By next week. . .
Everything was sold off, I got the things I needed from the list, and as soon as the morning sun of the new day said hi I immediately got everything ready.
The landlord has approved of a new couple move to the property with their livestock that included sheep, pigs, goats, cows, horses, chickens and three shepherd dogs. Fortunately, they'll not come until the afternoon which gave me time for everything.
I had packed the kids' and my luggage on the new suitcases which contained pajamas with toys and snacks for themselves, my suitcase will have emergency medicine and a lot of tea remedies for the road, plus emergency kit for "the moon cycle."
The rest of the luggage was packed in three portmanteaus (travel trunks) which contained three different things.
The first big luggage was of dark velvet color (looked fancy but it wasn't) that contained:
— Clothing.
— Notebooks.
— Books.
— Entertainment kit in general.
The second medium luggage was of dark color (didn't look fancy but not cheap either) which contained:
— Cutlery.
— Baking tools.
— Emergency food.
— Grandmother's keepsake box (more cutlery inside it).
The third small luggage was an average wood brown and practically looked like a book casket (& looked cheap but it's a facade) which contained:
— My father's inheritance.
— My grandmother's hairpins, sticks and broches.
— A fake cover set for my book, ink, and pens.
The last one was made by the Holt's family (may de deities bless them) and it works really well for something made in less than 3 weeks.
The rest such as camping kit and market tent were carefully tucked over the luggage.
But coming back to the task at hand, I prepared the last bit of berry compota to use on the last loaf of bread to eat and the berry milk mini jars that were left to drink for the road.
I hopped on Jam, Charlie on Peanut, and Lottie on the cart where the chickens, cat, shepherd pup and big luggage we also there. We took one last look at our house, and we raided to the front gates of the Forks Valley.
. . .
At the gates. . .
It was a HUGE caravana, but the employer easily spot me and guided me to his group.
'It seems that you came well prepared despite the short notice.' The employer noted impressed.
'It's not the first time I had to go to another place completely in short notice.' I admitted proudly.
'It sure seems so.' The employer nodded. 'Well, as you know, my name is Eric Bonfire, the supervisor of the Bakery "BonCake." I know you are single mother but let me know that, I don't blame or judge you in any sort of way; if others of my team and employees do so, please let me and I'll deal with it.' He promised me.
'Thank you.' I nodded. The twins did the same.
'No problem.' He smiled. 'Come with us, we'll soon leave.' He motion me to come closer to his group.
Most of the team were men. I felt a pang of dread as soon as their eyes went all over me. As if I was a piece of meat or cake.
I ignored them thankfully, but I gave the employer the "I'm uncomfortable" look and pointed to the men who were staring.
'Hey!!' Mr. Bonfire called them out. 'You know the rules, no dating coworkers!! Period!' He declared. 'Or do I have to remind what happened to Alvin?!'
The men quickly turned all away with that last remark.
'Who's Alvin?' Charlie asked.
'A man who tried to. . . "force himself" on one of my female employees.' Mr. Bonfire sighed heavily. 'The law plus the evidence of the struggle she went on sent him to prison plus a beautiful death sentence!!' He remarked again.
Fewer men were staring but again looked away.
'Ever since then, I preferred to have female employees working for me.' He declared. 'After knowing what ONE man was capable of doing, I made sure to let the rest know the consequences. It may not be "illegal" for men to search for a woman's attention, but I do NOT approve those so called "methods of persuasion."' He shooked his head. 'If it makes you feel better, get your cart behind mine if you don't feel safe around others, okay?'
I nodded and sighed of relief.
It seems that not all men in this world are that bad.
For a second I thought the Holt's family was one big exception.
At night. . .
I took out what was left of the mini jars and gave it to the twins who drank it all with two oatmeal cookies.
'You seem to have a lot of those oatmeal cookies.' Mr. Bonfire noted. 'Are you not afraid they will spoil?' He asked.
I shook my head. 'Not really, when they become hard it lasts longer and the worst it happens is that it becomes like stone.' I let him know.
