Ch 21: Full speed ahead, away from labour, to our home is where we’ll go.

Full speed ahead.

Full speed ahead!


'FULL SPEED AHEAAAADDDDD!!' Mr. Bonfire yelled as he dragged my horses, and my twins as well as me through the forest on the cart.

I was lied to. I teared up. Mr. Bonfire is a scum! I felt as if my life was flashing before my eyes as I read the letter of the noble duke.

"Dear lady,

I'm the soon-to-be Duke of the Talonwing Dukedom of the Silverenity Kigndom. I'm sorry to communicate this to you by this letter, but I'm afraid you are in danger.

Mr. Bonfire, or so he tends to call himself that, is actually a human trafficker that somehow knew that you took his "merchandise" without "paying properly." Therefore, he made a plan to take under the lies of owning a bakery and taking you and the twins as slaves or maybe something worse.

We are still not sure of how he found who took his "merchandise," but, don't worry we have a plan.

Keep the gold coin and letter until tomorrow. In the morning before you leave, give the letter back to the clerk or butler (if you find him) and make sure to let him know that you didn't make it. He'll know what to do.

Please be safe. We'll come to you soon enough.

With regards, Lowell Talonwing."

I sighed heavily as I also hugged the twins tightly. 'Please come quickly.' I prayed.

Lottie was tearing up while Charlie was a bit more histerical.

'I don't want to go back to slavery!!' Charlie cried out loud. 'I don't want to!!'

'Mean people.' Lottie murmured. 'Mean people see me as an object to trade for.' She whimpered as she buried her face in my chest.

'We'll be okay, kids, we'll be okay.' I told them as I hugged them.

'T-They killed Tango!!' Charlie cried in despair.

Tango. I sobbed. My dear beautiful and loyal dog.

Miau. The cat rubbed between our legs, as if he or she was saying "Hey I'm still here."

I had to laugh a bit.

'All day. . . Everyday. . .' I started to murmur a song I saw myself in. 'Therapist. . . Mother, maid. . .'

The twins looked at me confused.

'Nymph, then a virgin. . . Nurse, then a servant. . .' I felt myself as drowning to madness. 'Just an appendage, live to attend him. . . So that he never lifts a finger. . .' I sang. My voice wasn't a very good one, but hopefully, it was enough.

Lottie teared up even more and Charlie sniffed with his eyes widened.

'Twenty four—seven, baby machine. So he can live out, his picket fence dreams. . .' I smiled bitterly. 'It's not an act of love if you make her. You make me do too much labour!' I hugged the twins one last time and started to search for things in my luggage.

'This was an escape plan.' I kept singing.

'An escape plan?' The twins asked.

I took out the knife from before off my pocket.'Carefully time it, so let me go. And let me dive to waves below!' I yanked the blanket from me. 'I know you are a smart man!!' I sang louder.

Mr. Bonfire turned to look at me baffled.

'And weaponise, the false incompetence, it's dominance under the guise!!' I raised the knife and pointed at him.

'SHUT UP WOMAN!' Mr. Bonfire ordered.

'If we had a daughter, I'd watch and could not save her, the emotional torture from the head of your high table.' I slashed one of his men' hands who tried to get close to me. 'She'd do what you taught her, she will meet the cruel fate.' I cut another man's cheek for getting too close the children. 'So now I've got to run, so I can undo this mistake!!' I turned to see the young Duke, a female knight and bunch of other knights who were getting caught with the rest of the men. 'AT LEAST I'VE GOT TO TRY!!' I took a leap of fate and jumped on the man who I thought I could trust.

'MISS AMY!!' The twins called for me.

As I struggled, I took the chance and cut Peanut's reins. 'Stop Jam!! Wait for the knights!!' I told the twins as I went to fight Mr. Bonfire. 'It's not an act of love if he makes you—' Mr. Bonfire shut me up by the throat.

'Shut up you bitch!!' Mr. Bonfire yelled at my face with a scary smile. 'You RUINED EVERYTHING!!' He threw me off the horse.

'Ow!!' I exclaimed.

Peanut, being the loyal horse he is, as soon as felt that I wasn't either on the cart nor on his back, he stopped completely.

