Another day and thankfully, the snow was melting.
That meant. . .
'Basket deal!!' Dorothy and I exclaimed happily while dancing in the kitchen.
The kids were doing their best at imitating our dance, just with three dancers instead of 2.
'Now, you have made 20 big baskets, 15 small baskets and we know what price are we going to sell them for, we still have to conclude how much for the 40 mini baskets.' I said out loud.
'Well, the mini baskets tend to take me about 30 minutes each.' Dorothy told me sitting on a chair. 'You are the one who makes the official prices.'
'Oh right.' I started to make calculations in my book.
"It takes 30 minutes to make a mini basket. Half an hour. 15 coppers are worth an hour of work, Hal of it is 7.50 copper.
40 mini baskets x 7.50 copper each = 300 copper in total.
I made 50 mini apple pies which took about 45 minutes to make in total.
45➗50 = 0.90 cents per pie.
There would be 1 mini pie for each mini basket, leaving 10 mini pies to sell alone. In the mini baskets, it would add:
40 x 0.90 = 36 copper in total.
The 80 heart cookies with berry glaze took about 40 minutes to make and bake + 15 minutes to make the glaze. In total, about 55 minutes.
55 ➗ 80 = 0.68 cents per cookie.
There would be about 2 cookies per basket: 40 mini baskets x 2 cookies each = 80 cookies. This leaves no cookies to sell alone.
In the mini baskets, the cookies would make:
40 x 0.68 = 27.20 copper in total.
The 55 berry compota in mini jars took 25 minutes to make. There will be one jar per mini basket.
25 ➗55 = 0.45 cents each jar.
There will be 40 jars in the mini baskets, leaving 15 to sell alone. In the mini baskets, it would add:
40 x 0.45 = 18 copper in total.
In the total:
7.5 + 0.90 + 0.68 + 0.45 = 7.5 + 2.03 = 9.53 copper in total.
Adding the tax of 0.12:
9.53 x 0.12 = 1.1436 + 9.53 = 10.6736. I'll round it up to 11 copper.
'They will be sold for about 11 copper.' I declared.
Dorothy raised her eyebrows in surprise. 'That cheap?' She asked not too sure.
'Well, we can add a bigger price, but again, the baskets are just that tiny.' I reminded her. 'Also, unlike the other baskets, money will be the only thing we'll allow people to pay and we will not give the offer of the reducement tax + trade.' I gave my thoughts to her.
Dorothy nodded accomplice to me. 'Sounds fair to me.'
'In that case, let's go! The sooner we sell them, the sooner we can get money!' I exclaimed excited.
We took our things and I quickly opened the door. . . Only to find the landlord about to knock behind it.
'Oh! Hello sir! How are you?' I asked him.
The landlord cleared his throat. 'I'm very well Lady Baker, I just came here for the rent.' He let me know.
'Oh shoot, that's right!' I faced palmed myself. 'I-I have the money please get inside and I'll go get it.' I let him enter and I quickly went back to my room. 'Be right back!'
I went to my room and I took out a small wooden board of the floor to reveal my emergency funds, my money for the landlord and the extra money for groceries.
I took out the 4 silver coins that made up to 1,000 copper.
I ran back to downstairs and found the the landlord having a small chat with Dorothy. Although, Dorothy looked super uncomfortable and was smiling forcefully.
I quickly made act of presence and gave the landlord the silver. 'Here's the money. I'm sorry for almost forgetting.' I apologized
'No need to sorry. Spring fever makes everyone busy, one way or another.' He took the silver from me and stuff it in his pocket. 'You should also remember that since you are young, you should also start searching for someone of your, position, in order to get things better done.' He suggested as he stood up and left.
I just waved at him goodbye and turned to see Dorothy. 'Nosy landlord?' I asked her.
'Yup.' She answered.
'Asked why you haven't gotten married yet?' I asked.
'Yup.' She answered.
'You gave him the facts and answer?' I deduced.
'Yes.' She answered.
