A few days after. . .
"We have finished to see all the houses that are in the range of my budget and the qualities that I was looking for.
The house in Silverwood village, the restaurant of the Coloruit village and the sugar mill of the Bakingwood village.
To be exact, what I wanted to search for was a home of:
— Three floors.
— Three bathrooms inside and maybe one outside.
— A basement.
— An attic.
— Three bedrooms (with puberty close by, the twins will need space).
— A chimney (minimum).
— A backyard big enough for the goats and chickens.
— A stable for the horses.
— A warehouse.
— A water body nearby for water source, bathing and laundry-
With this specifics very specifics in minds, I did told Mrs. Silverwoods that I was willing to let go of the bathrooms inside, the attic, the warehouse and the water source is it comes to having a cheaper price.
The one house in town that Mrs. Silverwood told me about had:
— 3 bedrooms.
— 3 floors.
— 2 bathrooms inside + 1 outside.
— The basement.
— The attic.
— 2 chimneys: one on the first floor, and one on the bedroom floor.
— Big bayckyard for all the animals.
— Small barn for the horses and the goats.
— A small warehouse.
— It has its own well and is connected to the river on the other side of town.
As Mrs. Silverwood told me, the house was decent but it needed a lot of maintenance and repairments. There was even some leaks from the roof in the top floor, so I must be weary and even worried about mold inside the wood.
But otherwise it would most definetely be a very good house to move into.
The other two houses that fitted my description (by a exceptions) were:
The restaurant from the Coloruit village, which has:
— 3 floors.
— 2 bedrooms.
— One chimney on main floor.
— One bathroom outside.
— A basement.
— A medium backyard for chickens and goats, but not horses.
— A small barn for just the horses.
— A big warehouse.
— Direct water source from the river.
The sugar mill from the Bakingwood village:
— 3 floors.
— Completey empty: makes great opportunity to create the rooms and their sizes by choice.
— A basement.
— A mini 4th floor (which can be used as an attic).
— An inside barn and stable for goats and horses.
— Big backyard for the animals.
— A big well that had direct water source from an aqueduct.
— 2 chimneys on first and third floor.
— A massive warehouse.
— One bathroom outside.
Every single one had their advantages and disadvantages. So it has been difficult to choose one of these.
But, I will first discard the second house for three reasons:
1) The horses need space to both live and walk around.
2) It the expensiest one out of the three of them. Not worth it.
3) The two bedrooms are not enough for the three of us. I'm pretty I was able to let some things go, but not to the privacy.
4) Bonus: The neighbourhood is nosy and is clear I won't be welcomed there. It might be just the reason why the owner of the building decided to move from there.
As for the other two houses. . . I believe I will get rid of the first house.
Yes, it's beautiful and meets my expectations and requirements, but I might have to pay more to repair some things that might as well not be worth saving.
In other words, I will buy the sugar mill."
. . . . .
A few days later. . .
The price for the sugar mill was indeed a bit high, 2, 330, 000 copper in total, but after laying out my issues with how old it is plus the fact that I would have to invest a large sum of money in it, I offered an amount of 1, 600, 456.34 copper. They immediately accepted the offer because the lord of the village has had to deal with the old sugar mill for a long time, so the moment I have my offer, he basically went like: 'yes, take it! Just take it out of my hands now!!'
The lords of Silverwood escorted me and my twins to our new home where we will establish.
'It ugly.' Lottie commented with utter seriousness.
Mr. Silverwood agreed immediately with her by nodding.
'Maybe now, but after I finish investing on it, it shall no longer be ugly.' I promised her while hugging her. 'And you know the best part?' I asked her along with her brothe. They shook their heads. 'You get to create and make you own rooms!!'
The twins went ecstatic.
'You can go now to the third floor, that is where we will sleep.' I let them know.
The twins went feral and ran to the sugar mill.
'Hahahahaha!' I laughed and I went to Mrs. Silverwood. 'Thank you so much for your help.' I thank her while taking her hands with mine.
'Helping is both a luxury and a pleasure not many people can and will do without knowing they won't receive anything in return.' Mrs. Silverwood told me. 'Take care of yourself, and your children, and your new home.' She hugged me.
I hugged her back.
I turned to see Mr. Silverwood. 'Is the tablecloth good for you?' Mr. Silverwood nodded while showing me the tablecloth that I gave him. 'Are you still having issues with the texture of things despite after using the tablecloth?' I asked him. He shook his head. 'I'm glad.' I nodded and winked at him. He winked back while nodding.
