Ch 28: Custody arrangement.

A few days later. . .

I have contracted two ladies to be cooks. One is a thirty-something old lady named Sipfra Riverbend, and. . . As weird as this sounds, an elf who calls herself Velenna Forestheart.

Sipfra is a widow with almost teenage triplets and has relied on her sells of crafts and handmade jewerly, she was about to go and become an adventurer when she saw my posts about part-time job and payment which she found very attractive.

As for Velenna, she made sure to explain to me that "Velenna Forestheart" was not her name but an alias. She explained it to me that for elves, names are very personal and must be kept a secret and not used unless it's for traditional or sacred purposes and festivities. She told me that her family basically disowned her after getting herself pregnant with a bastard human who seduced her, got her magic and left her pregnant.

Velenna gave birth about 2 winters ago, and even though she's being able to get through life just fine, she found herself more comfortable living among humans than in the forest alone or despised by her fellow elves. She also was about to start her life as an adventurer when she saw also saw my job offer of full-time and, feeling the need to settle down in a community, she thought to might as well try.

'Okay guys, these are Sipfra and Velenna, they will help me in the kitchen so please be respectful.' I told the team about them.

'Welcome!' The kids nodded to them.

The ladies nodded back and thanked them.

'Now, I'm going to teach you personally and we will divide the kitchen into three categories: Sipfra, since you want to work only Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for five hours each day, you'll help me for most of the morning with the breakfast combos and anything that involves eggs, okay?' I asked her.

'Yes.' Sipfra nodded.

'And Velenna, since you will be working with me the five days for eight hours, I expect you to be here either at eight or at nine sharp. If you come at eight, then you'll leave at four p.m., but if you come at nine, you will be leaving at five p.m. and I'll expect you to help if that's the case.' I gave Velenna an explanation.

Velenna nodded understanding.

We all went to our stations and opened the building to the customer which were now lining up.

I smiled of relief after seeing how easy it was in getting new people to work for you. The stress and anxiety for myself and the help is great.

Things are finally looking up.




Weekends. . .

I woke up, got the baby dressed, took breakfast, and went to check the mail.

I received letters from a lot of people. Elizabeth, Dorothy, the twins, Baron and Judge from Sapphire Town.

Dorothy's and Elizabeth's envelops were actually postcards.

"Congratulations with the baby girl and your new restaurant!

May the heavens bless you!

With love and care,


'Aw, how cute.' I smiled and then read Dorothy's card.

"Congratulations for finally getting your restaurant!

Hope to see you soon!



P.S: Joseph is the one that wrote the letter because I have trouble with the grammar."

'Hahaha!!' I laughed heartedly and then opened the letters from my twins.

"Hi mom, it's Charlie!

I hope things are going well at the restaurant and with little girl. I'm sending you the letter because I have little to no time to spare. Classes are tough, but thanks to the tricks and loopholes that you've taught me, I've been able to manage just fine.

The rich kids from our village have been sticking up for me due to the other nobles trying to pick a fight with me. Heck, I even had my first verbal fight with the son of a Baron! The fight went on sort of like this:

The baby Baron: 'Oh! So you are adopted?! That means your mother is not your REAL mother!!

Me: 'She IS my mother! Amelia Baker is the mother that Stood up for me!

B.B: 'No she's not! She probably just took you in because of pity!

Me: and that's wrong because?!

B.B: Because it means she doesn't really love you!

Me: She loves me! Mom loves me! Do you know how do I know that?!

B.B: Oh yeah? How?

Me: Because she CHOOSE me, unlike your mother who was probably forced to have a kid in stead of wanting one!"

I chuckled a bit about that last part. 'I mean, it's practically true.' I shrugged.

"B.B: What?!

Me: Yeah!! Don't you know that your parents marriage was probably a forced marriage?! That means your mom and possible your father never wanted to genuinely BE with each other.

B.b: That's not true!

Me: Yes it is! After all, you are taking your anger out on me because you have seen that your parents are probably so obsessed with avoiding each other, that they probably sent you away to avoid you too.

The rest of the group: OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH!

The baby Baron went away crying. And I almost got in trouble. You would have probably received a suspension letter for my actions if it wasn't for the rich kids' help in giving their testimonies.

Fortunately, after that the baby Baron has avoided me completely.

The group of rich kids has basically "adopted" me as one of their own after that and we have been helping each other studying since.