'He didn't seem to like what you answered?' I deduced.
'Nop.' She answered.
'And he went on to give you a whole list of men who would most likely take in a beautiful of you "catogry"?' I asked.
'Yes!' Dorothy answered unamused.
'A lot of men are like him Dory.' I closed the door due to the cold (the old man forgot to close it). 'You need to be a picky woman if you are to find the right one.' I told her as I sat with her.
'I know, I just find it extremely annoying that such landlord likes to put his nose where it's not asked for.' Dorothy said.
'Yeah, same my friend. But, I at least you are out of this house now, I myself and the kids still need to deal with it until I find a new place in the city.' I mentioned to her.
'Yeah. Sorry.' Dorothy sighed.
Little Joseph came and hugged his mother, while he didn't understood why, he knew that mommy was sad so he hugged her.
The twins came and comforted me.
'Thanks kids. But, let's get rid of the bad mouth taste and go make some money!!' I declared sitting up and getting the things ready again.
Everyone cheered and they helped getting ready.
In less than 20 minutes, we went to the inside market to see to who we could sell stuff.
. . . .
A few hours later. . .
The mini "lover baskets" were extremely popular.
Since they were more limited than the goods alone and cheaper than the small and big baskets, people were thrilled to get a basket for someone especial.
They were being sold very carefully due to not having more baskets for big or small now. In fact, since the snow is melting, I decided to cut selling the "Family size baskets" and the "blizzard baskets," since the snow is melting and that means that people are more capable of getting food on their own.
Because of that, I have decided to sell my goods separately with the "lover baskets" as February thing.
"For now, we have sold 23 out of 40:
— Every single one of the, has been sold by the complete price.
11 x 23 = 253 copper.
As for the goods alone I was able to get about 1,500 copper, plus:
- 2 sacks of potatoes.
- 1 bar of butter.
- 1 big sack of veggies.
- Deer legs (2 of them).
- Rabbit hip and loin.
- 2 sacks of flour.
- 3 pairs of socks.
1,500 + 253 = 1,000 + 500 + 200 + 50 +3 = 1,000 + 700 + 50 + 3 = 1,753 copper in total.
Thanks to the socks, I remembered that I need to buy new clothes to the twins if they are to keep living with me. They must have variety whether they are poor or rich."
I closed the books and went to the twins who were helping me pack up. 'Charlie, Lottie, we are going to use the money to get you more clothes.' I declared pointing to cart and horse. 'Winter is ending which means you'll need lighter clothing.'
They nodded and Charles hopped on the cart distance while Charlotte decided to climb up the horse (with a bit of my help).
'That also means I'll have to get ready to move, therefore, I hope you guys can handle the road for the city.' I added as we traveled the road all the way to Stella's Boutique.
'What city are going to?' Charlotte asked.
'Any city.' I answered. 'It doesn't matter what city as long as you know what you are searching for.' I explained. 'My first choice would be the Capital of this Kingdom, but after reading the newspaper about what's going on there. . .' I stopped the horse and helped Charlotte get down the horse. 'It doesn't seem like the best choice.' I said to Charlotte, 'Especially with children on board.' I murmured under my breath.
'What was that last part?' Charles asked while jumping off the cart.
'Nothing.' I told him as I tied the horse to a pole. 'Come here Lottie.' I called for Charlotte who came quickly and I took her hand. 'Let's get you a spring and summer dress.' I walked her to the boutique. 'You stay here and guard the cart, goods and horse.' I told Charles.
Charles nodded and made the militar sign as I turned to the boutique and went inside.
. . .
20 minutes later. . .
I was able to get Lottie three types of clothing. One for the house, one for outside work and one pajama.
The house dress was a white blouse embroidered on the chest and long sleeves with puffed farol shoulders, a long dark blue empire style skirt. The outside work outfit consist of a green apron dress with semi-long sleeves and long skirt with the apron being white. The pajama was a practically a light cotton dress with no embroidery, long lantern sleeves and a sheath type of skirt that went beyond the toes.