Mr. Bonfire buffed trying not to laugh. 'Really?'
I made a demonstration with a very VERY old cookie and a new cookie. The new cookie was crunchy but easy to eat, and when I throwed it on he floor it became crumbs, the old cookie, well. . . You could swear that the crash between the old yet intact cookie and the soil.
Mr. Bonfire was even more impressed. 'Wow. Amazing!!' He smiled.
'Thank you.' I smiled back.
While the two of use were chatting, a very young yet good looking boy was staring at Lottie and tried to get close to her, but the poor boy was met with the death stare of Charlie.
The poor boy backed off and back to the group.
'So, just to know, how old are you?' Mr. Bonfire asked.
'I'm 19 summers, this summer I'll turn 20.' I answered.
'Wow! That's really young!' Mr. Bonfire went deep into thought and then took a look at my twins. 'How—'
'Em, I adopted the twins.' I answered before letting him ask. 'Or rather, I bought them from their guardians.'
Mr. Bonfire blinked in surprise.
'Their clothes were ragged, Lottie (the girl) had bruised cheek while Charlie (her brother) had a black eye.' I gave a quick explanation. 'I went through slavery from my own mother as well and projected my trauma which made me exchange a food basket for the twins.' I added.
Mr. Bonfire nodded understanding. 'So, the names are Lottie and Charlie?' He asked.
'Well, I called them that because those are my nicknames for them.' I clarified. 'They didn't have names before that and actually responded to twin 1 (Charlie) and twin 2 (Lottie). I didn't like it nor wanted to do that so I gave them a list of names to choose from and they chose one first name and one middle name.' I explained more.
'Wow.' Mr. Bonfire looked both at me and the twins. 'And their names are?' He asked again.
'Oh right! The girl is Charlotte Victoria and her brother is Charles Victor.' I answered.
Mr. Bonfire blinked three times this time. 'Those are practically the same name.' He noted.
'Yes, but they are the ones who choose those names themselves, not me.' I raised my hands in innocence.
'Fair, fair.' Mr. Bonfire nodded in understanding once again and took a look at the bonfire being made. 'It seems like dinner is almost done, want to join us?' He asked.
'Oh no, thank you. Maybe some other time, but I would prefer to eat from my food supply first.' I rejected politely.
'Come one Miss, the twins need the protein and those cookies do not have that much as far as my knowledge goes.' Mr. Bonfire encouraged me.
I thought about it and he was right. 'Well, not today, but how about breakfast? I have the chickens so maybe if they had laid some eggs I could make some to contribute.' I offered.
'That's a wonderful idea, thank you.' Mr. Bonfire made a small bow and went for dinner.
I myself got two oatmeal cookie and prepared the twins and myself to sleep on he cart.
In the morning. . .
I woke up and got the twins to get ready while the other men were still sleeping. I gather some eggs that the chickens had laid and made sure they had their breakfast.
There were about 20 males, the twins and me which made 23 people in total.
The good news is, I had eggs from both yesterday and today!
Therefore I would be able to cook everyone at least one egg per person.
If the re were any eggs left, I would cook them for the twins and younger males, they are the ones hat need protein to grow.
In less that one fried egg the men woke up to the smell and started to get ready to leave.
One by one, they came to get their egg for breakfast and one of them had their own stash of pork jerky to go with it.
Some of them hunted while a huge water pot was being boiled. When they returned, they brought 3 rabbits and a fox. They used the water to boil the catch and share a bit with us to eat.
As for the twins, they were a bit especial though, so I decided to cook their eggs last. I think I might have had spoiled them a bit.
Charlie prefer over-hard eggs, which are eggs with no liquid yolk and the egg white was golden with bronze edges. Lottie on the other hand, liked her eggs boiled.
Since everyone else was fes and there was no more animals in the boiled water, I used the last 6 eggs for Lottie and me. I had already made Charlie his eggs but if we were to leave soon, I needed to boil eggs quickly.
