The next day . . .
I opened my eyes to little girl's crying sounds and took her in my arms.
I changed her diaper and went quickly to make breakfast for the cat, dog, and the rest of the animals.
Fortunately, the young man, Nathan, has come to ask for work again. I gladly accepted that he take my horses and dog out for a while as I prepare everything to make sure that I open things safely.
The young girls, Agnes and Ginevra, showed up by 10 minutes before opening, which was a relief.
The day itself would start like it has been for weeks.
A group of four seniors (two pairs of old couples) would come inside and ask for their usual. The first pair would ask for two aotmeal cookies, two bowls of porridge with fruit (the fruit choice changes almost daily) on the side, and a cup of milk berry each. The second pair would ask for one oatmeal cookie, two breakfast muffins (a muffin made of ham, eggs, bacon and cheese), a breakfast sandwich for the male senior, an omelette with spinach for his wife, an apple each and a cup of milk each one (although the senior lady prefers it warm).
Then, the coachman that comes and goes through the town and the city (basically the "taxi" that connects the transport from this village to the city) comes for two breakfast muffins, a jumbo sanwhich (half a loaf of bread with tomatoe, lettuce, cheese, 4 slices of ham, 2 strings of dry bacon and 4 slices of cucumber), and an apple cinnamon muffin to go.
The coachman has little to no time to waste, so buying his breakfast, lunch and desert all in one way is way easier and wins more money that way and only has to make his dinner once he gets home. I thought as he payed me the right amount and we waved each other goodbye.
Sometimes the newcomers that the usual coachman or other coachmans bring through the village make a stop here and those who are hungry, come here for the smell of food.
For example, today two families of rich people came to see what was in store.
The parents did not seemed too interested but the children were intrigued by the cookies and how I displayed them on the shelves. Like a little cookie family with their house and tree all in one shelf; a bunch of shapes like a square, a triangle, a circle, and a diamond in another; and a group of flower cookies like a rose, a dahlia, a sunflower and tulip in another shelf.
'Hello my fellow travelers, I'm Miss Baker, the owner of this place.' I presented myself to call their attention. 'Is there anything on display that interests you?' I asked with a smile.
A pair looked at each other and then pointed at the cookies that their two kids were staring at. 'How much for one of those?' The lady asked.
'Well my fair lady, each cookie is worth depending on their sizes. The sizes are large, average and small.' I told her. 'The large cookies have a value of 3 coppers, the average cookies have a worth of 1.50 coppers, and small cookies are 1 copper each.' I explained.
'How big are each of the sizes?' The lady asked a bit confused.
'Well, the large cookies would be of the size of one hand and a half, the average cookies are around the size of three fourths of a hand, and the small cookies would be about the size of my middle finger.' I gave a few examples.
The pair nodded understanding while the other pairs are looking still a bit confused.
'A better way to give yourselves an idea, the cookie samples on the shelf are the average size, the large cookies would like two inches bigger and the small cookies would be like one inch smaller than the average one.' I pointed to the samples.
'Ohhhh.' The two pairs said now understanding better.
'There's also a few packages deals that I would like to promote to you guys.' I offered.
'And what packages would those be?' The husband of the second couple asked.
'Well my good sir, there three package deals. The first one would be the "desert for breakfast" deal, which includes two large cookies and 2 small cookies of choice, two jars of milk berry of 32 ounces and and two smaller jars of the same milk (about 8 ounces) and a fruit of choice. Although this may add up to 19 copper, I make a reduction 1.9 coppers per kids; so if you were to buy this package, in your case, the full cost would be about 15.20 coppers.' I said to both families. 'The second deal would be the"Cookie Family" deal, which includes the whole cookie family of mom, dad, the kids, the house, the tree and plus four shapes and four flowers of choice, all of them in average size and to take home for 16 coppers.' I waited for their reactions.
The kids were getting worked up and overjoyed, while the parents were quite interested yet at the same time not as convinced is before.
