Chapter 8: First Kill

As the war between kingdoms unfolds, Stone Brook Orphanage finds itself in a state of high alert. Bandits from surrounding villages, driven to desperation by the draft, are hiding in the woods, and the orphanage has gone into lockdown to protect its inhabitants. Miss Clara has requested the intervention of the Arcane Hunters, but for now, Ethan decides to take matters into his own hands.

One evening, with the rest of the children asleep, Ethan sneaks outside, his dark cloak trailing behind him. He takes a deep breath and calls on his shades, keeping their existence a secret from Miss Clara and everyone else at the orphanage.

"Shade One, Shade Two, Shade Three," he whispers into the night. "I need you to scout the woods and report back. There's talk of a necromancer among the bandits, and I want to know everything about him."

The shades disperse into the darkness, merging seamlessly with the shadows of the forest. Ethan waits anxiously, pacing near the edge of the woods. After what feels like an eternity, he hears the familiar whispers in his mind.

"Ethan, we've located the bandit camp," Shade One reports. "There's a cloaked figure who radiates dark energy. He's performing rituals and raising the dead."

"Describe what you see," Ethan urges, his heart pounding.

"Skeletons are emerging from the ground," Shade Two adds. "The necromancer is commanding them, and his power is unmistakable. This is no ordinary bandit."

Ethan's brow furrows with concern. "How many undead are there? Is the necromancer alone?"

"There's a growing army of skeletons," Shade Three confirms. "The necromancer seems to be summoning more. He's not alone—there are several other bandits, but they're less of a concern right now."

Ethan nods, absorbing the information. "Keep monitoring him. I need to know if he plans to move or if his forces are preparing for an attack."

The shades continue their surveillance, providing updates on the necromancer's activities. As the night progresses, Ethan realizes the gravity of the situation—the necromancer's power and the undead army pose a significant threat to the orphanage and its inhabitants.

Returning to the orphanage, Ethan sneaks back inside, careful not to alert anyone. He heads to his room, feeling the weight of the information he has gathered. He knows he cannot share what he has learned about the necromancer or the existence of the shades with Miss Clara. The shades remain his secret, a tool he can use to protect the orphanage without revealing his full capabilities.

The next morning, Ethan is approached by Miss Clara, who has a look of concern on her face. "Ethan, we've received reports of increased bandit activity around the woods. I need you to stay inside and be cautious. We're working on a plan to deal with the threat."

Ethan nods, masking his knowledge with a look of innocent concern. "I understand, Miss Clara. I'll stay inside and be careful."

As Miss Clara makes arrangements with the Arcane Hunters and prepares the orphanage's defenses, Ethan continues to monitor the necromancer through his shades. The threat of the undead army looms large, but Ethan remains focused, determined to protect his home and keep his secrets safe.

In the dim light of his room, Ethan commands one of his shades to remain hidden and keep watch over his surroundings. "Shade One, stay here and alert me if anything unusual happens. Shade Two, it's time."

With a deep breath, Ethan channels his magic and invokes his Darkness Stride ability. Shadows wrap around him, pulling him into their depths. In an instant, he emerges at the edge of the bandit camp, concealed by the darkness.

Ethan surveys the camp from his concealed position. The necromancer stands at the center of a makeshift ritual circle, his cloak billowing as he performs an incantation. Skeletons move restlessly around him, their empty eye sockets glowing faintly in the dim light. The bandits, meanwhile, are scattered around, some sitting by the fire and others patrolling the perimeter.

Ethan's heart pounds as he watches the necromancer's dark magic at work. He knows he must be cautious—one wrong move could alert the entire camp. He observes the necromancer's movements, searching for the right moment to strike.

He whispers into the shadows, "Shade Two, scout the perimeter and make sure no one notices me. I need a clear path to the necromancer."

Shade Two silently slips through the camp, melding with the darkness and relaying information back to Ethan. "The bandits are mostly focused on their own activities. There are a few patrols, but they're predictable. The necromancer is at the center of the camp, performing a summoning ritual."

Ethan nods, focusing on his plan. He needs to restrain the necromancer quickly and efficiently. He watches as the necromancer raises his arms, commanding the skeletons to form a defensive line around him.

With the camp's layout clear, Ethan begins to move, his steps light and deliberate. He stays in the shadows, using Darkness Stride to navigate around the edges of the camp. As he nears the necromancer, he prepares to strike

Ethan stands in the darkness at the edge of the bandit camp, his breath steady as he prepares for the final phase of his mission. With the dagger securely sheathed and his two shades amplifying his strength and magical prowess, he feels a surge of confidence. The shadows swirl around him, a cloak of darkness that fuels his determination.

He shifts his weight and, with a burst of speed, dashes out from his concealed position. His movement is swift and silent, enhanced by the shadows that cling to him and bolster his every step. As he nears the necromancer, his focus sharpens.

The necromancer remains absorbed in his dark ritual, oblivious to the approaching threat. Ethan's target is precise: a single, well-placed punch to the back of the necromancer's head, intended to incapacitate him without causing lethal harm.

Ethan channels his enhanced strength into the strike. His fist moves with blinding speed, fueled by the power of his shades. He connects with a resounding thud, his knuckles meeting the necromancer's skull.

A sickening crack reverberates through the night air as the necromancer's head fractures from the force of the blow. The dark mage collapses instantly, the force of Ethan's punch having shattered his skull and extinguished his life.