I got permission to use their water pot which was already boiling for the eggs and then gave the fried over-hard eggs to Charlie.
After a few long 12 minutes, the boiled eggs were done and I quickly arranged things so Lottie and I could eat breakfast breakfast on the road.
'What type of eggs did you gave them and why did it take so long?' Mr. Bonfire asked.
'Well, neither of the twins like simple fried eggs, one because he doesn't like the liquid yolk and the other because they don't like the squishy eggs white texture.' I explained the gist to him. 'The twins are especial in a developmental sense, Charlie is capable of noting everyone's true emotions but has a hard time in understanding academics such as math and science; Lottie could be basically be a genius in the making as long as I can get her to school, but she doesn't understand people's emotions.' I sighed heavily.
'Wow. They are rather unusual children.' Mr. Bonfire took a look at them and then back at me.
'Yeah. But, if you want the specifics, I made Charlie over-hard eggs, and Lottie's eggs are litterally boiled eggs.' I answered his question.
'I see, no wonder it takes so long.' Mr. Bonfire noted.
'Yeah. But I had to use the eggs today otherwise they might as well become bad at any given moment.' I told him.
Mr. Bonfire agreed with me.
The rest of the road went one as quiet as possible except for a bird or some animal from afar or whispers from men about trivial things.
Two days later. . .
It was POURING!!
The good news is that we were able to make a stop in a town that we just found and hosted all of us.
The town was Richwood Town.
Most of the towns people are either livestock farmers or lumberjacks. Not in that order.
The mayor's household has been recently constructed and while it was small, it was able to host all of us. Although we had to share rooms with others.
Mr. Bonfire quickly offered to share a room with me and the twins, I practically accepted because as soon as the clerk said that we would have to share, the men gave me the side eye that standed for "I hope she shares with me."
In our temporal room, there were two beds, thankfully. The twins and I would share the left bed with the huge wardrobe and Mr. Bonfire would take the other bed with the nightstand.
'Thank you SO much for this.' I thanked him. 'The last thing I wanted was to share things with another creepy man.' I shivered a bit.
'Don't worry Amy, I'll protect you and my sister!' Charlie puffed his chest as if it was supposed to be intimidating.
'You puff like a menacing little robin.' Lottie "complimented" him.
'Thanks'. Charlie smiled proudly.
Mr. Bonfire and I had to suppress a chuckle.
'Hey kids, I heard that there will be a puppet show downstairs for entertainment.' Mr. Bonfire let them know.
'A puppet show?' The twins looked confusion.
'It basically a theater show but with wood or sock puppets that act in a play instead of real actors.' Mr. Bonfire explained.
'Wow!!' The twins were ecstatic. 'Can we go?!' The twins begged with their eyes.
'Okay, but as soon as they play ends, you come back here. No wandering around, no talking to strangers, nor seeing the business stands. You go straight to the puppet show, and come back straight back. Do we have a deal?' I asked walking to the door and open it for them.
'Yes!!' The twins agreed immediately.
'Off you go then.' I let them leave.
'Yes!!' The twins turned to run but were stopped by Mr. Bonfire. 'Huh?'
'Just to let you know, the puppet show will be in the cafeteria. Go back to the clerk and ask for directions there.' Mr. Bonfire let them know.
'Okay!!' The nodded. Mr. Bonfire let them go and they ran as their lives depended on it.
I closed the door and stared at the doorknob. 'How, long will be that puppet show?' I asked biting my inferior lip as I felt Mr. Bonfire's hand griping my hips and rubbing his "third leg" against my ass-
'About two hours.' Mr. Bonfire sighed as he started to touch my chest and griping it shamelessly. 'We have enough time for us to have that "alone time."' He whispered in my ear as he took me to his bed.
Just for the record, I secured my place at his bakery purely due to my business and baking abilities. He is married? Yes. Do we love each other? No.
Is basically just a "desire" for the two of us. And hopefully it won't last long enough for me to get pregnant. It's just a one-time thing to let off some steam.