In fact, everything was a bit of a bigger size than Charlotte, but it was so I wouldn't have to buy new things so quickly.
'We will be going to a different tailor for Charles.' I let them know. 'A boutique is for women and a tailor is for men.' I clarified.
The twins looked at each other and then looked at me confused. 'Why is that?' Charles asked.
I shrugged. 'I don't know okay? I don't make the rules about how society wants to make it work.' I answered honestly to them. 'I actually didn't know where that tailor was until Stella told me so, hope on.' I order them to do.
They did as they were told and to the tailor we went.
. . . .
25 minutes later. . .
I bought Charles the same type of three different outfit sets. One for home, one for outside work, and one pajama.
The home outfit consisted of a simple white long turtle neck shirt with ruffled collar and lantern cuffed sleeves, dark blue pants with shoulder straps and a dark blue waist coat. The work outfit was a gray short sleeve shirt with no collar and gardener apron pants with shoulder straps. The pajama consists of an creak nightgown with buttons from the neck to the belly button, long plain sleeves and a sleeping hat that came with the nightgown.
Charlotte became a bit jealous of the sleeping hat that Charles got. It was bound to happen, as they were siblings and when they don't get the same things equally, they become remorseful, therefore, I had to quickly think of a way in which I could make sure they didn't fight over it.
Fortunately, I remebered that Stella also sold sleeping masks.
We returned to the Boutique, I bought a light pink sleeping mask for Charlotte who was overjoyed to have a sleeping accessory like her brother and we quickly went home after that. Of course, not before I bought a newspaper that had news about places that were being sold and news about the kingdom.
A few hours after. . .
The animals were fed, the chores were done, and the twins were doing the writing and mathermatical exercises I made for them.
While they did their homework, I did some research and digging for a new place to live.
Things will only go south the more time it passes and the landlord suddenly decides that if I didn't have a husband, then it would be bad for his image. I sighed frustrated as I kept reading.
Things were only more complicated due to the lack of technology. If I had a phone or computer, Iwoudl easily get in contact with some companies selling land and houses, or even some employments regarding farming and baked goods. But I quickly realized how hard it is to do so with none of that.
Therefore, I have to see what is the pattern of employment in each city to be able to check out any city that doesn't give employments that I am neither expert on or have knowledge on. I noted as I went on to read prices of land. Best case scenario, I'll move to the outskirts of a city with enough land for the farm and provide goods for a store; worst case scenario, I'll have to sell all my animals or eat them before packing everything up and moving across the land to a small apartment. I deduced.
And, if I'm being honest, I think I'll prefer selling and eating everything. I became honest with myself. They are my father's animals, but I have to move forward with my life and live by own rules, especially now since I have children. I remarked the last part. Of course, I would probably try to keep my horses at least until reaching the city since they are the only source of reliable transportation besides the feet.
After reading everything, I decided to stop and check on the kids. 'How are things going?' I asked them.
'Fine.' Charles scratched his head.
'Good.' Charlotte had finished her homework and was reviewing the textbook of history.
'Need some help?' I asked Charles.
He shook his head. 'I can do it.' He declared softly.
'Okay, but if you need any help, please let me know.' I patted his shoulder. 'And of course, remember that just because something is easier for someone than you, it doesn't mean you are less than that person.' I reminded both of them.
Charles stopped for second and looked up at me. He then quickly saw his sister and then turned to me. 'Em, can you check if I'm doing it right?' He asked.
I nodded and took a look at his work for a moment. '4x7 is not equal to 32. You confused it with 4x8.' I told him.
'Then, what is the answer?' He asked confused.
'Well, if you are confused about the answer, then turn the numbers around and try with a multiplication after that one: 7x5.' I suggested.
Charles looked confused.
'Think about it. What's 7x5?' I asked him.
'35.' He answered.
'Right! Now, since we are now in the time table of 7, what do we subtract the 35 by?' I asked him.
