Ch 13: Lust, Desire & Murder (+18).

Over the next few days. . .

I became Cranland's obsession. He would arrive early and try to follow me to my house.

Unfortunately, he's always drunk and is very clumsy so is easy to lose him when I'm leaving.

I would help Dorothy come to her house and be the hawk that would stop her husband from making an scene, especially when it came to wanting money.

Thanks to this, Hugo Cranland started to become sexually frustrated and would bang me the full two hours.

He even expressed the desire of wanting me to come to his home for a full night with only me and him.

Gotcha. I smiled giving him kisses on his face and neck accepting the offer that Wednesday.

After leaving him with more desire, I went to one of my usual clients: Elliot Jackforks. Son and heir of the Mayor of Jackforks.

He's single, in his mid-20s but well builded, huge amount of silver to spend on me and with a huge groin.

The perfect client in short words.

'Hmmm~.' He also kisses wonderfully. 'Let me make you a baby.' He says smiling drunkenly.

I laughed taking it as a joke. 'You must definetely DO NOT want a baby with me.' I assured him while I kept my body on top on him with his groin still inside me. 'You are most definetely too drunk, so I'll take this with a grain of salt.' I rolled my eyes and went back to moving my hips back and forth.

'Aaahhhh~.' It didn't take much for home to cum inside me again. 'That felt great.' He sighed satisfied while strectching himself on bed.

I often liked for him to end inside me because, well, if I DID end up pregnant, I can easily show proof that we slept with one another and then ask for child support.

I would like to make sure that there was just one man that he was allowed to cum inside me so I can be about 75% sure that the probably-future-baby is his and not from other men.

The maid also left a very wonderful wine in the room. Therefore, I also gave myself the luxury of drinking too. In fact, I might as well keep drinking to make sure there's no baby in the making.

When I drank, I personally would prefer a glass and the cup halfway full so I can drink slowly, Jackforks on the other hand, he prefers to take a full gulp directly from the bottle. As if that was going to impress me.

'Another round.' Jackforks said. 'I can give you the silver *hip* you want.' He said while burping the last part.

'Sorry handsome, But unless I see the actual silver, I don't think you can tell me to stay.' I said to him while getting off him and started to get my clothes.

Jackforks immediately went to get his pants that had a fanny pack attached to them. From that panny pack he took a pouch quite big and clumsily gave it to me. 'Here, take the silver and be my wife.' He said.

I laughed. 'Hahahahahahaha! I can't be your wife silly! You only want to sleep with me either get bored or until you get me pregnant, which I totally understand more than wanting to be stuck in a marriage with me.' I told him straight in the face while taking the bag and counting th silver. 'For both of our sakes, let's hope that the first thing happens instead of the second one.' I murmured more to myself than to him.

Jackforks looked at me dead in the dead. 'Then be *hip*. . . Lover, for the night.' He declared. 'There must be enough silver for it.'

I finished counting. 'Why yes, yes there it.' I smiled at him. '2,050 silver coins eh!?' I whispered to myself knowing that the man is practically to drunk to realize that he just wasted more silver that he should or could. But again that was not my problem, he offered all his silver for me to stay with him for the night so I agreed. 'Seems we have a deal boy, but don't you think it's better with some more alcohol?' I suggested while taking the corset quickly letting my breasts show and letting the bag full of silver coins drop onto my clothes.

He immediately shook the rope desperately for us to get some alcohol.

The maid came quite annoyed with an even more luxurious bottle of alcohol and before she left, I secretly gave her two silver coins as tip. Her annoyance dispersed as soon as she saw her new silver coins and left with them.

I quickly went to work while Jackforks settled down with his new bottle of alcohol. I looked at the clock first to know what time it was. One a.m. huh? Well, I can fuck his brains out by four o clock. Hopefully. I said pretty confident and sat on his lap and gave kisses on his neck.

His groin immediately harden and I dropped on the floor to swallow that huge piece of meat. His moans and grunts were pleading for me to either make pace or stop playing and go for the best part.

As soon as I felt like he was hard enough, I stopped slurping his cock and sat on him letting his meat inside me without stopping.

'Ooooohhhh~~~~~.' He moan and laid his back to the bed like he just won the best price of all. 'You are amazing~~~.' He grunted for pleasure.

