisted.

Mr. Steven nodded thoughtfully. "I agree. We need to ensure we choose the best candidate."

Meanwhile, Allison was already on her way to the hospital, fueled by jealousy and determination.

As she arrived, she saw Andrew and the others gathered outside Aria's room. "What's going on?" she asked, trying to sound nonchalant.

Andrew filled her in, "Jack was attacked, and Aria is with him."

Allison's eyes flashed with anger, but she kept her cool. "I need to see Jack," she said, pushing past the group.

In a moment filled with worry and concern, the college manager received news of a member in the hospital, prompting action. Mrs. Anita and Mr. Steven were swiftly dispatched to the city hospital. Meanwhile, Aria's mom and sister caught sight of the distressing news on TV, learning of Aria's hospitalization. Tensions rose as Hannah intervened, urging her mom to let Aria face her challenges alone, asserting her choice of path. Aria's mom, overwhelmed with emotion, couldn't hold back her tears.

Amidst the tension in the hospital, the doctor's grave news shook Jack to his core. Desperation filled the air as the doctor revealed the urgent need for blood to save her life. Jack, overwhelmed with emotion, offered his blood without hesitation. Liam, equally concerned, stepped forward to help. The doctor, emphasizing the importance of testing, guided them to ensure compatibility. In this critical moment, Jack's mind raced back to a regretful past interaction with Aria, realizing the weight of his actions.

As the group arrived at the hospital, Allison spotted Jack emerging from the test room, his eyes red-rimmed and his shirt stained with blood. He ignored her, and Allison's curiosity was piqued. Why was Jack avoiding her?

Daniel, Jack's closest friend, approached him and whispered, "I know you like Aria, but you won't accept it because you're with Allison." Jack's expression turned grim, and he shook his head, not wanting to talk.

But Daniel persisted, "Aria will be alright, just calm down." Jack's emotions boiled over, and he stood up, his voice cracking. "Calm down? How can I when Aria is in so much pain? The doctor says she needs blood, A positive, but mine doesn't match hers."

Tears streamed down Jack's face as he thought about Aria's condition. Daniel put a hand on his shoulder, and Jack composed himself, determined to find a match. "I'll test mine to see if it matches," he said, gratitude in his eyes.

The group decided to get tested, and Sofia, who had been quiet until now, spoke up. "I know Allison was behind Aria's accident. It's time everyone knew her true colors." Jack's eyes locked onto Allison, his mind racing with a plan.

He decided to play along, pretending he didn't suspect Allison, all the while gathering evidence to expose her. The game was on, and Jack was determined to protect Aria at all cost.

Daniel's blood matched Aria's, and the doctor announced that the transfusion was a success. Aria was safe, and Jack thanked Daniel profusely for his help. As Daniel received a glass of apple juice from the nurse, Jack rushed to Aria's patient room.

Inside, he saw Aria lying in bed, an oxygen tube wrapped around her nose, an IV drip in her left hand, and a pipe in her mouth. The oxygen machine hummed softly beside her. Jack's eyes welled up with tears as he sat beside Aria, smiling weakly as he gazed at her.

The doctor cautioned that it was uncertain when Aria would awaken. Meanwhile, Allison and the rest of the group stood outside, observing the scene. Leah noticed Jack's emotional expression and whispered to Leo, "Jack has feelings for Aria." Leo nodded in agreement, admitting that he new about it.

Allison departed, tears streaming down her face. The doctor entered, and Jack asked about the pipe in Aria's mouth. The doctor explained, "It's a Nasal cannula, a small tube with prongs that deliver oxygen from an oxygen supply source directly into the nostrils, helping the person breathe easily by supplying oxygen to their lungs."

Jack nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. He thanked the doctor, grateful for the explanation and reassurance. The doctor's words eased Jack's concerns, allowing him to focus on Aria's recovery.

As Jack sat beside Aria, he gently took her hand, his eyes fixed on her face. The beeping of the machines and the soft hum of the oxygen supply created a soothing background noise, a reminder of the care and support surrounding Aria.