My sister's being doing just fine (although I don't like two certain boys that tend to stare at her like almost 24/7) and she's seemed to have adjusted to the boarding school just fine.

As for the professors, the gastronomy professor compliments your recipes and asked me to help me with a charity event that will happen on December, he has shown interest in asking you to join so I'm making a favor for him by promising to ask you.

The knighthood professor on the other hand, he has expressed his (disgusting) desire to ask you out and has asked me for your contact info more times than I can remember. Of course, being the responsable and mature young man that I have become, I have kept my mouth shut completely.

In regards to the Art Professor, not much except that you were right when it came to his "vision" of art. He is eccentric. His favorite words seemed to be "Art is art" and "Marvelous masterpiece!" He also put me aside to ask how was the painting going, I told him it was going fine and that I wanted him to add my new little sister. As you might have imagine it, he went ballistic as he asked how did she looked like and what attire did she usually wore.

—> Please send me a drawing of little girl. If you are capable of using colors on it, the better, please. Things will definetely NOT get better until the professor has the new member of the family on the painting.

I also met a cute girl in grastronomy class. In fact, most students in the class are female. Like one in every ten students are male in the gastronomy class. And in my class we are thirty-five students. So I have three other boys to hang out with. But the girl's name is Valeska Crestshield, the youngest daughter of the Marquess Crestfield. She's a rich girl that sitting alongside me, but alongside other nobles, her category is pretty humble. She also the youngest of 6 other siblings! With her, they are 7 kids! I've been trying to talk to her, but she ignores me. . .

Any wisdom you can share with me?

On other news, thank you for the guinea pig! Chubby has been adjusting very well, and helps with my homework! Although I have to keep him to keep distance from the books because otherwise he eats the paper. XD

I think that's about it, I hope to see you soon.

With love and regards,


'Awww, your big brother has his first crush!' I squealed while tickling little girl's cheeks while she giggles. 'Now, let's see what your sister has been up to.' I opened a cute light pink letter.

"Dear mom,

As you might have imagined it, the school schedule is rigid and has helped me adjust better than we both anticipated. The witchcraft professor is great at her job and has contracted me as her part-time assistant. She offers 5 coppers per class and 10 coppers per hour after school hours. I think she mainly contracted me because I have better communication skills than her and I am better capable of explaining things she's not able to do so like other people. As for the cold magic tools and the magic sumbrella you have told me about it earlier, I asked the professor (or at least tried to), she has told me that such things can be done, but mostly by temporal magic enchantments or spells, not permanently as one might have imagined. But I'll investigate further to find a possible lead or solution later on.

There's a wizard in my class who looks a bit older than me and goes by the name of Merlin Morningstar. He practically shows signs of "autism" as you call it. He likes to sit beside me, he doesn't touch me, he doesn't speak to me, but he does let me know when he has a question and helps me out when I need it. He's a good boy.

As for my math class, the professor took me as his favorite after I gave a more detailed explanation about how you and I made calculations and the cero context and theory. The whole class was just as interested in the theory as me, except for a Marquess boy who goes by Tebatl Montesque. He's very snobby and ungrateful and he is bound to practically to fail the class sooner rather than later.

As for my science class, the professor literally started to us the "Bing Bang theory" as his muse. I also asked him about the magic or scientific probabilities of the tools you have asked, but he gave me the same type of explanation as the witch professor, temporal enchantment and high possibility of scientific failure. But he encourages me to investigate my own theories and capability percentages and go beyond my own expectations, which is a nice encouragement from him.

On other subject, there has been some other bullies besides Tebatl, but at least he only stays with snarky remarks and making faces at me. These other bullies literally regard me as a fun toy to use for entertainment. Thankfully, you taught me how to use my quirks against them, so. . . You might have had received a letter of misconduct from my part if it wasn't for the eighth Prince and Merlin. They have been sticking for me most of the time which is nice of them.

For a world full of nasty men, Merlin and Prince Floyd seem to have hope for the better.

Changing of subject again, thank you for the guinea pig. Cookie keeps me company and listens to me when I need her. Although, I have to keep her away from my books and notes because I have caught her munching on them a few times. She's adorable but a bit naughty. I still love her though!

I hope to make you proud and to be able to see you and baby girl soon!

With love and care,


'Awwww, your sister is very intelligent and she already has a part-time job!' I squeaked out of happiness.

Baby girl giggled at my reaction.

