Chapter Six: Chivalry? (기사도?)

"Why don't you let her speak for herself Min ho?" Taemin said with a grin. I looked between the two boys but mostly at Min ho in confusion because I don't know why he did that. 

"I answered your question so is there any need for her to answer your questions? Anyways, you can wear your shirt only, I've spoken to the principal and she said it's okay." He was about to walk away when Taemin spoke up halting his steps.

"I guess you're still a mummy's boy. You haven't changed a bit." He said with a chuckle. Min ho turned to meet his eyes, "And I guess you're still a loser who makes fun of people because his own life is sad." He said before looking around to see students watching the drama taking place. 

They all looked at him before understanding his body language an rushed to class. Taemin walked away in anger. Min ho turned to me, "You guys should go to class. It started like 15 minutes ago." I nodded then the most embarrassing thing happened to me; my stomach made a loud grumble. 

"Oh Ji seo, you didn't eat. You have to stay like this till school closes." Ha ri whined. I stared silent, still embarrassed that my stomach growled like that. I rushed to the class, with Ha ri and Dae following behind me. 

We both used Dae a our excuse for coming late to class. Half way through the class my stomach grumbled, 'I should have eaten those pancakes this morning.' I whined to myself. A mini basket with snacks dropped on my desk and when I looked up I saw Min ho then looked at the tray again, then at him.

"I got this for you. You should eat it fast before the teacher gets back. I had the principal call her to her office." He said before walking back to his seat, "Thank you." I yelled. Taking a snack, I opened it and began to eat out of it. 

"That was really nice of him, but you got another problem on your hands." Ha ri whispered next to me. "Huh?" I said with a raised brow. "You have sadly caught the attention of Jeon Arin. The third big three." She pointed to to a foxy looking girl who was glaring at me.

"Why is she glaring at me like that?" I whispered. "That's because Min ho gave you food." She reached for one of my snacks but got a smack on her hand from me. "Ow. I just want one, you have many." She whined but I gave her a glare. She looked away and I dropped a bag of chips on her desk and she turned to me with a smile.

"So why is she bothered by that?" I said with a raised brow. "That's because her fiancé gave you food, which he has never done to her before." I choked on my food. Ha ri handed me the sprite that came with the snacks. 

I placed the sprite down after taking a sip from it and turned to Ha ri with widened eyes, "How is that possible?" I whispered looking at Arin who looked 17 to me. "She has been Min ho friend since childhood. So their parents issued for them to get married to expend their business." She explained.

The teacher walked in and I groaned before putting the snacks away and that's when Arin stood up and caught the attention of everyone in the class. 

"Mrs. Yoon, Lee Ji seo was eating during your absence." She complained then turned to me. 'Wow, this one is more annoying.' I said inwardly and scoffed. "You have even have the guts to scoff when you've been caught. That's against the rules." She said with a grin.

I rested my chin on my hand and let out another scoff to annoy her, "Is it me scoffing or," I paused before continuing, "Me eating in class?" "Arin." A voice suddenly said and we both looked at the person , it was Min ho, "Stop causing a scene." He said calmly. 

"She broke the rules." She said almost yelling. "I'm the one who gave her the snacks, so I think I should be the one getting the punishment right?" He said, folding his arms. 

Arin rolled her eyes before she focused her attention on the teacher, "Mrs. Yoon-" She was cut off when Mrs. Yoon, our English teacher raised her hand, cutting Arin off. "I'm fully aware that Miss Lee was eating in my class. The principal called me to her office and told me that Miss Lee had to take a fellow to the Nurse's office so she skipped lunch and told me to stay with her so Miss Lee could eat without distracting my class." Then she turned to me with a smile, "Thank you for putting the snacks away when I entered." 

I gave her a sweet smile and glanced at Arin before giving her a mischievous grin, which she returned with a glare. "Now, Miss Jeon, please stop distracting my class and sit down before you get punished." Mrs. Yoon warned.

 Arin threw me a glare before she sat down, and I tried so hard not to laugh. Taemin entered the class and bowed to the teacher, "Sorry I'm late, I was called to the guidance and counselling office." 

Mrs. Yoon nodded and Taemin went to his sit which was in front of mine, he gave me a wink before he sat down. The lesson went on and I was trying to ignore the glare that were sent my way. 


School was over and I was walking in the hallway with Hari and Dae when I saw Min ho packing his books into his bag from his locker. 

I walked up to him and tapped his shoulders, "Excuse me." He topped what he was doing and looked at me over his shoulder before he turned his head and continued what he was doing. 

'Okay still rude.' I grumbled inwardly. I took a deep breathe before speaking, "Thanks for the snacks earlier." I got no reply and that made my eft eye twitch in irritation. "I have a question for you-" I was cut off by him when he suddenly spoke up, "I already know what you want to ask but I won't answer your question here because this school has ears shaper than any knife so how about you tell me on your way home." Then he shut his locker door.

"Huh? Are you following me and Hari home?" I asked him in confusion then turned to Hari who was also confused. "I'll drop you home," He said from behind me, "Hari take Kang Dae home." Then he left not waiting for any room for thoughts. 

We stared at him going then he suddenly paused then looked over his shoulder, "Aren't you coming?" He asked before he started walking again. I nodded then ran after him.

