Chapter 12: A-paw-ently friends

Boon wore his brown warm sweater, preparing for the cold temperature outside. He felt too sluggish after only laying on his bed all the while being sick.

When he put his hand on the door knob and pressed it down, his mother asked, appearing out of thin air "Where are you going?"

Boon: "I'm just gonna take a walk"

Abia: "You're still sick"

Boon: "I feel better now"

Abia: "Its going to be raining today"

Boon: "I'll come home before evening"

Abia sighed and nodded "fine" she said "Come home before it rains"

Boon saw how worried his mother was and chuckled slightly "You can always just call me when somethings not right, its not like I'm going to run away"

Abia: "lol… true"

The time Boon was walking out was about the same time Boor's school ended. Boor did say his school ended the sixth lesson but it ended after only the fourth and Mateo is too busy to be standing around somewhere, waiting for him right? Right! Mateo was indeed too busy to be standing around outside of school but his friend wasn't. His friend was inside his car, scrolling through his phone with his sunglasses on, chair adjusted and feet leaning on the steering wheel for whatever reason and saw a sneaky familiar guy lurking around. He tilted sunglasses up on his forehead and got a better look before snapping a picture of Boor and sending it to Mateo.

[ click on attachment]

[ Isn't that the one who messed with your brother?]>

<[ when did you take this picture? ]

[ just now ]>

<[ you know what? ]

<[ drive him to Pylon plant, He's someone ive got to deal with ]

[ You mean it? ]>


The shady looking guy sneered and positioned his legs on the ground before stepping out of the car.

Boor was looking left to right before sunglasses's guys grabbed him by his nape.

Boor was forcefully dragged into the car.

"Hey- agh!"

He repeatedly pushed himself against the car door, but it just wouldn't open.

"Man, don't you know how to open a door? Doesn't matter though, now you won't be able to do it anymore" the car rumbled and Boor, who had not worn the belt, swayed around in the car due to the unexpected speed.

"Aaaahhh!! Stop it, stop the car!!" Suddenly, the car stopped and Boor crashed into the driver's seat. "Ack! what.."

"Phew, you're really loud."

The guy with the sunglasses put the headphones in his ear.

"Don't take it personally, I usually enjoy such screaming"

Boor flinched and zipped his mouth shut.

'Can't be.. This is not real'

Well, being kidnapped was not common for Boor and slowly he realized that his resistance was of no use. He crawled into the backseat. He looked out of the backseat window and pondered in a panicked manner what he could do until he decided to frantically punch the glass.

pow! pow! pow! CRACK!

'crack… did it actually break? DID MY KNUCKLES REALLY JUST BREAK?!'

Sunglasses guy quickly turned up the volume


as the car zoomed on the road: "it hurttsssss, my haaannndddd!!"

Its been a while since Boon was in the out- for him. He deeply breathed in the fresh air and walked straight ahead. Either he went a completely different way and figured out himself how to get back home or he walked through the familiar road. a long fence leading the way and when he looked to the side: A torrent. He paused for a few seconds to take in the beauty of the torrent and the way the mid-blue atmosphere made it appear a little melancholic to look at. Boon, who had seen this view many times before, continued his little stroll. Empty streets, empty playground and sometimes bikers or crowds in between those destinations. When his legs grew tired he looked for the bench this small surrounding had and sat.

In the distance he caught sight of a ginger-haired boy.

When the boy turned around for a second and turned back, Boon noticed the boys lot of freckles: on the forehead, chin and near his ears too.

Naturally he remembered the freckles on Boor's face except Boor didn't have that many and his freckles weren't that visible. He was broken out of his thoughts into reality and suddenly very aware when he noticed that the guy was looking at him now.


'Why isn't he looking away? Do i know him?'

He thought it would be rude if that boy was someone he knew and he didn't recognize so he just waved though he didn't expect the boy to stand up and approach him.

The boy was holding a notebook and a pencil case.

Boy: "Hey, do you live around here?"

'oh. those weren't freckles'

Boon: "No, I just-"

Boy: "Aah, alright. I was a bit surprised to see someone my age. Actually i kind of hoped you lived here. It gets soo boring. No one i can relate to, it even makes me a little happy to go to school… Can you imagine?!"

Boon: "ah.."

'Hes very talkative'

Boy: "…."

Boon: "…."

Boon: "You were… writing?"

The boy tilted his head in confusion and then raised his notebook when he realized Boon was hinting at it.

"oh! nah."

He said but hesitated to talk about it.

Boy: "..well. I guess I can tell you since I probably won't see you again"

He opened the notebook that had drawings over the pages instead of words.

Boy: "I have too much free time, you know? I can't help but doodle a little.. especially since i watch lots of shows"

Boon: "Wow"

Boon didn't understand how the ginger-haired guy was so self conscious of his art. Did he feel embarrassed for having this hobby?

Boon: "I wouldn't call that doodling, you are pretty skilled"

Boy: "Noo no, its nothing serious! Its just a drawing, not really a skill of mine"

Boon: "Hey, I'm serious"

The boy's expressive face suddenly dropped to a blank stare and he silently waited for Boon to continue.

Boon: "That's the blue house from there right? The drawing? Impressive, you even drew the single window decoration here.. Its like you included every single detail.. Like how those strokes are thinner" He pointed to the details he was talking about "Did you draw them thinner here on purpose?"

Boy: "…."

Boon: "um… do you not like having this skill?"

The boy looked taken aback and looked back at the paper

"Its… Well. It doesn't look good on me. Imagine hanging out with them and then having a silly hobby like drawing"

Boon: "around who?"

Boy: "my friends"

Boon: "Your friends?"

Boy: "They're pretty cool and drawing isn't cool, it's childish. Or childlike"

Boon: "You mean creative."

Boy: "same thing"

Boon: "Who told you that?"

Boy: "…."

Boy: "No one? Me, I did"

Boon: "Don't tell yourself that, then"

The boy smiled and nodded before continuing

"I think my friends would make fun of me"

Boon: "I don't think you don't like drawing. You looked pretty relaxed when you drew"

Boy: "Trust me, sometimes it makes me lose my mind"

Boon: "I'd like to see the drawings that made you feel like that"

Boy: "Too late, I already tore them apart"

He laughed at his own joke.

Boy: "My names Ingar"

Boon: "I'm Boon"

After talking for a bit, the boy had told Boon that he had to go home now.

Boon himself realized that he had to go home soon because of the weather. He needed to be at home before it would rain.

When he was about to cross the road, he remembered to look left and right first but when he looked right, he froze because the last thing Boon expected to see was Boor's tear-soaked face pressed against the rear window, lazily calling out help.