'What the?!' Mr. Bonfire tried to make Peanut keep running. But. . .

Peanut threw him out of his back and ran back to me. I sat up a bit in pain and whisper. 'Go for Jam and Charlie.' I slapped his back and he ran back as he could.

I turned around and received a punch in the face. It threw me backwards and my knife out of reach.

'AUGH!!!' I complained but quickly tried to compose myself as he forced his weight in me. 'UGH. . . NO!' I exclaimed.

'If I'm going to jail, it'll be after having you again!' Mr. Bonfire laughed and he tried to strip me from my skirt.

It was so lame, but I wasn't about to complain right then and there. Especially since I needed to get rid of him. So, I angled my foot correctly and. . . *WHAM!!* I cracked his eggs.

'OUFFF!!' Mr. Bonfire took his own balls forgetting what he wanted to do to me for second. 'You insufferable bi—'

I kicked his face with my heels that sent him on his back. I quickly ran for the knife and immediately ran to a tree and start climbing it.

Mr. Bonfire, fortunately didn't stood up afterwards. But I wasn't about to jinx my luck.

A few minutes go by, and just as he was about to regain consciousness, I heard horses coming over. I started to climb higher, fearing it would be the dreadful men of Mr. Bonfire.

I hided myself among the leaves and their shadows among the branches to disappear if that was possible.

A few seconds later, Charlie appeared riding Peanut with Lottie riding the cart and Jam and a few knights with the duke behind the twins.

'Amy?! Amy!!' Charlie called out to me. 'AMY?!'

'Up here!!' I responded.

Every turned to look in my direction but as soon as they didn't saw me, they went confused.

'Em, here where?' Lottie asked.

'First take Bonfire and then I'll make myself appear!' I let them know.

Duke Talonwing snapped his fingers two times and pointed at the man on the ground. The soldier immediately took the man and ran back just as the female knight appeared at his side.

'Amy?' Charlie came forward the tree where I hided.

I started get down the tree while moving the trees and branches. As I got down, I saw that everyone was staring at me. 'What? Never seen a woman climb a tree?' I asked rhetorically while hanging in a branch like a monkey. 'Don't worry, there's a first time for everything.' I jumped down.

Lottie and Charlie charged me and hugged me.

'Wowowow! Kids, be careful!' I hugged them back smiling to them.

The fella knight and the soon-to-be Duke got down of their horses and walked towards me. 'Are you okay my lady?' The Duke asked me in what could be interpreted as a serious and annoyed tone.

I made myself serious when facing to him. 'Yes, thank you.' Then I quickly turned to the kids and smiled again. 'How about we keep going to the city?' I asked.

'But, there's no real bakery!' Charlie remarked.

'Maybe not a bakery from Mister Bonfire, but I'm sure once we get to the city and establish somewhere I'll be able to find job there.' I assured him petting his and Lottie's heads. 'Besides, we are probably very VERY far away from Forks Valley at this point to. . .' I felt the shadow od Talonwing overshadowing us. 'Return.' I put the kids behind me. 'What do you want?' I asked annoyed myself.

Talonwing was about to speak but the female knight stopped him putting a hand on his shoulder. 'Your grace, the girl has already endured enough closeness with males who have been nothing but threatening and dangerous. Even if you have helped her, it doesn't mean she is going to trust you that quickly.' The female knight explained exactly my point of view. 'Let me take it from here.' She moved in front of him and smiled at us. 'I'm sorry you had to go through this, we appreciate your service—'

'Service the balls I don't have, I never agreed to something like this, I was just the unlucky girl you had to rescue and probably would want me to join the knights.' I rolled my eyes at eyes. 'And before you ask, no. I won't join. Too many men around that type of service.' I turned to look away with pride and annoyance.

The smile of the female became a bewildered expression and blushed a little.

'Wow, maybe it's better if I don't turn into a knight.' Charlie commented looking at them with a bored expression. 'You seriously think that my mom has the time and energy for that AFTER all this. . . dumb thing happened!? What's wrong with you people?!' He put himself in front of me and Lottie. 'For being a woman yourself, you clearly are not being helpful! And THAT, is coming from a soon-to-be MAN!!' He spat at her puffing his chest "menacingly."

