Diamond vs Silver

Wulls' battle against Brayan is taking place outside the warehouse, apparently Brayan was only covered from the brutal blows that Wulls, the girl's face was full of seriousness while Brayan seemed fed up with the situation.

"I'm starting to think you're the stronger of the two," Brayan said, resting his arms that were still shaking from Wulls' blows.

She did not speak at all apparently she was really angry, she continued to attack him, but this time she doubled the force and power of her blows, Brayan could not take it anymore he had to try to hit her at all costs otherwise sooner or later he would be defeated.

Wulls landed a blow to his abdomen causing him to crash into some trees.

"Do you really agree with this?" Men, women, the elderly, and children may starve.

"Do I care?" You're crazy, because I should care if people die we are hungry too and did that worry other people? No, Asterio had to marry and look for food on his own to feed us, no, to feed me, tell me, why should I save people, if no one helped me? In that case I'll just help Asterio because he's funny and I'm interested in that personality of his, he's not a stupid hero who saves people for mere recognition, living by patting himself on the back is so pathetic," he laughed at the end.

His words seemed to make Brayan angry, the blood on his hands gushed out as he clenched his fist, he didn't agree at all with the ideology of those two people, no one was willing to give their lives for others, only him.

"I see, it's good to know," he stood up while his arms began to change their texture, his body seemed to stiffen, his muscles grew to the point of tearing his shirt, "I'll erase that smile from your disgusting trash face."

In the blink of an eye, Brayan hit Wulls' face throwing her against some rocks, she could not regenerate so she will have to bear all the damage of the battle in the long run, running the risk of losing.

"That hurt, but Asterio hits harder," he emerged from the rubble.

Wulls disappeared from Brayan's sight, however, he could hear footsteps around him, but he could not see her, he was absurdly fast, until finally Wulls hit Brayan's jaw, the big blow echoed through the dry atmosphere of the rural area.

"His skin is very hard now, I could barely move him, besides," I look at his fist that was covered in blood, "I'll have to use the stone wolf form."

Night fell and with it an extensive battle between Brayan and Wulls, she was in her stone wolf form, her hair and eyes were gray, this form multiplies Wulls' strength and endurance however the speed is the same. The battle was focused on hitting and avoiding being hit, however, even having evened things out Brayan dominated the fight due to his enormous stamina.

"You look tired girl, you should stop or you will bleed to death."

"What are you talking about, I'm fine," Wulls laughed despite bleeding from his mouth and nose.

"Wulls," Tana called.

"What's wrong?"

"That is not crystal, according to what I was able to investigate he is the power of Mexico, Brayan "The diamond of humanity" murdered the scientists who experimented on him and then escaped.

"But he seemed like a kind person, one of those who disgust me.

"Well, we could say that he redeemed himself or simply did not want to continue with those experiments.

"And how do I deal with it?"

"Wait for him to show all his ability and when that happens you will use that."

Wulls raised his hand with his palm open, reaching it out to the sky.

"What are you trying?" Brayan asked.

Before Brayan could realize what was happening in the sky, Wulls laughed again while with his other arm he pointed to the sky, Brayan turned to look at the sky coming across a huge perfect stone sphere of 400 meters in diameter and was surprised to look at the great feat.

"You won't think about.

"Goodbye diamond of mankind," Wulls tossed the 16,000-ton stone sphere.

Brayan prepared himself as a large stone sphere was heading directly towards him in order to crush him, he stretched out his hands to stop the large sphere however it was impossible for him to achieve such a feat, with an open shout he tried to stop it but he simply could not, he knew it perfectly but the will to help the shelter led him to use the last form that was given by the government scientists, He screamed in an agonized manner as his body was practically formed of diamond, yes, now his skin was an armor that covered his entire body made purely and absolutely of diamond, this was not an extra-corporeal armor, no, the armor was his skin. Brayan hit the large sphere of rock hard, he could not charge or stop it so he decided to destroy it, the great force of the blow destroyed the huge rock, this because the force of his blow almost managed to equal the weight of the large rock reaching 10,000 tons, enough to destroy the rock.

"This looks bad," Wulls said.

A beautiful white armor with light blue details was facing Wulls, she knew that right now with one blow he could even kill her so she would go to what Tana had mentioned.

"Nice armor a little exaggerated but pretty," Wulls took a breath, "but I honestly prefer silver."

Wulls' hair turned silver as did his eyes, with a smile on his face that overflowed with confidence he threw himself against the imposing man in front of her, Brayan did the same and in the blink of an eye the battle intensified too much, however Wulls' blows did not penetrate the armor or in this case Brayan's skin, however, the blows that Brayan managed to land were deadly for Wulls, although his resistance and strength had multiplied again, it was not enough to penetrate Brayan's imposing defense.

Brayan hugged Wulls from behind and began to squeeze her tightly, however, despite that it was difficult for her as Wulls put up resistance by refusing to be defeated.

"Don't think so much about having that stupid armor!"

Wulls managed to break free from the grip and then repeatedly hit Brayan's abdomen, he quickly hit Brayan's abdomen and lunged at him with 50 punches per second, three seconds passed before Brayan reacted, he hit Wulls' face crashing it into the warehouse, Brayan grabbed his stomach while some punctures in his armor came out of blood.

Brayan knelt down in the immense pain he felt.

Wulls ended up next to Asterio, being right next to him he was still lying on the ground while Wulls with the little strength he had left pinched Asterio's arm.

"That hurts, you know," said Asterio.

"Shut up!" And you better go and kill that damned wretch at once." Wulls closed his eyes to return to his original form.

"Thank you Wulls, rest," he took her in his arms and laid her down on the seat of the truck where the food was, "I'll make sure she dies slowly and painfully."