Chapter 11

Aria gazed up at the starry sky, a gentle smile on her lips. Suddenly, she felt warm arms wrap around her waist from behind. Jack's voice whispered in her ear, "Why don't we sing together? Tomorrow's the final competition, and who knows when we'll see each other again?"

Aria's heart skipped a beat as she nodded in agreement. They practiced together, their voices blending in perfect harmony. As they sang, Jack's hands lingered on her waist, his touch sending shivers down her spine.

After their impromptu performance, Jack turned her around, his eyes sparkling with affection. "Why don't we have this moment together?" he asked, his voice low and husky.

Aria's heart fluttered as Jack took her hand, leading her to the rooftop. The city lights twinkled below, a magical backdrop for their romantic moment. They swayed to an unheard melody, their bodies moving in perfect sync.

As they danced, Jack's lips brushed against her ear, sending shivers down her spine. "I want to spend forever with you, Aria," he whispered.

Aria's heart soared as Jack dropped to one knee, a small box opening to reveal a glinting diamond ring. "Will you marry me?" he asked, his eyes shining with love.

Tears of joy streaming down her face, Aria nodded eagerly. "Yes, yes, a million times yes!"

As Jack slid the ring onto her finger, their lips met in a tender, passionate kiss.

Aria was so happy that Jack had proposed to her, she kept smiling looking at the ring, knowing that Liam was wrong after all.

Outside the camp, Liam was worried about Aria, but he trusted her ability to take care of herself. Meanwhile, Aria was surprised by a visit from Ivy and Daniel. She eagerly hugged them both, thrilled to see her friends.

"Ivy, Daniel, wow! How did you guys...?" Aria trailed off, beaming with excitement.

Ivy smiled, exchanging a glance with Daniel. "We came to support you and Jack," Daniel explained. "We didn't want to leave without saying a proper goodbye."

Aria's eyes widened in surprise. "But how did you...Ivy, you were gone, and I didn't think you'd come back."

Daniel held Ivy's hand, his expression sincere. "I came looking for her, pleading her to return, but she didn't want to. So, I realized Allison isn't worth my feelings."

Aria's eyes sparkled with shock. "You had feelings for Allison?"

Daniel nodded, a hint of a smile on his lips. "Since childhood, but she seems to love Jack very much."

Ivy's gaze fell upon the ring on Aria's finger, and her eyes lit up. "Oh my, Jack proposed to you already!"

Aria nodded, still smiling. Daniel's expression turned thoughtful, his mind racing with concerns. He knew Jack's reputation as a playboy, and his quick shift in affections from Allison to Aria seemed suspicious.

Aria noticed Daniel's distant expression and asked, "Hey, what's wrong?"

Daniel shook his head, forcing a smile. "Nothing, I'm just happy to see you."

Aria nodded, then gestured for her friends to follow her. "Okay, guys, come on. Let me take you to meet the Manager, so they can find a room for you both to stay before the show."

Allison's room was dimly lit, the only sound the soft hum of the air conditioner. Jack sat on the edge of her bed, his eyes locked on hers with an intensity that made her skin prickle.

"You're sure Aria suspects nothing?" Allison asked, her voice husky as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Positive," Jack replied, his lips curling into a sly smile. "She's completely under my spell. Thinks I'm head over heels for her."

Allison chuckled, the sound sending shivers down Jack's spine. "You always were a good actor, Jack."

Their lips met in a passionate kiss, the tension between them palpable.

Jack wrapped his arms around Allison, pulling her into a tight embrace. She melted into his hold, her arms encircling his waist as they shared a tender, intimate hug.

The next morning

Aria practiced her dance moves, singing softly to herself as she wore her favorite outfit - leggings, a blue half-cut singlet, and a yellow transparent top. Suddenly, Liam appeared, holding out a dagger.

"What's this?" Aria asked, crossing her arms, unsure of what to make of the unexpected gift.

Liam's expression turned serious. "If Jack betrays you, use this to protect yourself. Kill him if you must."

Aria raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "And you think I'll actually use it?"

Liam's grip on her hand was firm as he placed the dagger in her palm. "Keep it with you, Aria. Just in case."

With that, Liam turned and walked away, leaving Aria to ponder his words. Her gaze drifted to the ring on her finger, a symbol of Jack's love and commitment. But now, doubts crept into her mind. Could Liam's warning be true? Was Jack hiding something from her?

As they drove, Leo's brow furrowed in concern. "I think we should go back," he said, his eyes fixed on the road ahead.

Leah raised an eyebrow, skeptical. "And why should we?" she asked, rolling her eyes.

Leo's expression turned serious. "Jack's my friend, and I want to support him. But I don't feel right about watching their concert live. Let's go back tonight and watch it from a distance."

Leah's thoughts drifted back to her encounter with Aria and Jack. She remembered how rudely she had behaved, especially towards Jack. A pang of guilt hit her, and she nodded in agreement. "You're right, Leo. Let's go back tonight."

Leo's face relaxed, relieved that Leah was on board with his plan. He turned the car around, heading back towards the concert venue, determined to make things right.

Aria tried calling her mom, but she wasn't answering. Worry crept in as night fell and the concert was about to start. Jack noticed Aria's distress and wrapped her in a comforting hug before she went on stage.

As she gazed up at the stage, Aria's concern grew - Liam was nowhere to be seen, which was unusual. She hugged Jack back, trying to shake off her worries.

"What's wrong?" Jack asked, sensing her unease.