At this point, the female knight was blushing with embarrassment and look away. 'I'm sorry. It's just that, you were so brave. . .' She tried to look at me.

'I was not being brave, I was being a mother.' I clarified. 'A mother cares. A mother protects. She faces danger when her children are at risk and male doesn't bother to do more for them.' I crossed my arms. 'I'll tell you this just this once, I prefer one thousand times to live where we are right now than to join the knights myself.' I declared softly making sure I gave them my nastiest and enraged look.

The female knight stood there with the soon-to-be Duke with a bewildered expression. Probably for different reasons, but it didn't matter. Fortunately, the knight and Talonwing raised their hands in surrender.

'Very well, I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable.' The female apologized looking at the floor.

'Damn right you should. You could have easily arrest the group when the rain stopped and you had enough room outside To DO so!!' I complained. 'But you surely didn't DO so because you all were TOO hangover to do anything!!'

The knight and Talonwing were blushing of embarrassment, this let me know I was right.

I breathed and exhale with holding two fingers in front of my mouth. 'Kids.'

The twins turned to look at me. 'Yes?'

'Go back to cart. Cover your ears and turn around.' I ordered them. 'I need to give these so-wanna-be knights a "lecture."' I smiled at them.

Both of the gulped down heavily and ran to the cart. 'Good luck!!' Charlie told them as he passed and as soon as they were inside the cart and with their hands on their with their backs at me, I turned to quickly look at the pair who "saved us."

I cracked my knuckles, inhaled a huge amount of aire and. . . .

Made sure to tell them exactly how they FUCKING FAILED!!

. . .

1 hour of scolding later. . .

The was no knight that was rightfully confused when they saw me with a bruised face, their lord paled, and an exhausted knight with heir souls bound to abandon her.

I had my stare on everyone and the children were quiet, eating a cold piece of ham together.

Well, at least their appetite is not lost. I sighed heavily. Same could not be said for me.

The prisioners were forced to share a tent with no water or food.

Thankfully, the knight didn't order nor took, much less demanded food that I had collected from them. But rather, they encouraged me to eat it.

I made myself eat veggies, roasted chicken and sweet potatoes. I made sure that the twins ate the ham, plus veggies and sweet potatoes as well.

It was getting dark and I made sure that my horses, my goats and chickens were fed along with the cat who got a reward for surviving the tragedy.

There were more male knights than female knights. 20 males (not including the soon-to-be-Duke) and 5 females.

I made sure to not let Lottie be alone with any of them, not even with female knights. They didn't deserved my respect nor my children's.

When night came, I made the twins and me sleep on the cart for extra protection from everyone.

Should I just return to Forks valley? I asked myself as I put my hands in my pockets. I felt a paper and took it out and unfold it to read it. Thankfully, there was the moonlight and the bonfire's flames that helped have a distinction of what it was. Mom's letter. I saw and frowned. I can't turn back, for all I know, my mother will use Theodore against me once again and I'm not about to turn back now. I ripped the letter into pieces. Sorry Theo, but in this world, women will always have it harder than you. I have to take care of myself first. I laid down and hugged the twins ready to try to sleep once more.

'Em, Amy?' Lottie called me. 'Can you sing the song?' She asked.

'The song?' I asked confused.

'The song you were singing back when we were being kidnapped.' Lottie clarified.

'Oh. . . Are you sure?' I asked her. 'It's not exactly a lullaby.' I briefly explained.

'I noted it, but I still want to hear it.' Lottie asked me for it.

I sighed. 'Very well.' I turned to see Charlie. 'Are you okay with the song?' I asked him.

Charlie nodded.

I took a deep breathe and sang it from where I can remember. 'Why are hangin' on? So tight. To rope that I'm hangin' from off this island? This was an escape plan.'

'This was an escape plan.' The twins whispered like trying to sing too.

'Carefully timed it. So then let me go, and dive to the waves below.' I took a breath once more. 'Who tends the orchards? Who fixes up the gables? Emotional torture from the head of your high table. Who fetches the water from the Rocky Mountain spring? And walk down again to feel your words and their sharp sting.' My voice went hard for a moment before remembering what was next and quickly replacing the bad word. 'I'm getting fully tired.'

