Chapter 7

As Allison prepared to leave, Daniel grasped her hand, his eyes pleading with her to stay. "Don't go," he urged, but Allison's smile was unwavering. "Let go of my hand, or I'll report you to Jack," she warned, her voice firm but calm.

Daniel's laughter was mocking. "You fool, do you still think Jack loves you?" he sneered, but Allison's confidence was unshaken. She knew Jack's heart belonged to her, and Daniel's words were mere empty taunts. With a gentle tug, she freed her hand and walked away, leaving Daniel's bitter laughter behind.

Meanwhile, in a hospital room, a different drama unfolded. Mrs. Anita and Mr. Steven, the group's leaders, discussed the looming void left by Aria's prolonged hospitalization. "We need to appoint a temporary lead singer," Mrs. Anita declared, but Jack's opposition was immediate. "It's not fair to Aria," he protested, his voice laced with concern.

Liam, one of the competition's judges, surprisingly sided with Jack. "I understand your concerns, but appointing a temporary lead singer could cause problems," he cautioned. However, Mr. Steven's mind was made up. "We'll appoint a temporary lead singer, and that's final," he decreed, his voice firm.

As Mrs. Anita and Mr. Steven exited the hospital room, Jack's anger boiled over. He confronted Liam, his eyes blazing. "What are you doing? I know you don't care about her," he accused, but Liam's smile was enigmatic. "I'll do anything to win Aria's heart," he revealed, his voice low and husky. "I love her."

Jack's anger erupted into violence as he punched the door, the sound echoing through the corridor.

Leah and Ivy stood vigilantly in Aria's hospital room, surrounded by the beeping of machines and the soft murmur of the nurse tending to Aria's IV drip in her left hand. The doctor entered, urging everyone to leave, but Jack refused to budge. He stood frozen, his eyes fixed on Aria's fragile form.

Slowly, Aria's eyelids fluttered open, her vision blurry. She squinted, trying to focus, and then closed her eyes again, only to reopen them a moment later. Though she tried to speak, the oxygen tube in her mouth muffled her voice. Her gaze wandered around the room, finally locking onto Jack's tear-stained face. Tears streamed down her own face as Jack's hands tightened around hers.

The doctor intervened, his voice firm but gentle. "Now that you've seen her, please leave. We need to run some tests and check her vitals." Jack nodded reluctantly, his eyes never leaving Aria's face as he turned to leave. He cast one last glance at Aria before disappearing out the door.

As the room emptied, the doctor injected a sedative into the IV drip and checked the oxygen levels. Aria's eyes grew heavy, her gaze slowing as her eyelids drooped, eventually closing in a peaceful slumber.

Allison's mind was racing with a plan to become the temporary lead singer, a position that would allow her to compete in the international competition and possibly win Jack's heart. But her thoughts were interrupted by the sudden appearance of her mother, Mrs. Lila, who had arrived unexpectedly. Allison's car keys slipped from her fingers as she rushed to embrace her mother, tears of joy welling up in her eyes.

As they sat in Allison's room, Mrs. Lila reminded her daughter of the promise Jack had made to marry her after college. Allison's expression turned uncertain, her thoughts consumed by the possibility that Jack might have developed feelings for Aria. "But Mom, what if Jack has feelings for another?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Mrs. Lila's reassuring words and gentle tone calmed Allison's doubts. "Oh, come on, I've watched you and Jack grow up since you were 12. He truly likes you, and he promised to marry you after college." Allison smiled, lost in thought as she considered Jack's recent closeness to Aria and her own efforts to push Aria away.

Mrs. Lila noticed Allison's distant expression and called out her name. "Are you okay? You were lost in thought for a moment. I'm pretty sure you didn't hear what I was saying." Allison smiled again, assuring her mother she was fine, and asked about her younger brother, Raymond. Mrs. Lila reassured her that Raymond was doing well.

The conversation turned to the upcoming international competition, and Mrs. Lila revealed that the manager had informed her that Allison would be the temporary lead singer. Allison's face lit up with excitement as she hugged her mother, thanking her for the news. Mrs. Lila's parting words were filled with encouragement: "Don't forget to block every obstacle that comes your way. At least my daughter will be a famous musician, a famous singer." With one final hug and a smile, Mrs. Lila departed, leaving Allison to watch her drive away, feeling grateful and determined.

As they strolled through the hall, Leah and Leo's conversation turned to their future together after college. Leo's eyes sparkled with excitement as he declared, "I plan on marrying you after college." Leah's laughter filled the air, but her expression soon turned contemplative. "I have my dreams that I want to achieve," she said, her voice tinged with determination. "I want to make my parents proud – my mom, I wonder how she's doing, and my dad too." Tears began to well up in her eyes, and Leo's face filled with concern.

He stepped forward, enveloping her in a warm embrace. "I'm with you in everything, Leah. We'll achieve both our dreams together, no matter what. Even if we get married after college, it won't stop us from pursuing our aspirations." Leo's gentle fingers wiped away the tears streaming down Leah's face, and he cradled her cheeks in his hands. "Give me a smile," he whispered, his eyes locked on hers. Leah's lips curved upward, reassuring him that she was fine.

As the darkness gathered, Jack hesitated to leave Aria's side. The oxygen machine still hummed softly, a reminder of her fragile state. Aria's eyes fluttered open, and she felt pain as she was trying to sit up. Jack rushed to her aid, gently supporting her as she struggled against the pain in her stomach. The doctor had removed the pipe from her mouth, but the memory of the glass stabbing still lingered.

As Jack helped her settle into a sitting position, Aria's face contorted in agony. He swiftly placed a pillow behind her back, but even that couldn't ease her discomfort. Beads of sweat formed on her brow as she fought against the pain. Jack's concern deepened, and he carefully helped her lie back down, removing the oxygen mask as she did so.

Aria's hand still grasped the IV drip, and Jack's fingers intertwined with hers, offering what little comfort he could. "You must have gone through so much pain," he whispered, his voice heavy with regret. "I'm truly sorry. It's all my fault. Why did you take the stabbing meant for me?"

Tears streamed down Aria's face as she smiled weakly. "I...I care about you," she whispered. "I didn't want to see my loved one get hurt." Jack's eyes misted as he gazed at her, his heart swelling with love and gratitude. "I'll be right back," he said softly. "I need to inform the doctor that you're awake." Aria nodded, her eyes drifting closed as she succumbed to her exhaustion.