Ch 26: Letters.

"Dear Miss Amelia Cora Baker,

This is the King Remund Aliborn of the Kingdom of Silverenity.

Please be calm. You and your family are not in trouble.

I would like to congratulate you and your kids for being able to make it to the top 5 highest scores for the Bismuth Academy's entrance exam.

The principal told me you might need to have the detailed knowledge of how the children are housed, therefore I shall explain it to you in this letter.

Before letting the kids go home to prepare for their school year, the top 5 are selected to have their housing in advance. The Amethyst Tulip represents the misterious and lovable students who adore magic, and are a bit of loners but also the smartest ones in the school; Ruby Red represents the passionate, brave, and strong willed students who are always determine and can be considered a bit headstrong, they are also the strongest and fastest when it comes to psychical activities; Jasper Sunflower represents those who have a calm cheerful demeanor, this house is full of hardworkers who often come from lower class (such as yourself, no offense); and last but not least, Tourmaline Dahlia, who are full of beautiful and easy going students who represent the social and professional demeanor of the school.

Now that you have read the above information, I would like to congratulate you for having not just one but TWO Garnet stars in your care!

What's a Garnet star you may ask? Is a student who doesn't fit in one particular housing, sure a lot of kids might be fit to more than one housing, but it requires that the division is of at least 60/40 by minimum, the closer to the 50/50, the better. This is, of course often very rare, 1 kid in every 10 school years we may able to find just one, and that's with luck of the kids and from the gods. But you have two Garnets which means that they may not only be part of a great future. Not just for you and me, but for the whole Kingdom!

Your son, Charles Victor Baker, has demonstrated being a Garnet by being 55% Ruby Rose and 45% Jasper sunflower.

As for your daughter, she demonstrated to be a Garnet of 59% Tourmaline Dhalia and 41% Amethyst Tulip.

Once again, my congratulations for you and children. And to make sure you know how happy I am to know that your kids are talented, I would like to invest 200,000 gold in them and invite you to The Great Dinner at the Castle of Silverenity at 8:00 p.m.

Pleased to meet you,

Your Majesty, The King of Silverenity.

P.S: I'm sure you are aware that some children are born "difficult," like your daughter Miss Charlotte Victoria and my son, Floyd Sylvester the eighth prince, so I would like to meet you for a discussion on the matter since you son Charles and the principals of the Bismuth Academy have talked highly of your skills dealing with difficult children."

My eye twitched. I gave a glare to Charlie who shrunked even further.

'Em, mommy?' Lottie squeaked timidly.

'Yes?' I asked still looking at Charlie.

'I, also have a letter from the Principal.' She raised a letter to me.

I have an even worse feeling. I sighed half annoyed and half resigned as I took the letter from her hand and opened it to read it. You've got to be kidding me. I grunted.

"Dear Ms. Baker,

I congratulate you and you children for making it to the top 5 in the scores of the entrance exam!

I'm sure you are proud and aware of the true potential of your children, and I hope that the twin's trip was good enough despite certain "difficulties" with the traffic; anyway, I would like to inform you about the marvelous discovery that both of your twins are Garnets!!

Note: A Garnet is a new student who belong in more than one house and is very rare to get one, let alone two Garnets. With luck, 1 student in every 10 years is found to be a Garnet.

You son Charles has demonstrated being 55% Ruby Rose and 45% Jasper Sunflower, as for Charlotte, she had demonstrated being 59% Tourmaline Dahlia and 41% Amethyst Tulip.

I will also inform you that Charles has being able to get in his first program choice: Gastronomy; and two small courses on the side: Knighthood & Art.

As for Charlotte, she was able to get in her first choice program of choice: Math; and with also two small courses on the side: Science and Witchcraft.

With that information aside, I would like to inform you that we had a little incident during the selection of housing. You see after the five kids were selected for each housing (we will provide a especial housing for your twins since they belong to two different types of houses each) and started to get the kids ready to leave, the prince Floyd Sylvester seemed to want to get close to your daughter, Charlotte Victoria.

I'm sure you are already aware of this, but despite Prince Floyd having a beautiful and brilliant mind (he got first place in exam scores after all), he does not speak. Many doctors said he was fine and that all he just needs to do speak, but he never did and often makes some noises and displays some "quirks" that many did not understood.

That is until your twins came into the picture and before the housing selection, they seemed to have taught him how to display his first words.

You will not believe the fade made by the King and the servitude close to the Prince. They were shock and bewildered.

To make the story shorter, once Prince Floyd was questioned, he just pointed to the twins and Charles did not wasted time in telling a whole story about you and how you have been able to taught a man who had the same no-speak behavior as the Prince.

I believe you might receive a letter of the King himself soon if not at the same time, Miss Baker. And although it may help you to spread out your new flourishing business in the long run, I highly recommend that you do not accept any money from the royal family.