'Although, the prince and Merlin must be the "boys" that keep being around my sister and who Charlie was talking worriedly.' I recalled checking Charlie's letter out again and compared them. 'Yeah, they might be. I don't have anything against Merlin, but having the Prince on your side can be a double edge sword.' I frowned. 'I believe it's better if I warn Lottie before things go in the wrong, direction.' I turned to see the baby. 'What do you think?' I asked her.

The baby girl coincidentally looked towards a kitchen knife and smiled.

'Yeah, you are absolutely right. I must recommend Lottie to teach herself how to fight in case it's needed.' I nodded in agreement. 'And give a few suggestions to Charlie about how to handle difficult girls.' I giggled to myself getting to make the letters for the twins.

'I'll read the Judge and Baron's letters later.' I put the letters aside for now and started writing some cards for my girl friends and the twins.

*Toc toc toc* Someone knocked on the door of my office.

'Yes?' I hesitated to ask.

'Hello Miss, it's Velenna.' Velenna's voice sounded through the door. 'Can I come in?' She asked.

'Of course.' I let her come in.

Velenna walked through the door with a little boy who was no more than 2 and a half years old, with green eyes, freckles and pointy ears as his mother and black hair plus fair skin which I can only assume comes from the man's who left her on her own.

'Hi Lenna!' I went to her and waved at the little boy. 'And who might you be?' I asked the little boy.

'Em. . . My name is-' The boy was going to respond but Velenna interrupted him.

'You may call him Marcus.' Velenna responded. 'Son, remember that that Elf's names are extremely secretive, you can't just tell anyone your name. Use your human name, please.' Velenna talked to his son with seriousness in her voice.

So even children can become in danger with their real names in the open. Might as well respect it. I smiled. 'So it's Marcus, thanks for telling me.' I thank her and guided her to the chair next to her. 'I'm assuming that you are not just here for a surprise visit, are you?' I guessed.

'Yeah, you are right.' Velenna sighed heavily as she put her son the other chair next to the chair she sat on. 'My family, em, caught up to me. . . They, em. . .' She seemed to be hesitant to open up.

'Wait, let me guess. . .' I made a few theories up in my head and then I opened my mouth. 'Your family says they are willing to let you come back if you leave your son behind in the human world.'

Velenna raised her eyebrows in surprise and nodded while looking to her right down the floor.

Something tells me this is not going to end well. I sighed. 'I'm assuming, that the reading as to why you brought your son to me, is because. . .' I stopped to let her speak giving myself an idea as to why she brought him and definitely not liking it.

'Because, I need to leave him in the right hands first.' Velenna smiled with a hint of embarrassment. 'I asked them for a little time while I searched the right place for him, and they agreed. I mean, we are elves not monsters. So, what better place to bring him than to the woman who takes care of children that are not her own?' She smiled more brightly.

I took a deep breath and looked at her smiling. 'I see. In that case, I'll be willing to take care of him.' I declared with no more problem.

'Really?! Thank you! That means a lot!' Velenna started to cheer up and moving her pointy ears up and down.

But I stopped her raising a hand at her. 'But before that, I want you to go through the human process of custody.' I told her.

Velenna looked confused. 'Process? What's the process about?' She asked.

'It will take from a few days up to a few weeks, but don't worry.' I promised her. 'The point of the custody is to make sure that, despite giving up your rightful place as the primary caregiver, you will still have contact with your kid, and pay a minimum wage for your kid's education and food supply.' I explained the reason behind the process.

Velenna frowned. 'But, you have a really good income.' She remarked.

'It may look like it, but I have two other kids going to a Private boarding school.' I told her. 'The Bismuth Academy. And as you know, those types of places are anything but cheap.' I added.

Velenna nodded in understanding. 'Yeah, that makes sense.'

'Of course, we can easily meet with a mediator to assure that both parties will fulfill the deal, so, you bring your lawyer and I will bring my lawyer so we can discuss this with more clarity. Okay?' I suggested.

Velenna nodded in agreement.

'Also, I would like you to make two letters, one for yourself and one for your son.' I asked. 'The letter for yourself is more for your future self, the letter you will read whenever you think of your son and suddenly ask yourself "why did I leave him" or something of the sort.' I raised a finger. 'The second letter, the one your son will receive, is for him when he becomes of age. . . Ehem, I mean humanly legal of age, eighteen years old.' I raised the second finger. 'Any questions?' I asked.

