October is bound to arrive soon as well as the orange season.
It also seems that despite not having Thanksgiving nor Halloween in this world, there's still corn and pumpkin season.
Which seems good enough for me to promote the classics: corn, pecan and pumpkin products.
'I call it: "The Fallbulous especials!" I will give you guys the new special menu which I already printed and I will give the cooks the recipes.' I said giving my employees their share.
"The Fallbulous Especials Menu.
— Pumpkin spice coffee.
— Lavender tea.
— Ginger tea.
Alcoholic beverages:
— Fall Mule wine
— Blackcurrant Gin.
For Kids:
— Hot chocolate.
— Mulled Apple juice.
— Cinnamon sugar apple chips.
— Soft pumpkin cookies.
— A slice of chocolate chip pumpkin bread.
— Apple pie porridge.
— Banana pumpkin spice pancakes.
— Turkey and egg Breakfast casserole.
— Creamy ham and potato soup.
— Sweet potato casserole.
— Mashed sweet potatoes with pecans.
Lunch & Dinner
— Oven roasted turkey tenderloin.
— Mini meatloaf turkey muffins.
— Chicken Stew.
— Apple Cider braised chicken thighs.
— Pumpkin pie
— Pecan pie."
'Wow!!' Everyone was impressed.
'Em, just a question.' Ginevra raised her hand. 'Is this going to be temporal, or. . .'
'This menu is going to be active from the first of October to the first week of November.' I answered with a small. 'Doe everyone agree?' I asked.
They all nodded in agreement.
'In that case, Nathan, you are oficially re-employed as the new bartender for alcoholic drinks, don't disappoint me.' I declared with a warning.
Nathan made a militar sign.
'Agnes, do me a favor and give out these menus across town.' I told her giving her the pamphlets. 'Since this special menu, it's only going to last for so long, we must make sure it sells and exceeds our expectations.'
'Yes!' Agnes nodded and quickly stared to prepare to get outside.
'Ginevra, please help put these this big pamphlet and this big announcement outside on the wall of the restaurant.' I gave her the papers and tools.
'Alright.' Ginevra went to do as asked.
'Sipfra, you and the new employee come with me to learn the new recipes.' I guided them to the kitchen door. 'Nathan, you too because you need to learn how to make drinks!' I called for him.
Nathan ran to the kitchen.
'And me?' Minnie nanny asked.
'You take care of the toddler and wait for the new snacks to come.' I told her.
'Okay!' She nodded and took the toddlers to the new kid's area at the farthest side of the restaurant.
Sipfra, Nathan and the new employee, Clementine, an eighteen year old orphan who was good at basic baking, followed my lead and learned the recipes as quickly and efficient as they could.
Once we finished the first tries of every single item for the new menu and the girls returned, we had a hearty meal and the kids got to snack the new food items.
'So, do you like the new food kids?' I asked them.
'Yes, they are very good!' Minnie Nanny Minerva said.
Marcus nodded in agreement as he ate another apple cinnamon muffin and stuffed it to his face and drink some mulled apple juice.
'The cinnamon is very addictive, but I'm afraid it might bore the clients to death.' Sipfra commented.
'Are you kidding me?! These are great recipes and foods!' Agnes declared pointing to her slice of chocolate chip pumpkin bread. 'Besides, the Fallbulous menu is for a limited time period of time, therefore, it means there might be another especial menu coming afterwards.' She turned to see me. 'Right?' She asked.
I nodded. 'Of course, although I would like to secure some products and supplies before getting into creative as well as for the sources.' Muttered loudly with a worried tone. 'Does anyone know where can I find mint and more chocolate? As well as wine, more cinnamon, sugar, ginger and nutmeg?' I asked.
They all shook their heads.
'To have a secure source of items, you might need to go to the city market.' Sipfra told me. 'Otherwise, you need to depend on the tradings and event markets that happen year round.'
'Yeah, that was what I was afraid of.' I sighed. I really, need at the very least the mint and sugar. I frowned about it but then I put a brave face. 'Thank you anyway, for now, let's talk about the other topics, shall we?' I suggested.
