Chapter 9: The Shadows' Consequence

The morning sun crept over the horizon, casting long shadows across the grounds of Stone Brook Orphanage. Ethan awoke to the sounds of the orphanage stirring to life, the usual morning routines providing a comforting sense of normalcy after the chaotic night. He sat up in bed, his mind still reeling from the events that had transpired. The bloodshed, the feeling of raw power coursing through him, and the unsettling calm that had settled in his heart were all fresh in his memory.

As he dressed, Ethan's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of hurried footsteps outside his door. He opened it just in time to see one of the caretakers rushing down the hallway, a look of worry on her face.

"What's going on?" Ethan asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

She turned to him, her expression tight with concern. "Arcane Hunters arrived this morning. They're here to investigate the woods. They found... something."

Ethan's heart skipped a beat. "What did they find?"

"I don't know exactly, but they look worried. They brought more mages with them this time."

Ethan nodded, trying to keep his face neutral. "Thanks for letting me know."

As the caretaker continued down the hall, Ethan shut the door and took a deep breath. He had known that the bodies would be found eventually, but he hadn't expected the Arcane Hunters to arrive so soon. He could only hope that his connection to the massacre remained hidden.

Later that morning, Ethan found a spot in the orphanage courtyard that provided a good view of the forest's edge. From his vantage point, he could see Hunter Thorne, accompanied by two other mages, as they moved through the trees. Even from this distance, the grim expressions on their faces were unmistakable.

In the forest, Hunter Thorne knelt beside one of the fallen bandits, his hand hovering over the body as he murmured a spell. A faint glow surrounded his hand, revealing the last traces of dark magic that clung to the corpse.

"All of them were killed in close combat," Thorne muttered, glancing at one of the mages, a woman with sharp eyes and a stern expression. "Most of the wounds are blunt force trauma. Whoever did this was incredibly strong."

The female mage nodded, her brow furrowed in thought. "This wasn't the work of ordinary bandits. The precision, the sheer power behind these blows... it's like nothing I've ever seen."

Thorne stood up, scanning the surrounding area. "And the necromancer?"

The other mage, a younger man, pointed to a spot further in the clearing. "Here, sir. The same type of wound. His skull was shattered in one blow."

Thorne's eyes narrowed as he approached the body of the necromancer. He stared at the crushed remains of the man's head, his mind racing. "Someone wanted to make sure this man was dead. But why leave the body? Why not hide the evidence?"

The female mage shook her head. "Whoever did this wasn't concerned about being found out. Or perhaps they wanted to send a message."

Thorne's gaze drifted toward the distant outline of Stone Brook Orphanage. "We need to find out who did this. The necromancer was dangerous, but whoever killed him might be even more so."

Back at the orphanage, Ethan watched as the Arcane Hunters continued their investigation. He could feel the tension in the air, the weight of the secret he carried pressing down on him. Shade One and Shade Two remained hidden within his shadow, their presence a constant reminder of the power he now wielded.

As the day wore on, Ethan's nerves began to fray. He couldn't shake the feeling that it was only a matter of time before the Arcane Hunters turned their attention to him. He needed to stay calm, to keep his secret hidden, but the fear of discovery gnawed at him.

When the sun began to set, the Arcane Hunters finally returned to the orphanage. Thorne's expression was unreadable as he spoke with Miss Clara, who had been anxiously awaiting their return.

Ethan couldn't hear what they were saying, but he didn't need to. He knew that the hunters were closing in, and he needed to be ready for whatever came next. The darkness of the night would be his ally, just as it had been before.

"Miss Clara," Thorne greeted, his voice steady but laced with a hint of urgency. "We found something... troubling in the woods. A group of bandits, and a necromancer among them. All dead. Their wounds suggest that they were killed by someone with considerable strength and precision."

Clara's eyes widened slightly, but she quickly masked her surprise with a nod. "That's concerning. I've kept the children inside all day, as you instructed."

Thorne narrowed his eyes, studying her carefully. "Miss Clara, I need to ask you something important. Did Ethan leave the orphanage last night?"

Clara blinked, taken aback by the question. "Ethan?" She hesitated only for a fraction of a second, then shook her head. "No, Hunter Thorne. Ethan went to his room after dinner and didn't come out. He's been recovering from his injuries, so he's been resting a lot. I checked on him this morning, and he was still in bed."

Thorne's gaze remained fixed on her, searching for any sign of deception. Clara met his eyes evenly, her expression calm and unwavering. After a long moment, he nodded, though there was a trace of doubt lingering in his eyes.

"I see," Thorne said slowly. "Thank you, Miss Clara. If anything unusual happens, or if you notice anything strange about Ethan or any of the other children, please inform me immediately."