The necromancer's skeletal minions, now without their master's control, falter and disintegrate into dust. Ethan stands over the fallen body, a mixture of shock and regret washing over him. The sheer force of the blow had been unexpected, and the necromancer's death was not what he had intended.

He takes a deep breath, struggling to steady his thoughts. His shades remain hidden in his shadow, their presence a constant reminder of the power and responsibility he now wields.

Ethan's heart races as he watches the skeletal minions dissipate into dust. The camp, once alive with dark energy, now falls into a tense silence. The necromancer's body lies motionless, a gruesome testament to Ethan's unintended but fatal blow. The air is thick with the scent of blood and the quiet hum of lingering magic.

The sudden realization that the nearby bandits have noticed the disappearance of their dark allies and are rushing toward the necromancer fills Ethan with a cold dread. He knows that any witnesses could unravel the secret of his true strength and abilities. The stakes are higher than ever.

Roughly a dozen bandits burst into the clearing, their faces a mix of confusion and fear. Some of them are only a few years older than Ethan, their youthful features marred by the harshness of their lives. Their eyes widen in shock at the sight of the necromancer's lifeless form and the blood still dripping from Ethan's clenched fist.

"What happened here?" one of the bandits shouts, his voice filled with panic. "Where's the necromancer? What did you do?"

Ethan's mind races, calculating the risks. He understands that if he allows any of them to live, they could reveal his secret to the Arcane Hunters and the rest of the kingdom. With grim determination, he decides to eliminate the threat completely.

He draws on the full strength granted by his shades, the darkness enveloping him as he prepares to act. The bandits, still reeling from the sight of their fallen leader, are slow to react as Ethan's shadowy form moves with lethal efficiency.

In a blur of motion, Ethan is upon them. His enhanced speed and strength allow him to strike with precision. His blows are swift and merciless, each punch and kick fueled by the power of the shades. The bandits, caught off guard and outmatched, fall one by one.

The night becomes a brutal tableau of violence and shadows. Ethan moves through the camp with a cold, methodical efficiency, ensuring that none of the bandits survive. Their cries and desperate attempts to fight back are quickly silenced, swallowed by the darkness.

As the last of the bandits falls, Ethan stands amidst the carnage, his breath heavy and ragged. The clearing is now eerily silent, the only sounds being the faint rustling of leaves in the wind. The blood and violence are stark reminders of the brutal reality he faces.

Ethan looks at his hands, still smeared with blood, and takes a deep breath to steady himself. The weight of what he's done presses heavily on him. He knows that the Arcane Hunters will likely discover the massacre, and he must prepare for the consequences.

With the camp now secure, Ethan turns his attention back to the necromancer's body. He retrieves any useful items and evidence that might aid the Arcane Hunters in understanding the dark mage's role. He makes sure to cover his tracks as best as he can, leaving no evidence that could lead back to him.

Ethan feels the burden of his actions weighing heavily on him. The line between justice and cruelty has blurred, and he's left questioning the path he has chosen. The shadows that once seemed like a source of power now feel like a dark shroud enveloping his soul.

"Ethan, you need to clean yourself quickly," Shade Two says, its voice low and husky, but with an underlying urgency. "You're blocking most of the turmoil you would normally be feeling from killing someone for the first time. But it won't last forever. You need to be prepared for the emotional toll this will take."

Ethan nods, the weight of Shade Two's words hitting him with a jarring clarity. He looks down at his bloodied hands and the carnage around him. The shock of his actions is starting to seep through the shield of numbness he has maintained.

"Okay," Ethan says, his voice trembling slightly. "I'll clean up."

Using the darkness that surrounds him, Ethan quickly strips off his bloodstained clothes and hides them in a shadowy corner of the forest. He uses the shadows to wash away the blood from his hands and face, relying on his newfound control over the shadows to help him clean up efficiently.

Shade Two remains vigilant, its presence a constant reminder of the gravity of the situation. "You must be careful," it advises. "The Arcane Hunters will eventually discover the massacre. You need to be ready to face the consequences and to cover your tracks thoroughly."

With Shade Two guiding him, Ethan makes his way back to the orphanage. The shadows seem to close in around him, a constant reminder of the dark path he has chosen. As he approaches Stone Brook, the flickering lights of the orphanage offer a momentary sense of normalcy, but Ethan knows that his world has irrevocably changed.

Ethan focuses on the location of shade one and hones in on the darkness-stride ability he has recently mastered. The shadows around him seem to swirl and coalesce, guiding him through the familiar sensation of being pulled through the darkness. With a quick, practiced movement, he teleports into the relative safety of his room.

The room is exactly as he left it, the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the window, casting gentle shadows on the walls. Ethan quietly closes the door behind him and takes a moment to catch his breath. His heart is still pounding from the adrenaline of the night's events, but the silence of his room is a welcome reprieve.

He collapses onto his bed, his mind racing through the night's violent encounters. Yet, despite the chaos he has witnessed and the lives he has taken, he feels an unexpected calm. The exhaustion from his earlier actions and the relentless emotional strain seem to have been momentarily erased by the comfort of his own space.

Ethan drifts into sleep, his body and mind finally finding a reprieve. As he sinks into the mattress, the shadows in his room seem to embrace him, a comforting reminder of the control he has over them. For the first time in what feels like an eternity, he sleeps deeply, as if the weight of the night's events has been temporarily lifted.