Idolatry towards a future God.

I walk brimming with confidence to where Brayan was, he was on his knees touching his abdomen while watching me, I couldn't see what his expression was at this moment, that armor hid his face and with it his expressions.

"Surprised?" I asked mockingly.

I stood in front of Brayan looking at him carefully while he also stood up, he seemed to be in pain from the large wound he has in his abdomen, I guess that was the final attack that Wulls could have given him, well anyway I have to finish him off.

"You, you can't beat me.

He didn't seem surprised at my regenerative ability, from what I can think he deduced from the beginning, he had wondered about whether I was a powerhouse before, I guess he must be one and he just wanted to check if I was just another one of those such world powers.

"Why do you think that?" Because the hero always wins, right? I scoffed again.

"Stop referring to me as a hero!" He hit my face hard, shuddering.

I tried to strike back, but his speed was almost unpredictable to me, he hit my abdomen again while I spat out a large amount of blood, but avoid falling to my knees to hit his head or in this case the helmet of his armor.

"I told you you can't beat me," he didn't flinch at my blow.

"I see then.

My eyes shone as a small explosion pushed Brayan away a few meters behind, before I had fought Zeng with 30% of my strength to the form I baptized as Starform grade 2, grade 1 only allowed me to use 30% and that without being able to control the form well, but now with grade 2 my eyes begin to shine as well as all my hair, Bright illuminated particles surround my environment, I now completely own this form, a form, which I still don't know where it comes from.

"What the hell are you?" Brayan asked me.

"I am," I paused as he struck a self-centered pose, "I am the perfection of an imperfect race.

"Don't make me laugh, the only perfect being is above all else.

I threw myself against Brayan starting the battle, at first I can notice that I can't easily penetrate his armor, my blows are not powerful enough to be able to do him considerable damage, instead his blows are strong and powerful, I don't stop dodging and try to hit him harder. We moved quickly while we continued fighting, our punches sound in the silent night, we could deduce that in terms of strength and speed we are equal however that resistance is so problematic that I start to get annoyed.

"Hey, you know, how the hell do scientists treat children?" Or how many died before me? Brayan said with a slight tone of frustration, "since you can be so unempathetic with children who only want everything to go back to normal, you were once a child, you must know that the face of a child stained with the feeling of fear is something horrible," he hit my face hard as he held my shirt closer to him.

"As long as they're not my loved ones, I don't care if a few die," before finishing my sentence he hit my stomach repeatedly as he continued to hold on to my shirt.

I managed to stop his fist while he was lunging at him, over and over again until I managed to stun him followed by that I took his arm, knocked him to the ground and with all my strength I tried to detach him from him, his screams of pain could be heard, however, I could not detach him from him so I chose to break him, he screamed loudly while releasing his arm and hit his face with all my strength cracking the ground due to the great impact, After that I moved a few meters away to give myself a break.

"Son of!" He continued to scream and moan in pain while I smiled.

"Don't tell me what," I thought as I formed a theory.

He couldn't regenerate as quickly now, when he's in human form he concentrates all that diamond in regeneration, so when I went through his chest before he didn't feel as much pain, because the diamonds instantly acted as an analgesic in addition to starting regeneration. But now let's say that I am seeing his true physical body so when I broke his arm the pain was like that of any human with a broken arm, however, I used all my strength to break his arm, however, I must admit that it will be very difficult to beat him.

"Damn! In a burst of speed he hit my face hard.

He continued to hit me with an arm for 5 seconds, his speed suddenly increased while his power could be said to triple, the last blow was straight to my jaw lifting me in the air several meters above, I also fell making a rumble.

"I told you that you couldn't beat me, I'm the strongest power in the country and I'm also a man willing to live his life for others, helping them, protecting them and not making mistakes," I stomp on my head while saying the previous prayer.

"Don't make me laugh, you'll have your motives to help people."

"I only help them because it's the right thing to do.

"And do you think, will they do the same for you?" You are their protector and they are protected in their eyes, your duty and obligation is to help and take care of them, if you die they will already look for another imbecile, that I took care of the crows that ended up devouring him —I laughed at his words—, if you want to protect someone, protect me, someone who is capable of devouring the crows that have you tied to a responsibility that you should never have assumed," I extended my hand to him while he kept stepping on my head.

"I'd rather be devoured by crows than help a damn selfish.

"It's a pity, you would have been an excellent acquisition," I took his foot and repeating what I did before, I managed to break his fibula and tibia (leg bones).

