Chapter 22

Entwined on the dance floor, the masked man's hands grasped Aria's waist, pulling her close. As he turned her to face him, their breaths mingled, sending shivers down her spine.

Masked Man: (whispering) "You're breathtaking, Aria."

Aria: (her eyes closing, her voice barely audible) "I...I feel like I know you."

Masked Man: (his lips inches from hers) "Perhaps you do, in another life."

As they swayed to the music, Aria's eyes fluttered open, searching for answers in the masked man's gaze. Suddenly, Jack appeared, snatching the microphone.

Jack: "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you, thank you! A wonderful dance, indeed! Let's give a round of applause!"

The masked man's grip on Aria's waist tightened, as if reluctant to let go.

Masked Man: (urgently) "Aria, I—"

Aria: (her voice barely above a whisper) "Wait, who are you?"

But before he could respond, Jack intervened, pulling Aria away.

Jack: "Sorry, folks, the music's not over yet! Let's keep dancing!"

As the crowd cheered and the music continued, Aria was swept away by Jack, leaving the masked man standing alone, his eyes fixed on her with an unreadable expression.

Aria: (turning back, her voice lost in the music)

But the masked man vanished into the crowd, leaving Aria with only questions and a lingering sense of connection.

Bobbing her head in anger, Aria's gaze fixed on Jack as he approached her. Memories of his betrayal flashed before her eyes, fueling her resentment. Allison, noticing the tense atmosphere, rose from her seat, curious about the unfolding drama.

With a calculated smile, Aria began to move closer to Jack, her body language exuding a flirtatious charm. Jack, taken aback by Aria's sudden romantic advances, looked puzzled, unsure of her intentions. The guests exchanged whispered speculations, wondering why Aria and Jack were so cozy, especially given Allison's marriage to him.

Aria whispered in Jack's ear, her voice husky, "I know you still long for me." Her smile grew wider, lost in thought, as she savored the first step in her revenge plan. She aimed to ignite a fire of jealousy in Allison, making her confront Jack about his lingering feelings.

Aria's plan was to keep her regained memory a secret, using it to her advantage as she manipulated the situation. She wanted to make Allison and Jack believe she was still the same vulnerable person.

With a sly smile, Aria pretended to stumble, her eyes wide with feigned innocence. "Oh, Allison, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to cause any trouble. I just...I feel like I've known Jack before, somehow."

Allison's grip on Aria's arm tightened, her voice venomous. "You don't know him, Isa.

You're just a pawn in his game."

Aria's smile grew wider, her eyes flashing with triumph. She was playing them perfectly, using their own assumptions against them. For now, she'd keep her secret safe, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

"I'm just confused, Allison. Please, tell me what's going on."

Mrs. Hilda's arrival helped to diffuse the tense situation, but the guests' arguments and swift departures only added to the drama.

Aria, seizing the opportunity, slipped away unnoticed, her mind focused on the mysterious Aiden.

Cut to Aria walking down a dimly lit hallway, her footsteps echoing off the walls. She approaches a door, producing a small key from her pocket to unlock it. Inside, she finds Aiden bound to a chair, a gag covering his mouth.

Aria's eyes lock onto Aiden's, her gaze piercing. She walks closer, her movements deliberate, and removes the gag.

That adds a new layer of complexity to the story. Here's the rewritten scene:

Aiden's eyes dropped, his voice barely above a whisper. "Isa was already gone, Aria. I just...I couldn't let her go. I used you, pretending you were her, to keep her memory alive."

Aria's expression softened, but her determination remained unwavering. "I don't care about your games, Aiden. I just want to know the truth about Liam. The guy who saved me from dying."

Aiden's Mom, stepped forward, her eyes filled with a mix of sadness and fear "Aiden tell her. It's time she knew.

But Aiden refused to speak, ignoring his Mom.

Mrs. Amelia's voice trembled as she began to reveal the truth. "Aria, from the moment you woke up in the hospital, Aiden's been manipulating you. He used you to fill the void left by Isa's passing."

Aiden's eyes darted to his father, Mr. Alberta, who subtly nodded, indicating that his Role is loosed.

