Ch 234 - Lily just wants to be like the little deer too

Another long chapter:3 



The negotiations between Yino and Wenhua proceeded smoothly.

After all, there wasn't any real conflict of interest between the two—just a bit of basic social maneuvering. For Yino, it was hardly troublesome. When you don't know the truth, the powerful treat you like a fool, feeding you lies. But once you do learn the truth, those same powerful figures will proactively pull you into their circle to maintain the illusion.

In a way, it reminded Yino of Yuebai's own accounts—back then, the legendary celestial master seemed to operate on this same logic.

No matter how shoddy or patched up the reality was, as long as the system kept running, that was all that mattered. This was the essence of a makeshift operation.

"Speaking of which, after you quelled the ancient tree spirit's rage back then—"

Now that the situation had calmed, Wenhua returned to more pressing matters.