I think.
A few rounds after. . .
'Ah~ yes. . .' Mr. Bonfire let his seed inside me for the fifth time.
'Oooooohhhh. . .' I moaned happily. 'That was good~.' I let him know as I watched how his groin left my insides all wet and wiggly. 'Did you ever had sex outside of your marriage?' I asked.
Mr. Bonfire buffed. 'No. Never. It was never my cup of tea.' He admitted proudly.
'But you did me in the end.' I reminded him.
He sighed as he stared a my naked body. 'Yes. . . But before you no one was in my bed besides my wife.' He slammed his face onto my breasts. 'I love her.' He murmured.
'Hahaha.' I laughed as I pet his head. 'What you did didn't show that.'
'I do love her.' He assured me. 'But I'm just a man and I have necessities.' He excused himself rubbing his face on my milkers.
Men. I rolled my eyes at that. 'Remember our deal though.' I reminded him.
'Yes, never talk about this with anyone.' Mr. Bonfire looked at me the eyes as he positioned himself on me. 'I want to do it again.'
'Breed me then.' I blushed smiling feeling horny.
He went on to breed me as he wished.
'Ah~ ah~ ah~' I moaned as he thrusted inside me again and again. I forgot how GOOD married men were in sex!! I smiled as he turned me over and thrusted inside my ass once more. 'Oh Yes!! Give me that!!' I demanded.
'Shut up!' Mr. Bonfire became a new person when sex making. He yank me from the hair and kept thirsting in me with more speed this time. 'Oh yes!!' He exclaimed feeling good as he speed it top.
'Ah~! AH! ah. Ah! Aaah!' I moaned and gasped as my heart contended due to the pleasure he gave me. 'A-Any children~?' I asked losing my mind,
'No. I'm childless. . .' Mr. Bonfire answered as he kept my hair in his grip and slamming his balls against my vagina. 'Oh yes, you are every good!' He went barberic and slammed my body against the bed. 'Yes, YES!!' He exclaimed as he slammed his whole groin right into my womb.
'Oh!! OOOOH!!' I immediately knew that he was bound to make me scream so I slammed my face to the pillow to avoid calling unwant ed attention. 'Yesshhh!!' My screamed was muffled due to the pillow.
He came inside me again.
'Aaaahhhh!!' We both exhaled out of pleasure.
He took out his groin out of me and stared at how my whole let out his white liquid. 'That's gorgeous.' He slapped my ass cheek.
'Ah~.' I moaned at the slap but I sat up again. 'Another round?' I asked.
'I'm tired.' Mr. Bonfire said with a clear face of exhaustion.
'I'm still in need.' I grabbed him by the shoulders and slammed him to the pillow with his face up. Then I sat on his lap and prepared his groin once again. 'I don't need you to move to have your dick inside me.'
'You are one vulgar woman.' Mr. Bonfire shivered at the feeling of his groin getting horny again.
'Yeah yeah, they tell me that all the time.' I sat up and then slammed my ass down and got his whole dick inside me. 'Ooooh!! YESS!!' I moaned out of pleasure.
'Aaaaahh~~.' Mr. Bonfire expressed his pleasure and surprised arching his back for a brief moment and biting his infieroir lip. 'Ah. . .' He started at my gaze for a moment. 'Move, bitch.' He ordered.
I did as he told me but as fast as I could. 'Oh yes! Yes! That's it!' I exclaimed softly enjoying myself. 'Can you see?! See how my breasts are bouncing?!' I pointed at my milkers as I went on jumping.
My breasts were not only big, round and full, but incredibly movable. Mr. Bonfire was staring at them and I felt his dick who full rock mode.
Yes, that's right. No man (unless he's an actual gentleman or homosexual) resists these beauties!! I smiled malevously. I don't really believe that you have never had lovers outside of your marriage. But I don't have proof so I have no choice but believe you. Besides, you are one of the VERY few man who has been capable of makinng me cum without faking it. I thought in my head as I moaned like a pussy in heat. 'Ah-Ah-AAAHHH!!' I came with Mr. Bonfire who breed inside me once again. 'Ah. . . .' I sat up, turned around and slammed his dick inside me once more. I want you give me every single drop of your seed. Let's see how long you really last!
