Ch 12: Seduction. (+18)

After getting home. . .

We had a hearty dinner with Marianne. I made a salad with goat cheese that I still had for myself to eat, made a stew with the deer loin we've got for the market and roasted potatoes with butter on the side. For dessert, we've got a muffin and a cookie.

I have some of the left over meat loin to the puppies for them to eat of course and left the bones for them.

I gave each girl their share and let Dorothy keep the deer pelt for Joseph to sleep with.

I'm starting to see that I'm going to need more blankets. Especially for winter. I noted putting a list of things that I was going to need.

Marianne left to go home with the copper I gave her and bid her goodbye.

Then Elizabeth, Dorothy and I took a bath with Joseph.

Dorothy and Joseph were staring at my milkers. Dorothy looked down at her chest which was practically very small and suddenly looked gloomy.

I looked at Elizabeth who just hugged her while nodding and acknowledging her pain and chuckled.

. . .

Elizabeth went to sleep on my bed while Joseph went to sleep with the puppies near the frunance.

Dorothy and I were staring at each other in the table in silence.

The silence was heavy but with raw emotions around us. Dorothy was starting to comprehend the lengths I was about to go for her, and she didn't look too pleased about it.

'Are you sure?' She asked.

'Oh, I'm sure, that stupid package of horseshit will die before you know it.' I declared smiling darkly.

'B-But why?' Dorothy asked.

'If the law protects shitty men, then who protects vulnerable women Dorothy?' I asked back. 'Since we cannot get help from the stupid law, we have to help each other. And sometimes that means going desperate lengths to help fellow women.' I declared softly.

'B-But he's strong!' Dorothy warned me worried in a very low and frightened voice. 'What if he hits you or worse?!' She asked with fear coming out of her eyes.

'That won't happen.' I assured her while taking her hand. 'You said that he liked to waste your money on prostitutes, I'm just going to get your money back by being his favorite prostitute.' I clarified.

Dorothy didn't looked angry, but didn't looked relieved either. It was clear that she didn't love her husband nearly enough to care for his cheating anymore and was worrying more about my safety than about her husband's cheating.

'Don't worry, in fact let's make a date limit.' I offered. 'If by when the landlord comes for the rent money, we'll try something else.'

Dorothy thought about it. 'How much time there's left for that?' She asked.

'In 1 week.' I told her.

Dorothy's frowned softened and finally agreed. 'One week, no more.' She declared for me. 'But also, how much rent does he asks for?'

'Well, since I moved here with all my animals alive, he's asking for 1,000 copper per month.' I declared.

Dorothy's eyebrows raised up in surprised.

'Don't worry I already have the money for it.' I calmed her. 'Also, since I've notified that Elizabeth will be living for the winter with me, the rent will be cut in half and Eli will pay half of it.' I clarified. 'And if everything goes well, if you want that is, you'll be able to move here from that por house for the winter and help me pay rent for the rest of the winter.' I offered.

Dorothy started to sniffle and nodded accepting the offer. 'T-Thank you!' She exclaimed a bit loud.

'Sh Sh sshhh!' I sat up to hug her and comfort her. 'If you want to cry do it silently, the kid is right beside us.' I whispered to her. Dorothy nodded and cried on my shoulder all her hardship and pain.

. . .

Dorothy was now asleep with Joseph and the puppies.

As she went to dream land, I asked a small description of her husband. After I received it, I started to put things into action.

I myself went to town as silently as possible with the heavy cloak I bought today to cover me from the wind and cold.

When I got there, I saw a whole different town before my eyes.

Alcoholics everywhere, prostitutes offering themselves. Where the hell did these gals came from!?

Fortunately, the stable for the horses was open so I let my horse stay there and went to Stella's boutique. I saw that she was ready to go home but I stopped her.

'Stella!' I exclaimed to her softly.

Stella looked my distressed look and then pointed with her face at her boutique. I nodded and then she opened it yet again and let me inside.

. . .

A few minutes later. . .

'You what?!' Stella exlclaimed with shock and distress in her eyes. 'W-Why would you want that type of dress?!' She asked shock. 'D-Didn't our deal helped you get enough money?!' She demanded to know.

'Yes it did.' I answered truthfully. 'But I'm not doing it for the money.' I started to explained calmly.

Stella frowned.

'I'm not doing it for the pleasure either.' I added.