'You better go, the sun will set soon.' I told them.
'Yes, take care.' Mrs. Silverwood made a small bow with her husband and hurried to the chariot. 'If you need anymore help you know where to come!!' She told me as she got to the chariot with her husband.
I waved at her and her husband goodbye. 'I will, goodbye!!'
The chariot hurried to get them back to their village and I sighed and simply went inside to prepare food for the twins.
The next day. . .
The twins and I went through the village to get ourselves used to the people around us and maybe form a few friendships.
Fortunately, the neighbors were pretty friendly and there were a lot of children for Charlie to play with. I would like for Lottie to get familiar with children as well, but, it seems that Lottie does not find socializing appealing.
I don't force her of course, I talked to her about it and I made sure she was at least in a comfortable spot where it might be her "safe place." It's in a hole under a tree's roots for shadow and pressure comfort, with shadow so she doesn't get overwhelmed by the heat, and is close to the house if she gets tired of everything.
'My my.' A lady neighbor called lady Bridgewood said next to me. 'Your children are quite, peculiar.' She noted holding her hand onto her mouth.
'Yes? And?' I asked with genuine care. 'Is there a problem?' I asked.
Lady Bridgewood faltered at my questions. 'Well, not to be rude, I'm just concerned about how well will they develop with such bizarre behaviors.' She made a concerned faces.
I just smiled. 'Mam, my daughter is capable of multiplying triple number, knows all the capitals of the continent, and has excellent ability to remember things from about 3 months before.' I showed off. 'I'm sure she will be just fine.'
The other ladies raised their eyebrows in surprise while lady Bridgewood flushed red.
'Also, just to make sure, I must ask you to never worry about my children again.' I requested. 'My children, my business. When you have your own children, it will be your business only. Do we agree?' I offered.
The ladies behind her stared at Bridgewood who simple turned away and nodded.
'Thank you.' I smiled in gratitude and turned to see the other lady with who I was just talking. 'Mrs. Johnson, was it?' I asked her and Mrs. Johnson nodded. 'Yes, em, you said something about worrying for your husband's business. What is his business work and what's wrong with it if may I ask?' I asked with genuine curiosity.
'Well, em, my husband is having a hard time in getting his goats pregnant, without pregnancy there's no milk and without milk there will be no product to sell anymore.' Mrs. Johnson.
'Do you know why there are no goats pregnant yet?' I asked her.
'Well, because the last male goat died of old age.' She said.
'O see. Well, I have good news for you, I have a male goat perfectly healthy and ready to reproduce with lady goats.' I said. 'We can arrange a meeting to see if he can do the job and we can discuss an agreement payment. How's that?' I offered with my hand.
Mrs. Johnson gasped with her eyes brightening of hope. 'Yes! Yes!' She trenched my hand. 'W-When can we meet?' She asked.
'How about you begin at least 2 female goats to start? Just to see if it world and then the next time bring other two goats. Afterwards, we'll go from there.' I offered.
'Yes, thank you so much!' Mrs. Johnson hugged me. 'I'll go for my husband right away and we'll meet tomorrow at noon at best! Bye girls! Bye Ms. Baker!' She waved at us goodbye and she went running home.
I chuckled a bit and then turned to look the other ladies. 'And, just to make sure there are no bad blood between us, If any of your husbands or family member work for construction, dairy, meat and farming, please let them come to see me, I want to make a few business deals to make a living.' I smiled at them and went inside the sugar mill leaving the ladies outside.
While I noted that the married ones were talking among themselves, I went to check the oatmeal cookies, bread and with the preserved cinnamon that I got from a few weeks ago, back in Richwood, I made some cinnamon rolls and an apple pie.
I shuddered at the thought of what could have happened back then, but took the thought out of my mind and quickly took that moment out of my mind and took out the backed goods as well as the cinnamon rolls and the apple pie.
I opened took out the market stand and I called out the kids. 'Lottie! Charlie! Come help me here!'
Charlie immediately stopped on his tracks and went to his sister running like a gazelle. 'Sister of mine! Wake up!' He kicked the tree with the sole of the foot.
'Aaah!!' Lottie got out of the hole and persecuted her brother. 'Come here you insufferable piece of crackhead!!' She launched at her brother.
'Wait no-aaaahhh!!' Charlie he screamed like a toddler.
They went rolling all the way from a few feet of the tree, to the pole of the market stand.