"Of course, Hunter Thorne," Clara replied, her voice steady. "I'll keep a close watch."

Thorne gave a curt nod, then turned to rejoin the other mages. Clara watched them walk away, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew she had just lied to an Arcane Hunter, one of the kingdom's most feared enforcers. But Ethan was her responsibility, and she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to his situation than anyone realized.

As Thorne and the mages disappeared from view, Clara let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding. She glanced up at Ethan's window, her mind racing with questions. What was really happening with that boy?

Up in his room, Ethan had been listening intently to the conversation below. Through Shade One, who had remained hidden in miss clara's shadow, he had been able to hear every word exchanged between Clara and Thorne. Relief washed over him as Clara lied on his behalf, but a pang of guilt followed quickly behind.

The Shade in his shadow stirred, its presence a comforting, familiar weight. Shade Two had reassured him earlier, blocking out the turmoil he would have normally felt after his first kills. But now, with the immediate danger passed, Ethan's thoughts began to swirl with doubt and uncertainty.

Shade One's voice echoed in his mind, a low, whispering tone that carried an edge of caution. "You need to be more careful, Ethan. Thorne is suspicious. The more you use your power, the closer they'll get to the truth."

Ethan nodded, knowing the Shade was right. He had to be smarter, more cautious. For now, his secret was safe, but the Arcane Hunters were relentless. They would not stop until they uncovered the truth, and Ethan knew he had to stay one step ahead.

He lay back on his bed, staring up at the ceiling, his mind racing with the implications of what he had done. The power he had used, the lives he had taken—it was all overwhelming. But as he closed his eyes, he knew one thing for certain: he had no choice but to continue down this path. There was no turning back now.

As Ethan lay in his bed, his mind churned with the events of the previous night. The faces of the bandits he had killed flashed before his eyes, but the expected turmoil within him was absent. Shade had taken the brunt of that for him, leaving him with a sense of unsettling calm. But the fact that he had struggled to manage even two Shades, and the sheer physical toll it took on his body, weighed heavily on his mind.

He knew he needed to grow stronger—much stronger.

As the morning light filtered through his small window, Ethan reached out mentally to Shade. The familiar presence responded immediately, its voice dark and husky in his mind.

"Shade," Ethan began, his voice steady but filled with determination, "I need to be stronger. What do I need to do?"

There was a pause, as if Shade was considering how best to explain.

"Your strength is limited by your body," Shade finally replied, its tone matter-of-fact. "Your magic grows, but your body must be able to withstand the strain. To control more Shades, to channel more magic, your body needs to be honed, strengthened. The answer is simple: training. Intense physical training."

Ethan nodded, already expecting this answer. "How long?" he asked.

"Until your sixteenth birthday," Shade replied, the answer ringing in Ethan's ears like a sentence. "Until you leave this orphanage, your focus must be on pushing your physical limits. Endurance, strength, speed—these will be your weapons alongside us. Only then can you wield the power of the Shades without tearing yourself apart."

Ethan clenched his fists, the memories of the necromancer's shattered skull flashing briefly in his mind. He wouldn't let his power control him; he would master it. The path ahead was clear, and though it would be grueling, it was the only way forward.

"Then that's what I'll do," he said aloud, his voice firm. "Starting today."

Ethan's training began that very morning. He woke before dawn, slipping out of the orphanage while the others still slept. The air was crisp, and the first light of day was just beginning to creep over the horizon. He started with running, pushing his body to its limits around the orphanage grounds. Shade stayed with him, providing silent encouragement and advice on how to push further, run faster, endure longer.

As the days turned into weeks, Ethan's routine became more intense. He moved from simple running to strength exercises, lifting heavy stones, climbing trees, anything to push his muscles to the brink. Each night, he collapsed into bed, his body screaming in pain, but he knew it was the only way.

Shade guided him, reminding him that each drop of sweat was a step closer to his goal. As his body grew stronger, so too did his connection with the Shades. He found that he could keep two Shades within his shadow with greater ease, the strain on his body lessening as his muscles hardened and his endurance improved.

Miss Clara noticed the change in Ethan. She saw how he grew leaner, stronger, how his eyes seemed more determined, more focused. But she said nothing, believing it was a result of his desire to follow in his mother's footsteps, to be an Arcane Hunter. If only she knew the true extent of the power he was nurturing within himself.

As Ethan's sixteenth birthday approached, he could feel the power of the Shades thrumming beneath his skin, his body now a vessel capable of withstanding the magic they provided. But he knew there was still more to learn, more strength to gain. His journey was far from over, but for the first time, he felt truly prepared for whatever lay ahead.

And when the day finally came to leave the orphanage, he would be ready.