But before Mrs. Amelia could continue, Aiden's expression turned sinister. He snatched a knife from the nearby table and stabbed his mother, her eyes widening in shock.

"No, Aiden!" Mr. Alberta shouted, horrified.

Aiden grabbed Aria, pulling her close, the knife pressed against her neck. "I can kill her anytime," he hissed, his breath hot against her ear.

Mrs. Amelia's voice was barely audible, her words dripping with blood. "Liam...he's alive...find him...Aria..."

Aiden's grip tightened, the knife digging deep into her neck. Aria looked at Mrs Amelia begging her to tell her about Liam.

With those final words, Mrs Amelia's eyes closed, her body going limp.

Aria's leg swung out, her foor connecting with Aiden's stomach. He doubled over gasping for air, and fell to the ground.

Aria went to her side, tears streaming down her face, as Mr Albert anguished cries filled the room.

Seizing the opportunity, Aria snatched the knife from his hand and pointed it at Aiden, her eyes blazing with a fierce determination. "Stay away from me!" she warned, her voice low and deadly.

Aiden, still struggling to catch his breath, glared up at her with a mix of anger and shock. "You'll never escape," he saidz feeling pain. his voice venomous. "I'll always find you."

Aria backed away, the knife held steady, her eyes fixed on Aiden. "I'll take that chance," she said, her voice firm.

With a swift turn, Aria made a dash for the door, the knife clutched tightly in her hand. She could hear Aiden's enraged roar echoing behind her, but she didn't dare look back.

Here's the continuation:

Aiden's eyes narrowed as he watched Aria flee, a sly smile spreading across his face. "She's remembered," he whispered to himself. "She's finally remembered everything."

Mr. Alberta, still cradling his wife's lifeless body, looked up at Aiden with tears streaming down his face. "What have you done, Aiden?" he sobbed. "What have you done?"

Aiden's smile faltered, and for a moment, he looked uncertain. But then, his expression hardened. "I did what needed to be done, Father. I protected our family's secrets."

Mr. Alberta's face contorted in anguish. "Secrets? You call this a secret? You've destroyed everything! Your mother, she...she was innocent."

Aiden's eyes flashed with anger. "Innocent? You're the one who's been blind, Father. You're the one who's been supporting me, enabling me, all these years."

Mr. Alberta's shoulders slumped, his body wracked with sobs. "I was wrong, Aiden. I was so wrong. I should have stopped you, I should have..."

Aiden turned away, his voice cold. "You should have done a lot of things, Father. But now, it's too late. Aria remembers, and she'll never stop until she exposes us all."

Aria successfully escaped from Aiden. She didn't return home until morning. She returned in her car. She was still worried that Aiden will come for her.

Aria stumbled through they mansion's entrance, her eyes scanning the room in a daze. Ivy's smile and Daniel's knowing glance were the first things she noticed. Leah's surprise and Leo's concerned expression followed. But it was Jack who caught her attention, his eyes locking onto hers with a mix of curiosity and wariness.

As she approached, her feet seemed to move of their own accord, carrying her toward Jack with a momentum she couldn't control. And then, suddenly, she was tumbling forward, her hands flailing wildly as she lost her balance.

Jack's arms shot out, catching her in a gentle but firm grasp. Aria's hands instinctively went to her stomach, her mind foggy and her body screaming in protest. The pain hit her like a tidal wave, leaving her gasping for air.

"Aria, what's wrong?" Jack's voice was low and urgent, his eyes scanning her face with concern.

But Aria couldn't answer. She was too busy trying to breathe, her vision blurring at the edges. Daniel and Ivy exchanged a knowing glance, their faces somber with understanding.

And then, in a flash of clarity, Aria remembered. She was pregnant. She hadn't eaten. The realization hit her like a slap in the face, leaving her feeling ashamed and vulnerable.

Jack's arms tightened around her, carrying her toward the stairs. "We need to get you to a bed," he muttered, his voice low and soothing.

Aria's mind reeled as she was swept up in a whirlwind of activity. Mrs. Hilda's concerned face, Mr. Edward's questions, Ivy's gentle reassurances – it all blended together in a haze of pain and confusion.