'I know.' I moved my hips feeling pleasure myself and almost immediately started to go wild on his groin. After all, if I wanted to knock him out I needed to exhaust him to he point that he doesn't remember even his name.

. . . .

Some time later. . .

'Go on! Yes! Oh, yes! YES, BREED ME!' I exclaimed while feeling Jackfork's going banging inside me while I was laying down on my stomach and he on top of me banging my insides.

'I'll Breed you and then have a baby with you!' Jackforks was already lost in pleasure and desire, to the point that he just said his most perverted thoughts out loud. 'Once I breed you, you'll be my wife and I'll breed you again until you can't make babies anymore!' He sped his groin inside me even more.

The sound of clapping was extremely notorious in the room. *CLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAP!!*

'Oooh! Ngh! A-Aaaaah! Uuuu~~!' I moaned feeling his body lay down on me making pressure and speeding things up and he actually started to make me almost loose my own brains. 'Aaaaa! Aaaahhh! Ngh! Ohhhh! More! Aaaahh! Yes! Give me, give me GIVE ME!' I demanded.

'Yes yes! Do you feel it!? I'm breeding you! I'll breed until you have my children!! YES!!!' Jackforks came inside me once more and he was in "full glory mode."

I felt that seed invade me and sighed of pleasure. I need to make sure there will be NO babies popping out of me. I declared to myself as I also felt how (fortunately) Jackforks felt on a pillow by my side without falling on top of me. Huh? I asked myself and checked him out.

He was dead to the world. He banged me until he could no more. He is soul gave up without knowing if he's really getting his father's inheritance.

He fell asleep in other words.

'Awww, well it was fun while it lasted.' I murmured to myself and chuckled. 'Sleep well, I need to get home.' I standed up, put my clothes on, to the full bag of money and tip and slipped out without no one seeing me. Gotta thank this world for not having invented the camara yet. I thought as I slipped back to the party and looked at the clock.

Since it was Wednesday, or rather, it was now Thursday since I it was already dawn, I quickly remembered Stella saying that the "party" would probably be over by 2 or 3 a.m., therefore it made sense as to why there was almost no one at the ball room.

Huh. Well I better get home I guess. I shrugged and left without anyone stopping me, although, I noticed some very good looking bottles and a table that weren't opened just yet.

So, just to make sure they didn't noticed, I took two bottles of wine and ran out of the place as if I was some sort of criminal.




In the morning at around 9:00 am . .

The girls looked at the pouch full of 2,050 silver coins and the bottles of wine.

'Are you saying that, The Elliot Jackforks wasted his brains and money on you because of his drunkenness?' Marianne asked summarizing everything I told her and the girls.

I nodded while drinking a bit of water. The hangover from all the alcohol drinking was horrible.

'Damn.' Marianne said while looking at the coins again. 'He's probably thinking either "meh, worth it," or "shoot! My father will kill me," or something of the two things.' She predicted.

'Yeah, but, not my problem.' I turned my head away smiling proudly. 'Is his fault for offering so much silver without thinking the consequences. Maybe if he didn't let himself be influenced by the alcohol and my beauty, he would have wasted less, but, again, it's not my fault that he thought more with the brain in his pants than the brain in his head.' I shrugged it off.

'I'm starting to wish I could become a prostitute to be honest.' Marianne admitted. 'I personally don't care that I would become pregnant later on, either way it would help me get out of my mom's house A LOT faster.' She concluded admitting her frustration.

'I don't think you want to take the risks Marianne.' I told her. 'By getting pregnant it also means that you have an extra mouth to feed beside yours. Look at Dorothy for example. In the worst case escenario, you get pregnant by the wrong man, he finds you and forces you to be his wife.' I wanted Marianne and then turned to see Dorothy. 'No offense of course.'

Dorothy shook her head. 'It's fine. I was also 16 when I gave myself to Hugo.' She turned to see Marianne. 'You still have about 2 more years before your mother tries to imply "looking for bachelors," be patient.' She cautioned Marianne.

Marianne sighed and nodded in agreement while looking a bit impatient.

