Chapter Thirteen: Hyung? (형?)

Min Taemin POV (Point Of View)

"Where's she?" I said looking at the empty seat next to me. My eyes went to the door, waiting for her to walk right through, I've been doing it since the beginning of the lesson and no sign of her. 

I let out a deep sigh and focused on the lesson, then my phone buzzed with a notification, "I'll check it later." I said writing on my notebook. When the teacher faced the board to write on it, I decided to pull out my phone.

The name 'Angry bird' flashed across the screen and I tapped on the notification. I read the message and my eyes widened with horror. I stood up from my seat, causing the chair to make a loud noise against the floor grabbing the teacher and everyone's attention. 

"Taemin, is everything alright? Why are you disrupting my class?" The teacher spoke up, sounding annoyed. I looked up from my phone screen, "Angry Bird is in trouble." 

The teacher looked at me in confusion, "Who is angry bird?" "Jiseo. She's in trouble." I said before running out of the class.

Kim Min ho POV (Point Of View)

'When did he start caring about other people than himself?' I said inwardly. I looked at Arin, who had a look of panic across her face and my eyes narrowed with suspicion. Our history teacher stood there in shock before he ran after Taemin. 

I stood up from my seat and walked over to Arin's desk, "What did you do?" She silently stared at me and that answered my question. I nodded and left the class, going after Taemin, ignoring Arin calling my name. 

Min Taemin POV (Point Of View)

I arrived at the girl's locker room and tried opening the door but it was locked. Min ho and the history teacher reached my side. "What happened?" Min ho asked. I turned to face him with a glare, "Are you blind? As you can see, I'm trying to open the door but it's obviously locked and Jiseo is in there." I explained. 

He rolled his eyes and knocked on the door, "Jiseo, are you in there?" I walked away from him and sighed out in annoyance. and massaged my temple. 

"You know, for someone who has excellent grades and is smart, you are really stupid." "What are you saying?" He sighed. "I just said Jiseo is locked in there and you're knocking on the door 'Jiseo, are you in there?'" I said imitating his voice . 

"That's enough you two." The history teacher spoke up. I actually forgot he was standing here. I scoffed and placed my hands in my pockets. I heard multiple footsteps approaching and I turned to see our classmates. 

"I'll go get some help." Min ho announced before leaving. Minutes later, he came back with the principal and the janitor. "What happened?" The principal asked me. I looked at her in confusion then Min ho, "He didn't tell you what happened? Jiseo is locked in here." 

She nodded and glanced at the janitor who took out his set of keys from his pocket. He went through everyone then paused and looked at the principal in confusion, "The key for this door isn't here." 

"What do you mean it isn't here?" I said, already angry at the time he was wasting. "It must be in my drawer, I'll go and get it." He said before leaving. 

I looked around me and couldn't see Min ho around, or even Arin. A few minutes later, the janitor came with a new set of keys, Min ho following closely behind him. The janitor inserted the key into the keyhole and opened the door. 

Jiseo was laying unconscious on the floor, her braids covering her face. Gasps were heard around me and I crouched down, removing her braids from her face. I shook her, trying to wake her up. 

"Jiseo? Jiseo wake up." I said, trying to wake her. "Quickly, someone should take her to the nurse's office." Our principal spoke up with worry. A suit draped on her body, covering her up. I looked up and saw Min ho looking down at me. 

"Let's take her to nurse's office." He said before carefully lifting her up from the floor. I removed my suit and draped it over her exposed thigh. From the corner of my eye, I saw Arin giving Min ho a glare but she had this other look on her face. 

We both took her to the nurse's office and she was shocked to see Jiseo in such a state. A few minutes, Jiseo woke up and looked around in confusion. "Jiseo, are you okay now?" The nurse asked her softly. 

Jiseo nodded and looked down at her body that still had I and Min ho suits on her and looked at both of us in confusion. "You only had a towel on when we found you." Min ho said, clearing up her confusion. 

"Oh, thank you." She said, her voice sounding hoarse. I handed her a bottle of water and she gulped everything in one gulp. 

"Wow, you were that thirsty?" I said teasingly. She rolled her eyes at me and handed me the water which I took from her. "Where's my uniform?" She asked looking around and at that moment Arin entered the room along with the principal holding what seems to be Jiseo's uniform. 

"I'm so sorry Jiseo, I won't play such prank on you again." Arin said, bowing her head in apology before dropping Jiseo's folded uniform on the bed. Jiseo stared at Arin for a minute before looking down at her uniform on the bed. 

"It' okay." She said giving Arin a small smile. Arin stared at her in shock and Jiseo slowly got up from the bed, still dizzy, she pulled Arin into a hug. 

I stared at her in shock and so did Min ho, 'Is she seriously hugging her?' I said inwardly. They were both hugging for some minutes before Jiseo let go and gave Arin a sweet smile. 

Arin looked at her in fear before leaving the room, "Are you okay Jiseo?" Our principal spoke up, walking up to Jiseo. 