I made sure to give myself pleasure until he got his energy back and breed me as he wanted once more.
. . . .
When the 2 hour limit was up. . .
We were both exhausted. Me because of how much I had to move whenever dear ol' Mr. Bonfire got tied and Mr. Bonfire himself because, well. . . He did scolded me a bit for leaving him "dry."
Fortunately, we were able to get our shit together and act natural when the twins came back.
'It was awesome!' Charlie exclaimed jumping up and down. 'It was the story of how the Kingdom came to be!' He told me.
'It was educational and fun.' Lottie nodded agreeing with her brother.
'That's good to hear. But they way, are you guys hungry?' I asked them.
'Yes.' They nodded.
'Well, let me unpack some cookies and—'
'That won't be necessary. The mayor told us that at seven we would receive room service.' Mr. Bonfire told us. 'It's 6:50, we might as well wait.' He suggested.
I nodded agreeing. 'Is that okay with you?' I asked them.
'I'm not that good with sudden change of plans.' Lottie sighed heavily. 'But I'll wait.' She nodded.
'It's alright with me too.' Charlie nodded as well.
'Very well, so, how about you guys tell how the story went.' I sat on my bed with the twins following me. 'How did it go?'
The twins went on to tell me the whole story while we waited for the food to come.
The next day. . .
The only reason why I haven't lost my head is because of three things:
1) There's a teacher living in the Mayor's household so he has been able to give some class routine and preparation for the twins for when they go to the city.
2) I got to make some extra deals for some eggs and goat milk in exchange for fruit, salt and potatoes.
3) The sex money is pouring.
Yes!! I went back to prostitution! But! I've never touched anyone from my group that wasn't Mr. Bonfire, again that was only ONE time thing and he has respected it afterwards.
But as soon as I saw that some men trying to approach me with some pouch money, I thought. . . Well, money is money.
And therefore, while the twins received classes, I would be banging some lumberjack or farmer who hasn't gotten laid just yet.
A pair of twins even came with shared money to share me in bed!! They were big, good looking, and I could clearly see enourmous packages between their legs, so of course I agreed!
'Ah YESSSSS!!' I screamed while hugging the pectorals of giant twin number one as I felt the two penises inside my hole. 'That feel good~.' I moaned while making a stupid smile.
Both twins were very dominant and tall. They were so tall, that they were able to carry me because I was so small. I don't even know how those two things were even capable to get inside ONE single hole!! I screamed inside out of joy and fear as I felt how they started to move barbarically. 'Oh, yes!! Breed me!! Slam your balls on me!! TEAR ME UP YOU GIANT DICKS!!' I demanded and they complied.
They used not only my vagina, but my ass hole and my mouth to satisfy themselves.
When they were done, they left me in the room they paid for alone, with white liquid squirming out my mouth and holes.
At night. . .
"From today I collected 2,500 copper in total through prostitution.
The fruit I was able to exchange will spoil soon so we have to eat it quickly, but I kept some seeds in case it's required. The sack of potatoes is easy to take care of and this time they are not only normal potatoes but also sweet potatoes.
The average potatoes will be used to make smashed potatoes or harsh browns while the sweet potatoes will be roasted.
Mr. Bonfire does not approve of my part-time self employment prostitution, but I gave him the "do I have to remind you that I could have easily charge you as well right?" Look, and he didn't brought it up again.
Thankfully, I still have the doctor's tea to make sure I get my period instead of pregnancy. I better try to find more just in case."
I took the book back to its place and blow out the candle. Then, I went to lay down with the twins and fell asleep.
The next day. . .
"It's still pouring deity's tears, the farmers that are stuck here predict that it might continue for two more days.