'The last one, would be the "Dozen per family" deal, which involves a dozen or 12 cookies of choice to take or to go. Whatever size you wish for each cookie or randomnized by me, would be a package of 20.16 copper.' I finalized with a small clap. 'But if you have time or want some time to think please look at the menu board at the counter please let me know when you are ready.' I took one menu pamphlet for each family and gave it to them. 'We also have a small restaurant just right through that door if you want any breakfast or lunch.' I went to go away but then stopped and turned again to them. 'Oh! And, where are my manners, welcome to "Baken Goodies."' I made a small bow and finally went away.
Mrs. Johnson's family and her came through the door and quickly went to the restaurant door.
They were received by Ginevra who guided them to their seats, took their order and went to get me in the kitchen.
'Mrs. Johnson wants her usual of two sunny-side eggs, bacon and cooked potatoes; Mr. Jonhnson wants to have the "breakfast jumbo combo" with boiled eggs, brown bread with butter on the side and with immediate butter on the top of the pancakes; their son wants the "breakfast sandwich" with the combo of cubed potatoes and a cinnamon bun; their second oldest son wants scrambled crepes with scrambled eggs on the side plus two strings of bacon; the daughter wants the "Pancake combo" with scrambled eggs, bacon and harsh browns.' Ginevra put the paper on the kitchen counter and started to help with the drinks. 'The rest is just the usual.' She declared.
'Thank you Gin!' I smiled at her as I worked quickly in the kitchen. I think I should contract a cook. But where to find it? Charlie was a good helper, and I know I should be searching for someone or having someone to help me by now. I admitted to myself as I finished the first two dishes. 'The married couple's orders are ready! The rest shall be done in about 5 more minutes!' I exclaimed.
'I have them!' Agnes exclaimed as she came running to the brown and put it on the side to take the two dishes. 'I'll get them for Ginevra, she's attending a. . . Rich family of some sort.' She let me know.
Yes!! I declared victory. 'Understood, and thank you.' I nodded to her.
Agnes though, kept looking at my back for a moment and then went to fulfill the order.
After a few minutes I was able to get the other three dishes. 'Johnson's children's foods are ready!!' I exclaimed.
Agnes and Ginevra went to the kitchen. Agnes took the three plates while Ginevra gave me the order.
'Lord Richfield wants the "Breakfast especial" with scrambled eggs white bread, butter, no potatoes and with four strings of bacon instead of two of bacon and two of sausage; Lady Richfield also wants the "Breakfast especial" with scrambled but brown bread, no butter and extra sweet cubed potatoes and no bacon nor sausage; Little Lennox wants the "Omelette Sandwich" with the combo of two pancakes with butter; and Little Allison wants a "Bronce toast" with jam and berry compota on the side.' Ginevra put the order in the kitchen counter. 'The drinks will be black tea with just one gram of sugar, camomile tea with no sugar, and two cups of milk with berry compota in just one of them.' She told ,e as she started the drinks.
'Very well, I'll get to it right away.' I went to cook.
Ginevra started at me for a bit and sighed. 'Em, Miss Baker?' She called for me and I nodded to let her know that I've heard her. 'I don't think it's any of my business, but, don't you think it would be best if you, either asked us to help or get another person on the kitchen?' She asked me.
I stopped on my tracks as I put the pancake batter on the pan. As I put enough batter, I raised the bowl with full batter and went to make the omelette. 'I know I should contract someone, but, I don't know. . . I don't feel good getting a male to work for me. I had enough bad experiences for a while.' I told her while looking at her briefly and quickly went into whisking the eggs for the omelette. 'If I were to hire someone, it would be a woman. But! A lot of them might be youngsters like you or are already married and not able to work.' I let the mixed eggs into another pan. 'Therefore, it would be difficult for me to find someone available.' I then put another pan on the kitchen and put butter on it and I started to pour cinnamon and milk on what was left of the scrambled eggs. 'I'll be willing to let another single mother to work for me even, but, just no more men.' I let her know.