'Em, yes, Can I leave my son with you right away or later?' Velenna asked while writing my petitions down.

'You can and will leave your son with me, only once the custody arrangement is over.' I declared with clarity. 'That means until all documents are signed and after the few weeks I declared, which means you take the child with you once again until a judge says so.' I clarified.

Velenna sighed with stress in her eyes. 'Fine. In case, I'll see you tomorrow for work—'

'Ah ah.' I shook my head. 'Since you'll be leaving with your family soon, your days are counter. Therefore, I require your two week notice so you don't feel the need to return to work here.' I told her.

'Wow! Thank you!' Velenna thank me and took her son with her. 'I'll be sure to bring my lawyer next week on Wednesday at noon!' She promised.

'Bring him here for tea and I'll bring mine!' I told her.

She and her son waved goodbye and left.

I pumped down at my chair and sighed heavily. 'Just when I thought I could get some peace.' I grunted. 'Now I don't have the energy to even write the letters.' Whimpered out of annoyance.

Resigning myself, I took my little baby girl and Jam to the Centre of the Village and made a few conversations with a lawyer willing to take my case for next week on Wednesday.




On Wednesday. . .

Velenna's "lawyer" ended up being her own older brother, who was in charge of the family's trust fund and calls himself Levyn Forestheart. He was also taller and with white skin instead of fair like his sister.

As for me, a public lawyer that was new to the field accompanied me.

Both of us were intimidated, but we were doing our best to keep our composure.

'Ehem, I assumed you great sir has been told about the basics of thee process.' The young lawyer stared the conversation.

'Yes.' The elf Levyn nodded. 'From what my sister understood and told me, thee require economic help to keep the half-blood's custody otherwise he might fall on the wrong hands.' He summarized on his own words.

The lawyer and I looked at each other and we thought the same thing. That's an accurate yet exaggerated description and understanding. We then looked at Velenna who smiled proudly. She'll miss her son, but we know better than to burst her bubble and make thing even more complicated.

The lawyer cleared his throat. 'Well, yes, that's a way to put it.' He agreed. 'But here's a more accurate version of it: since the elves are the ones who are more than capable of maintaining the kid in a financial and stable environment, the wisest choice would be to leave the kid with you.' He started with the explanation while taking some documents out of his portfolio. 'But, since you don't want to be there physically or emotionally for the kid, the least you can do is make a compensation called "economic support."' He gave a specific paper for the elves to read. 'To put it briefly, you either need to either send by mail or give Amelia directly an economic amount of money so she can give the child a good life. The economic support must be at the enough to cover at the very least three things: clothes, food and education.' He finished summarizing the human law. 'Since over time, we humans tend to go through crisis, and elves like yourself (no offense of course) tend to not be seen for over from one up to two decades at a time, it might be best to make a huge emergency desposit so you can be sure the kid will not go hungry nor lack good education.' He suggested.

Levyn gave a scolding glare to Velenna who shrunk in her seat because of her bother's glare. 'How much money are thee talking about?' He asked holding the center of his frown with two fingers.

'Well, the kid is barely two years and a half, and usually, the law makes the distant parents with good economic income pay from the age they leave their minor children up to adulthood.' The lawyer answered. 'The law says that a kid becomes an adult by when he turns eighteen year cycles of age.' He added.

'I asked for the amount.' Levyn growled.

'Well, it would be. . .' The lawyer tried to make an amount but it seemed to make a difficult answer.

'Let's start with how the economic support is arranged.' I took over. 'As you can see on that paper, the average parent pays about 250 coppers or 1 silver coin per month. If we were to multiply 1 silver coin for over the 12 months of the year, it would be 12 silver coins, that 12 silver coins make just one year you must multiply that for the number of years I'll have the permanent custody which will be up to his 18 years of age.' I declared loud and clear. 'Since Marcus is 2 years, that means I'll have his custody for 16 years more, so we multiply 16 years per 12 silver coins per year, which equals to 192 silver coins.' I answered Levyn's questions. 'That, or if we multiply the 195 silver coins per 250 coppers that make each silver coin, it would equal to. . .' I stopped to make some calculations with my fingers. '. . .48, 785 coppers.' I statement with a smile. 'Oh! And it could be more when it comes to further education fundings.' I added.

The elves were dumbfounded and the lawyer looked at me impressed. 'Em, yeah, what she said.' The lawyer agreed with me smiling brightly.