I felt like that was my cue to get more money, but I felt conflicted. Then I turned around to see the clouds and said out loud, 'Gods!! If you can hear me, send an event that can help us not to commit canivalism!!'
The whole crew inside cracked up!! Some women did gave me a hard stare, but then looked away as if they said, "I want to disagree but I'm afraid I will end up in sanity too."
Then the doors of the Mayor's house were slammed open to show some outside knights and lumberjacks helping each other with gianourmeous luggage and some noble family with a blue lighting and raven wings crest.
I didn't know who they were, but the Mayor went into full professional (and panic mode internally) and gave them the suites of the household. I'm pretty sure it wasn't as stravagant as the boots and heels that the noble family had, but at the same time, if they are any decent people, they will accept what they are offered gratefully. Especially since they were most probably caught in the rain.
The Major served them the best feast and gave us something simpler, but I didn't complain, nor I let the twins complained because for all we know the nobles are probably potential investors and the Mayor must either show that he is a "better be friends" ally, or an excellent "booth licker."
I closed my book and prepared roasted sweet potatoes for dinner in the huge chimney in the great living room of the household.
The twins ate carefully and we all enjoyed them.
But I soon heard footsteps from behind us and saw what it would be as the young heir to the noble family position and a very extravagant and beautiful lady.
I knew that staying close to them meant trouble and quickly motioned the twins to leave to the dinner room with the other commoners. Although as I kept my composure and irrational fear out of my face and aura, I could feel the young man's gaze onto me. As if he knew why I ran away and was judging me for it.
. . . .
After dinner. . .
The rain finally stopped and the clouds passed over revealing a beautiful sunset through the window.
I prepared the kids and myself to sleep when I heard a knock on the door. The person on the other side of the door knock three strong times making us all jump a bit and stare at the wooden door.
I felt a sudden gust of chills down my spine and I felt cold sweat falling down my forehead as well as my throat tighten.
Charlie and Lottie quickly noticed my anxiety and picked it up on it.
'A-Are we expecting anyone?' He asked taking my hand with his.
'No.' I whispered. 'Mr. Bonfire told me before we left the dinner that he will return later at night which is in another hour.' I recalled in a very low voice.
'Then who is it?' Lottie asked as she tugged on my nightgown.
'I don't know.' I admitted feeling a bang of adrenaline as I opened the second blue luggage and took out a knife out of it. 'Hide under the bed.' I ordered them.
'But, Amy—' Charlie tugged to my skirt.
'Do it!' I ordered strictly.
It was not new but rather uncommon seeing me this serious, therefore Charlie obeyed quickly.
The good news is, there was a peephole from where I could see who was knocking.
The peephole showed a butler with a broche of the noble's family crest from before. I have a bad feeling. I didn't opened the door completely but rather open it until the lock chain allow it to. 'Can I help you?' I asked warely.
The butler showed me a letter. 'My lord, the soon-to-be Duke of the Silverenity Kingdom, Lowell Talonwing has invited everyone in the house for a feast to celebrate his birthday today.' He gave me the letter.
I took the letter and gave a smile. 'Thank you, goodnight.' I closed the door and I sighed of relief.
As I recovered my breath I could hear the butler's footsteps leaving through the hallway with an echoe from his shoes clacking with the wooden floor.
The twins left from under the bed and ran to hug me.
'Are you okay?!' Charlie asked checking my body. 'Who was that?! What did he gave you?!' He was concerned for me and was making sure everything was alright. 'Who in their right mind think is a "good idea" to knock on the door when it's nap time?!' He grabbed his head exasperated.
'Wowowow!' I took his hands of his hair. 'First off, everything's fine. We are okay, you and your are okay, I'm okay. See?' I showed him that. 'Second off, it was. . . A butler.' I answered.
The twins blinked. 'What's a butler?'
'Well, you could say is, sort of, the "male equivalent" of a maid.' I answered. 'Although is more equivalent to a "personal assistant." I think.' I scratched my head a bit confused myself.
'. . . Oh.' The twins nodded. They were still confused but at least they have an idea of what a butler is.
