Chapter Five: Trouble magnet (문제 자석)

We walked through the school halls and the stares were way worse than the ones I got outside. Everyone was staring. They literally either shut their lockers to look at me or they just stopped the conversation they were having with their friends. It made me very uncomfortable. 

"Ignore their stares Ji seo. They will think you're weak." Ha ri whispered. I nodded and tried to shake off my uneasiness. We walked into class and I sat next to Ha ri, "What about your seat partner?" I whispered to her. 

"She can get another seat. I want you to seat next to me." She said with a smile which I returned. The form manager entered the class and everyone settled down. 

We all greeted him and then he decided to make an announcement, "Okay kids, we have got a new student joining us," H announced before looking at me, "Hi, could you introduce yourself to us?" He said in Korean, giving me a smile. 

I mentally groaned, 'I don't want to.' I said inwardly. Ha ri tapped me and passed a sheet of paper to me which read, 'Don't feel shy. And don't forget to speak with boldness. Fighting!' 

I sighed and focused on the teacher who's smile immediately got replaced with a nervous chuckle, "Oh, I'm sorry," He said in English, "I thought you knew Korean. I'll just speak English to you-" I interrupted him by getting up from my seat.

"You don't have to do that teacher." I said in Korean before walking to the front of the class. I looked over to Ha ri who gave me two thumbs up. I smiled before taking a deep breath. 

"Hello everyone, my name is Lee Ji seo. I'm from Nigeria and I hope we get along well." I said in Korean and everyone stared at me in shock. I bowed slightly before walking back to my seat. 

The teacher composed himself, "My name is Mr. Song and I'm your form manager." I nodded with a smile then the teacher continued whatever he was doing and I was trying so hard to avoid my classmates gazes. 

By lunchtime, everyone already knew about me and the stares increased. As soon as I walked into the cafeteria, the whole place became dead silent. I walked with Ha ri to go get our food and I got tteobokki, and fried chicken I also got cup of sprite.

I turned to walk to seat down with Ha ri but I bumped into someone, spilling my sprite on the person. Remember when I said everywhere was dead silent? It's way worse now, I can't even hear anybody breathing.

I slowly raised my head and looked up to the victim and he looked pissed. I checked his name tag and it read, 'Min Taemin'.

I heard Ha ri curse under her breath. I looked up again to meet Taemin's glare. "New girl, look at what you've done." H e said with a grin. I almost peed on myself with the change of his attitude. 

'Okay, don't show fear Ji seo.' I told myself before taking a deep breath. "You were standing in my way. You should have moved aside when you saw my leaving the line." I said, looking into his eyes. 

He chuckled, "I don't step aside for anyone. You don't look from around here. This is the first time we are having a foreigner in this school. Even a black person." He sized me up, before lifting his hand to touch my hair.

I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze, "Don't ever make the mistake of touching my hair or you won't like what I'll do to you." I said, glaring at him before leaving his hand.

He massaged his hand before he gave me a grin, "Okay, it's my turn." He grabbed my hand and pulled me with him and took a timid looking guy who was minding his business since and pulled us both out of the cafeteria. 

Everyone followed us outside and Ha ri stood in front of the crowd, looking like she was about to cry. I glared at Taemin then glanced at the guy he brought along who was in deep thought. 

Taemin let go of our hands then faced me, "Want to know something about me New girl? I'm a very nice person but if I am angry, I become your worst nightmare." Then he pulled the guy forward, "This is my very close friend and do you know what I do to my friends New girl?" Then he punched his said 'friend' in the stomach.

I gasped and staggered back in shock as I watched Taemin beat the guy up. I stared at him in shock and Ha ri came up to me and held my shoulder. I turned to her, "Stop him Ha ri! Why is no one stopping him?!" Ha ri looked at me in pity, "He is an Omega Ji seo. I warned you but now someone is in trouble because of you." 

"Hey New girl," He said before turning to me while pulling the guy from the ground, "Would you like to be my friend?" He asked me with a raised brow before focusing on his 'friend'.

"Smile Kang Dae, you don't want to scare away our new friend." He said while using his thumb and index finger to forcefully turn his frown into a smile. 

I walked up to Taemin and gave him a slap and everyone let out a gasp around us. Taemin slowly turned slowly to me but was met with another slap from me. "You love hurting people right? You call them your friends when you know you don't have real ones! Didn't your mother teach you that bullying is bad?! Or he thinks it's just a phase that you'll pass through?" I said in anger. 

It looked like my words broke him because his expression switched to regret and pain. I grabbed Kang Dae's hand and we made our way through the crowd. "Where's the nurse's office?" I asked looking around, I didn't know where it was because today is just my first day. 