Daniel and Ivy exchanged knowing glances, aware of Aria's condition, Jack quickly scooped her up, carrying her in his arms. Mrs Hilda inquired about the commotion, but Aria's cries of pain drowned her up, Jack rushing to his room.

Jack laid her down on his bed, his hands gentle as he arranged the pillows beneath her head. Aria's eyes locked onto his, her vision blurring as the pain washed over her once more.

Daniel and Ivy exchanged knowing glances aware of Aria's condition. Edward asked what was wrong, and Ivy revealed Aria's condition. Jack stunned exited the room, questioning who the father was. Allison, enraged and feeling, stormed to her room, scattering belongs everywhere.

Here's the continuation:

Allison's anguished cries echoed through her room, her body shaking with sobs. "Have I been punished enough?" she wailed, her eyes fixed on her stomach. "For what I did to Aria, the accident, Liam...?"

As she gazed into the mirror, her thoughts turned to Jack. Did he truly care about the child she carried, or was it just a convenient excuse?

But then, her mind snagged on something strange. Everyone called Aria by that name, even though Allison knew her as Isa. Which meant...Aria had regained her memory.

Allison's eyes narrowed, her mind racing. Why hadn't Aria exposed her yet? What was she waiting for?

Just then, a commotion outside her room drew her attention. A young man in a mask had arrived at the mansion, and Mrs. Hilda was embracing him warmly.

"Welcome, dear," Mrs. Hilda said, beaming. "You're now a part of our household staff, he's the new employee."

As the young man removed his mask, Allison's eyes widened in surprise. There was something familiar about him...

Meanwhile, Jack headed to the kitchen, determined to find a remedy for Aria's stomach ache. He rummaged through the cupboards, his mind focused on finding a solution.

Ivy entered the kitchen, her eyes scanning the room until they landed on Jack. "I see you're trying to make a herbal soup for Aria," she said, her voice gentle. "Let me help you."

But Jack hesitated, his hands hovering over the ingredients. "No, I want to do it myself. I need to learn."

Ivy's eyebrows rose in surprise, but she nodded. "Very well. I'll guide you step by step."

As Ivy began to instruct him, Daniel sauntered into the kitchen, a smirk on his face. "Ah, Jack's trying to make amends with soup," he said, his voice laced with sarcasm. "Will this soup make up for each betrayal, Jack? I hope Aria doesn't forgive you too easily."

Jack's face flushed, but he kept his focus on Ivy's instructions. " me, Ivy."

Ivy's expression softened, and she placed a hand on Jack's shoulder. "Let's start with the ginger. You'll need to slice it thinly, like so..."

As Ivy demonstrated, Jack watched intently, his hands mimicking her movements. Daniel leaned against the counter, his eyes never leaving Jack's face.

"This is quite the show," Daniel said, his voice dripping with amusement. "The great Jack, brought low by his own mistakes."

But Jack ignored him, his focus solely on creating the perfect soup for Aria. Ivy's guidance was calm and patient, and together, they worked in silence, the only sound the soft chopping of vegetables and the simmering of the broth.

Daniel's voice took on a bitter tone, "And what about Allison, Jack? Your wife? The one carrying your child?"

Jack's hands paused, the spoon hovering above the pot. Ivy's eyes darted to Daniel, a hint of warning in her gaze.

Daniel's words dripped with venom, "You're so quick to play hero for Aria, but what about your own family? What about Allison?"

Jack's face reddened, his jaw clenched. "That's not fair, Daniel. This has nothing to do with Allison."

But Daniel pressed on, his voice relentless. "Oh, isn't it? You're so eager to make amends with Aria, but what about the promises you made to Allison? What about your vows?"

Ivy's gentle voice broke the silence, "Daniel, let's not be too hard on Jack. He's trying to make amends."

Daniel's smirk faltered, and he looked away, his jaw clenched. "Easy for you to say, Ivy. You don't know what he's done."

Ivy's expression softened, and she placed a hand on Daniel's arm. "I know enough, Daniel. And I know Jack's trying to change. Let's give him a chance."

Daniel sighed, his shoulders slumping. "It's just...Aria has been through alot, and we don't know if she has regained her memory, we all know that, Aria is not someone small, she's famous and the town knows her."