Without noticing my voice getting louder, I went in to sing my heart out.

'With capillaries in my eyes are bursting. If our love died, would that be the worst thing? For somebody who I thought was my savior. You sure make do a whole lot labour.' I my voice went angry once more, and I couldn't see myself stopping from singing angrily. 'The callous skin in my hands are cracking', if our love ends, would that be a bad thing? And the silence haunts a bed chamber. You make do too much labour.' I sighed tired.

The twins hugged me tightly.

I looked at the bright night and thought, the sky is more beautiful in this world than in the other world, and smiled sadly. 'You make do, too much labour. . . . Apologies from tongue, are never yours. Busy lapping from flowing cup, and stabbing with your fork. I, know that you are smart man.' I took a breath.

'I know you are a smart man.' The wins sang softly.

'And weaponise, the false incompetence, it's dominance under a guise.' My voice crooked a bit. 'If we had a daughter, I'd watch and could not save her. The emotional torture, from the head of your high table. She'd do what you taught her, she will meet the same cruel fate. So now I've gotta run, so I can undo this mistake! At least, I've gotta TRY!!' I exclaimed feeling vulnerable and fearful in my song.

With capillaries in my eyes are bursting. If our love died, would that be the worst thing? For somebody who I thought was my savior. You sure make do a whole lot labour.' I my voice went angry again, internally cursing all the men around me. 'The callous skin in my hands are crackin', if our love ends, would that be a bad thing? And the silence haunts a bed chamber. You make do too much labour.' I sighed and took a deep breath feeling the encore coming.

'All day, every day, punching bag, mother, maid. Nymph, then a virgin, nurse, then a servant.' I counted with fingers without any reason to do so. 'Just an appendage, live to attend him. So that he never lifts a finger. Twenty-four —seven, baby machine, so he can live out his picket fence dreams.' I teared up a bit. 'It's not an act of love if you make her, you make me do too much labour.'

I sang the last parapagh once more and sighed of relief after I finished with a louder, 'you make do, to much labour!!' And kissed the twins. 'Did you, liked it?'

The twins nodded. 'Thank you.' They nodded and went to sleep immediately.

As for myself, I felt like a weight fell from my shoulders and sleep like a baby.




A few days later. . .

The trail was more easier, once we made it to the merchandiser roads. The food started to get spoiled, so I forced myself to share parts to the soldiers so they food wouldn't waste.

Fortunately, we got to the capital of Silverenity.

And for one, I was actually amazed. The castle was bright and shining, as if it was actually made of silver.

A huge giant brick fort was covering the city while the farmers and mini villages lived around the fort.

I could clearly see it. A land on those little villages, making a small store for goods to exchange with people outside and sell them both inside and outside of the capital.

Unfortunately, Talonwing had other plans.

'Let me get this straight, you, want me, to enter the gates?! With YOU?!' I shouted angrily making echoe at the distance. 'Ha! I don't think so! No, no, and no!' I refused crossing my arms and giving a death stare.

'Mam with all due respect—' The female knight tried to appease me but I stomped my feet on the ground.

'Respect my—' I stopped myself and look at the twins. 'Cover your ears.' I ordered them to do.

They did as they were told and I returned to look at the knight. 'Respect my ass! I had enough of the poor excuse of the fucking law enforcement telling me what to do and especially since those orders came from men!! I'm tired and exhausted! And I'm not about to trust you motherfuckers to care for me when your priorities are drinking and fucking each other!!' I screamed at her and her boss.

'Miss baker!!' Lowell Talonwing shout at me. 'You are angry! I've got that! You are disappointed!! I understand and know you have the right to be!! But I remind you that I can EASILY throw you to a dungeon because of your disrespect!' He declared putting himself in front of me.

'Might as well do it then.' I dared him. 'Go on, arrest the woman, the mother, the victim! Instead of the prisioners you were suppose to arrest since the beginning, and hope that the town doesn't get angry for the injustice!!' I smiled sarcastically at him.

The female knight covered her mouth and lord Talonwing had his mouth on the ground.