You may accept work and payment like any employee, BUT, I discourage any investments or stockings from the nobles. Those will not only make it difficult for you to not depend on, but if you cross them, those things will chain you in the best of cases, but in the worst case, you might even become enslaved or worse, homeless due to the "sudden" lack of clients.

On other news, school starts in September 3rd, and though the scholarship the twins received will cover a lot of things, I recommend that you equip them or to give the twins the necessary money for the next things in the list below.

— 2 to 3 pairs of heavy winter coats.

— 5 pairs of no-school shoes: outside, inside, dance, race and bath.

— Pants and dresses for winter.

— 2 pijamas.

— Towels.

— 2 pairs of formal attire for winter and summer season (there will be formal balls every now and then).

— Two weapons of choice each kid (even if they did not choose nor got in the knighthood program, they do get basic lessons of self-defense).

— A small pet (this is not required, but it might help the kids not to feel too alone).

I think that's all for now, if you have any questions, please send a letter or come to see me. The door is always open for you.


The Principal of the Bismuth Academy."

I blinked twice at the letter. Not to accept investments of the royal family eh? I thought about it. 'Charles Victor Baker.' I called him out.

'Eep!' Charlie shrunk even more under the table.

'Good luck.' Lottie said and jumped out of the table very quietly.

'You too, Charlotte Victoria Baker.' I called her out as well.

Lottie froze just as she was going to the stairs. 'Oh oh.' She slowly returned to her seat with fear in her eyes.

I put the letters on the table and went to get two spoons. 'Oh kids~.' I turned to see them.

Their eyes said, Oh no! Not that!

'Guess who shall be cleaning the chicken coop form now on until they go to school~~?' I smiled at them.

I swear, I could clearly hear their internal screams like NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!




"Your majesty the King of Silverenity,

This is Amelia Cora Baker, the mother of Charles Victor and Charlotte Victoria. I first want to start by thanking you for such an invitation, the investment and the opportunity to meet. I really appreciate it.

But, there's a minor conveniences that will keep me from meeting you.

First, the work. I'm very busy at my restaurant which is open from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and during weekends, I need to restock my food supplies and groceries to keep up with the demands and expectations of my clients.

Second, while I really appreciate the investment, I don't really need it. Yes, I have a small restaurant, but it's has a stable clientele and the profit has become more and more stable as time passes on, therefore, I will politely reject the investment. If I ever change my mind, you'll be the first to know, don't worry.

Third, the time. The restaurant requires my attention from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. from Monday to Friday, and as I have previously mentioned, the weekends I have to restock. I would also like to mention that I just got a little baby girl which is practically a FULL-TIME job, I have no husband, nor family, nor much less someone of full trust to keep without my supervision, therefore it's out of the question.

Fourth, interest. As much as it would be an honor to meet you, I'm less excited to meet the rest of the nobles. Don't misunderstand, I'm sure they are all elegant and polite, but I'm almost 100% sure that they will bes even less interested in meeting me. They will be interested in the kids, not me, and if I must meet someone, then I would like them to know me and I to know them, before even meeting my twins. I'm sure you understand that, as a parent, one must make sure that others do not get any kind of ideas on your children, much less trying to befriend for their own purposes.

Fifth, remorse. I don't feel remorse very often, but I did have an unpleasant encounter with the heir of the Duke of Talonwing. To make a long story short, he was suppose to rescue me and my twins form slave traders but instead, he decided that he must FIRST celebrate his birthday BEFORE a rescue. I literally had to fight with a knife against the leader to survive and I'm not excited to see him as much as he wants to see me.

Sixth, clothing. I have no time nor money, to spend on elegant luxurious clothes to make myself presentable and due to the fact that I might as well go for the cheapest option, I don't want anyone to misinterpret my resolution, much less judge.

As for your kid, I'm afraid I'll have to reject the offer of tutoring him. Don't get me wrong, I would like for him to learn communication, but because of reasons one two and three, I just don't have time to make everything ready.

But I'm sure the principal of the Bismuth Academy will have a solution for it, I have informed them about how to look for the signs and taught a bit of the basics, so if you have any further questions just ask him.

I really apologies for my lack of presence in The Great Dinner, but as a commoner, my well being goes first, I'm sure you understand this very well.


Miss Baker."

I finally finished the letter and hope for the best as I put it in a letter envelope. The I went to make a letter for the Bismuth Principal.

"Dear Principal Of Bistmuth Academy,

This is Amelia Cora Baker, I received your most recent letter and I appreciate the warning about accepting royal investments and stockings. I just wrote a letter to the King himself, but I would like you to see it first before sending it directly to King , just in case I have wrote something inappropriate or offensive.

As for the clothing that will not be covered, I have made sure that my kids will be well equipped for the cold seasons, as for the balls, I will send some money with them so they can buy trending clothes. But of course, I would like you to let me know the average that I will have to send with them, as I'm not aware of the costs of the latest trends.

