Chapter 20

Aria's body twitched, her limbs thrashing against the hospital bed as she slept. Her mind, a jumble of fragmented memories, began to unravel its secrets. Pain seared through her temples, a burning fire that threatened to consume her.

Suddenly, her eyes snapped open, and a scream tore from her throat. "Liam!" she wailed, her voice echoing off the sterile walls. Tears streamed down her face, mingling with the sweat that drenched her skin.

Doctor Max and Sarah rushed to her side, their faces etched with concern. "Aria, what's happening?" Doctor Max asked, his voice a gentle breeze on a stormy night.

Aria's gaze locked onto Doctor Max, her eyes blazing with a fierce intensity. She threw off the covers and swung her legs over the side of the bed, her movements jerky and uncoordinated. Her hand closed around the scalpel on the bedside table, the metal cold and unforgiving.

With a fierce cry, Aria dragged Doctor Max closer, the scalpel pressed tightly against his neck. A small tear appeared, and a droplet of blood trickled down, like a tiny, crimson tear.

"You knew my identity all along," she accused, her voice low and menacing. The words hung in the air, a challenge, a threat.

Sarah cowered in fear, unsure of what secrets Doctor Max had kept. Her eyes darted between Aria and Doctor Max, searching for a glimmer of hope.

"Lead me to Liam," Aria demanded, the scalpel digging deeper into Doctor Max's neck. The air was heavy with tension, the silence punctuated only by Aria's ragged breathing.

Doctor Max's eyes darted around the room, searching for an escape, a reprieve. "He's...he's dead," he stammered, the words tumbling out like a confession.

Aria's scream was primal, a raw, anguished cry that seemed to shake the very foundations of the hospital. The scalpel pressed harder against Doctor Max's neck, a tiny, deadly kiss.

"Don't lie to me, or I'll kill you," she hissed, the words venomous, deadly. "Take me to all the patient hospital files. I remember Liam bringing me here safely."

Doctor Max nodded frantically, eager to appease her. "I'll take you there, Aria. Please, just don't hurt me."

Aria's grip on the scalpel tightened, the metal biting into Doctor Max's neck. His eyes bulged, tears streaming down his face as he trembled beneath her grasp.

"Please, Aria, don't do this," he begged, his voice cracking.

Aria's gaze never wavered, her eyes blazing with a fierce intensity. "You should have thought of that before you lied to me," she spat, her voice venomous.

Sarah stood frozen, her eyes fixed on the scene unfolding before her. She seemed paralyzed, unable to move or speak.

Doctor Max's face contorted in a mixture of fear and pain. "I was trying to protect you, Aria," he stammered.

Aria's laughter was cold, mirthless. "Protect me? You call this protection?" She pressed the scalpel deeper, a tiny droplet of blood welling up.

Doctor Max's eyes darted to Sarah, pleading for help. But Sarah remained still, her gaze fixed on Aria's hand, her face pale.

"Take me to the patient files," Aria demanded, her voice low and deadly. "Now."

Doctor Max nodded frantically, stumbling forward as Aria released her grip on the scalpel. The metal clattered to the floor, the sound echoing through the silence.

As they moved through the hospital corridors, the tension was palpable. Aria's determination was clear: she would uncover the truth, no matter the cost.

Here's the scene in prose form:

The room was filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the soft hum of excited chatter. The baby shower was in full swing, with friends and family gathered around Allison, eager to celebrate the upcoming arrival of her little one. Jack beamed with pride as he stood beside her, his eyes shining with joy.

"And we've decided on a name," Jack announced, his voice trembling with emotion. "Our beautiful baby girl will be named Julia."

The room erupted in a chorus of oohs and aahs, with guests offering congratulations and words of delight. Allison's eyes welled up with tears as she gazed at Jack, her heart overflowing with love.

Just then, the door opened and Allison's mom walked in, a warm smile on her face. Allison rushed to embrace her, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Mom!" she exclaimed, her voice muffled against her mother's shoulder.

Her mom hugged her tightly, whispering words of love and support. "I'm so proud of you, sweetie. You're going to be an amazing mom."

As they hugged, Jack approached, a tender smile on his face.