'. . .' I tapped on he floor for a few seconds. 'Yeah, that's what I thought.' I nodded to myself. 'Listen to me little boy, just because you are royalty doesn't mean you have the right to be entitled so put your big boy pants, go to the city send those little shits to prison, and LEAVE ME AND MY FAMILY ALONE!!' I screamed at his face and then turned to my cart and left for my side, leaving his grace, his second in command, his soldiers and probably the prisioners dumbfounded. 'Do your job properly, and then I'll personally thank you!! Otherwise, you don't deserve the tiniest bit of respect!' I declared without looking at them and taking my horses reins.

I divisiones a small town down the city fort's outskirts and went there full speed ahead before the Duke reacted and had me arrested for the insult.

The twins by know knew they could uncover their ears. 'Are we going to our new home?!' They asked.

'Yes!!' I nodded. 'Peanut, Jam!! Full speed ahead!!' I shouted making them go at such speed.

'Woohooooooo!!' The twins cheered me on.

Meeeee~~~aaaaa~~ooooowwwww!! The cat wasn't so amused by the movement thought.




2 hours later. . .

I got to the front of the town which had a little board that said: "Welcome to Silverwood neighbourhood."

I sighed of relief and went in at a slow pace.

The few people that were outside turned to stare at me. I was so tired of the travel that I didn't care.

The twins just waved and said hi everyone now and then, I'm pretty sure that with that, their stare soften and let me be.

I found the biggest house (in the neighborhood that is) with a board that said: "Silverwood supervisor's house."

I told the kids to wait in the cart and went all the way to knock.

After a few seconds, a woman in her 40s opened the door and looked at me. 'Can I help you?' She asked a bit warily.

'Hi, em, sorry for looking at a mess.' I scratched my head and sighed. 'I was almost kidnapped and had to make a run for it. B-But don't worry, Talonwing's knights got em in he nick of time, so there's no danger coming after me.'

The hard gaze of the lady soften after. 'You must be looking for a forever home I suppose?' She asked.

'Yes, for me and my kids over here.' I pointed with my hand at the twins who waved at her friendly. 'If there's no home here that's fine, but I would like to of there's anywhere to stay the night.' I requested. 'Or maybe until I get a forever home.'

The lady smiled. 'Oh don't worry, you three can stay here for the moment. Although, I do recommend you bring the cart to the stables at the backyard and then I will show you your rooms, is that okay?' She offered.

I sighed of relief. 'Thank you so much!' I smiled.

I did as she told and when I took my horses and cattle to the stables, the lady had also come from the back door with her husband.

Wait, is that her husband?! I raised my eyes in surprise. Wow.

The husband was half his wife's size, chubby and and with a goofy smile and moustache and no hair.

'Sorry for not presently myself earlier, my name is Lady Silverwood, my husband here is Lord Silverwood.' Mrs. Silverwood presented herself and her husband.

His husband waved silently.

'Em, hi. I'm Amelia Cora Baker, the twins are Charles Victor and Charlotte Victoria.' I presented us and the twins waved as I called out their names.

'Twins aren't you?' Mrs. Silverwood noted.

The kids nodded shyly.

'Don't worry, I say you are very rare. One in every 10,000 births approximately are twins! You are a pair of miracles.' Mrs. Silverwood info dump on us.

Wow. I blinked. 'Em thanks for letting us stay.' I thank her once again.

'Not a problem, my husband will take care of your cattle and the maid and butler of your luggage for you, please come with us.' Mrs. Silverwood motioned us to follow her.

'O-Okay.' I said and motioned the kids to follow me so we could could follow her.

. . .

A few hours later, a nice warm bath and some good food later. . .

The kids were being entertained by Mr. Silverwood who had sock puppets for toys.

Mrs. Silverwood was showing me a map with the houses available in this and other three towns.

'From what you told me, you want an affordable house with enough space for the goats and chickens, and at the same time enough space to make a living and a store, mini shop or restaurant.' Mrs. Silverwood had summarized everything. 'Is that correct?'

I nodded.

'In that case, we have one house that fits that prescription,' she pointed to that place, 'but the problem is, that it needs a lot of renovation. It's been abandoned for about a decade you see.' She explained it to me. 'Do you have any savings?' She asked.