'Marianne, patience is virtue. You may get money now but it will be difficult to make ends meat with a little baby in your hands and things might become hell if you get pregnant by the wrong man.' I adviced Marianne. 'Money also doesn't last forever, I may have the money now but I still have to pay rent, the barn, the future chicken coop and might as newer clothing winter and for summer next year.' I clarified. 'You never take risks unless you are sure that you will use the money wisely. Wanting money and using it without management can only lead to failure.'

Marianne frowned and rolled her eyes but nodded in the end.

She was still young. While now I am in a 19 year old and young again, in my past life I was in my 40s when I died. Therefore, I was now a girl with a 40 year old perspective that had business and marketing knowledge. Marianne didn't have neither an old mind nor the education to make it on her own. While I was supporting her to get independence, I wasn't about to let her do what she wanted to do while she was working on my farm and for me. Also, she wasn't allowed to leave unless it was for working, getting married or getting out without a parent's final say unless she was 18 and above.

She was doing a good job so far, but impatience was getting to her and the consequences might be catastrophic if she was bound to follow the path I'm choosing temporary. Worst case escenario, Marianne will fuck up and try to win me back, but I won't let her get to me like that.

Yes, Marianne is still young but she's old enough to be aware that actions have consequences, and those consequences can be either good or bad depending on the situation.

If Marianne is bound to do what she wanted despite my advise, then it's her own fault whatever situation she might get herself in.




Friday night. . .

'Ah~~ ahh. . . Ahhhhhh~~~.' I moaned as I finished cumming while feeling Cranland's manhood blow his cum inside me. 'That was so good.' I hugged him purring onto him.

'Ha! Ah, does that mean I get an hour extra?' Cranland asked hopeful.

'I don't think so handsome.' I shook my head and quickly sat up and put my clothes on. 'The agreement was two hours, not three hours, therefore you have no right to ask for more.' I shrugged. 'You should have had negotiate with me before agreeing just like that.' I laughed at his face.

Cranland's face was covered in a dark glaze. He didn't like the fact that I was not agreeing to let his seed inside me for more hours than agreed upon.

Entitled fucking bastard. I rolled my eyes at him. 'Also, remember that technically, I haven't got myself for free, we agreed that you would give me all of your money on Sunday, remeber?' I crossed my eyes looking at him seriously.

'Yeah yeah.' The man rolled his eyes annoyed. 'I was wondering if you wanted to have more fun, nothing bigger, you can stop being a bitch now.' He growled.

I laughed. 'Me? A bitch? If I'm a bitch then you are an asshole for being a asshole and an alcoholic.' I reprimanded him losing my temper.

Cranland stormed towards me and forced me to look at me. 'Listen here bitch, I'm not the one who offered herself to such a cheap price, therefore you have no right to tell what I am!!' He reprimanded me slapping me and then grabbing me by my wrists.

'Hey! Let me go!' I struggled to let myself loose from his grip but he was too strong. This is getting dangerous. I noted feeling fear for once today.

'Bitches like you need to be reminded who is the one in charge!' Cranland force me into the the bed and kept a grip onto my two wrists with one hand while with his free hand undressed me again. 'You think you are misterious,' he got rid of my dress and corset, 'but in the end you are just a slut who is trying to caught my attention!' He forced his manhood onto.

'AAAAH!!' I screamed out of pain. Asshole!! I cursed at him.

'Yes!!' He started banging me strongly and keeping a tight grip on me now with both hands on my wrists. 'You were searching ME the entire time until you had me!! Did you really think I didn't notice that?!'

*CLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAPCLAP* Cranland showed his true colors as if he was hiding them the entire them.

Because of my first life, I went through this type of thing a lot of times, therefore, I knew what I needed to do.

1. Let him finish. Struggling will only make things worse.

2. Fake the climax. That way, he will finish sooner and he will release you.

3. Let him boast and brag about how good he is. You only need to let him brag will silently you put you clothes and leave immediately before he tries to grab you again.




Saturday. . .

'Girls, guess what!' Marianne stomped through the door while fully clothed of winter clothes.

'What is it?' We all asked a bit busy.

'There's going to be a dance tomorrow~~.' Marianne sang while entering the house. 'Everyone in town is talking about it. They say is about the Mayor's first son's engagement.' She told us happily.