The elves quickly recovered from whatever it is that shocked them and Levyn sighed he wily. 'I'll bring the money, by the day after tomorrow. Can you wait?' He asked me.

'Of course, I'm in no hurry, so you can easily discuss with your council and family, and come to meet us again by. . . Next Wednesday?' I suggested to the lawyer who happily agreed. 'Yeah, next Wednesday, to sign the official custody papers so there are no strings attached.' I offered.

'Thank you.' The elves sat up.

'That also means, you get to keep your son until then.' I added knowing what Velenna wanted to do.

'Aw, okay.' Velenna took her son with her and left with Levyn who has a blank expression on his face.

'I'll get started with the documents and I'll have them ready to sign by Wednesday, good thinking.' The lawyer complimented me giving me his hand.

'Thank you, although I wish Velenna would rethink of her decision about leaving her son at such a young age.' I confessed my worries. 'Marcus might have lived an unpretty elf live, but the human world might teach him resentment and pettiness, and that will definetely stab his mother on the back.' I acknowledge.

'Well, it's not your fault.' The lawyer told me while packing his things. 'It's her decision to leave him, their cultures are different than ours, and even though we humans are territorial, we are more capable of taking something or someone who is not from other species rather than from our own species.' He gave his reasoning. 'Also, the documents and letters are to make sure Velenna nor her family feel entitled to the kid in case he becomes extraordinary.' He added the reminder.

'Of course.' I nodded. 'Next thing we know, Marcus even decides to change both elf and human name to feel more authentic and to spite them.' I suggested giggling a bit.

'Ujuju~, what would I give for that level of pettiness.' The lawyer laughed along side me.

We chatted for a while as to what I and little Marcus would want in exchange for the custody besides what we have established with the elves already.

After that, I gave him a pie to take home with his family and promised him a very genenrous amount of money after the services.

Then, I went to make the letters and cards for my twins and girl friends.




Next Wednesday. . .

Now Velenna's father, grandfather and grandmother were accompaning her alongside Levyn. And from the looks of things, it looks like they are very well off.

I don't know whether to think Velenna giving up custody arrangement might have been more for the best or for the worst for Marcus. I frowned to mysef.

In the end, they themselves signed as witnesses to the event and decision we came up with and I was given . . . One hundred thousand silver coins.

They didn't said much about it, but I would like to believe that even though they only see him as a bastard, they might still see him as family. Either that, or they want to make sure that the contact between them is kept to the bare minimum.

Velenna finally gave her child to me and she quickly jumped away with her family who were waiting for her. When she finally caught up with them, they disappeared in a tornado of leaves and wind.

I sighed heavily with Marcus in my arms. 'Hi.' I smiled at him.

Marcus frowned, but not for anger, but more like distrust and sadness.

'I know sweetheart, I know.' I hugged him.

Marcus started to sniff and sob.

It's like, he was already aware of what was going to happen. I noticed. He probably was on his best behavior in hopes that his mother would not leave him behind. I kissed his cheek. 'Want a cinnamon roll?' I asked him.

He probably remembers what it was since whenever Velenna turned in from work, she would ask if there was any cinnamon rolls that I had to take with her. As soon as he heard the name of the pastry, he nodded.

'Let's go home and get you a cinnamon roll.' I smiled at him and got help from the lawyer's family to bring the money discreetly to my house.

And of course, not before paying him 200 silver coins for his and his coworkers trouble.

I then went to check the belongings of Marcus and found something very odd. There were more weapons and healing products rather than clothes and shoes. 'Wow, now turns out that I have to buy Marcus a whole wardrobe.' I mumble but then I cleared my throat because I did not want the kid to hear me. 'Well, might as well start tomorrow, and post for more cooks.' I went to my office with Marcus playing with a few blocks that I bought for little girl for when she's older.

I sighed heartedly at this and went back to make a new plan schedule for myself and everyone.




The next day. . .

The Minnie nanny easily went ahead to take care of Marcus and baby girl while I was on the kitchen.

Marcus didn't seem to mind, although every now and then he would check through the kitchen window to make sure I was there. He's probably developing abandonment issues.

I need to help him, but I'm not sure how. I made a face to myself as I kept working on the food. First work and then I'll deal with this, I may have receive a lot of money to take Marcus' custody but that money is for him, I still have to struggle for my own and my twins school life.

This new life just gets busier and busier, but it's not bad. Knowing that I'm making something on my own and helping children in need can help me to get through.