Here's the continuation of the scene:

Mrs. Hilda's voice boomed through the room, "And now, the moment we've all been waiting for! The expecting couple, Allison and Jack, please take to the dance floor!"

Allison exchanged a shy glance at Jack before making their way to the center of the room. The music began, and they swayed to the gentle melody, surrounded by cheers and applause.

But they weren't alone for long. Ivy and Daniel, Leah and Leo, and other couples joined in, filling the dance floor with laughter and movement.

Ivy and Daniel danced close, their voices barely audible over the music. "We need to find a way to help Aria regain her memory," Ivy said, her brow furrowed with concern.

"I've been thinking," Daniel replied, his eyes scanning the room. "Maybe we can find some clues in her past, something that can trigger her memory."

Leah and Leo spun across the floor, their smiles radiant. "I'm so happy for Allison and Jack," Leah said, her eyes shining with excitement.

Leo chuckled, his arm around her waist. "Me too, my love. Me too."

As the music swirled around them, the dancers became a blur of color and movement, their joy infectious. Allison and Jack, surrounded by their loved ones, felt their happiness grow.

Elara, the mysterious woman from the guest list, appeared at the edge of the dance floor, her eyes fixed intently on Allison and Jack. Ivy and Daniel exchanged a wary glance, their conversation about Aria's memory loss momentarily forgotten.

As the music reached its crescendo, Elara glided onto the dance floor, her movements fluid and graceful. She reached out a hand, and Jack, seemingly entranced, took it, his eyes locked on hers.

Allison's smile faltered, a flicker of unease crossing her face. Ivy and Daniel moved closer, their eyes fixed on Elara, as if waiting for something to happen.

The music slowed, and Elara's voice whispered through the room, "Congratulations, Allison and Jack. May your love be strong enough to face what's coming."

Jack and Allison smiled at her word, but they wondered who she was, then she left, the crowd clapped at there dancing.

Back at the hospital, Aria was still trying to get her answers.

As they reached the hospital's records room, Aria's grip on Doctor Max's arm tightened. "Get me the files on Liam," she demanded, her voice low and urgent.

Doctor Max nodded, his hands shaking as he typed on the computer. "Okay, okay, I'm trying," he stammered.

Sarah hovered in the doorway, her eyes fixed on Aria's face. "Aria, please, think about what you're doing," she whispered.

Aria's gaze never wavered from Doctor Max's screen. "I am thinking, Sarah. I'm thinking about the truth. And I'm thinking about Liam."

The computer beeped, and Doctor Max hesitated before printing out a stack of files. Aria snatched them from the printer, her eyes scanning the pages with a desperate intensity.

And then she saw it. A note, scribbled in the margin of Liam's file. "Subject terminated. Disposed of according to protocol."

Aria's world went white. She felt herself floating, detached from her body. "No," she whispered, the word barely audible.

Doctor Max's face crumpled, his eyes filling with tears. "Aria, I'm so sorry," he whispered.

Sarah stepped forward, her hand reaching out. "Aria, we can—"

But Aria shook her off, her eyes blazing with a fierce anger. "You knew, all knew all along."

The scene continues with Aria's emotional reaction to discovering the truth about Liam's fate.

Aria's eyes widened as she stared at the file, her mind racing with disbelief. "No, this can't be," she whispered, her voice trembling.

Doctor Max's face contorted in a mixture of guilt and sympathy. "Aria, I'm so sorry. I didn't want to keep this from you, but I was sworn to secrecy."

Sarah stepped forward, her eyes filled with compassion. "Aria, we're here for you. We'll help you through this."

But Aria's gaze remained fixed on the file, her thoughts reeling. Liam, the man she loved, the man she thought was still alive... was gone. Terminated. Disposed of according to protocol.

A wave of nausea washed over her, and she felt herself swaying. Doctor Max rushed to her side, catching her elbow.

"Aria, please, let's get you out of here. We'll talk about this later, I promise."

But Aria shook him off, her eyes blazing with determination. "No, I want to know everything. Now."

Aria's eyes widened in shock as Doctor Max's words cut through her like a knife. "Liam was shot... he had a bullet in his chest too?"

