Chapter 14: A-paw-ently friends

It was raining buckets on the streets and some were running from the rain, looking for something that could shelter them from the pouring rain.

Boon and Boor were running as fast as they could, holding on to each other for balance.

Boor had so many questions and so did Boon but Boor couldn't even hear his own voice under the loud pattering.

Boor: "Where.."

Boon: "Whaaat?!??!"

Boor: "WHERE TO??"

Boon darted a glance over his shoulder and saw a wet, empty road behind him.

He let go of Boor and rested his hands on his knees, regulating his breathing.

Boor was already soaked as he is and sat on the ground.

Boor: "I can't go home like this.. My mom's hair will fall off"

Boon: "what?"

Boor: "…"


Boon, with a crooked smile: "Same situation for me"

The sky blurred Boor's vision when he sighed and looked up to the darker sky. 

Boon: "ah.. ah…"

Boor's gaze turned to Boor and he noticed a few scratches on his body

Boon: "ACHOO!!"

Boor: "How did you get hurt?"

Boon: "oh.. I tripped" 

Boor: "........"

He tripped? Did he trip on a banana peel?

Boor: "Pft!"

Although he might've tripped because of the slippery streets?

Boon: "Hahahah!"

Boor couldn't hold back a chuckle either. At first they were just cackling but that soon turned into full-blown laughter that nearly had them in tears, not that anyone would notice tears under the rain.

Everything seemed funnier than it actually was

Boon: "Hahaa, I probably looked like an idiot, running around to find you.."

Boor: "The people outside probably thought you had a mental disorder or something!"

Boon: "stop, noo!"

He put a hand to cover his eyes from the embarrassment, his other hand was now clutching Boor's wrist tightly

Boor: "uh. Are you clingy or something?"

Boon: "No, no.. i just don't wanna fall on my face lol." 

Actually: Boor thought something was off. Even though he was the one who got his butt kicked, Boon seemed more weary and his breathing was ragged. 

Boor stared at Boon's face now. Runny nose, watery eyes and a stupid grin.

Even his voice was a.. 



Boor: ?

Boon: "Ah..choo!! haa.."

Boor: "Aren't you sick?"

Boon:" No.. not anymor- Ack.."

Boor tried to stop himself from laughing out loud when a series of uncontrollable sneezing racked Boon's body, every next one sounding more violent.

Boor: "Where are we going?"

Boon wiped his nose: "Ah.. lets just go to my place" 


He was laying on Boon's bed while Boon showered.

"Why doesn't this guy have any bright colored clothes?"

He mumbled, not appreciating the lack of bright, vibrant shirts in Boon's closet.

At-least he had brown clothes and not just black, dark or gray clothes because brown slightly resembled orange. Isn't brown just a darker shade of orange?

The door opened and Boor immediately sat up.

"I thought Ma would be home.. i wonder where she is?"

Boon said as he sat next to Boor.

Boor: "you can call her."

Boon: "That or I can just ask my dad. Imma be back in a sec"

Boor was now alone in the room again.

[ Ding! ]

Jibbblecat| sup, im on

Jibbblecat| wanna hop on Plato?

Jibbblecat| Literati

Boor's eyes widened at the text: Jibbble!

he smiled and turned to the side, this would surely break the awkward atmosphere.


Jibbblecat| wanna hop on Plato?

Jibbblecat| Literati

Boor was so exhausted, he wasn't really in the mood for Plato… Especially for a game he didn't really like.

Play a game now?

He thought he was gonna die today

ShampooBoo| Hiiii

ShampooBoo| sorry, i can't today

'Should i lie and say that I'm busy with something?'

Jibbblecat| Lol u replied so quickly it spooked me

Jibbblecat| Awe Cmon

Jibbblecat| really?

Jibbblecat| K then

ShampooBoo| what?

Boor: "SiiiiIiiIiiiiiIiggHhh"

ShampooBoo| Lets play tomorrow

ShampooBoo| sorry

He put his phone to the side and stared at the ceiling.

The pain of his wounds seemed to have lessened.

Boon walked into the room and told him "He said that he doesn't know where Ma is… want some tea?"

Boor would've said no but Boon was already holding the mug and he was feeling cold anyways so he just accepted the tea.

Boon: "Its pretty stormy out"

Boor: "Ha.. her turn to get drenched by the rain?"

Boon: "…"

Boon wanted to ask why he saw Boor crying in a car or getting beaten up.

'I dunno.. He has a short temper, i think.. What if he gets mad at me?'

Boon: "Boor so.. I.."

Boor: "Hm?"

Boon: "I'm gonna play The last dungeon, wanna watch?"

Boon sat down on the bed and opened the game, Boor scooted closer to watch.

Boor: "Is this multiplayer?"

Boon: "I don't think so"

He played a pixelated character that hopped from dungeons to dungeons, fighting different entities. The art was nice and so was the game-play but Boor was most captivated by the soundtrack to the point he would complain when Boon finished a level too fast. 

Boon noticed his interest and handed him the phone "You can play too"

but Boor moved the character to a corner and didn't move for a couple of minutes.

Boon: "Lol so its the music that you like?"

Boor: "yeah"

Boon figured he'd connect his phone to his wireless headphones and handed him the headphones instead whereas he continued playing the game.

After a few dungeons he looked at Boor that didn't say anything since then and assumed he was asleep. 


[ Rrriing! Rrriing! ]

Boon quickly turned his Bluetooth off.

His mom finally called back!

he picked up the call and greeted her 

"Boon! Boon, I'm nearby and i really can't hear you because of the rain and i need help with something, can you please find me and walk me home? i can't hear you so I'm going to hang up. Thanks love!"

She quickly explained without breathing in between.

Boon: "Well, OK, Ma, well-"

[ Beep! ]

Boon: "Uh.. okay.."

'I should tell her that Boor's here when I see her'

Boon grabbed his umbrella and jacket.

'I won't be able to wear this tomorrow, its gonna get too wet'

He put the jacket on and was about to leave the room.

Boor: "Where you going?"

Boon: "You're awake?!"

Boor: ".....barely"

Boon: "My mom asked for me to go to her. Do whatever you like in the meanwhile, don't steal or break anything"

Boor: "Can you put the game again?"

Boon: "Oh, okay. There you go" He opened the game and put his phone on the bed.

"Its not gonna take long, See you"

Boor was surprised that Boon left his phone open like that, does this guy have no secrets or embarrassing stuff on the phone?

Boon was under the rain again, This time with an umbrella. He saw his mom in the distance with a plastic box in her hands.

'?.. What's she holding?'

Abia approached Boon with a giddy smile on her face.

"Boooooonn heheh"

She said in between giggles.

A noise was coming out from that box, it sounded muffled and he couldn't tell what it was.

Boon: "Ma?!"

Abia: "Lets go home, I'll show youu"


Boor got startled by Boon barging in.

Boon: "Boor! Come to the living room!"

He exclaimed, worrying Boor. 

He didn't leave time for Boor to talk and dragged him to the living room.

Boor: "Hey! What are yo-"


Boor: "…."

With eyes widening in surprise, his mouth fell slack as he laid eyes on the new cat.