Now Stella looked confused. 'What's the reason then?' She asked raising an eyebrow,

I motioned to get close and then whispered a summary of the situation in a single sentence: 'A little shit must die by the next week.'

Stella raised her eyebrows in surprise due to my language but then frowned again when she digested the information. 'His name?'

'Full name I don't have, but his last name is Cranland.' I answered.

Stella's face went from shock to fury. 'That insufferable man!' Exclaimed furious. 'Things must've gotten worse for Dorothy.' She murmured.

I nodded in agreement. Now I fully trust her since she knows Dorothy. 'Her family home is about to fall down, barely have any food left, a young toddler to take care and the fucking bastard doesn't lift even the pinky finger to help.' I summarized Dorothy's life crossing my arms. 'I told Dorothy my plan, but she didn't want to take the risk unless I am able to pull it off by the next week.' I added.

Stella nodded fully understanding now. 'I'll help you. In fact, you can help by letting you borrow this dress and promoting them to the other girls.' She started to go to her workshop. 'You'll need a face mask because in this town, rumors and local news travel fast, so it's better to be safe than sorry.' She told me bringing out a very good (and expensive looking) dress and a beautiful face más. 'Here, put them on. I'll give you the key to the back door so you can return the dress and leave naturally once there's no one outside anymore.'

'At what time does that happen'' I asked taking the clothes.

'At around 3 to 5 a.m.' Stella answered. 'Today it might be around 5 since it's the weekend, so be very careful.' She started she guided me to a dressing room. 'Oh, and the bastard is usually in the "Great Forks." The ball room is often used for the "elite" prostitutes and single men who want to have "fun."' She told me as she left me dress up.

I started to undress and started to put the new clothing up.

I put the clothing on and felt like a old fashion slut. The dress had a very tight black corset that made my boobs be twice as huge as they already are. The dress itself was cup shaped but it was down to barely my upper leg. I was going to freeze myself if I hadn't brought by cloak with me. The upper part of the dress had very short sleeves that barely covered with a line down my shoulders and let my neck shoulder's and arms on sight.

I felt excited to be honest. It reminded me when I once upon a time I wore the lengery for my ex-boyfriend imagining the dirty things we would definitely do after he came home.

I controlled myself and went outside to show Stella how I looked.

Stella took one look at me and without even blinking, she said, 'the bastard will definetely pay the money he stole from Dorothy. Maybe even more.' Her eyes were staring at my breasts. 'It looks painful and they look about to explode.' She murmured.

'And they are.' I nodded in agreement while adjusting my milkers and the corset. 'Sometimes I feel like I was cursed rather than "blessed" with this pair of melons attached to my chest.' I admitted.

'You might as well feel lucky because those definetely would help you to gain Cranland's attention and trust.' Stella suggested. 'Are they—'

'Yes they are completely natural, from my mother's side of the family.' I answered before she finished.

Stella blushed. 'Are you gonna get more "clients" besides Cranland?' She asked while giving me a Fan that matched the dress.

'Well. . . I don't know, it will depend on. . Whether I do enjoy it or not.' I admitted blushing and covered my face with the mask and fan.

'Well, you might as well have fun.' Stella moved her eyebrows up and down. 'Of course, as long as no one discovers you and you keep yourself from getting pregnant or getting a disease.' She added getting us out of the open door.

I nodded in agreement while putting my cloak on. Having fun is okay, but not when I might be discovered.

. . .

In the Great Forks. . .

I was let in by some soldiers who I bribed them with the opportunity to put their faces on my boobs.

It was definetely worth it.

The ball room was . . . Incredibly good mannered.


For the most part that is.

A female servant took my coat and gave me an explanation.

'Since you are a female you can eat, drink and sleep with whoever you choose.' The maid started to tell me. 'But there are rules to follow: 1) The Great Forks is not responsible for the married men and women that enter to sleep with others and with each other. 2) You can enter freely, but you have to either stay until the clients and especial guests leave or pay a small fee of 50 coppers to leave earlier. 3) You are responsible for your own body and mind and no one is bound to help in a moment of distress. 4) Do not have sex outside of the bedrooms allowed; the bedrooms are in the upper floor and free to use until 6 a.m. 5) You are responsible for the price you ask in exchange to allow a man touch you both outside and inside your body. 6) Any arguing, fighting or beating that you are part of will result in—'

*Incoherent backlash and screams from two drunk men who are being dragged by soldiers out of this room*

'Your expulsion, and a fee of 500 copper; failing to justify or pay the fee will result in expulsion from the Jackforks valley. 7) The Great Forks is not responsible for any accidents that occur in bed or by force.' She finished. 'Any questions?'