I would also like you to be aware that I also rejected the opportunity to tutor the eight prince due to the lack of time and resources that I have. Let me also let you know that I just got a newborn baby girl and that limits even more my time and resources.

I would also like to inform you that common people don't have that much time to just serve their majesties, especially when they don't work directly under them. I pay my taxes so they get off my back, but I'm not employed as their personal servant nor maid, therefore I still have the privilege and freedom to reject their demands.

I hope you may help me in editing the letter I will give his majesty.


Amelia C. Baker."

I put the letter on the same envelop as the other letter, put a wax stamp and wrote the directions correctly in cursive letter and then put it in the mail box.

'I really hope that's the end of it.' I sighed as I went to check on the twins who were cleaning the chicken coop. 'How is it going?' I asked smiling.

'Bad.' Charlie grumbled.

'Horrible.' Lottie murmured.

'I said is it going, not how are you doing?' I clarified my question.

'Good.' The kids answered with a annoyed voice.

'Very well, dinner will be ready in half an hour, I think. Keep it going!' I encouraged them as I left the chicken coop area.

. . .

3 days letter. . .

I received a letter of the Bismuth principal. I opened it quickly and read it.

"Ms. Baker,

I thank you for trusting my judgement to edit the letter you want to send to the King. I will inform you that I have sent you the letter back on the same envelop as this letter and has been edited, therefore you just need to readjust it and rewrite as you see fit.

I was also aware that his majesty tried to to get you to tutor his son, and I believe that your points are very important and valid, but, I'm afraid they won't move the King, as nobles, they will feel offended because they believe the commoners should always respond to their call, therefore I added some extra suggestions to how to change and rewrite your statements so it moves the King and he leaves you alone for a long time without offending him not insulting him.

I have also sent you two magazines with the lastest trends for the male attires and females attires, I hope this will help you for the clothing issue.

I will wait for the next letter, and wish you and your twins the best.


The Princila of Bismuth Academy.

P.S: The chariot will come to pick the twins from one week before the first school day to the last day before the first school at the very latest. Be safe.

P.P.S: Congratulations with your baby, I hope she grows to be as healthy and strong a your other pair of kids."

I sighed of relief. I gave a quick reading for the suggestions as well as the editions made directly on the draft of letter and got to make the letter quickly.

. . .

2 hours later. . .

"Your Majesty The King of Silverenity,

I am honored to have caught your interest and desire to have me as the eight prince's especial tutor, but I'm afraid I am not cualified to be so.

I don't know if you are aware, but I'm barely a single mother of a pair of twins and recently got a newborn baby girl who requires my full attention.

The fathers of the kids are not aware nor wanted to be in touch with them so I was left to take care of them. Therefore, my hands are full.

I'm also just a commoner who runs a very small bakery in a small village outside of the city's walls. I also like to add that I barely know how to write and read, I didn't have any proper education, therefore, I would only be of little use to you.

With all this in mind, I believe I'm not the perfect fit to be the prince's especial tutor and much less be in your mighty presence.

As for the investment, I'm afraid to said this, but I don't have the bravery much less the audacity to accept money from such a high person such as his majesty, so I ask you not to spend such an amount of money in my poor kids and me.

I hope you may be merciful and forgiving to your loyal subject for not being of better use.


Amelia C. Baker."

I sighed and I put the letter in a different envelop.

I also wrote another brief letter to the Bismuth's Academy Prinicpal to thank him for his help. And I also sent him some butter cookies to add a bit of sweetness.




One week after. . .

I was able to get the twins enough money (2,500 copper + 50 silver each kid) and I helped them build a resume plus cover letter to use when applying to part-time jobs if necessary.

Now, it's about to be the August 31st and the school's first day of 5th of September. The chariot came at noon.

I hugged my twins as they hugged them back.

Their luggage is already set and I saw how the jasper ring and Ruby Rose Brooch in Charlie made him look more elegant and handsome. I turned to see Lottie who was shining with the amethyst earrings in her ears and the Tournaline Dahlia brooch in her chest vest.

'One more suggestion, never put these earlooms on unless it's for an elegant ball or formal occasion. Okay? The last thing you want is for someone to steal them or take them when you are not looking.' I gave them my advise.

They nodded with tears in their eyes and smiled. They hugged me one last time, they kissed my cheeks and little baby girl's face and then when up in the carriage with the other rich kids who were also being picked up.

It seems that the children have bonded in general which makes my heart breath easier. It's best to go on an unknown face with people who you trust rather than alone.

All the parents plus me, bade them goodbye as the chariot's horses pulled the carriage towards the city's walls and they disappear from view.

The rest of the parents talked among themselves while I walked away back to my farm and closed the door for the day.

It's being an exhausting life, but I would not change it for the world.