They all agreed and went on to talk about trivial things with me.
In October. . .
The Autum season has oficially arrived and right now, I'm taking Marcus, little baby girl and a bunch of food to my twins' because I told them a summary of what's been happening and, let's just say that the Art Professor is bound to loose its mind if I don't bring my baby girl, and from what Charlie has told me, he practically fainted of a heart attack after finding out I adopted a half-elf.
Hopefully, these pastries will suit the high professors taste buds. Especially the chef's.
'Why do I have to dress like this?' Marcus asked pointing to his new autum attire. His attire involved brown jumper pants, an Orange shift and a Brian coat with a little black bow tie in his neck.
'Because we are going to a high social status place.' I answer him. 'If we wore normal clothes, we would be like, insulting the place with our image. The clothes themselves don't need to be fancy, but they do need to make you look good and respectful.' I smiled to him. 'I'm also wearing an autum clothing, see?' I let him see. 'You are not alone. Right baby girl?' I turned to see my baby.
My baby was asleep but smiled at my voice.
'Okay?' Marcus seemed to be confused a bit. 'Humans are weird.'
'Ha! Tell me about it.' I nodded in agreement,
Marcus frowned at me. 'Why do you agree with me?' He asked.
'What do you mean by why? What you said it's true!' I responded. Then I turned to see the coachman. 'Mister!' I called him out.
The coachman nodded.
'It's true that humans are strange, right?!' I asked him.
He gave a huge nod in agreement. 'Every human has his and her own weirdness! Not everyone is the same! Similar? Maybe. The same?! Absolutely not!' The coachman declared as he sped up. 'We'll be there in about twenty minutes!' He let us know.
'Okay!' I said and looked at Marcus again.
Marcus frowned at me like "you poor poor woman" while shaking his head at me.
I smiled while frowning at him. 'Hey, don't judge me! Also, do I have to remind you that you are also human?' I booped his nose.
His eyes went wide and the realization of him probably being as weird as me. . . And he started crying about it.
I just laughed and consoled him as we awaited to arrive at the Bismuth Academy.
. . .
After arriving at the school. . .
'Mommy!!' The twins almost made me almost collapse.
'Hey! Watch out! I'm carrying a fragile baby and toddler here!' I warned them.
'Sorry! Sorry!' The twins stopped the hug. 'Is that our new sibling?' They asked pointing at Marcus.
'Yes, this is Marcus.' I put Marcus down. 'Say hi to your big brother Charles and your big sister Charlotte.' I encouraged him.
Marcus took one step forward and waved shyly at them.
'Hi!' The twins waved back.
'By the way mom, is good that you are here!' Charlie told me while turning to see me. 'Chef and Art Master are practically fighting with Witch doctor and Crazy Einston about who will have the "privilege" to say hi to you first!' He exclaimed exhausted. 'Is this a curse for having a beautiful mother?!' He screamed at the sky. 'Because if it is, make sure that NO man can win her heart!' He demanded.
'Thank you for asking that for me.' I thanked him amused.
'Your welcome.' Charlie nodded proudly.
'You mentioned that you brought snacks.' Lottie commented as she look over me. 'Are the snacks on the boxes?' She asked.
'Yes they're—' I was silenced by the swift twins who went to take the boxes and carried them with ease. 'Em kids?' I called for them.
'We need to make sure that no one takes our share.' Charlie declare very protective of the boxes he took.
'Momma's pastries be mine alone.' Lottie murmured with her eye pupils dilatated.
I just cracked up as when I heard that and Marcus nodded in agreement.
. . .
After entering it and going to the kitchen. . .
'Miss Baker! Hohoho! What a pleasure is to have you here today!' The Chef Adami smiled to me as he helped with the boxes and put them on the table. 'Thank goodness that you have come after school classes, who knows how many cookies might have had disappeared if you were to caught us during class or when it barely started.' He faked a shiver down his spine. 'Kids can become maniacs when it comes to sweets you know.'