'That's good, I guess.' Elizabeth shrugged not that interested.

'Congratulations for me, I think.' Dorothy said rolling her eyes while peeling potatoes.

'Tell them I say hi, but I won't send a gift due to lack of time and resources.' I said while trying to bring myself back to bed after just finishing eating breakfast.

'Eh, girls, I don't think you are understanding me.' Marianne contemplated while looking at us. 'You see, this dance will not only be to celebrate the son's engagement, but to help the town's people find partners who will eat, drink, & even sleep with each other.' She added smiling.

We all stopped on our tracks and look at each other.

'You just need to make sure that the animal traps are set, the farm stock is sleeping and you can leave your farm to while you guys go. . . And teach Cranland his lesson.' Marianne smirked crossing her arms.

Eli and Dory turned to see me and I frowned with seriousness. 'What about you Marianne?' I asked.

Eli and Dory turned to see Marianne and she smiled now. 'Oh, I'm not going, since I came to the agreement with my mom, it would be suspicious that I suddenly became interested in the dance.' She explained. 'I'm telling that, by paying me extra, I'll keep an eye on your farm on Sunday night and the three of you go and meet new men.' She winked.

We all smiled then. The nightmare was almost over.

*Knock knock knock* The door was knocked.

Marianne turned around and went to open the door. 'Hello? Oh, Hi Oaken! Hi Grover!' She welcome both of the guys inside and let them in.

The guys waved at us goodbye and quickly turned to talk to me.

'Lady Baker, the Barn is done and the animals are impatient to get inside.' Oaken said loosing off his scarf. 'Can you take a look to see if there's any dissatisfaction?' He asked.

Grover was standing next to his brother while stealing some stares to Elizabeth but he also nodded affirming to what his brother said.

I went to get my cloak, my money pouch and went to see the barn finished.

. . .

It was beautiful. Not as modern or as pretty, but it was aturde enough that it looked as protective of the wind as it felt inside.

The sheep were all cuddle on their part of the barn and the goats were also cuddled on their side, and the pigs made their nests to cuddle with the hay that I sent Marianne to buy two days ago.

'Thank you so much, especially since it was during winter.' I took the two of them to the side and gave them the pouch secretly away from the girls. 'Here is the money I was able to gather for you. Next spring, I'll ask for a chicken coop for my chickens that live in the basement.' I told them while opening my pouch.

The boy opened their own pouch and let me drop the money inside it. As solo a s al the money was inside their pouch, they quickly put it away and smiled.

'Anyway, let me pack you some food so you can bring it to your dad and send the message that, as soon as next spring comes, I would want you to create a chicken coop.' I told them while bringing everybody back to the house and left the animals safe, warm and sound on their new barn.

After a while of getting ourselves more warmed up, I sent them home with a small basket that Dorothy crafted with 5 eggs, to jars of goat milk, one pack of goat cheese, a loaf of bread and 3 muffins.

Right after I sent them home, I went to my room and fell asleep because a LONG day was to come tomorrow.




Sunday morning. . .

I was able to sleep tonight because I wanted to be wide awake and not disrupt my real night sleep anymore.

I got up with Dorothy and Elizabeth, received Marianne who got permission from her mother to be here and told her what to do while we went to town.

In the afternoon, we left Marianne to take care of my farm and went to Stella's Boutique to rent cheap but pretty ball dresses.

The dresses were not that layered, but we had each one pair of high thick socks so the cold was tolerable for the most part.

The dresses had a long circle type of skirt that were worn over a hoop skirt, the top parts were different for each one of us though though.

Dorothy had bell sleeves that were able to cover even her hand, her skirt was blue bell with two layers, the blouse had no buttons and sleeves were lila color.

Elizabeth's skirt had the color of a deep green forest and it lightened as it went up the dress to a light green, the neck of the dress was off shoulder with three buttons and the shoulders were puffy with bishop sleeves on the arms.

My dress skirt was a deep red velvet with black edges con the skirt, it had a U-shape back and an off-shoulder front, with the corset, my already big chest was made even more called out, it had layered lantern sleeves and a low waist belt that helped adjust the corset.

'There we go.' Stella smiled brightly to how we looked. 'Now, let's take make your hair.' She took her hair tools out and made us sit and let her do her magic.