He was getting quite weak, now his regeneration was not at 100% of its functioning and that relentless resistance was breaking due to his wear and tear, the wound that Wulls made in his abdomen still does not heal completely so it made things easier for me. I scream in pain as I took his foot off me and after an agile movement I hit his abdomen with my remaining strength throwing him against some trees.


I watched the fight carefully from my room, I see how Asterio has practically won the fight, I can see the expression on his face of satisfaction, well he will defeat the strongest Mexican power. If I could think of a scale of 1 to 5 Asterio would be a 4 and Brayan a 2 or at least at this point, the encounter against Wulls was intense and that caused Brayan to be weakened, but he was still able to give Asterio a battle in his grade 2 star form, just fantastic.

Although if it were not for the intervention of Wulls Asterio would not have been able to beat Brayan, I would dare to say that it would have caused young Astaro more difficulties, par excellence young Astaro is a prodigy when it comes to fights without restrictions but Asterio is an egomaniac who thinks only that the opponent in front of him is always below him and when it is not, He begins to learn from the opponent to the point of completely surpassing him, feeding his ego of superiority to any opponent who thinks he can defeat him to show that he is better than him at something.

"How is Asterio Tana doing?" Wulls asked behind me.

"Master Asterio is about to beat the power, look.

I have a huge screen in front of me where I can see the battle that happens in the real world, Wulls approached me looking at the screen, her spirit reached the private space that inhabits inside the silver figure when she is asleep or in this case unconscious. I watch closely as Asterio stands right above Brayan while he seems to look at him with that expression of superiority.

"He seems happy, although I think he couldn't beat him from the beginning, he should be a little grateful to me.

"No, Wulls, I think he knew that all along.

"What do you mean?"

"I say Master Asterio wanted to know how strong you were, knowing if a tool is of good quality is very important," I smiled mockingly as I looked at the screen.

"I'll show you a force that would make it clear that the only one who didn't stand a chance against your opponent was you.

Asterio's arms began to vibrate abruptly, I thought of some detailed explanation about his reason, however, I didn't have enough data to come to a definitive conclusion.

"He's going to beat him up," Wulls said.

"I know," I said, thinking and analyzing what I was seeing, "he doesn't seem to be trembling with rage, and judging by the appearance of his arm they don't seem to be trembling from exerting too much outside as the muscles contract.

When he gave the first punch a large part of his surroundings resounded, it was as if something very heavy was falling from a great height, the second and third resounded causing the same effect, I thought that maybe he was just hitting hard but as I saw the punches I realized several details, at some distance from Asterio's fist and Brayan's body, The fist fell faster than normal at a speed as if the fist weighed thousands of kilos, after several seconds I open my eyes wide at my final conclusion.

"I didn't think Asterio had so much strength, if he had hit as he has been doing from the beginning I could have easily beaten him.

"You don't understand Wulls," he smiled in an unfriendly way, but he had an expression of mockery and happiness, "he's not hitting hard," I laughed, "he's increasing the gravity where his arms are located, 30, 60 or 80, not 100 times!" Master Asterio's blows weigh 100 times what they usually do, Master Asterio had a strength of 100,000 kilos in his grade 2 star form so multiplied by 100 it would be 10,000,000 kilos of strength! Or 10,000 tons! We could say that Brayan is repeatedly falling on top of the Eiffel Tower.

"Wait!" 10,000 tons! Wulls was surprised.

"This is what I meant by the fact that he learns as he passes combat, his ability to adapt to the battle environment is practically incredible, creating skills capable of destroying cities, not states perhaps.

"But then why don't you destroy everything?" Wulls said.

"Because on top of that, it controls the impact by focusing it and distributing it throughout Brayan's body, not even the toughest mutant diamond armor in the world can stand against such a massive force. I reaffirm again my loyalty to this man, I would not have asked for a better owner, he is a genius in construction, he is the aspiration and the model of any proud warrior.

"Don't you think you're idolizing him too much, Tana?"

"Look who says it, tell me that smile on your face, doesn't it say the same thing as me?"

"You're right," Wulls has a mocking but also terrifying smile, "with this man we can murder them all and live in peace at last.

If, one by one, you will die before the King of the Egomaniacs, the building of the empire begins now, let's go Asterio train yourself physically and mentally to build the best race, the race that surpasses even the same one created by God and make God repent of having created you and become the new God.