He pointed straight ahead and walked to the nurse's office with me following him. "I'm sorry for getting you into trouble." I said feeling guilty. He looked at me, giving me a small smile, "That's okay. He might have just bullied me another time before this day ends. No one has ever stood up for me before, that was a very dangerous thing to do. Thank you." 

"So what are you?" He asked looking at me with curiosity. I turned to him in confusion, "Huh?" "I mean what side on the pyramid are you on?" I rolled my eyes, "Oh that. Jung Ha ri wasn't wrong then. I'm a Gamma but I entered this school through scholarship." 

His eyes widened a bit, "Wow, you're the first Gamma that has been here on scholarship. My dad works under Min Taemin's dad company so I got in here on honor by Taemin's dad. I'm the only Omega in this school." He said before lowering his head. 

"You shouldn't let assholes bully you. I don't even know why he is doing this. Doesn't he have a life to live? Why should he bother others?" I said, imaging Taemin's face in my head. We reached the nurse's office and I turned to Kang Dae, "Now, you have me." I said with a smile, which he returned. 

We got in and the nurse turned to look at us, "Oh not again Dae. Taemin is getting out of hand." "No ma'am, it's because of me he is in this situation." I said interrupting her, she looked at Dae then at me before folding her arms, "Explain."

I took in a deep breathe before explaining everything to her. After I was done, she let out a sigh, "It's a good thing you slapped that boy. He really needed it and you stood up for Kang Dae, that's the most kindest thing anyone has ever done for him. I hope Taemin won't do anything to hurt you." 

I scoffed, "He can try." She gave me a small smile before attending to Dae before we left for class. Lunch time was over and everyone was heading to their classes but not before stealing glances at me.

I sighted Ha ri running up to me and I quickly ran to her, "That was o awesome and dangerous. Taemin will end you." She rushed out. "I don't care. what can he possibly do to me?" Ha ri looked at me in shock, "You mentioned his mother! No wait, you mentioned his dead mother!" 

I gasped and staggered back, "I didn't know that! Oh my gosh, I'm dead. And I slapped him. Twice!" I panicked. "What should I do?!" I said looking at Ha ri in shock. 

"I don't know. And the whole school knows about what you did." he looked at me in pity. She looked around, 

"Where's Kang Dae?" She looked over my shoulders to look at Kang Dae. "How are you? Hope you aren't in pain? I'm so sorry my foolish friend got you in trouble." She said to him but stopped when she noticed he wasn't listening to her, He was just staring at her with his mouth opened.

"Uhm, Dae?" I called him but he didn't respond. I snapped my fingers and that brought him back. "Uhh? I'm fine Ha ri. Thanks." He said with a blush. He looked behind her and his eyes widened in shock. 

I and Ha ri turned and saw Taemin walking to us. He stood in front of me and took his suit off and handed it to me. 

"You spilled you food on my suit o you have to take care of it. I can't go around wearing that stained suit, it's inappropriate for me so take off yours and give it to me." He said before stretching out his hand to receive my suit. 

I raised a brow at him, "It won't fit. This suit is sewn for females only, so you just have to wear your white shirt." I said before removing hi nametag from his suit and placed it on his outstretched hand. 

"School law says that students have to be properly dressed that means as a student of Eva High, I should wear my suit but it stained. So you have to fix my situation now." He said, folding his arms.

"That sounds like a you problem." I chuckled. He sized me up before he chuckled and looked at my name tag, "Lee Ji seo. I remember you saying that you are from Nigeria. So how long have you have you been staying in Korea?" 

"I just moved here." I said with confidence. "Wow, and your Korean is so good." He said in amazement. I scoffed, "And I guess your English isn't that good since the only thing you've said to me in English is 'New girl' and in the most ridiculous accent I have ever heard."

"I thought you rich kids should at least learn how to speak good English since you will dealing with International clients but I was wrong." I added. Taemin glared at me before something clicked in hi head.

"You are saying 'You rich kids' like you aren't..." He paused then raised a brow at him, " Wait, aren't you also rich?" 

"Of course she's rich Taemin. If she isn't then how did she get into this school?" Ha ri poke up but received a cold stare from Taemin, "I don't remember me asking you the question." 

Then he looked back at me, "I'm not an omega." I said with a sigh. Taemin raised an brow, "Oh, you know about the pyramid, okay then, what category do you belong in?" Everyone payed close attention to me, also curious.

I opened my mouth to speak but someone spoke up from behind me, "She's an Alpha." Everyone looked to the direction of the voice and I turned to see Kim Min ho, closing his locker before walking to us. He stopped next to me and gave me a look before facing Taemin.

"Does that answer your question Taemin?" He said with an expressionless face. I turned to meet Ha ri's stare who had a confused look on her face.