Aria's frustration boiled over as she slammed her phone to the floor. "I'm tired, Jack! I've been trying to reach my mom, but she's not picking up. I've tried calling my sister too, and I'm getting worried!" Tears streamed down her face as she pounded her fists against the wall in anger.

Jack intervened, grabbing her hands to stop her from hurting herself further. "Aria, stop! You're bleeding!" he exclaimed, as her hands began to bleed from the force of her blows.

Aria pulled her hands away, but Jack held them tight, his voice calm and soothing. "Calm down, Aria. It's going to be okay."

Aria's world shattered as she received the devastating call from her neighbor, Anita. Aria's mom and sister were fighting for their lives, their bodies severely burned in a fire that had ravaged their home. Aria's mind reeled as she listened to Anita, Aria couldn't say a word and was shocked in pain, and cried, screaming in pain.

Meanwhile, on stage, Jack and Allison performed together, their chemistry palpable. But Aria knew the truth - she was meant to be up there with Jack, not Allison. The betrayal cut deep.

As Jack announced his engagement to Allison, Aria's heart splintered. She stumbled onto the stage, her eyes locked on Jack's smug face. With a fierce cry, she slapped him, the sound echoing through the venue.

"Why, Jack?" she screamed, her voice hoarse with pain. "Why did you do this to me?"

Jack's smile twisted as he pushed her away, leaving her crumpled on the floor. "It was all a plan, Aria," he sneered. "I've always loved Allison. You were just a pawn."

Aria's hand closed around the dagger in her pocket, her anger boiling over. With a swift motion, she tore Jack's hand, the sound of his scream music to her ears.

As the guards dragged her away, Aria saw Allison rushing to Jack's side, their love a mockery of everything Aria thought they had shared. The betrayal seared her soul, leaving her shattered and broken.

Here's a continuation of the scene:

Allison's voice trembled as she helped Jack to his feet, her eyes darting nervously to Aria, who was being dragged away by the guards. "Jack, are you okay?" she repeated, her concern feigned.

The manager, a sly smile spreading across his face, nodded in approval. "Well handled, Jack. Well handled."

The head of school, a calculating glint in her eye, watched the scene unfold. She knew that Aria was a threat, a wild card who could expose the secrets they had worked so hard to keep hidden. Aria's outburst had only confirmed her suspicions - the girl was a danger to their carefully constructed facade.

"We need to take care of this," the head of school whispered to the manager, her voice barely audible over the din of the crowd. "Aria can't be allowed to ruin everything we've worked for."

The manager nodded in agreement, his smile growing wider. "Leave it to me. I'll make sure she's taken care of."

As they exchanged a knowing glance, Aria was dragged out of the venue.

As Daniel's fist connected with Jack's face, Allison rushed to his side, concern etched on her face. "What are you doing, Daniel?" she shouted, trying to intervene.

But Daniel stood tall, his eyes blazing with anger. "You played with Aria's emotions, used her for your own gain, and crushed her dreams. You'll regret this, Jack. You'll come crawling back to her one day, begging for her forgiveness."

Ivy's voice trembled with rage. "How could you do this Jack, Aria trusted you, and you destroyed her."

Allison couldn't take it anymore and decided to help Jack, " Daniel, stop! This isn't the time or place."

Daniel was hurt for Aria, he was really a good friend to Aria. His chest heaving with emotions," there's never a good time to expose a monster, Allison. But I'm glad I did."

As Ivy and Daniel walked away, hand in hand, Leah and Leo followed their face etched with disgust . "We can't stay here any longer," Leah said, her voice heavy with disgust. "Let's leave."

Jack's face, still bleeding, contorted in a mixture of pain and regret. Allison helped him up and they both left in a car.

The guards let Aria go, and she ran escaping from that place.

Aria walked alone on the rainy road, her feet carrying her nowhere. Her mind was a mess, thoughts of her parents and Jack's betrayal swirling like a storm. She felt lost, like she was drowning in her own pain.

As she turned a corner, she didn't notice the truck speeding towards her. It was as if fate had other plans. The truck hit her with a loud thud, sending her flying into the river.

Unbeknownst to Aria, the manager had ordered the hit. She was a threat to their plans, and they couldn't let her expose the truth. The manager watched from a distance, a satisfied smile spreading across his face.

As Aria's body floated downstream, her thoughts grew foggy. She remembered her parents' smiles, Jack's lies, and the pain that had become her life. The water washed away her tears, but not her sorrow.

Meanwhile, Jack was getting his hand bandaged by Allison. He winced in pain, but his eyes showed no remorse. He was too far gone, consumed by his own ambition.

The manager's plan had worked, but at what cost? Aria's life was forever changed, her feelings was hurt and her dreams shattered.

Aiden's mother visited her grand son Elias in the hospital, where Mr. Alberther husband promised to ensure the child's well-being. Suddenly, a doctor shouted, "Make way!" as Liam rushed in, carrying Aria. However, Liam collapsed on the ground after admitting Aria, regretting not confessing his love for her before the incident.

Aria, sensing Liam's feelings for her, realized too late that she had missed the opportunity to reciprocate. The doctors admitted Liam, but despite their best efforts, he succumbed to his injuries.

Aria and Isa were placed in separate beds, with Aria's head bandaged, an IV in her hand, and oxygen support. Aiden, lost in thought, stumbled upon the ward and was shocked to see his wife Isa and a stranger, Aria, who shared an uncanny resemblance - same face, hair, and body shape. He immediately notified his parents, bewildered by the discovery.