*fumb!!* The market stand fell to the side along the market tend on top of the twins.
'Aaaahhhh!!' The twins panicked.
I, while unaware of what happened, I was able to hear the market stand falling. 'Charles Victor Baker!!' I called one of those two on top of my lungs. 'Charlotte Victoria Baker!!' I then called the other twin on top of my lungs too. 'The stand better be still standing or won't have breakfast for dinner!!' I put the pie on the window, and carried the the tray molds with cookies and muffins, the tray of cinnamon rolls outside.
What I saw was the twins and the market stand still up. 'Good.' I smiled approvingly. 'Now let it go.' I gave them an order.
The twins shook their heads, but I wasn't having non of it. 'Let. The. Stand. Go!'
The twins stepped away and the stand fell.
I stared at them with a blank stare. 'Help me with the goods like I put the stand up again.' I gave my voice a cold tone.
The twins did as they were told and waited patiently as I put the stand in the rightful place. 'Good. Now, what happened?' I asked as I took the goods from them.
The twins sheepishly told me what happened in the rightful order.
'Well, since Charlie is the one who started, he is the one in trouble.' I declared as I put the goods on the table of the market stand. 'And Lottie is in trouble because her reaction was not a good one.' I turned around to see them. 'Do you know what that means?' I asked them.
'We apologize to each other, do our homework, our chores, we have no breakfast for dinner and turn in early to reflect on our behavior.' The twins responded downhearted.
'Good. Now, let this be a lesson for the two of you and for you Charlie, I hope you remember the fact that no sister, mother nor any type of woman is to be treated as such.' I pointed my finger at him.
Charlie nodded looking at me while keeping his head down.
'As for you, Lottie, I hope you reflect on your reaction.' I told her. 'Yes, you got angry. But that reaction of yours got you in trouble and if you keep it up it will only get in worse trouble than getting a scolding with me.' I warned her. 'Next time you get angry either at home or close to home, let me know and I'll help you relieve that anger in a healthier way.' I gave her options. 'Or if it's outside of our house, like in school or a new place, then express your words. Again, I will help you start in getting your communication better, but let me tell you that getting angry and reacting violently will only make you the bad girl. Don't give the real bad guy or girl the satisfaction of it. Am I clear?' I asked them.
'Yes mam.' The twins nodded at the same time.
'Very well.' I sighed heavily. 'Gather you school tools, there's the local teacher who can assess you right now.' I nodded to the female teacher who nodded to them while turning herself to me. 'I'm really sorry that you had to see that. They are usually very good children.' I promised to her.
'And I'm sure they are.' The teacher nodded to me. 'Normally children at this age become quite rebellious towards their parents and even blame them for their misbehavior, how did you do it?' She asked.
'Oh I well I promised to them that if they made something really bad, they would have to clean the chicken coop.' I told her smiling evilly. 'With a spoon.' I added.
The ladies raised their eyebrows both in amusement and horror.
'And if they did something wrong or even evil, they will have to shovel the horses poop.' I added on. 'For a month.'
The ladies murmured approvingly.
'But of course, this time it was just a mistake over some misbehavior and over reaction.' I quickly detailed. 'I believe there's a thin line between misbehavior and just being plain evil. Charlie and Lottie tend to be very obedient and this time it was just an mistake so I didn't punished them with that type of labor.' I further on.
'I see.' The teacher seemed to think about it. 'How would you explain that thin line?' She asked.
'Well, one think is fighting over misinterpretation and over reaction, and another thing is fighting just because they want to.' I responded with whole honesty. 'A misunderstanding can be quickly to address and make sure each party apologizes, but when it comes to search for a fight then it's wrong because the victim might as well never have even talked to the bully and the bully goes on to bother them for no reason.' I explained my reasoning. 'My point?'
'Noted.' The teacher nodded in response.
'Also, there's a thin line between discipline your children and just being plain abusive.' I went on. 'One thing is scolding your kid this type of misbehavior,' I pointed to my kids coming back with their school tools, 'and another thing is punching them and making them bleed just because of a fight between kids. I mean, they are already injured, why would you keep hurting them?' I asked rethorically raising a wood spoon and with it, I softly smack a kid's hand off the cinnamon rolls. 'You touch it you buy it.' I told him.
The little boy sniffed because he wants a cinnamon roll. 'M-Mom?' He went to make puppy eyes with to his mother.
The mother came rushing and gave me the side eye.