'Well, I have around. . . 3,984, 329.28 copper plus 2,800 coins in silver.' I answered.

She blinked. 'How much sacrifice did you make?' She asked in shock.

'My dignity and patience.' I answered in full honesty. 'Do you think it is enough?' I asked her.

'Oh, more than enough.' Mrs. Silverwood nodded confidently. 'But, before you decided, how about seeing it first before deciding. There's still a lot more houses in this and the two towns of each side of us. Also, you must be exhausted so, it's best if you don't rush anymore.' She suggested to me.

I nodded exhausted. 'Yeah, I agree. I would want to see that house, plus another two from here, and two houses each from the other two towns if possible.' I requested as I sat up.

'You'll have the full list tomorrow morning.' Mrs. Silverwood sat up as well. 'Dear! How are the— awww. . .' She smiled.

I turned to see what she was seeing and I saw the kids sleeping on Mr. Silverwood's belly. 'Awww.' My cute aggression almost took over me. 'If I ever found myself a husband, I' would prefer ten thousand times someone like your husband, Mrs. Silverwood.'

Mrs. Silverwood nodded in agreement. 'Be careful though, the cutest ones are the most dangerous in bed.' She murmured to me.

I blushed myself deep red. '. . . Really?' I asked surprised.

Mrs. Silverwood smiled pervertidly. 'I may be in charge in the relationship, but he governs me in bed.' She bites her inferior lip.

Oh jojojojojo! A hubby that leaves me in a wheel chair and acts like a puppy is my dream!! I giggled trying not to show my excitement. 'D-Does he have it big?'

Mrs. Silverwood got close to my ear and whispered. '27 centimeters.'

My nose bleed. 'You are one lucky bi— beautiful married woman.' I complimented her as I cleaned my nose.

'Aw, thank you.' Mrs. Silverwood clapped her hands and smiled proudly.




The next day. . .

I slept almost to 10 a.m!! The trail was exhausting and the house left a place to feel new levels of safety.

I went to change my pajamas to my normal clothing and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

I most have been still a bit drowsy because the women doing her things in the kitchen stared at me while smiling a bit.

'Oh, my dear!' I heard Mrs. Silverwood's voice behind me and I turned to see her. 'You finally woke up. Come on, let's get you to the dinning table.' She took me to the dining table.

When we entered, I saw the twins already clothed and everything but were just as drowsy as me and there were other males besides Mr. Silverwood. This last thing made my hair stand up and my body woke up in an instant.

'My dear, these are my sons, Luca, Rowan & Cassian.' Mrs. Silverwood presented them from the closest to the farthest from our side of the table to our right. 'Don't worry, your seat is with the twins and on the opposite side from my sons.' She pointed to a seat between the twins.

'Yes, thank you.' I smiled ackwardly. I went to seat on the chair quickly and talked a bit with my children. 'Hey, you two. How did you sleep?' I asked them.

'Better than I have in ages.' Charlie said yet to be fully awake.

Lottie leaned on my arm still quite drowsy.

I laughed a bit, and then turned to see the three young men. They were around Amelia's ages, the oldest a bit older, and they shared their parents' hair traits to some extent.

The oldest was the closest to his father's chair and eating as if the twins and I didn't exist, he had dark gray hair like the test of his family and green eyes like his mother. The middle one was betweeen the oldest and youngest, eating and giving a few uninterested glance at me, he had silver platinum hair and blue eyes like his father. The third young men was basically giving me the side eye, he probable had his father's hair and mother's eyes.

The third stopped once his mother, Mrs. Silverwood gave him a death stare as if saying, "stop getting guests uncomfortable or something!!" That quickly end his side eye glances away.

I also didn't have time to stare at them very long, for the servants brought a bowl of porridge and fruit salad.

'Thank you.' I thanked the servants and started to eat.

The porridge didn't have flavor but I didn't complain about it. I tried to be discreetly put some fruit salad inside the porridge to eat it more easily and for a while everything was fine.

'By the way, Miss Baker, I have the list of houses that might be of interest for you.' She brought out the list out of her pocket. 'Would you like to see it after breakfast?' She asked.

I nodded as I gulped down my porridge. 'Yes please, and thank you.' I smiled at her.