'A-And what did that butler want?!' Charlie asked still concerned for me.
'He. . . Wanted to give me this.' I showed them the letter. 'He said something along the lines of "the birthday of the soon-to-be Duke of this Kingdom is inviting everyone in the house to celebrate."' I answered.
The twins stared at the letter with the noble family's crest.
'The crest is pretty.' Lottie said.
'It is.' I sighed heavily and opened the letter. It had a very pretty card plus a gold coin inside. 'Hmm. . . Wow. These god—' I stopped myself remembering that there were kids here. '—Dang, these rich people.' I sat up and put the letter and gold coin in the pocket of my outdoor dress. 'Let's go to bed.' I motioned them to me.
They nodded and we went to bed and sleep soundly while everyone else was drinking.
The next day. . .
'Off Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!' I cackled at Mr. Bonfire and his crew who were all hangover. 'And y'all called me a "party pooper" when you barely return at five in the morning!! HAHAHAHAHA!!!' I pointed at them having the time of my life.
Mr. Bonfire pouted at me for laughing at them. 'Just get ready.' He told me.
'I already am. Don't you see you are the ones who drank until unholy hours and woke up late.' I laughed a bit. 'Heck, it's literally noon.' I added while crossing my arms and shooting my head.
Mr. Bonfire scoffed. 'You are one mean woman.' He murmured unamused.
I scoffed in return. 'Tell me something I haven't heard already.' I smiled and waved at him to go inside the household and went to see the clerk.
The clerk seemed to be just as hangover as my group but even then he was still trying to smile. 'Need any help?' He asked.
'Eh, em. . . You see, I didn't went to the party yesterday at night because, unlike other people,' I pointed outside, 'I wanted to go sleep early. But you see,' I showed her the letter almost intact, 'I would like to return the letter to show respect, is that okay?' I asked.
The cleric yawned but nodded taking the letter. 'I'll make sure this is get by his butler.' He promised.
'Thank you.' I nodded to him and started leaving. 'Oh! And, just a suggestion, try drinking a lot of water or tea. It should help the hangover.'
The clerk nodded to me. 'I-I'll will.' He said.
'Okay! Bye!' I waved goodbye and went back to the door.
But, as I almost leave, I saw a few maids carried huge trays of food already cooked, fried, and prepared.
My eyes brighten at the sight and had an idea.
A few hours after leaving and going back to the road. . .
'Hmm!' Mr. Bonfire ate the turkey leg with delicacy. 'Thanks Miss Baker!' He thank me.
'Yeah! Yes! Thank you so much!' The other men thank and nodded to me as they ate the leftover food.
'No problem. I figured that after a few hours, you will all be hungry but too exhausted to care, so when I saw the nobleman's maids about to, most likely throw the leftovers out, I went to them and asked if they would rather give the food to me rather than do the dirty work themselves.' I explained what happened. 'They didn't thought twice before giving me the trays and even called for their coworkers to bring the rest of the leftovers.' I smiled proudly.
'The rest of the leftovers?' Mr. Bonfire gulped down a bite. 'Just how much food were you able to get out of them?' He asked surprised.
'Well, while it may have been a lot of food for just me and the twins, it is less food to feed a group of 23 people.' I reminded him the numbers.
'How much is the food going to last then?' Mr. Bonfire rephrased his question.
'Unless you boys and the twins ask for snacks? About until tomorrow for lunch.' I smiled. 'But if you ask for snacks, then until dinner today.' I added.
Mr. Bonfire nodded and then turned to look at his men. 'You heard her!! Avoid eating unless she says so!' He ordered.
The men agreed.
'I'll suggest escavange what you can find either way.' I told him. 'While these are the best case escenario, the worst case escenario will be that the food will be rotten but the next morning.'
Mr. Bonfire understood and we sped things up so we could find either another town or valley to sleep.
As we traveled pass a body of water going down from a cliff, I was able to see vapor and little water drops flying up, showing a beautiful rainbow of hope.