'I didn't even hit you that hard.' I frowned. 'Did I?' I asked myself and softly smacked the teacher's head. 'Did that hurt?'
'Pff, of course not.' The teacher rolled her eyes frowning at the boy,
The boy looked like a deer in plain cross road when noting that he wouldn't have his way and tried to look innocent for his mother. Of course, the mother look unamused, so she quickly pull his ear with her finger nails and the boy wailed due to the pain.
I myself, turned a blind eye to the boy's pain and look at the rest of the children who had gather up to the smell. 'Want a piece of sweet bread, ask you parents for it. I ain't giving anything for free.' I declared clearly giving my "I take no bullshit" stare.
The children quickly went to their mom's so they would buy them sweet bread.
The teacher moved to the grass with the twins and started to assess them.
As for myself, I retrieved the pie from the window and cut it into fine yet satisfactory pieces.
The mothers had gathered and one of them asked how much for a cinnamon roll.
'This are cinnamon rolls.' I presented. 'As the name calls it, they are rolls with cinnamon and brown sugar, each one is for 0.38 cents, or if you want to bring some home I have the offer of 4 cinnamon rolls per 1 copper.' I answered her question.
That specific mother payed two cinnamon roll, one for herself and gave it to her daughter, who squealed in delight. The mother was amazed too. 'It's really good!' She complimented me.
'Aw, thank you.' I nodded to her. 'Anyone else?' I asked.
They all raised their pouches.
. . . .
About 45 minutes later. . .
"The 22 cinnamon rolls went out in an instant.
4 mother took the offer of 4 cinnamon rolls per 1 copper = 4 coppers in total for 16 cinnamon rolls.
2 mothers only payed for one cinnamon roll and shared it with their children. 0.38 cents x 2 = 0.76 cents.
The first mother who bought the first two cinnamon rolls, payed 0.76 cents too.
In total:
4 + 0.76 + 0.76 = 4 + 1.52 = 5.52 coppers in total.
The other mothers were ready to try the cinnamon rolls (or couldn't because they were out"), saw my variety of baked goods and started to ask for them.
The loafs of bread were 12.50 but I gave the offer of buying one and take one for free.
2 mothers took the chance and bought 4 loafs of bread each woman:
— 12.50 x 4 = 50 coppers in total. Taking the discount: 50 ➗ 2 = 25 copper per woman. Which meant that in total I got 50 coppers from both of them.
— About eight women took only 2 loafs per woman:
12.50 copper x 8 women = 100 copper in total.
In total:
100 + 50 = 150 coppers in total.
The oatmeal cookies were given for 1.25 per each or 15 copper per dozen. I gave the offer of taking 10 cookies per 7.5 copper and 10 out of the 12 women took the offer.
— 7.5 coppers x 10 women = 75 coppers in total.
— 1 mother payed for 4 cookies: 7.5 p/each x 4 = 30 coppers.
— 1 mother actually paid a dozen cookies = 15 coppers.
In total:
70 + 30 + 10 + 5 +5 = 110 + 10 = 120 coppers in total.
As for the cinnamon apple pie, it was huge hit for the single ladies:
The pie itself took about an hour and a half to make with the baking, filling and everything. 1.30 hours x 15 copper per hour = 19.50 for the whole pie. Adding the 0.12 which is 2.34 = 10 + 9 + 2 + 0.50 + 0.10 + 0.02 = 10 + 11 + 0.60 + 0.02 = 21.62 coppers for the whole pie.
21.62 copper ➗ 12 pieces = 1.8016666667. This was rounded up to 2 coppers per piece.
All the ladies payed for a piece and taste it either alone or with their kids. So in total I made 24 coppers.
In total of everything:
5.52 + 150 + 120 + 24 = 100 + 100 + 50 + 20 + 20 + 4 + 5 + 0.52 = 200 + 90 + 9 + 0.52 = 299.52 coppers today.
It wasn't bad. It went rather better than expected. Hopefully the sells will go up once the business becomes official."
I closed the book and went on to arrange a bit of what was left of what it wasn't sold. I arranged a loaf of bread, about 4 muffins and 8 cookies inside a box and gave it to the teacher as soon as we all went to our homes.
'Here, I know it's not much, but I hope I can give it to you for good nature.' I gave the box to her.
'Aw, thank you Miss. Baker.' The teacher took the box and put it on her side. 'I'll go straight to business, I can't teach your children.' She gave her answer bluntly.
I blinked. 'W-Why not?' I asked worried. 'Is there something wrong?' I asked.
