Divine Conversation.

I am standing on top of Brayan's body while looking at him carefully, his eyes had lost their brightness and he showed no signs of mobility, I tried to make him move or come to his senses, however, he would no longer be able to hear me.

"It's a pity, you had great potential," I left the place, arriving where Wulls was lying down.

She was still resting, fortunately I found a first aid kit and attended to her wounds, I laid her down in the cabin while I bandaged some wounds and cleaned her body that was stained with blood. In the end I left her lying down again as I left the warehouse, dawn was approaching and I pretended to rest, the battle had tired me too much and I was about to close my eyes when I heard a familiar voice.

"I see that your path is complicated.

I heard this voice before leaving for Colombia.

"Che Uinic, right?"

"Yes, I'm glad to see that you followed my advice.

"Apparently you were right, I just need to get to Colombia and take care of the conflict between witches, right?"

"Yes, you're absolutely right.

"Hey," I spoke seriously.

"Is something wrong?"

—I had a dream where I was with a woman, that woman told me that I was the savior of her people, in addition to that she showed me her memories, why would I do it?

"I suppose it may be due to a prophecy in your town, something that was destined to happen, by the way, you speak with more confidence with me, don't you think?"

"Well, I don't rule out that you can cause me problems in the future, but you told me something that turned out to be true, so let's say that I could trust you at least 5%

"How kind?"

"I know, I'm very kind," I lay down on the floor, "but back to the subject, what do you mean by a prophecy exactly?"

"You remember that foul smell inside you.

"Yes, the witch said it was a wonderful smell.

"Well, maybe you're related to them in some way, whether it's an ancestor of yours."

"I don't remember much about me or my parents, I only know that Sofia rescued us from the street, that's all, I just hope that we solve the problem of the beasts so that we can return home.

"Well, that's the main objective, anyway, they call you open your eyes," he laughed.

I opened my eyes and I could see how Brayan looked at me without any expression, surprised I tried to get up, but he hit my head too hard making my brain end up like a balloon I feel burst by a needle.


I was levitating and I didn't feel any pain, after my battle against that imbecile I must have seen him dead. Now who will protect those people I hope that good people find refuge and help them, well it was a miserable life, but I hope that God will have mercy on me and forgive me for my sins, at last I will rest in peace.

Hey you did well outside, you're amazing

"Huh?" Who are you?

I looked at a black being in a white space, I could see my body and hear his words.

Such a good soul shouldn't die this way, you should infect the world with your kindness and teach others about empathy

"Who are you?" I asked again.

A god, the god of oblivion

"God of oblivion?" That there is not only one God?

Yes god only one, but I'm a forgotten god who wants to improve the world made by god

"I'm confused, where am I?"

In limbo, yes, my limbo

"Limbo, and what does that mean?"

That you're not quite dead, because it wasn't time for you to die

"Then why am I here if it's not my time yet?"

I tried to get him to explain to me this supposed God should do now, should I stay in this place until the final judgment comes? I was panicking, I was afraid, a fear of the unknown, I was about to scream when the silhouette hugged me, my tears ran down my face as I cried inconsolably in front of the silhouette that was just hugging me.

Suffering is a fundamental part for a person to develop and you suffered a lot, you were just a small child you did not know the love of a mother or the support of a father, however, you stood up to be able to help others, you are a strong man Brayan surely god will be proud of you

I continued crying until I could calm down, the silhouette hugged me tightly as if telling me "I won't let you go" I was at peace, as if a mother was hugging me, in these moments I just wanted to stay like this, I wanted to be at peace.


"Tell me," my body looked like it did when I was 10 years old.

I would have liked to have a son like you, you are a strong child who helps others, kind and cheerful.

"And I a, uh, mother or father like you." I couldn't tell if this silhouette was a man or a woman, but what I could say was that when I was with her he had a very pleasant peace.

I can be both, if you want, but a father needs to see his son succeed who will always look at him with pride, you will live again and bring your joy to others just as a brother would with his other siblings

"But I don't want to get away from you!"

You won't be far from my Brayan, as long as the night sky is starry I'll always be waiting for you to tell me how your day has been, I'll be ready to hear about the adventures of my beloved son

"Really?" You won't leave my side, will you?

I will never leave you Brayan, how could I move away from the proud son I have since I am your father and as a father I will always take care of you

"Then I will!" Leave it to me

Good boy, now I will give you strength and skill that exceeds your limits, you will be the best warrior on the battlefield with the best resistance in the world you yourself will be your limit and you yourself will decide when and where you will die, but of course besides me you have a brother who is waiting for you

"Really!" I always wanted to have a brother.

That boy who wanted to take your life away will take you to him, also if you are with him I assure you that you will lead a happy life on earth, help him and maybe you will find the warmth of a loved one that you yourself helped.

I was beginning to see blurred it seems that I am about to wake up, I looked at him for the last time smiling happily at him.


I was attentive to his call, it seemed that he would tell me something important.

Always remember that there is only one god and that even though I have saved you, thank the one who truly gave you life, obey him and trust him because he is the company I have always wanted to have, but unfortunately I cannot have it, take care of yourself son and I look forward to your wonderful achievements on earth.

After that I closed my eyes feeling how I fell somewhere, yes, I fell into my future.


I opened my eyes to see some ropes that had me tied, I focused my eyes forward there was Brayan and Wulls eating, Brayan was driving the truck that was full of food still confused I tried to understand the situation well it seemed like the first time I met Brayan, it is practically the same situation only that I am tied up as if I were an animal.

"Hey, what the hell is wrong with you and your Wulls, why the hell don't you jam him!"

"Have you woken up yet, imbecile?"

"No, I'm still sleeping dreaming about your sister.

"What a dijist!

"Don't both of you fight anymore and let them eat at ease.

"You shut up, useless dwarf, instead of eating because you don't attack him.

"Maybe because even though he practically killed you with one blow, he took the trouble to help you get to Colombia and by the way he found more food.

"Who the hell asked him for help?"

"I do it because I want to, and didn't you want me to join you before?"

"Yes, but not in this way. Untie me, animal!"

"Who do you call an animal!" The only animal here is her that does not stop swallowing the meat.

"What did you say, stupid, in case you don't know, this animal was defending you!"

We continued arguing for 30 minutes, I don't think it's a bad idea to acquire Brayan in our team, what doesn't convince me is the way he joined us, it's too suspicious that he suddenly lends himself to help me, anyway, anyway, I guess reviving after my brain exploded makes me think a lot, Will I be immortal? Or actually his blow wasn't that bad, but I'd swear my brain exploded. Despite that the journey continues and I feel that it will not be my only problem on this trip where we started it three and now there is a stowaway among us.


Empowered Rebirth: The person who possesses this ability will become stronger as they lose their life in their battles, increasing their attributes by 3.5.

Disadvantage: If he dies three times in a row on the same day, he will die permanently.