The questions clicked to Charles and did some subtracting with his hands. 'Em. . . 28?' He answered.
'Correct!' I smiled at him. '7x4 equals 28, which means. . .' I waited for Charles' answer.
'4x7 esquela 28!!' Charles exclaimed excited.
'Correct!' I squeezed his check softly.
Charlotte clapped for her brother.
From my point of understanding, it seems that despite being very similar, they have different strengths and weaknesses. Charles is more emotionally smart (he can see through people) while Charlotte is more academically smart (especially with numbers and history).
Which, in the society we live in. . . It will try to enforce social rules on them and try to squish their sparks and make them conform with their rules.
That's something I'm the most afraid of. I sighed fearfully under my breath. They went through hell and back with those caregivers and city society will most probably try to oppressed them one way or another. I looked at the roof. I can only hope that my teachings will help them triumph in life.
A week after that. . .
"3,546, 978.89 copper/silver with 1,2568 silver/copper in the emergency fund. The 50,000 gold coins are still intact with my grandmother's keepsake at its side.
I will transfer about 2, 3200,000 copper/silver to the emergency fund and leave the rest to spend because I need to tighten up the budget. The spring festival is close by and with what I heard, that festival will come with employers from cities and the capital itself, therefore, I need to get things ready to leave if things are needed to be so.
I have clarified to the twins about the sacrifices we will have to do, and they seem to be very understanding, although they pretty much asked whether if it was possible, to bring Donald (the duckling almost an adult) with them until it could be released in the wild.
I was understanding and nodded to it, but I also reminded them that they needed him to get used to the wild, so yesterday we went to the library for books about ducks and they've been trying to teach Donald to be a true duck.
On other news, I received a dreadful letter from my mother, Rachel. I don't how, where or from who did she got my address, but when I find out, I'll tear both people a new one.
She clearly seems to be in trouble with her life and not just because of the witchcraft I pulled off. But of course, that's none of my business. She made her bed, now she lies in it.
For who I feel sorry for is Theodore, my little half-brother. He probably is already brainwashed by mother and stepfather, but I couldn't bring him with me.
Hopefully, one day he may forgive me for the pain I may have caused him. If any at least.
But if anything, this letter means dread to me because it means that my mother knows where I live. That means that, As soon as Spring is officially here, she could bring Theodore along and come all the way over here in less than a week.
I won't let her come back into my life again. I did NOT sacrifice father household to get them out of my hair just for her to come back to my life and drag Theodore and put him in the middle of the issue.
Things need to speed up. And quickly."
I closed the book and got my bag and everything ready. 'Come one kids! Let's go!' I raised my voice so they would come from upstairs.
The twins ran along up in their new outdoor clothes and ran out of the door.
. . . .
A few hours later. . .
The goods news: I got a job in a bakery shop in the suburbs of the capital. Is both inside the gates and at the same time far enough from the caos being caused at the center.
The bad news: I need to start selling every livestock I have with the horse exception.
'Can we eat the pigs though?' Charles asked.
'Of course.' I nodded. 'Although I think it's better if we bring them to the butcher.' I clarified,
'Why?' Charles asked.
'Well, the problem comes with the fact that I don't have the heart nor the tools to kill them, also there are two males and two females there. If I'm right, which I would prefer not too, I believe at least one of them is pregnant.' I admitted.
Charles' became shock while Charlotte was excited. 'Baby pigs!!' She jumped up and down.
'Yeah, therefore, it's best if I consult with him about it, just in case.' I told him.
'Would it be the same with the other livestock?' Charles asked.
'Most probably.' I nodded.
'Oh boy.' Charles sighed while looking at his sister.
'Think we might be able to keep the chickens though. Since the need for eggs is huge in the city, I have consult the owner about it and it seems like I would have to get rid of at least 3 to 5 chickens and bring the rest with me.' I added thinking about it out loud. 'As for the sheep, I would like for Elizabeth to have them. She knows how to take care of them and how to herd them, I would also give her two shepherd dogs that we have along with the barn cat.' I concluded.