Ginevra sighed and nodded to my reasoning.
'Most men I interviewed were either surprised that "my husband" was not in charge, and they liked me even even less when they found out that the owner was me and I was a single mother.' I sighed heavily at that. 'And just to add more salt to the wound, one of them even said "let me know if you want your future husband to run this place for you, I'll be willing to step up."' I turned to see briefly. 'Can you believe that?' I asked her with seriousness and disappointment.
Ginevra had the same face as me and scoff. 'With men like that, with more reason I have to get myself out of my parents house.' She murmured loudly.
'Right?!' I gave her the reason as I started to get back to work. 'If you want to help me, fine, help with cutting the potatoes in cubes and then toast the bread needed.' I asked her.
Ginevra went immediately to work and by when she finished I had already finished the couple's food. 'Bring their food and tell them their children's food will be served in 2 minutes.' I asked her.
Ginevra nodded and went to give the rich couple their breakfast.
Almost immediately I finished the Bronce toast (French toast) and the Omelette sandwich with their cups of milk.
Ginevra came, took the plates and went.
Gin is right though. I sighed heavily. I need to find more people before the game becomes unbearable. I went to my new office and went to write a small note to myself.
"Make promotions for female cooks."
Then I went back to the kitchen which seemed just in time as Agnes returned a bit exhausted due to the other rich family being quite picky about the third package deal.
I instantly helped her and we put it in a nice box that I bought the other day and gave it to the family who were quite impressed and left satisfied with their choice.
At 5 p.m. . . .
'I'm exhausted!' I yawned and stretched. 'I feel like I'm aging more quickly that I have to, and I'm just 20 years old. . . I think.' I said out loud.
The four kids (the Minnie nanny was there too) turned around to see me as if I was exaggerating.
I turned to see them. 'What?' I asked them.
Agnes raised her hand. 'Your, about 20 years old?' She asked surprised.
'Em, last time I counted yeah.' I scratched my head a bit embarrassed.
'But, you have twins, and a baby girl!' Nathan pointed out.
'Oh! Right. Em, they are not my re—em, I. . . Did not gave birth to them.' I clarified. 'You see, the twins come from slavery, their old caregivers were not feeding them and were literally just skin bones, I traded a full basket of goods per the pair and. . . Their caregivers did not thought twice about it.' I shrugged. 'At first our relationship was more of a tutor and pupil but then I started to care for them more as a mother and they just, started to call me mom.' I looked away.
The mini nanny cam up to me and gave me my baby girl. 'What about her?' She asked.
'I found her on a pile of trash back in Barrenvale.' I answered while taking the baby in my arms.
They all gasped.
'The doctor told me she wasn't more than one or two day old at the moment, so she's still a newborn.' I told them. 'As the twins were bound to leave soon to school and there would be more than enough time for her,' I made the baby girl to up and look at me, 'I just, didn't have the heart to leave her in an orphanage. Much less the streets.' I smiled and cuddled the baby girl who cuddled up to me. Then I turned to see the kids but they al, looked like they were about to cry their lungs out. 'What's wrong?' I asked them.
They were sniffling and sobbing.
'Okay you are scaring me, what did I say?!' I asked a little worried.
'I-It's just. . . I-I-It's just, that,' Agnes sniffed, 'not many people are willing to be like you Miss Baker.' She cleaned her tears.
'Really?' I asked not really believing it. 'Well, if that's the case I might as well be the only one going to the heavens after this.' I laughed it off.
'Yeah, most likely.' The kids agreed on me.
I frowned upon them. 'Oh c'mon kids, there are more good people in the world, I promise.' I walked to them.
'How do you know?' Nathan asked.
'Well, Mrs. Johnson is a good person, but everybody regards her as a weak person.' I told them. 'Mr. And Mrs. Silverwood are good people too, but everybody can regard them as "odd" or "weird" couple, even their own children.' I added.