He stopped again and that made me bump into his back, "Okay now that was completely your fault." I said rubbing my forehead. He turned around and looked down at me, "Where am I dropping you off?" 

"Uhm, my grandmother's restaurant." He nodded then lifted his hand up to my face and adjusted my glasses, "Your glasses was crooked. Anyways, let's go." He pulled me by my hand and we got to the parking lot and we stopped at a car. 

"How long did your driver wait?" I looked at the black car then at Min ho. He didn't reply and I rolled my eyes. I knocked on the window, "Excuse me sir. Please can you roll down the window? I want to apologize." 

Hari and Dae walked up to us and I heard Hari whispering to Min ho, "Is she okay?" I looked at her and sighed. "I want to thank Kim Min ho's driver for waiting for us but he is not answering me. He probably thinks I'm crazy." I sighed. 

Min Ho silently walked up to me and pushed me away slightly and inserted the key into the keyhole and opened the door widely for me to see that the driver seat was completely empty.

I stared at him in embarrassment and I heard Hari giggling behind me. I turned around to glare at her but a lot of students where staring at me. I waved awkwardly to them and they all went their way. 

"Bye Jiseo." Hari said before she left with Dae who also waved me goodbye and they entered her car. Mr Park rolled down the window, "Aren't you coming Miss Lee?" I shook my head with a smile and waved him goodbye.

I was about to enter Min ho's car but he stopped me by pulling me back with my bag. "You are not getting your craziness into my car." He said leaving my bag before he entered the car and drove off, leaving me staring at his car in shock. 

"Wait, did he just leave me here?!" I yelled in shock. I looked around and saw I was the only one in the school empty parking lot. I stomped my foot in anger, "What should I do now?" I asked myself. I brought out my phone from my bag and called my mom but she wasn't answering.

Sighing I opened Naver maps and typed my grandma's location down and started walking out of the parking lot, though I was still in school. A black car drove up to me. The window went down and Min ho came in view. I scoffed and kept walking, ignoring him. 

He horned at me and I glared at him, "Get in." He said. I kept walking, ignoring me. I paused when he horned again and faced his vehicle. "I think I should call Hari so she can come get me." I said leaving Naver maps to my phone log but then it was snatched out of my hand.

Min ho raised my phone higher, I scoffed and folded my arms, "You can have it, I don't need it." He nodded and kept my phone into his pocket, "Wait, my phone!" I yelled. "You said you don't need it so it's mine now." I chuckled nervously, "I was just kidding, can I please have my phone back?" 

"You would have it when you get in." He said. I rolled my eyes. Before I knew it, I was lifted off the ground in bridal style. "Hey! Put me down right now!" I yelled at him. He looked at me, "Okay." And then he dropped me and I fell to the ground. 

I groaned in pain and glared up at him, "Why are you glaring at me like that? You're the one who said 'Put me down'." I rolled my eyes and brought my hand up, expecting him to help me up. 

He just stared at my hand, then looked at me, "What do you want me to do?" "Pull me up." I said in a duh tone. He rolled his eyes, "You can help yourself." He said then took one step away from me.

Getting up, I rolled my eyes, then I felt a sharp pain in my ankle. My eyes widened and I decided to brush it off then took another step but then it felt like the pain went up to my brain.

I glared at Min ho, "Now look at what you've done." "We should go to the hospital to check it out." He said before taking a glance at my ankle. "No, I'm already late because of you." I limped a bit to the car but I got lifted up.

"Hey! Put me down!" I yelled. "You want to experience that again?" He asked with an expressionless face. I stayed silent and he put me in the passenger seat then got in the driver seat and he drove out of the school.

Third person POV (Point Of View)

After witnessing everything, she ran into the school and went upstairs to the music room, meeting Arin playing the piano sweetly. She paused to breathe then poke, "Arin, you won't believe what I just saw right now." 

Arin stopped playing the piano then stared blankly at her friend, Chaeyoung, "What is it?" Then she continued playing the piano, still playing it sweetly.

"Min ho took that new girl in his car and even worse, he carried her like a bride and," Arin started increasing the tempo of the song, wearing a glare, "They had a full conversation with each other and he seemed to like it. Like every time he is talking to you, he is not always in a good mood but..." Chaeyoung got interrupted when Arin played a rough and hard key, silencing her. 

Arin stood up, "Are you teasing me?" She said walking to her friend who moved back a bit in fear, "I thought you would like to hear what that new girl did."

"She just came here and she's already getting on my nerve and causing nuisance. What's her name again?" She said.

"Uhm, Lee Jiseo. Should I get some dirt on her?" Chaeyoung smiled, trying to get Arin in a good mood. "No, let me see what else she can do. But keep that idea on your sleeve. I'll ruin her life like the other girls who were leeches." Arin said with a dark grin.

Arin looked at her ring finger which had no engagement ring on it, "Maybe I should start wearing my ring so she'll get the hint to back off." "It doesn't matter if you wear yours. You wearing it won't do anything if Min ho isn't wearing his." Chaeyoung spoke up.

Arin glared at her friend before rolling her eyes then walked over to the piano, then her phone dinged with a message;


Come home now. We are going to dinner with you step father.

Arin rolled her eyes before she grabbed her things, calling her driver to come pick her up, then left the music room with Chaeyoung.