Ivy smiled and realised Daniel's concern, "don't worry, Daniel, she will be fine"

Daniel's gaze drifted back to Jack, thinking whether Jack is pretending to care about Aria orbisbhe trying to maken amends, Jack carefully poured the soup into a bowl. "I hope Jack is really trying to make amends even though Aria hasn't remembed anything she still thinks she's Isa, we all hope Jack has changed.

Here's the continuation:

Jack carefully carried the steaming bowl to Aria's room, his heart racing with anticipation. He knocked softly on the door, and Ivy's voice called out, "Come in."

As he entered, Aria's eyes met his, and for a moment, they just stared at each other. Then, Jack remembered the soup and smiled awkwardly. "I made you some herbal soup. Ivy said it would help with the pain."

Aria's eyes narrowed, her grip on the bowl tightening. She couldn't let Jack get too close, not yet. "I...I don't need your help, Jack," she said, trying to sound convincing.

But Jack's eyes lingered, his expression soft with concern. "Aria, please. Let me help you. You're still in pain, I can see it."

Aria couldn't take it anymore, "not Aria, it's Isa, call me Isa"

Jack realised and forgot but he didn't mind, "whether Isa or Aria, I know your Aria and I will keep calling you that."

Aria's mind raced. If she continued to refuse, Jack might suspect that she'd regained her memory. She couldn't let that happen, not yet. "Fine," she said finally, her voice barely above a whisper. "But just for a little while."

Jack's face lit up with a gentle smile. "I'll stay as long as you need me to," he said, his voice low and soothing.

Aria's heart skipped a beat as Jack sat down beside her, his eyes never leaving hers. She felt trapped, caught between her need to keep her secret safe and her growing reliance on Jack's care.

Ivy helped Aria sit up, and Jack carefully handed her the bowl. As she took her first sip, her eyes closed in appreciation but she didn't want to say a word.

The room fell silent, the only sound Aria gentle sipping, Jack and Ivy exchanged a glance, and then Jack looked away his eyes drifting to the window. Ivy said she has something to do and left. Jack nodded, and she excused herself.

Jack's eyes lingered on hers, his expression filled with compassion. "You don't remember anything, do you?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Aria's heart skipped a beat. She hesitated, unsure how much to reveal. "No...I don't remember," she said finally, trying to sound convincing.

Jack nodded, his face somber. "It's okay, Aria. Your memories will return. Until then, I'm here for you."

Aria's gaze dropped, her mind racing. She couldn't keep this charade up forever. But for now, it was the only way to protect herself.

As Jack handed her a glass of water, their fingers touched, she felt, like he was sincere . She jerked her hand back, her heart racing.

"Sorry," Jack said, his eyes apologetic. "I didn't mean to startle you."

Aria forced a weak smile. "It's okay...I'm just a little tired, that's all."

As the young man, Austin, passed by the room, he caught a glimpse of Jack and Aria together. His eyes narrowed, his jaw clenched in anger.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Jack, the man who had ruined his family's life, was now cozied up with the woman he claimed to care about.

Austin's anger boiled over, and he strode into the room, his eyes fixed on Aria. "You don't know who he is, do you?" he said, his voice low and urgent.

Aria's eyes widened, her gaze darting to Jack, who was watching the scene unfold with a mixture of confusion and concern.

"Who is he?" Aria asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Austin's eyes locked onto hers, his expression intense. "He's the one who destroyed my family. He's the reason my sister is dead."

The scene ends with Austin's bombshell, Aria's shock, and Jack's stunned expression. The truth is finally starting to unravel, and the consequences will be devastating.

Jack's face paled, his eyes wide with shock. "Austin, that's not true," he protested, but Austin just turned and walked away.

Aria's gaze followed Austin, her mind reeling with the revelation. When she turned back to Jack, she saw the guilt written all over his face.

"I should go," Jack said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Aria nodded, her eyes never leaving his. "Yes, you should."

As Jack turned to leave, Aria's hands instinctively went to her stomach. She smiled weakly, a plan forming in her mind.

"He's indirectly taking care of his baby," she whispered to herself, her eyes gleaming with determination. "But he'll never know. I won't let him have this joy, not after everything he's done."