Chapter 13: A-paw-ently friends

Boon instinctively gasped loudly and jumped back. It was his first time seeing someone get kidnapped. Actually Boon had thought about this scenario a lot but suddenly all his collected ideas on what to do disappeared and he rushed to the car. The car was waiting for the green light and the driver was in his own world, humming to the soundtrack of the playing song.

Boon: "Boor?? Boor??!"

Boor: "Boooonnn.. Heeelllpp"

He whined uncharacteristically. Both of them didn't really understand that desperately knocking on the window didn't open it. Suddenly Boor was jerked back to reality, seeing how he was behaving in front of Boon. It cringed him and he tried to hide himself from Boon's gaze. 

Boon: "what… are you okay?! Boor!" 

Not realizing that the traffic lights had turned green, the car had careened down the road, leaving a cloud of dust behind and making Boon cough he ran after the car.

He wasn't very fast but he had a lot of stamina but it wasn't enough. Boon couldn't spot the car anymore and soon he even forgot what the car looked like.

'Police? Do I call the police? i don't even know whats happening… i won't be able to describe them the situation but… i should call the police.'

He pulled out his phone and typed the digits in before clicking the call button.

[ riing ] [ riiinngg ]

Boon: "Mam…"

Abia: "Yes dear? Why did you call?"

Boon: "I just saw Boor and… can I be outside longer? Maybe I'll make it home before it rains"

Abia: "Boon.. While I'm happy that you're socializing - can't you hang out outside later? you can just invite him over too"

Boon: "Ma, I'm so sorry for spontaneously asking you this. Please, Please!"

Abia: "…"

Abia: "fine. If you get sick again i won't even look your direction!"

Boon: "Thank you Ma, i love you"

Abia: "humph.. i love you too"

[ Beep]

Boon hesitantly followed the road but he really didn't know where the car was and the details of what the car looked like were also instantly erased from his head. He got the stress itches again and subconsciously scratched ahead before the same car, helping Boon recognize it again, drove past him. He quickly ran after, trying to catch up.

'Is it driving in circles? Why? Where?!'

He shook his thoughts away, fully concentrating on not losing his pace or breath until he tripped on the slightly loose brick that was sticking out of the pavement.

"Ack! What the.. why?" He took a deep sigh before calming down and running straight ahead again and a few moments later he saw the same car driving past him again.

Sunglasses guy noticed a figure run after the car but a person couldn't possibly catch up with a car, what nonsense. 

Boon's legs were awfully tired but he tried to keep going even when the car wasn't in sight anymore.

Sunglasses guy: "Man he was persistent.. phew!" He tilted his seat a little to be in a more relaxing position and looked over to Boor before calling Mateo.


Mateo: "Hey. are you there yet?"

Sunglasses: "Uh-Huh. What about you?"

Mateo: "I don't see your car"

Sunglasses: "Wait! I can see you. Turn around - no - not there. Look. I'm waving"

Mateo saw his friend in the distance, waving, and approached him.

Sunglasses: "Just so you know: You owe me" 

He struck out his tongue as he said this.

Mateo just rolled his eyes.

Seeing the interaction of the two, Boor quickly tried to make a run for it, sneaking out of the car. Just when he was about to sprint, Mateo pulled on his hood. Boor choked on air and coughed several times before wiping his mouth and yelling "What the hell?! What's your deal?? Can't you just let me go?"

For Boor, this whole situation was unreasonable. All he did was just take a little money from a kid. A wimpy kid. So what if that kid was his brother? It was just a low amount of cash, not even a lot.. so "What's your deal, huh?!"

Mateo: ".. Are you seriously asking me this right now?"

Boor: "Why? You don't know the answer?"

Mateo gripped Boor's shoulders and squeezed. In his mind he saw a vision of him twisting his arm and tearing off his arm but he resisted. He wanted to let his control slip so much to the point that it hurt

Mateo: "You probably only ever saw me being kind, maybe that's why you're like this but It looks like you want to see me from other peoples perspectives too.."

The friend with the sunglasses acted like he was watching a movie; ooh-ing and crossing his arms. A cinematic experience for the friend who was seemingly under reacting, probably thinking about how he should have brought popcorn but that was before Boor threw a hard punch at Mateo's face.

Sunglasses guy gasped and his body language changed in a swift.

The punch bent Mateo's already crooked nose to the left and for a moment he was completely still, Even his expression was blank.


Boor realized the consequence of this action and turned around dipped out.

No, he didn't but he was planning to although this plan was unsuccessful because Mateo had wrapped his hand around Boor's neck and gripped it tightly.

Boor: "Aghk!"

Mateo: "…That's it."

He strangled Boor with no sign of stopping, scaring the drat out of Boor. 'Am i gonna die? Like this? Over something trivial as that? Is Mateo going to kill me.. because i borrowed some money from his brother?!' Boor's legs weakened by the fear that it turned his face had turned pale and purple. Mateo dropped him and mounted him before he began to punch Boor's face repeatedly. 

Boor did try to fight back but his weak attempts to push him off or punch him back were in vain. He could no longer focus on fighting back when the injuries caught up to him,each punch sending waves of sharp pain through his face. He definitely felt some areas get way warmer and mushier. Blood perhaps? He tried to kick him off with his legs. What the hell was wrong with Mateo? Dramatic piece of crap, a freaking psycho. 

Get this psycho off me. Help. Help!

Boon practically began yelling out Boor's to find him, slowly walking along the streets he already checked about ten times with hopes that 'Maybe this time he will be there'.

Rain trickled down from the sky.

Boon: "ah.. dang it.."

He thought about where the car could have driven off to.. maybe somewhere in the middle? 

Since the car was driving in circles when Boon first started to chase it he looked everywhere nearby but he didn't go any further than that.

'Where could they have taken him? To a hotel? Behind the gym? in a shady alleyway?'

Thoughts filled with options as he walked towards the greenhouse

'or.. somewhere abandoned?'

Boor felt the rain pour down on him, cold water washing down his blood and feeling the injuries more intensely. Mateo's punches got slippery and he finally decided to stop and get off Boor. 

Sunglasses guy: "Really? that wasn't enough to teach him a lesson"

Mateo: "I don't like rainy weather, lets get out of here."

the friend spilled water from his water bottle on Boor before following along with Mateo.

Boor slowly got up with trembling legs and picked up a rock, aiming it at Mateo's head.

Head shot.

Mateo touched the injury that felt like it was gonna bruise. 

"You think you're so much better!" Boor shouted "Newsflash! You're in my league"

"You've really done it now" Mateo said as he turned around, his definition of mercy thrown out of the window.

Boor lunged forward, fighting unfairly. He whacked Mateo with all he had left but then Mateo got to him he resorted to scratching and poking the eyes. Even then Mateo overpowered Boor, nearly knocking him out with each punch.

Boor got pulled by his hoodie from behind again.

What was it with these people hurting Boor's throat?

Before he knew it, Boor was getting dragged away.

'What?' He thought the one who pulled him was Mateo's friend or something but his friend was next to Mateo who was currently trying to catch his breath.

Boor: "What- who are you?!"

Boon: "What are you doing? Stop resisting, we gotta run!"

Boor: "BOON?!"

Boon looked back and realized that he was dragging Boor by his hood

"Ah! sorry!" He let go and grabbed Boor's arm instead. 

Boor ran along with him.

Although he didn't know where