Dorothy's hair was made into a messy bun due to her status as married.

Elizabeth's hair was made into a waterfall braid due to being single and virgin.

And my hair was braided with a small crown braid with loose hair because I was also single.

'There we go. We are finally done.' Stella clapped happily and looked at the time. 'The dance party will start soon. Remember Amelia, as soon as you do the deed, I'll be waiting for the news about whether the body died of natural causes or that a murder has been arrested.' She gave me the mask of Velvet Sirelle, a green mark to Elizabeth and a blue mask to Dorothy and winked at us. 'Good luck to the three of you. And have fun!' She waved at us goodbye.

Dorothy and Elizabeth took my hands and we walked towards the Great Forks to do what I promised to do.




3 hours after. . .

It didn't take much to find Cranland. The man quickly went to Dorothy and started berating her as if everything he did wrong was her fault.

It took three man and the Mayor himself to put him in place. Cranland quickly went to drink himself to sleep but it only took someone's anonymously help in giving him three whole bottles of fine wine for him to start another fight towards Dorothy and this time, soldiers were called and he was quickly throwed out of the ball room.

I sent Elizabeth to spy on him to wherever he went while I discreetly took about 6 bottles of strong and fine alcohol to her so she could deliver it to him.

Of course, Elizabeth used her green mask so he wouldn't know who she was. It was just in case he'd survived and went on to tell.

Since I spent so much time with him, I knew what alcohol he wouldn't resist to, how much he was able to take until he was drunk, and how much did it take for him to have a blackout or even go unconscious.

And I'm just gonna say, either he died by the murder or by alcohol poisoning. Either way, I will make sure he was gonna die tonight.

Once Elizabeth was completely sure that he was being completely shamelessly drunk, she returned without her mask on and talked loudly about "checking the place out," and dragged me with her..

After being dragged out of the ball room to a closet where there was no soldier looking around, we put our masks on and nodded to each other and left the closet.

'Where is he?' I asked her.

'He he, drinking himself away in the twelfth room at the right side of the stairs.' Elizabeth laughed.

I nodded. 'If I don't return in the next two hours, then start searching for me at that place. If you don't find me there, then wait there for an hour.' I told her as I went to the stairs.

Elizabeth followed me to the stairs. 'And if you are not there in an hour?' She asked worried.

I looked at her. 'Go and find me in the cold.' I told her while turning myself ahead and went upstairs.

Elizabeth waved at me goodbye and went back to the party.

I sighed to myself. Just one more time and I'll be done. I calmed myself down.




One hour after. . .

Cranland was banging me and grunting as if he was in heaven.

After cumming inside me for who knows what time, I decided to make him drink every single drop of alcohol that there was left just to make sure he would agree on everything I said.

'Now that we are done, you must take me to the money you promised.' I purred to his ear.

Him, in his heavily drunk stated mind he nodded and, miraculously for once, he acted like a gentleman and even opened the door for me.

We walked all the way outside of the Great Forks, and even though it was cold, due to not being sober, he didn't feel it .

I decided to have more "fun" with him as soon as we came to his house and fucked his brains out.

As soon as we came to his bedroom, I started to strip despite the freezing environment in front of Hugo. He for his part, decided to also strip, but I stopped him. 'You have no firewood right now, it would best if best if you kept your clothes on.' I suggested as I pushed him on his bed and kissed him. 'But then again, how about we keep each other warm?' I o penes his clothes and took out his pants and underwear.

As soon as I got him under me, I took off my mask and showed him my face. 'Am I pretty?'

He looked at me in a daze. 'You are the most beautiful woman in the world.' He smiled at me.

'Good.' I got up on the and then slammed my ass on his face. 'Do you enjoy this?' I moved my ass.

'Ooooo~~~ yes…' Hugo's grip on my thighs were tight and caring.

While he was busy with my lower body parts, I stretched a bit to open the window right up the wall of the bedroom. It's freezing as shit, but the sooner he stops breathing, the better for me. I noted to myself shivering a but then going back to business with Hugo.

I accommodated myself on his lap and inserted his dick inside. 'Ahh ahh ahh. . .' I jumped on his groin while he was grunting and touching my breasts with his cold hands. 'That's feels good, doesn't it?' I purred in his ear.

