Chapter Eleven: Frenemies (프레너미)

I laid on my bed, listening to Toby's rant on school, "So how was you day?" He asked after he was done rambling. I thought on all the events that happened in school today, "Weird and crazy." 

"What do you mean 'Weird and crazy'?" Toby asked with a raised brow. "Well, there's this girl in my class that is seriously on my neck and she is seriously annoying. If she troubles me one more time, I swear I'll make her need an entire work done on her face." I said glaring at no one in particular. 

"Wow, calm down. Don't kill anybody Jiseo." Toby warned. I scoffed and my eyes landed on Taemin's suit that was still with me. 'Can't believe I forgot to give him his suit.' I said inwardly. I let out a sigh. "I've got to go Toby. Talk to you later." 

He nodded, "Okay, goodnight." Then he cut the video call. I did my night routine and was about to go to bed when my phone buzzed with a message. 

Unknown Number:

Hey Angry bird. 

I stared at the message for a bit, "Who is this? Angry Bird?" I read the message out loud and it hit me. I rolled my eyes, 


How did you get my number? 

Unknown Number:

Oh, so you know who I am? 


Of course I do. You're the only one who calls me that. And I've told you to stop calling me that. 

Unknown Number:

Aww, I'm special. 

I rolled my eyes, and saved his number as 'Idiot' 



I kept my phone on my night stand and went to sleep. 


It's been weeks and my ankle had finally gotten better but I was advised by Physiotherapist not to stress it too much.

"I'm so sad you couldn't follow me to school today." I whined to Hari on the phone. She caught a flu and had to stay at home. "You'll be fine. Just keep off trouble today." She warned. 

I rolled my eyes, "Okay mom." I teased. Mr. Park drove to school and opened the door for me to get down. "Thank you." I thanked getting down and giving him a bow. 

"Be careful." He said with a warm smile. I nodded and watched him leave the school's parking lot. "Of all the days she could have fallen sick, she choose today." I grumbled while walking into my class.

I sat at my desk and looked at Hari's empty desk. I rested my head on my desk feeling sad and miserable then I heard Hari's chair being scraped against the floor. Looking up I saw Taemin looking down at me with a smirk. 

"Hello Angry bird." "Fuck off." I replied bitterly. He sat down, still wearing that smirk. I stared at him and rolled my eyes with irritation before handing him the bag containing his suit. 

"Oh, you finally gave this to me. I was about getting another one." He said sounding amused. I rolled my eyes, "Go to your seat." 

"No. You'll be all lonely." He said leaning back into the seat. I wanted to lash out at him but our Math teacher entered the class and I mentally groaned and everyone settled down. 

He started speaking gibberish and I honestly don't know what business letters are looking for in Math. Shortly after, he gave us a classwork to do. I groaned and tried to focus on my work but I jut couldn't. 

Taemin glanced at my work, "You have to substitute 4+y for x in your equation 2." I looked at him in shock, then back at my work. I stared at it for a while before facing him. 

"I don't understand." I said quietly in embarrassment. He turned to me in amusement and received a harsh glare from me. "It's not my fault. I don't see the use for quadratic equations." 

Before he could let a word out our math teacher, Mr. Seo spoke up, "Is there anything you two would love to hare with us?" I shook my head in embarrassment. "Okay then, why don't you come to the board and solve the first equation for the class Jiseo?" 

My breath seized as I stood up from my seat quietly and walked up to the board. Mr. Seo handed me the white chalk which I took from him. "Do I have to answer all this?" I asked nervously. 

He nodded and I crumbled inside, "I'm going to call someone to help you out with the rest of the questions." He turned to the class, "Okay class, who wants to join her and answer the questions?" He said with enthusiasm. 

At that moment, everyone in class was randomly doing something; some suddenly found the ceiling interesting, some were inspecting their desk. Even Arin found her nails interesting. 

Min ho was just staring at me, frowning before he looked over to Taemin who had an amused smirk on his face, quietly enjoying my misery. 

"Okay," Mr. Seo said facing me, "Seems like you have to do all this questions yourself." 

I nodded and faced the board looking at the questions in fear, I started answering the first question, which was no problem for me then went to the next question and also answered that until I came to the question that I was having issues with at my desk. 

My hands hovered over the board, and I just stared at the question like it was another language, but actually it was because why does the English have any business in math that is meant to just be only numbers. 

"What's wrong Miss Lee?" Mr. Seo asked. I turned to him and shook my head before turning back to the board, "You were doing well in the previous questions so what's going on with this one?" He asked again.

Just then I heard a chuckle coming from the class and I was the only one who heard the little laugh. Everyone in class turned to the direction and it was no one other than Min Taemin. 

I rolled my eyes at him and he sent me a wink. "Well since you find the question funny Min Taemin, why don't you come and answer the rest of the questions?" Mr. Seo said, folding his arms. 

Taemin smile dropped and I raised a teasing brow at him. He stood up from the chair and walked up the board. I handed him the chalk with a teasing smile. He took it from me with a glare and I happily walked back to my desk. 

Math class was over and we had a few classes before Lunch period finally came. I went to the cafeteria and got a tray of food for myself and sat at an empty table. I was eating peacefully then someone placed their tray beside mine. 

I didn't even need to look up. I knew who the idiot was without me raising my head. "Off all places you could seat at in this cafeteria, you choose to seat with me." I said sounding irritated. 

"Anything for a friend." Taemin said with a smile. "Friend? God forbid." I said in English. "Being my friend would actually benefit you." He said feeling proud with himself. 

I rolled my eyes, "Benefit me in what way?" "Well, you're not good in Math and I really need help with my English. So it would benefit us both." He said like he was in a business meeting with clients. 

"I'm not that bad at math, I still know some stuffs." I huffed. "But admit it, you need my help with it and I also need your help with English." He said with a smile. 

"I don't want to be friends with a bully." I pointed out and put a spoonful of rice in my mouth. "I can change if you want and besides, I don't bully Kang Dae anymore ever since you gave me that slap that day." He spoke, staring off into the distance like he was remembering the slaps. 

I stifled a laugh but a little came out from me before I could hold it back. He turned back to me, "So..." He trailed off, giving me a suggestive smile. I rolled my eyes, "Okay sure, whatever." 

He gave me a cheeky grin and gave me a side hug in excitement before focusing on his food, avoiding my glare.

The angle on my shoulder spoke up, "This is not a good idea Jiseo." And to be honest, I knew it wasn't a good idea but I can't go back.