I nodded. 'Just one. What would happen if two or more men started to argue for me without me asking for it?' I asked.

'Then the soldiers will "rescue you" for a "fair price."' The maid answered.

'I see.' I covered my mouth with me fan to hide my annoyed face. 'I understand, thank you.' I took from my pouch 2 silver coins and gave them to her. 'Hide them.' I whispered leaving quickly form her.

She nodded and quickly ran away with her precious silver coins.

I started to search directly for Cranland. I decided to take my time since it was barely 10 p.m. I had until 5 a.m. and maybe I could use some fun.

Some men started to bring me to their laps and chat with me.

I presented myself as Velvet Sirelle. The men were being attracted to me like moths to lamps.

Since I wasn't finding Cranland any time soon, I thought to myself: Well, might as well get money and sex while I'm at it, while smiling to myself.

'If my lady Sirelle here agrees, I can offer a very good amount.' A middle age man took my hand and kiss it. 'I present myself, My name is Roger Jackson, How much do you offer?' He asked staring at my breasts.

I saw that he was already hard and bit my inferior lip while feeling my face hot. 'Well, depends on what part of my body would you like to touch.' I took his hand and guided him upstairs. 'Touching my breast adds up to 50 copper, grabbing my butt adds up to 100 copper.' I cornered him halfway upstairs and whispered in his ear. 'But leaving the seed inside, will cost you up 100 silver coins. Per load.' I clarified making sure my free hand was grabbin his groin while touching his chest with my breasts which were bound to free themselves anytime soon.

Mr. Jackson was already drunk out of his mind and kissed me. He had agreed and took me to a free room and gave his manhood to me.

'By the way, is it okay to call for room service?' I asked him petting his little friend down to his balls. 'I mean, we want to keep the party going, don't we?' I gave him a kiss on his lips.

'Oh~~ yes.' He agreed as I swallowed his groin my mouth. 'Oh my gods, you are amazing!' He exclaimed while tryin to reach the rope bell. 'Keep going, I got it.'

'Hmm-hmm.' I kept slurping his groin as if I needed it.

. . .

A few minutes later. . .

The maid lady came with wisky as soon as I made the man came in my mouth.

The maid didn't even blinked while she put the alcohol on bed cabinet and left.

I sat up from the best and served him a huge glass of wisky for him to drink while I undressed myself.

After showing my beautiful naked self, he also got undressed and gave himself another glass of whiskey before carrying me and I let his manhood inside me.

'Ah~ yes, yes. . . Ugh!' I moaned while feeling Jackson's groin in and out of inside me while letting my breasts jiggle in his face.

Jackson was giggling like a fool with his face between my breasts. 'Y-Your body is-is *hip* am-amazing!' He exclaimed now speeding things up and and banging inside.

'O-Oh my god yes! Yes! Harder~!' I exclaimed while feeling the pleasure building up inside my womb. If I was going to be a prostitute (even a temporal one) I had to play the part of getting myself a reputation.

Even if it was just for a week.




After a few hours and 5 men later. . .

My back and hips were sore. But I had 600 silver coins in hand so I couldn't complain. Not until I get myself pregnant though, therefore, I need to make sure not even a fetus grows inside me.

But I'll figure it out later, first Cranland then the baby problem. But for now, due to feeling tired and exhausted, I decided to call it a day and try to leave early.

It had been about 6 hours, it was 3:00 a.m., and though I still had about 2 hours before everyone went home, I wanted to keep searching, I still had to work at the farm.

'Hey little girl. . .' A drunk ass man called out to me. I turned to see who it was and I saw the Dorothy's husband. 'My name. . . Is Hugo. . . Hugo Cranland.' He got closer to me while Trippling a little bit due to drunkenness. 'How much do you offer?' He asked right away smiling.

I gave myself time to look at the man. No wonder Dorothy fell for him. Handsome face, although with a messed up beard, blue icy eyes, black hair and a very good muscle on his body.

It reminded me of little Joseph, but older. And drunker.