'And if she doesn't want the barn cat?' Charlotte asked.
'I'll give it to the Holt family instead, they have told me that they habe HUGE issues with mouses despite the traps, therefore, it makes sense to give it to them.' I answered her. 'The house cat will come with us since the city has from mouses to rats the size of gods.' I declared shivering with the idea.
The twins shivered at the same time.
'The older shepherd dog wil come with us until further notice and the last pup will go live with Dorothy.' I thought out loud. 'That dog in specific was never an outside dog, but an inside guardian dog, which will be good for a single mother and her infant.' I concluded.
The twins agreed in agreement.
'What about the horses? And the cart?' Charlotte asked.
'Oh no, the horses are the only source of quick transportation and the cart will have all the things that the horses won't be able to carry.' I clarified.
The twins sighed with relief.
'We also need to get rid of the extra food in the underground holes.' I added. 'With the heat and humidity rising, the food will get spoiled and we need to prepare light packing to ensure a safe, no-bandit travel.' I sighed exhausted with the preparations ahead.
'We have little clothing, and packages.' Charles noted.
'You two yes, but not me. I carry a life-long valuable keepsake from my grandmother. If bandits were to capture us and search through us. . .' I murmured. 'Both our lives and the keepsake and my inheritance will be gone.'
'Inheritance?' Charlotte asked.
'Eh? Ah, yeah. When my father died, he left a money inheritance.' I turned to see around and then got close to their ears and whispered, 'I won't tell you the amount but he left me gold coins. Gold coins that I plan to invest in the city. I can't afford to lose them.'
The twins were shocked and quickly draw a line with their finger tips across the mouth. They knew when to keep a secret.
'The other good news is, that with the new employer still here until next week, I can demonstrate to be a good candidate by showing off my business mode.' I squealed out of excitement. 'Let's go home, we need to prepare everything for tomorrow.'
I bought a market tend and stand for tomorrows oficial start at the spring market outside and the twins followed me to the cart and we went home.
The next day. . .
The 17 "lover baskets" were being a hit through young lovers. I made a promotion of:
"Bake ingredients 3 coppers off." This included: milk & eggs.
"Baked goods 10 coppers off." This included: cookies, bread and muffins.
"Dairy products 5 coppers off." This included: milk, cheese and yogurt.
I also went to buy cheap mud bowls and made stew and sold it.
'Here people! Eggs and milk are 3 coppers off! The baked goods have a discount of 10 copper per loaf and dozen! Dairy products 5 coppers off! And deer stew 5 copper per bowl!' I exclaimed to the people who came and went.
While at first the foreigners were skeptical about my type of sales, the locals who already knew me didn't hesitate to come and buy the discounts and food already done to eat.
'I also have cookie and bread dough ready to bake at home!' I exclaimed knowing what was about to come.
I saw their eyes turning their eyes at me while their mind wheels were turning.
'Get ready kids.' I whispered to them.
They both gulped.
The foreigners quickly came to me to ask for it.
'100 grams per 2.25 copper or 8 coppers per 500 grams!' I declared excited.
The crowd roared of excitement.
'Also, the mini lover baskets are 11 coppers per each one!' I clarified. 'If you want to share it with a especial someone or you want to have a last minute date, this can be a huge help! One meat pie, 2 berry glazed cookies and 2 mini jars of berry compota!'
The dough sold out with the mini baskets.
At 5:50 p.m. . .
We almost sold out with the exception of the discounted goods.
'Ugh!' Charles fell on the floor. 'I'm not made for sales or anything that has to do with selling and making things!' He stretched.
'It was fun.' Charlotte made a small smile.
'For you maybe.' Charles murmured tired.
'Kids.' I called out for them. 'Thanks for helping me back there.' I told them.
'No problem.' They both said as Lottie sat down.
'Say, do you know about some job that has nothing to with math or sales?' He asked fearfully.