The room began to spin around her, and she felt herself falling, but this time, it wasn't just her body that was falling - it was her entire world.

And then, like a floodgate opening, memories came rushing back. She remembered the river, the water closing over her head, and Liam's desperate attempt to save her. She remembered confessing her feelings to him in her thoughts, hoping he would hear her.

The file slipped from her fingers, landing with a soft thud on the floor. Aria's gaze drifted down to it, but she didn't see the papers or the words. She saw Liam's face, his eyes locked on hers, his smile...

A sob tore through her chest, and she felt herself crumbling. Doctor Max and Sarah rushed to her side, but Aria pushed them away.

"No... just leave me alone," she whispered, her voice shattered.

She fell to her knees, surrounded by the shattered remains of her world. The memories she had fought so hard to regain now felt like a curse, a reminder of what she had lost.

Liam... her Liam... was gone. And she was left with only her memories, and the anguish of knowing she would never see him again.

Aria's body shook with sobs, her hands clutching her hair as if trying to hold onto the memories. Doctor Max and Sarah exchanged worried glances, unsure of how to comfort her.

"Aria, please..." Doctor Max started, but she cut him off.

"Just leave me alone!" she screamed, her voice hoarse from crying.

Sarah hesitated, then nodded. "We'll give you some space, Aria. But we're here for you."

As they backed away, Aria's gaze fell on the file, still lying on the floor. She stumbled towards it, her hands trembling as she picked it up.

The pages blurred together, but one phrase stood out: "Subject terminated. Disposed of according to protocol."

Aria's eyes burned with tears as she read the words, her mind screaming in denial. She felt herself being pulled back into the darkness, the same darkness she thought she'd escaped.

Suddenly, the room went black.

When Aria came to, she was lying on a couch, Doctor Max and Sarah hovering over her.

"Aria, can you hear us?" Doctor Max asked, his voice soft.

Aria nodded, her throat dry. "Liam..." she whispered.

Sarah's expression was sympathetic. "We're here for you, Aria. We'll help you through this."

But Aria's gaze drifted away, her mind still trapped in the memories, still searching for Liam. She fully regained consciousness, and was given water by the doctor, she drank it and place the water on the table.

Aria's eyes blazed with fury as she vowed revenge on Jack and Allison. But as she clenched her fists, a memory burst forth like a dam breaking. She saw Allison's face, twisted in a snarl, as she drove the truck that hit Aria. The scalp in her hands seemed to sear her palms, and her vision blurred with tears.

Everything came flooding back: Jack's betrayal, her mother and sister's death, her shattered dreams of stardom. The pain and anger threatened to consume her.

But then, like a punch to the gut, she remembered the worst part: she was carrying Jack's baby. The father of her child was the man she hated most in the world.

Aria's scream echoed through the room, a raw, anguished sound. Doctor Max's face appeared before her, his eyes filled with a mix of sympathy and guilt.

"Aria, I'm so sorry," he whispered. "I knew, but I couldn't tell you."

Aria's gaze turned icy. "You knew? You knew, and you didn't tell me?"

Doctor Max nodded, his voice barely audible. "I was trying to protect you, Aria. But I realize now, I made a mistake."

Aria's hands cradled her belly, as if shielding her child from the truth. She felt like she was living a nightmare, with no escape from the pain and betrayal. Her eyes locked onto Doctor Max, Aria's eyes narrowed, her mind racing with the implications. "You knew I was pregnant with Jack's child, and you didn't tell me? How could you, Doctor Max?"

Doctor Max took a step back, his hands raised in a defensive gesture. "Aria, please understand—"

But Aria cut him off, her voice rising. "No, you understand. You've been playing with my life, manipulating me, using me. I won't let you get away with it."

Sarah stepped forward, her voice calm. "Aria, let's talk about this. We can work through this together."

But Aria shook her head, her eyes blazing. "No, Sarah. I don't need your help. I need answers. And I need justice."

With that, Aria turned and walked away, leaving Doctor Max and Sarah looking on in concern. She knew what she had to do. She would make Jack and Allison pay for what they had done to her. And she would do it alone.