He touched my butt and smacked as he pleased.

*slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap slap* The sounds of my butt smacking his balls was sounding off around the room.

I didn't turned on the furnance because that would help him survive.

While jumping naked on his groin and moaning out of pleasure and desire, I could see his breath getting colder and his temperature dropping. His lips were getting blue.

'Hmmm. . . More. . .' He whispered smiling as if he saw heaven for the first time.

'More? I'll go for more then, son of a bitch!' I exclaimed jumping both harder and faster due to my own desire to fuck his dick one last time, I kept banging myself on his dick and cumming every now and then. '¡Aaahh Aaahh! Ah! Yes! Give me all your seed!' I exclaimed while trying to keep my voice steady and speeding the process of climax.

*SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP SLAP * I was drillling Hugo's dick inside my womb by then without remorse on the moment, I just wanted the pleasure.

Him on the other hand, he first started to twitch violently every few few seconds and even coughing, but after a few minutes he started to stop moving and touching me and I noticed that his dick was getting weaker as well as his load of seed.

. . .

He stopped breathing, but again, I didn't stopped. He clearly wanted to die while having sex, now he will die doing just that.

'Aah. . . Aaahh. . . . AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaahhhh~~~!' I came once more, squishing Cranland's groin into cumming one last time while looking at the broken roof and then looked at him.

His eyes hooded no reflection, his skin was now a light blue and there was no breath coming from his mouth.

He was dead.

I got his dick out my insides, putted on my clothes, searched for his money pouch and easily found it on attached on his fanny pack and a very suspicious single yet big string.

'Huh. That's odd.' I comentes I pull it all the way out of under the bed and found an even more bigger pouch of about the size of a football. I took the bigger pouch just to see what was inside. As soon as I lift it I could tell it was full of coins and I saw that there was a lot of copper inside AND silver, plus a group of very suspicious documents rolled and stuffed carefully inside the pouch.

I opened and read them to see what it was about. '. . . . Really Hugo? Really? Dorothy was never enough for you huh?' I snickered at him while changing to other pair of documents. '. . . Oh my god.' I gasped. 'You really were one delusional asshole weren't you. Pfff hahahahahaha!' I laughed at him as if he could still hear me. 'Hahahaha! You really were delusional, hahahaha!' I laughed loosing both my temper and composure.

I stuffed the first pair of documents inside the bigger pouch and stuffed them under the bed. As for the second pair of documents I stuffed them away inside mi corset and took the smaller ppuch with me.

I kissed him on he cheek, leaving a read lipstick kiss on that cheeck and decided to hump on his groin a few more times just to see if he revived.

After that, I finally cleaned him from my fluids and, just to make sure he stays frozen, I left him naked on the bed and uncovered.

Then, I checked if the front door was unlocked. The front door was indeed open, therefore I left it like that and went back to the body to moved his eyelids down so they would be closed and left the house with the money pouch pouch but left the bigger pouch under the bed and left the single string out in the open closely like before.

I made sure that the door and window open so the house would freeze more, just to make sure and then slipped through the back door but closed that one. The last thing I needed was for anyone to suspect that the booth marks that I would leave were from this day and not before since there's already snow.

I went back to the party finally, and went directly to the backyard of the Great Forks.

There, Stella and the girls were waiting for me.

I smiled at them and gave Stella the mask first. 'You know what to do right?' I asked her.

'Of course, I don't want to get in trouble either.' Stella joked rolling her eyes taking the mask and put it away safely inside her purse. 'I'll be going ladies.' She told us and she walked back to her home.

The other girls turned to see me. 'Well, what happened?' Elizabeth asked.

'Did he hurt you?' Dorothy asked worried.

I only took Dorothy's hand and gave her Cranland's pouch on her hand. 'Here's what he had in his fanny pack.' I told her.

Dorothy looked at the pouch and hugged me.

'I also found an even bigger pouch under your bed.' I whispered to her. 'I don't know what it contains but it's probably the money he didn't want to share.' I told her and brought the two of them back inside the Great Forks. 'But for now let's forget about that and go back to the party girls! The night is still young!!' I exclaimed.

The girls smiled and went back with me to the party and had a great time.