They all looked at each other and then at me. 'As you can see, there are good people, but they don't need the popularity nor the high standards nor even the desire of getting attention like other people do. Good people don't need to be warriors nor knights, you don't need a husband to create something on your own nor raise your own children, and you also don't need to be pregnant to be a mother.' I patted Minnie nanny's head. 'A little act is like a small seed, it may be insignificant now, but with time, it can become the greatest action one would ever do.'
They all, ran to me and hugged me. I laughed heartedly and hugged them as I could (because of baby girl in my arms).
I let the kids take dinner to their families and left.
As for myself, well I decided to work on the posters.
"Wanted one or two cooks.
Job type = Part-time (10 -20 hrs per week) or Full-time (30 -45 hrs per week).
What you are willing to offer:
— Time and effort in making delicious food and drinks for our customers.
— Hard and efficient work in a fast pace place.
— Polite demeanor.
— Cooperation and teamwork.
— Respect to both customers and coworkers regardless of religion, gender (male or female) or social status.
— A strong desire to bring fruits to your labor.
What we offer:
— 9.50 coppers if part-time; 12.50 per hour if full-time.
— Respect and kindness to you and your values.
— A good place work.
— Competent people to work with.
— Tips and food discounts or leftovers.
Please bring or send one single paper with you knowledge and skills to schedule an interview.
We hope to see you soon."
I sighed heavily as I smiled at what I wrote. 'Time to bring it to the printers.' I sat up and prepared both my baby and me to go on Peanut to the center of the town.
. . .
5 minutes later. . .
I entered and asked to make about 6 pamphlets with what I wrote.
It didn't took long before I received them, payed and started to post them in every part of town.
I found myself lucky to the fact that there was an "Adventurer base" in this small town.
They let me put it in the "retirement board," "summer jobs board" and the "permanent jobs board."
I then went to put other two in an Inn close by and the last one in the board of announcements in the Village Centre.
Afterwards, I came back home and gave the animals one last feeding before I clocked out and took a long relaxing bath with baby girl.
'Haha. Hihihi.' Baby girl giggled she hugged me.
I laughed too because she was giggling. The doctor said I shouldn't give a name before turning a year old, but I wonder, when you survive the your first year, what name I should give you? I asked myself.
I finished my bath and went to sleep with the baby girl in my arms.
The next day. . .
New day, same things.
Although. . . When the afternoon rush came and went. . .
'Em. . . What are these?' I asked pointing at the HUGE amount of presents that were on my doorstep.
The baby said a bunch of gibberish.
'Yeah, I don't know either.' I agreed with what the baby girl said.
I saw about 2 butlers and 3 maids coming inside again with more presents and gifts.
'These are for you lady Baker.' One of the butlers said. 'Our masters were so grateful for your assistance in helping their kids get to Bismuth Academy that they decided to repay the favor with a few gifts.' He pointed to what he called "few" gifts.
'Em, I'm really grateful but—' Before I could say anything else, the 5 servants gave me one envelop each. 'What the?'
'The masters also told us to give this envelop and to congratulate you for your newborn.' The butler said.
'Oh, thank you.' I nodded gratefully and took the envelops and let them go.
As soon as they left, I turned around and the kids were staring at me.
'Long story, I'll talk about it later.' I sighed heavily.
Minnie nanny came and took the baby girl so I could read calmly while the others brought the girls inside.
. . .
A few minutes later. . .
I read them all and all of them had almost the same context. The letters and gifts came from the rich families who se children I tutores for them to be able to get in the Bismuth Academy.
They were thanking me profusely in helping heir kids to get to school, and congratulating me for my newborn baby.
That they express their gratitude through these gifts for me and for the new little girls and they hope I like them and hope I have a good day and life.