'Very well.' Mrs. Silverwood turned to see her husband. 'Dear, can you entertain the children while me and Miss Baker go to see the households?' She asked him.

The husband took a few seconds to respond, but then he nodded while looking at the table.

'Thank you dear.' Mrs. Silverwood smiled and went on to eat putting the list back in her pocket.

The rest of breakfast was done in a comfortable silence while everyone ate.

. . .

In a wood chariot. . .

'Say, Mrs. Silverwood.' I called for her in front of me.

'Is something wrong my dear?' She asked.

'I've noticed that your husband is not much of a talker. Did something happened, or has he always been like that?' I asked her.

Mrs. Silverwood sighed heavily.

I frowned a bit worried. 'D-Did I said something wrong?' I asked. 'If so, then I'm—'

'No, dear. You didn't ask anything wrong.' She assured me. 'In fact, I would say that you are the first one to ask about it as if it was the most normal thing in the world instead of being weirded out by it.' She remarked.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise. 'Well, Lottie-Ehem, Charlotte tends to be no-speaker like you husband, not all the time but, when she feels overwhelmed or a new change happens too fast, she tends to. . . "Break down" in a mute silence.' I explained it to her. 'When I noticed that your husband was a non-speaker person, my first thought was something like "he's not much of talker." But then I recognized some signs that assimilate to my Charlotte.'

Mrs. Silverwood looked at me intrigued. 'Signs? What signs?'

'Charlotte, tends to have the habit of moving her fingers up and down in a "creepy way," or some people call out to it, she also has a hard time in showing facial emotions so she's often misjudged as "expressionless," also she has expressioned feeling uncomfortable to look people straight in the eye.' I gave her my Lottie's signs. 'Your husbands signs are much softer, but my guess is that he has been self-taught how to suppress from time to time. For example, I noticed that when he gets excited, he flaps his hands like a little kid would do. He's more expressive with his face but only a few seconds before he express a sigh of tiredness and goes back to a "blank expression," and last but not least, he seems to be more comfortable around children younger than young adults and you.' I let her know.

Mrs. Silverwood was looking at me surprised. 'I, thought that, knowing I noticed those signs.'

'If cared enough to look for them, you'll quickly notice them.' I smiled. 'I know this may sound weird since I'm just a stranger, but, how about you try to introduce you husband to his new sons.' I suggested her.

Mrs. Silverwood frowned. 'Introduce them to each other? He has known them for ages!' She reclaimed.

'Yes and no. Do you know the phrase, "children grow up too fast?" Well, Mr. Silverwood might have a problem with it.' I try to calm her down. 'Unlike other people, like you and me, Charlotte and Mr. Silverwood are more prone to feel overwhelmed about the big changes, such as the kids getting a new girlfriend, or moving out. There's also the problem that your children might not understand their father the same way you understand your husband.'

Mrs. Silverwood sighed heavily and looked down a bit sad. 'Not even a day in my house, and yet you have noticed more problems that I've had.' She put her hand on her face.

'Don't pressure yourself much Mrs. Silverwood.' I cheered her up. 'Everyone is different, but most of them are able to conform to society's rules and live with those values internalized. Charlotte and Mr. Silverwood on the other, are people who might never conform because there are things they are not comfortable with, and when they feel uncomfortable they tend to exclude themselves to avoid any shame and discomfort.' I explained things further. 'The re-introduction doesn't need, and shouldn't be with all the children together, but one by one like a small intervention, interview or whichever type of of talk your husband might be most comfortable with.' I suggested.

Mrs. Silverwood smiled and nodded. 'Thank you.' She took my hand.

'Not a problem.' I queezed her hand with care. 'I'm not sure if you noticed it, but I noted that your husband kind of understood my daughter as if he knew what issues she's having.' I recalled.

'Oh, really?' Mrs. Silverwood raised her eyebrows in surprise.

'Yes! I noticed them staring at each other, like they were having a full conversation without words.' I told her. 'It was amazing, and a bit terrifying.' I said.

'I would agree.' Mrs. Silverwood nodded to me and we both laughed.

Soon, I'll find a new home where I'll settle down and make my own supermarket.