I smiled to him. 'I'm feeling generous, so I'll make an offer.' I got close to him. 'I'll give two free hours to have me by your side and bed, and next Sunday you give every single penny you have. Deal?' I offered purring myself into him.

The man smiled prevertdly and brought me inside the nearest room and gave me the night of my life!!





At 8:00 am in the morning. . .

Because I was so tired from stripping and getting used as a cum dumpster, I decided to sleep in and have Elizabeth and Marianne help Dorothy to get to know the barn.

Hugo Cranland was like a wild lion wanting to mate with every single female both inside and outside of his pride.

'No wonder you let yourself get pregnant by him.' I murmured looking at Dorothy mischeaviously.

Dorothy blushed of embarrasment. 'He can be your husband then.' She mocked back while drinking goat milk.

I chuckled. 'No thanks, I don't like the idea of marriage. Having babies, maybe in the future, but not marrying someone.' I shook my head.

Dorothy looked at me briefly and then to the girls. I ignored them as Elizabeth looked at Marianne who only drew a line through her neck while lipsigning "Don't ask," while shaking her head.

Elizabeth and Dorothy looked to other ways and then back at me.

'So, what did you find?' Dorothy asked.

'Well, I still don't know who else sleeps with him, but I also found out that he's cheapskate opportunistic, the moment I let him have his way free up to Sunday, he took it without blinking.' I shrugged. 'Either plan is working better than expected, his head is just so full of sex and alcohol that either he doesn't care anymore, he's just that dump or both and just want a cumdumpster in who load his seed on.' I deduced drinking my water and my breakfast.

The rest of them shrugged too, although my last words made them blush a little.

'But wait, if you are letting him have you for free, then what is all that?' Marianne asked pointing to my open bag full of silver coins.

'Well, I had to act as a real prostitute if I wanted to keep a low profile, didn't I?' I asked them raising an eyebrow.

Their faces were priceless.

'You think I could make money too?' Elizabeth and Marianne asked both excited.

Dorothy looked at them in shock but then thought about all the money she could have and then the thought wasn't so bad afterwards.

'Do you have the body confidence for that?' I asked them back.

Three of them went gloomy as their answer.

'Yeah, sorry to tell you but most women tend to become prostitutes or nuns when they don't have anymore options.' I clarified. 'I'm the exception because of my plan, but I'm planning to have it done as soon as I have Cranland done for.' I added.

They all nodded understanding.

'Good. Now, go back to work. I have to go and rest for tonight. Wish me luck!' I asked the while leaving for upstairs.

They all waved at me goodbye and then looked at each other.

'20 copper that she pulls it off.' Elizabeth bet.

'1 silver coin that she fails and gets herself pregnant.' Dorothy bet, she was willing to pay the silver coin to wish she was wrong.

'I bet 100 copper coins that she pulls it off and get pregnant!' Marianne bets.

'Gee! Thanks so much for the encouragement!' I exclaimed at them sarcastically while getting myself ready for bed. 'By the way Elizabeth, prepare the 500 copper coins for the rent! I'll send it to the mail tonight and then send my share on Sunday!' I told her and quickly laid down.

'Okay!' Elizabeth went back to the wool. 'Let's go girls, chop chop!' She exclaimed.

Marianne took Dorothy back outside to get the sheep and goats something to eat.

They all laughed in the end.




At the Great Forks at night. . .

I almost immediately found Cranland nearly as sober as he was drinking again.

I took his shoulder and he brought me to a chamber where he bang me for the next two hours.

God, he may be a fucking husband, but BOY he was good fucking me in bed.

. . . .

'Hmm~.' I gave him one last kiss before getting off from him and started to get dressed.

Cranland stared at me, as he was expecting me to stay and desire him more.

I left without considering him once. It was all part of the plan.

I listened as I heard through the door raining obscenities to my persona because I didn't want to spend more "free" time with him than what we accorded.

'Pff!' I covered my mouth with my fan. 'Not even two nights and he decided he wanted to be my lover.' I shook my head as I went back to the party and went back to banging other men.

Not even 5 minutes back at the party and men were hovering around me like mosquitoes to light.

I banged a few other other men who's money came to 400 silver coins and 550 copper coins.

In the end, not a bad night at all. The copper coins will go for the things I need to invest and the silver coins will go for the emergency fund that I created.