'Well, that's nice of them.' I murmured putting the letters aside and left my little office. I then walked to the gifts that were being left in the middle of the little store and started taking some of the gifts upstairs. 'Say, Nathan, since you are free, can you help me by taking these gifts upstairs with me?' I asked him.
Nathan, who was taking a tea on a table, looked up and sat up to help me with the rest of the gifts.
He would go for them and bring them to the edge of the stairs where I would take them from him and take them upstairs.
We went back and fort about twenty or so many times because some gifts were just so heavy while others were able to be carried alongside others.
There was one huge gift that I had to get the help of not just Nathan, but from Agnes and Ginevra too.
But afterwards, everything went okay. As soon as we finished with that, we went back to the restaurant where there was a line for the bakery and a small line for the restaurant.
Agnes took part in the cashier and Ginevra went to take the orders from the people. Nathan went to get more goat milk and eggs as I went back to the kitchen and started to heat up everything again.
I really, need more people. I sighed as I worked hard and tiredly.
A few hours later. . .
The restaurant was closed, the payments were given and the food was divided between my employees, and as they went home, I went to check if I would get any interviews today.
Fortunately, there was a group of them right outside.
I immediately opened the door and said hi to everyone and gave a little speech.
Of course, as I went on, a lot of people started to either loose interest or became angry because I was a woman employer and owner of the restaurant.
As I finished the little speech, the group of about twenty people was reduced to about five people. All of them seemed still interested in the jobs. Therefore, I went on an asked all of them to come in and let them have a few cinnamon bites while I interviewed in my office in a one-on-one interview.
I received their contact information and where to find them. As soon as I finished I let them go, and picked everything up.
I made my way upstairs and started to open the presents that were given to me with baby girl on my side.
I started with gigantic gift. I opened it and it was a wooden crib with some assembly required.
I quickly started to constructed, luckily this crib especifically didn't really need a lot of nails nor hammering, it was more like a puzzle. The box of the crib also contained a little pillow, it's case and a small soft rectangular thing which I would assume is like a extravagante matress.
Afterwards, I put the little matress, the pillos and some blankets and collocated my little girl on it. She giggled and made gibberish sounds of happiness.
I went on to open the rest of the gifts with more ease.
The gifts included:
— 5 packages of diapers. All different colors and sizes.
— 4 baby outfits.
— 2 new aprons.
— 5 new trays for baking.
— 3 packages of Chocolate!
— A new set of cooking pans, skillets, frying pans and dishes.
— Baby milk.
— A huge package of Coffee!!
— 2 pairs of oven mitts.
'All of these are wonderful!!' I exclaimed excited. 'I better save the chocolate and the coffee for winter though, when the warmth is most needed and is more extravagant to sell.' I thought out loud. 'For now, let's put you in your new baby clothes.' I made my voice squeaky for little girl.
Little girl smiled and giggled.
'Want to choose your clothes? Which clothes would you want?' I grabbed the 4 outfits and hold them on sight for her.
She looked at the four outfits intently looking aback and fort for each one. For a moment she hesitated until she choose the second outfit on my left arm.
'Oh! Good choice!' I complimented her. 'You'll be a very good fashion diva when you grow up!' I congratulated her as I put the rest of the outfits away and got the clothes on her.
She struggled a bit, but soon I was able to get the clothes completely on her and she looked beautiful.
It was a white little baby dress with a small lime green bow on the layered chest part, a white bow on the back tidying the waist, puffed shoulders and embroidery on the ends of the skirt and arm sleeves. It also came with lime socks and little gloves plus a small hat for her to use outside.
'Who looks like a little princess now?' I asked her. 'Who looks like a princess? Yes you do! Yes you do!' I rubbed my nose with hers as she giggled and laughed with me.
'I still need to give you a new name, but the doctor said that you need to turn at least a year before even thinking about it.' I murmured to myself as I felt the struggle of keeping the possible names to myself. I sighed heavily. 'I wish to be able to skip to a year already to be able to name you already!' I whined as I kissed her.
These gifts have made my week!