Chapter Twelve: Locked In (갇혀 있음)

After Lunch, I had P.E class. I went to my class girls' locker room to change into my P.E wear. I placed my phone into my locker after sending Hari a quick message, asking how she's feeling now, then changed into my sport wear. 

Arin walked into the locker room along with her bet friend, Chaeyoung who gave me a smile. I returned the smile and kept my school uniform neatly folded in my locker before locking it. I walked out of the locker room and went to the gymnasium.

Students began filling the gym and our P.E teacher walked in with a whistle between his lips, and blew on it and the loud noise caught our attention. 

 "Okay everybody keep quiet." He yelled. I looked around and so did everybody in the gymnasium. "But we weren't even speaking earlier." Taemin said and I looked at him with irritation and he sent me a smirk. 

"Okay so we are playing volleyball for our class today so I want you guys to get into a team of 8 players. Soon enough, everyone got into 2 teams of 8 players and the one who couldn't be on a team sat on the bench for the next round.

I decided to pass this round of volleyball because I didn't want to stress my ankle that is very much still healing. "Hey Angry bird," Taemin called out. I rolled my eyes at the nickname and shot him a glare. 

He walked up to me and sat next to me on the bench, "You're not playing?" He asked with a raised brow. I shook my head, "No, I can't stress my ankle too much so I need to sit this one out." 

He nodded and went to the court.. I sat there in silence watching the ball bounce over the net multiple times. Soon the first round was over and I knew I had to go next. I stood up from the bench and lazily walked to the court. 

"Don't stress your ankle too much Angry Bird." Taemin said to me before walking to the bench and taking a seat. Everyone got into their position and I played really good then someone from the other side of the net hit the ball so hard it went flying off the court and it was like everything happened in slow motion as it went to hit a student, and that student was Taemin. 

My eyes widened in shock and I stifled a laugh. He looked up in anger and stared daggers at the female student and if looks could kill, she would have been buried 6 feet under already. 

"Hey!" He yelled, getting up from the bench. I looked over to the girl and saw that her cheeks was red from embarrassment. I knew I had to do something before he would stupidly cause a scene with his egoistic aura. 

I burst into laughter, which grabbed his attention. I staggered up to him, drunk on laughter, "You should have seen your face. I know you are holding in your tears so badly." I teased. 

"Stop. Me cry? Don't be ridiculous." He said rolling his eyes. Our P.E teacher blew his whistle, "Okay, fun's over. Get into places." I giggled before running to the court. 

After PE, I went to the girls' locker room to have a quick shower. Entering the bathroom room, I saw Arin and a few girls, who were done with their bath hanging around. 

Arin seeing me, paused what she was doing and stood up straight, and everywhere went silent. "Leave." She said to the girls that were in the room. They all rushed out with their things, leaving me alone with Arin and Chaeyoung. 

"I don't know why you are troubling my life Arin but you don't want to mess with me. Don't take me being silent as an mean to keep disturbing me." I said firmly. She looked at me before letting out a sigh. 

"What can you actually do to me?" She said with a raised brow. I walked straight to her and stared at her eyes hardly, "Fuck around and find out." 

Her jaw tightened in anger and she gave me a glare before leaving the bathroom. I rolled my eyes and noticed Chaeyoung was still in the bathroom. I raised a brow and she sighed, "Forgive Arin she can be a little..." She trailed, looking for nice words to describe her friend. 

"Overbearing?" I suggested and she nodded her head, "Just make sure she doesn't mess with me or I'll won't act matured next time." I warned. Chaeyoung nodded. "Well, let me go and check on her. Bye." Then she walked out of the bathroom. 

I took a bath, removing my sport clothes and putting them in the washer. Then I walked into the showers with the towel after placing my school uniform on a hanger. I turned the showers on and took a bath. 

I heard the door opening, but it might be one of the girls that Arin chased out that wasn't done. The door opened again and I sensed that I was alone. I turned off the shower and dried myself. 

I went to get my school uniform from where I placed it but I couldn't see it, "Huh? Didn't I keep my uniform here?" I said in confusion, looking at the empty cloth hanger. 

I went to my locker to check if it's there but I couldn't find it, "Where is it?" I said, starting to panic. I looked down and saw that I was still in a towel. "What should I do? I can't go out like this." Then I remembered my PE wear. 

I went back to the washer and saw that it was still washing. I groaned in frustration, "What am I going to do now? And I still have class." I whined. I sighed and went outside again. 

"I guess I have to wait for the clothes," I went to my locker and took out my phone, "25%" I said in panic looking at my phone's battery percentage. I sighed and looked down at myself. 

"You know what, fuck this. I don't care who sees me in my towel." I said standing up in anger and stormed to the door. I tried to open the door but it didn't open. "Huh? It's locked?" I said in panic. 

I started kicking the door and banging it, "Help!" I yelled out. I kept going till I got tired and started having a panic attack. I went to my phone and saw that the battery reduced to 10%. 

I quickly sent a message to Taemin with shaky hands;


Help. I'm locked in the girls' locker room.

Then I hit send and my phone fell out of my hands. Bending down to pick it up, I was breathing heavily and then everything went dark and I passed out.