I thought about it for a few seconds. 'Well, practically, every job in the world contains a bit of math.' I clarified to him.
'Well, yeah, but that I don't have to do a lot of this?' He asked again.
I thought about it some more. 'Well, artists, writers, historians, musicians and law enforcements such as soldiers, knights and judges.' I told him.
Charles thought about it for a bit. 'Best case escenario, I become part of law enforcement. Worst case escenario, I become a gypsy artist wandering the world.' He declared falling back to the ground.
Charlotte laughed at him for falling back at the ground.
'Hehehe.' I laughed too. 'Come on now, I have to give you your share.' I said taking out some money.
The both sat up straight. 'Money?! For us?!' They exclaimed surprised and shocked.
'Yes, here.' I gave them 25 coppers each. 'It's not the same as an adult's salary, but, I believe it's a good reward for you as the experience—oof!!' I stumbled back as I felt how the twins wrapped their arms around me. 'Be careful!' I warned them.
'Thank you.' The twins voices broke a bit as they hugged.
I just smiled. 'How about we go to the Miscellaneous store and you guys see if there's anything you want?' I suggested
'Yes please!' The kids nodded.
. . . .
A few minutes later at the Miscellaneous store. . .
The kids were looking around to see what they could buy.
Both of them saw teddy bears and wanted them. They were twelve but it was understandable at some point, they never had anything such as toys, therefore it was normal for their inner infant to want those things.
The tag had"Teddy bear: 5 coppers each" written on it.
The teddy bears were black, white, fair (yellow) and brown. Charles took a brown one and Charlotte took a fair one.
Charlie took a fishing rod of 8 coppers and a cane of fish bait of 1 copper.
Well, the lake right beside us must be getting full of fish by now. Also, we might need them since there is a few lakes here through the city road. I smiled at his way of thinking.
Lottie on the other hand, took a hair brush of 3 coppers and little "surprise bag" of candies.
Little sweet tooth. I was enjoying that they were enjoying themselves.
Our three pairs of eyes also stumble upon little boy top hats and bonnets for the girls. The hats were 25 copper each and the bonnets were 29 copper each.
The twins looked at me, and I looked at them.
Well, if I'm right then the society rules say that they need to wear things like this while traveling to the city. Might as well buy it in advance. I sighed taking out my pouch.
The twins smiled at me.
So bright. I noted as I struggled to look at them with their extremely bright smiles. I looked at the clerk and he seems to think the same.
At home. . .
We started to find place for their new things and I quickly remembered something.
The kids didn't come with bags or anything to bring their things along. I sighed as I me rally saw my pouch pucking moths before my eyes. I need to make a list of things that I need to arrange. I sat on the table with my pen, ink and book. 'Free time!' I said out loud.
'Woohooooo!! Yeah!!' The twins cheered running towards upstairs.
"List of arrangements:
1) Give the sheep, 2 chickens & 1 roaster, and two shepherd dogs to Elizabeth.
2) Give the barn cat, a chicken and guardian dog to Dorothy.
3) Make an appointment with the butcher to check the goats and pigs for pregnancy, ownership and sacrifice.
4) Sell the rest of the raw goods (milk, eggs, vegetables and extra meat that will most surely will spoil) and get the most money out of it.
5) Buy bags and luggage for kids and me.
6) Buy a safe place for my inheritance and keepsake.
7) Bake oatmeal cookies and snacks for the road.
8) Buy either a summer hat or a bonnet for me as well.
9) Buy footwear for the road.
10) Buy camping kit for the road.
—> The kit includes:
— Tent.
— Lantern (or oil lantern, since were far away from achieving battery lanterns).
— Sleeping bags (if there are any).
— Cooking pots.
— Weapons: knifes, bow and arrows, machete.
11) Make sure animal food for the travel.
12) Find someone who will be willing to take my place at the farm if necessary.
—> Preferably a male farmer or a recent married couple."
I sighed closing the book and went to sit on the rocking chair. I found myself staring at the fire place and thinking of a books that I could write about.