Jiseo nodded, "Yes Mrs. Kim." "Would you be able to go home yourself? One of the boys could drop you off." She said pointing to I and Min ho. 

Jiseo shook her head, "No, it's fine. I'll just call my driver to come pick me up." Our principal nodded and left left the room. I scoffed and that caught Jiseo's attention. 

"What?" She said giving me a scowl. "Are you sure you don't want me to take you home?" Min ho said. Jiseo nodded her head, "I'll be fine. You don't need to worry." 

"Okay now leave, I need to change." She said, before pushing us out of the room. We stood outside the room in awkward silence. I turned to him, "So, Arin was behind this?" 

He looked at me, and gave me a slight nod then spaced out after that. I looked at him with disbelief, "You are weird nowadays." I scoffed. 

Kim Min Ho POV (Point Of View) 


I saw Arin leave the crowd of students and Chaeyoung followed her in confusion. I followed her silently until she went back to class and opened her class locker and took out the janitor's keys. 

I heard Chaeyoung gasp, "Isn't that-?" "What does it look like?" Arin harshly responded, cutting her off. "Wait, so if you have this, then that means-" "Yes, quit being dumb." Arin said cutting her off again. 

"Why did you do this Arin? This is so messed up." Chaeyoung scolded ad received a harsh glare from Arin. "I didn't know it would lead to this." She said looking down at the keys in her hand. 

"How are you going to give the janitor these back?" Chaeyoung asked, sounding nervous. "I don't know." Arin sighed. I entered the classroom and took the keys out of her hand.

She stared at me in shock, "Ah, Min ho, it isn't what you think. You see.." She trailed off, not knowing what to say to defend herself. "I'll give these to the janitor-" I said, referring to the key, "But as for you, you should probably start digging your own grave." I said coldly. 

"Why do you care about her?!" She yelled, angry tears rolling down her cheeks. "Because she is the new student and I can't let someone ruin the reputation of this school or the legacy my mom built because of jealousy." I said glaring hardly at her. 

She stopped her tears and stared at me in shock, or probably realization, "If anything happens to her and my mom gets into a major scandal because of you, I promise you that I would do everything in my power to bring your whole family down." I said coldly before leaving the classroom. 

End of Flashback.

Jiseo came out of the nurse's office and that brought me out of my thoughts. She gave us our suits back. "You guys waited for me? Thanks." She said giving us a grateful smile. 

"Don't get too ahead of yourself, I wasn't waiting for you but my suit. I can't let you have it for more than 1 hour again because you seem to forget that it isn't yours." Taemin said, wearing his suit and loosing his tie a bit. 

Jiseo rolled her eyes and walked ahead of us, to our classroom to take her bag. "Ah, I'm so hungry." She mumbled. We were the only students left in the class, since the others had gone home. 

We were walking out of the classroom when her stomach grumbled loudly. She froze with embarrassment and clutched her tummy. "What do you have in there? A beast?" Taemin teased. 

Jiseo rolled her eyes and pushed him playfully which earned a laughter out of Taemin. I raised my eyebrow in confusion, 'Since when were these two friends?' I said inwardly in confusion.

We kept walking till we reached the cafeteria and paused at the door, "I'm going to get something for me to eat from the vending machine." Jiseo said before she entered the cafeteria, leaving us outiside. 

Taemin opened the door, "Hey Jiseo, can you please get me some Pocky sticks?" He said. "Did you give me money to get one for you?" She said with a hint of annoyance in her tone. 

"Can't you just get one for me?" Taemin whined. "No." She shot back. "Okay then. If not for me, you would've still been locked in the locker room." Taemin huffed. Then suddenly after he said that, a pack of Pocky sticks was thrown at his head. 

"Now we are even right?" Jiseo said, walking out of the cafeteria with snacks in her hands. Taemin rolled his eyes then bent to pick the pack of Pocky from the ground. He stared at the amount of snacks in her arms, "Did you empty the vending machine?" He said in shock. 

Jiseo ignoring him rolled her eyes. I stared at them in silence, then a pack of M&M's came in my view. I looked at it before looking at Jiseo who was offering it to me. I shook my head, "I don't have a sweet tooth." 

Her face dropped at my words, "Oh." Her reaction made me feel guilty and I grabbed the M&M's from her hand and kept it in my bag and didn't say a word but began walking. 

We got to the parking lot and Jiseo went to the car that was waiting for her while Taemin got on his Motorcycle and drove off. I let out a sigh and go into my car and drove off to my house. 

I saw a new car in the parking lot and I stared at it in confusion, "Do we have a guest?" I parked my car and got down. I stared at the car in my parking lot, "Or did dad get a new car?" 

I shook my head and entered the house. I heard my dad's voice from the living room, "That means we have a guest." I said to myself and was about to climb the stairs when I heard a familiar voice that I haven't heard in a long time. 

I rushed to the living room and saw someone I didn't think I would've seen. He noticed me and stood up from the couch with a warm smile, "Min ho, how are you doing?" 

"Hyung?" I said in shock staring at the young man who is currently giving me the warmest smile ever. My older brother. Min hyun.