One good thing did come out of the night that shall never be spoken of. I learned a very important lesson.
Alcohol is bad! It intoxicates you, gives you false liquid confidence, and you end up sleeping with handsome men that you don’t really like. If not for the alcohol I’d had that night, then I wouldn’t be in this situation right now.
Yes, that’s right. I wasn’t to blame. I might have made some very poor decisions, but it was the alcohol. The alcohol was clearly to blame for that night. My poor decision-making skills had nothing to do with it.
That was what I was thinking as I stared at Aiden, who had now stopped moving, staring at me in shock. What was he doing here? Did he follow me? Oh god, does he know? Is that why he followed me here? To confront me?
Our eyes met through the glass and I swear time stood still for a moment. My brain short-circuits and random thoughts begin flying around like a flock of startled pigeons.