Chapter 21

As Aria slipped into the hospital changing room, she felt a sense of transformation wash over her. She shed her worn clothes like a skin, revealing the radiant woman beneath. The dashing white dress, a gift from Mrs. Hilda, hugged her curves, accentuating her elegance. Aria's fingers trembled as she fastened the necklace, its familiar weight a comfort against her skin.

As she gazed into the mirror, her eyes fluttered closed, and she was transported to a moment in time. The gentle touch of a young man's fingers on her skin echoed through her memory. Liam's face materialized, his piercing gaze burning with intensity. Aria's heart skipped a beat as she wondered why his image surfaced now, at this precise moment.

Why did her mind conjure the soft caress of his fingers, the warmth of his embrace? The memories she thought were lost forever now taunted her, refusing to be silenced. Aria's eyes snapped open, her gaze locking onto her reflection. The woman staring back was no longer the fragile, lost soul she once was. She was reborn, her spirit ignited by the flames of revenge and heartache.

As the lights flickered back to life, the room was bathed in an awkward silence. Aiden's smile faltered, his eyes fixed on Allison with a mix of confusion and concern. Mrs. Hilda's eyes sparkled with delight, her gaze locked onto Aria as she descended the stairs.

Jack's eyes widened, his mind racing with memories of Aria. He took a step back, his eyes fixed on her.

Aria's smile never wavered, even as a pang of anger shot through her veins. She felt a twinge of pain in her stomach, her thoughts racing to the fact that she was pregnant. She begged her baby to wait, to not make its presence known just yet.

As she reached the bottom of the stairs, Aria's eyes swept the room, her mind working overtime. She would pretend to be Isa, to have lost her memory. She would deceive them all.

Daniel's eyes met Aria's, his expression a mix of shock and curiosity. Aria smiled at him, thanking him in her thoughts for being there, for being a potential ally.

"Isa" Mrs. Hilda called rushing to Aria's side. "Were have you been"

Aria's smile grew wider, her eyes locked onto Jack's. She would play this role to perfection, all the while plotting her revenge.

"I...I don't remember," Aria stammered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"You must be exhausted." Mrs Hilda said.

Aria's gaze lingered on Jack's for a moment before she turned to Mrs. Hilda. "Yes, I'm feeling a bit...disoriented," she said, her voice husky.

As Mrs. Hilda led her away, Aria's eyes met Jack's once more. She could see the questions burning in his mind, the doubts and fears. She knew she had to keep up the charade, to make him believe she was Isa, with no memory of her past.

But as she walked away, Aria couldn't help but feel a thrill of excitement. She was back, and she was ready to play the game. Jack Aria knew the truth – she was the one holding the cards now.

"I'll get you a drink, Isa," Daniel said, following close behind. "You must be parched."

Aria smiled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Thank you, Daniel. That's very kind of you."

As they reached the living room, Aria's gaze swept the room, taking in the familiar faces. She knew she had to be careful, to play the role of Isa to perfection.

Aria's gaze drifted across the room, her eyes settling on the wine glass in front of her. She reached for it, but as the liquid touched her lips, she felt a sudden wave of distaste. The wine, once a favorite, now seemed bitter and unpalatable.

As she set the glass down, the lights in the room shifted, casting a spotlight on a figure standing across from her. It was the young man who had helped her with her necklace earlier, his face still hidden behind a mask.

He bowed low, his eyes locked on hers, and asked, "May I have the pleasure of a dance?"

Aria's heart fluttered, but she didn't rush to respond. Instead, she took a moment to study him, her gaze tracing the lines of his mask, the curve of his lips.

She glanced over at Jack, his eyes fixed intently on her, a mix of emotions swirling in their depths. Aria felt a shiver run down her spine, but she didn't look away.

Finally, she turned back to the masked stranger and placed her hand in his. "I'd love to," she said, her voice calm and measured.

As they glided onto the dance floor, the music swirled around them, a gentle melody that seemed to match the beating of Aria's heart. She felt a sense of calm wash over her, as if she'd found a moment of peace in the midst of chaos.

The stranger's hand brushed against hers, she felt like she knows him. But Aria didn't pull away. Instead, she let the sensation wash over her, her eyes locked on his masked face.