'Nothing is wrong, on the contrary.' The teacher looked at me. 'They know way more than I do. Which means they can't study with me because they already know everything that is needed for children living in the country.' She shrugged.
Wow. That means I taught them a lot for either this world's teaching plan or I just rushed to teach everything to them. It could be the fact that we usted the textbooks from the retired professor which had not only basic information but also advanced information. I thought and looked at my hands. Oops. I smiled now a bit uncomfortable. 'I-I'm really sorry that.'
'It's not a problem. But again, I can't teach them much since it will be a waste of time.' She let me know. 'I do have good news though.' She raised her finger.
'Really? What is it?' I asked her.
'Well, outside of the capital there might not be much opportunities for the twins, but inside of the capital there will be a lot more.' She suggested with a smile.
I gulped down. 'That's going to be difficult.' I answered. 'As you know, I just moved here and I simply cannot leave this place until I make more money out of it.' I explained her my situation.
She nodded. 'I understand, but don't worry. There's a school inside the capital where the twins will live with weekends and holidays as exceptions.' She told me.
I blinked. 'Is it, a boarding school what you are suggesting?' I asked her.
'Yes. But not just any boarding school, but the best boarding school in all Silverenity: The Bismuth Academy.' She declared with excitement.
My mouth went to the table. Amelia's memories tell me that such school is for rich kids!! I stared to sweat cold. 'Em, as much as this excites me, I don't think I can do it.' I admitted.
The teacher frowned. 'Why?'
'Well, that school is for rich kids. I'm a commoner and the children are ex-slaves.' I told her. 'Such difference in social status will cause problems and no matter what right or wrong I might teach my kids to do, knowing how rich people tend to corrupt their own children. . .' I took a deep breath. 'I don't like the idea of dealing with such parents, especially since their money can do anything to the kids and me.'
The teacher nodded at my understanding.
'Also, I'm sure you are aware of Lottie's lack of facial recognition and high desire for routine.' I added on. 'It might be good for Charlie who is very social, but a girl like Lottie who disregards such things as physical, eye, emotional contact with strangers will probably attract a lot more bullies than friends.' I sighed heavily. 'In a boarding school, I can't have Charlie take care of her and Lottie might not like the idea having a huge change so soon. Therefore, I might have to reject the boarding school idea for now.' I declared firmly.
The teacher frowned and nodded, it was clear that she wasn't very convinced with that decision but she's also very aware that she cannot convince me otherwise. 'But, since your children will keep growing, how they will study?' She asked me. 'Sure, there's only so much I can teach them, but school inside the capital will offer better education for it.'
'Well, if what you say is true, they I will go find a school inside the capital that's not a boarding school.' I declared. 'Sure it might be far, but I don't think Lottie is ready for such change.'
'Then what about just Charlie for now?' The teacher suggested quickly. 'You said Charlie has better chance of adjusting to a boarding school. Let him go.' She pressed further.
I thought about it for a bit and nodded to it. 'Yet, it would be the first time the twins would be separated. I would have to talk to them about the possibility of it, but if they don't agree to it, then I will just wait until they are older.' I made my case clear.
The teacher nodded in understanding. 'Very well, I will contact a friend of mine who will get you to the new school so you three can have a look.' She sat up and took the box in her arms.
Is she even listening to me anymore? My eye twitched and I could only sigh deeper. 'Very well, I will show you the door.' I sat up and let her out of my house.
Once she was far away, I close the door and grunted in frustration. Decisions, decisions. . . They only get more complicated.
'M-mom?' Charlie's voice called for me.
I turned around and saw the twins down the staircase. 'Charlie? Lottie? What are ya doing here? You were supposedly getting ready for bed.' I asked not unamused.
'We, just kinda wanted to know what you were talking about.' Charlie responded.
I frowned.
'We are sorry! We are sorry! It-It seemed like a serious conversation and—'
'A serious conversation that you were not supposed to hear, much less to listen.' I interrupted him. 'First, you taunt your sister, then you both make the market stand fall and now eavesdropping; do you really think I can believe you at this point?' I asked retorically.
Both twins looked down at the floor.
I rubbed my hands at my face. 'Look, it's been a long day for all of us. Please, just go to bed and we will talk in the morning.' I pointed to the stairs.
They nodded. 'Yes mom.' The quickly went to bed and I went to prepare some things before turning in.
Once my chores were done, I yawned as I went up the stairs and quickly put my nightgown and slept once my head was on the mattress.