Slowly, I caught myself falling asleep and yawning, so I went upstairs to let the twins know that I was going to take a nap. They quickly tan downstairs.
'I'll go Tri the fishing rod, Amelia!' Charlie called out from downstairs.
'Okay! But make sure to return by dinner!' I told him as I saw on my bed.
I heard the door downstairs open and close and I could see Charlie running through the field towards the lake beside us.
Afterwards I fell asleep and only woke up when the twins woke me up for dinner.
A few days later. . .
The employer has asked me to join his caravana back to the city by the end of the next week and I gladly accepted.
That means I can get out of here FASTER but that also means LESS time to get thing done.
Magic powers of speed up marketing and procrastinating mystic energy, give me your strength!! I fired myself up internally prepared everything to sell.
After selling the next badge of my goods, I went to where Dorothy and Elizabeth were staying. Thankfully, they were neighbors and I caught them in their free day so they were catching up.
The twins went to play outside with Joseph while the girls and I chatted and catched up with some tea.
'Wait, so, you have found job in the city?' Elizabeth asked amazed.
'Yes. I'll work in the kitchen in a very profitable bakery.' I answered proud of myself.
'Thanks incredible!' Elizabeth clapped for me.
'Yes, but, what about your farm?' Dorothy asked worried.
'Well, that's the main reason for why I came to you guys.' I admittted. 'You see, as you might have already guessed, I won't be able to bring my livestock with me. Not a lot of them anyway.' I said looking down at my tea. 'Which is why I wanted to ask if you were willing to take some of the livestock.' I looked at them with a smile.
Their eyes widened and their eyebrows were raised in surprise.
'A-Are you sure? I mean, we won't mind, but. . .' Elizabeth trailed off. 'How much will it cost us?' She asked.
'Oh no, for you girls, it won't cost a thing. I would gladly let you Eli to have the full herd of sheep plus two of the four shepherd dogs for protection.' I told her and then turned to Dorothy. 'As for you , Dorothy, I'm pretty sure you have found yourself with the nasty side of the GreatForks, which is why I wanted to give you the barn cat and the guardian puppy. For both the pests and protection.' I took their hands. 'And if you want, you may get a chicken or two.' I let them know.
'Oh my Amy, we would be honored.' Elizabeth let me know giving my hand a soft grip.
'Yes thank you. It would be of great help.' Dorothy thank me and smiled at me but then frowned. 'But, what about the pigs, chickens and goats?' She asked.
'The pigs will become food to either sell or eat, some chickens, well, besides the ones you'll want of course, will be given to farmers in exchange for money or for other things I might need. And as for the goats, well, I think of either selling them or bringing them along until I see it fit.' I explained my plan to them. 'As for the horses, I will keep them because of transportation, and the other cat plus the last dog will be brought along. Just you two, I'm single and with children, so the protection is needed.' I smiled at them.
They nodded understanding that.
'Can you give me the older shepherd dog though?' Elizabeth asked. 'Not that I mind the pups, but I believe it would be better for me to keep the older shepherd dog due to his experience and one of the pups just in case.' She noted.
I thought about it for a moment, and she actually made sense.
'Yeah. I can.' I agreed.
We all sat up and hugged each other.
'Well, it was nice to catch up but I need to get things ready and bring you the livestock.' I let them know.
'Of course.' Dorothy nodded along with Elizabeth.
'By the way, do you know anyone who has enough income to pay for about 1,000 copper per month?' I asked them.
'Well, some newcomers came, some with even livestock. We'll bring them tomorrow at noon.' Elizabeth let me know.
'Very well. Now let's call the kids and say our goodbyes.' I motioned them to go outside.
The mids and I walked through the field that were covered in snow and mud, I looked at the sky and there was no close in the sky and the was a warm breeze flying agaisnt my face and body. Spring is comming, not here completely, but is comming. I noted.
By when Spring is officially here, I'll be gone once again.