'Oh, believe good sir.' I smiled and pointed to my twins behind me. 'I know.'
The twins behind me were already sneaking themselves a few mini pumpkin and pecan pies that didn't made presentation.
'Hahaha! Your son Charlie is an excellent student by the way!' He patted my shoulder. 'He clearly takes it after his mother.' He complimented me in the process.
'Awwww, thank you!' I thank him for that. 'Would love to stay and chat but I also have a lot of teachers to see and pastries to give, so, I have to go now.' I started to walk away with another few boxes. 'Hope you enjoy the pastries! They're pumpkin and pecan pies.' I waved goodbye to him and the twins plus Marcus came after me with another few boxes at hand too.
. . .
A few minutes later, in the training grounds. . .
The Knighthood professor was as flirty as ever so I made my visit short and gave him a small box of pastries.
After that, I noticed that the girl he talked about being in his gastronomy class, Valeska, was also in his knighthood class.
I smiled at Charlie, he looked at me with worry in his eyes. My smile broaded. His face become dismayed at giving himself an idea of what I wanted him to do and quickly shook his head.
I shrugged and left him and her alone. I was not going to be that mother who put her nose in her son's personal business.
If he decides to try to get her, then I'll support him, if he doesn't, I'll support that too.
. . .
With Professor Collins. . .
'Beautiful! Magnificent!' The professor was poking my baby girl's cheeks. 'Oh! She's quite a beauty just as yourself, lady Baker!' He winked at me.
Charlie grimaced at his professor's "flirting" but I just laughed heartedly.
Marcus from his part, he was looking around the room and was very interested in the unfinished canvas that the professor was doing. He was about to touch it with a finger but the Art Professor took him with his arms and brought it closer to me.
'Hahaha! That master piece is not ready, young man! I still need your and baby girl's face printed in my mind so I can finish it correctly.' Professor Collins pinched Marcus' cheek softly.
Marcus squeaked at the Professor when he heard that his face was needed for the painting.
I laughed and brought Marcus closer to me. 'I would like to check on the other professors before sitting down and pose for the period of time required.' I requested.
'Oh! I understand, don't worry. Go and be back as soon as possible.' Professor Collins asked back.
'Thank you. And we will!' I promised leaving a box of baked pastries. 'Charlie told me you were quite allergic to peanuts so, I made pumpkin and apple cinnamon mini pies for you here.' I let him know as I was leaving.
The professor gasped excitedly. 'Thank you so much!!' He wiped a dramatic tear and immediately went on a "small break" by eating a mini apple cinnamon pie.
. . .
With the Witchcraft Professor. . .
'Thank you for the pastries.' The Professor nodded to me as she took the box full of pumpkin and pecan pies. 'Your daughter is brilliant and smart. She helps and gets results.' She sighed heavily.
'Aw, thank you.' I nodded to her. 'By the way, I saw that you have quite the amount of lavender, ginger and mint, is that correct?' I asked.
The professor nodded. 'The lavender helps to make spells and magic spells with sleep and dreaming, ginger helps with magic remedies, and mint helps with spiritual relief and healing.' She explained quickly.
'That's awesome! Do you know where I can find or purchase these things? I want to try a few recipes with them, but with winter closing by, it becomes difficult to find trades for them at an affordable price.' I asked her.
The Professor nodded and went to quickly out her box in her desk and took a piece of paper and wrote on it, then she returned to me and gave me that piece of paper. 'These five places sell all of the products you may want and more, you may choose the place or places you like the best.' She gave me the piece of paper.
'Thank you so much!' I took the piece of paper and put it in my pocket. 'I'm thinking of mixing chocolate and mint, how does it sound?' I asked.
The Professor took a moment before responding. 'It sounds. . . Like it will either become a catastrophe. . . . Or a delicious delight.' She responded with full honesty.
'I'll take it as a green flag to get you and try the new recipes.' I smiled to her. 'By the way, do you have any protection spells or magic items that can help with protection?' I asked. 'As you know, I'm a single mother with no male protection, and while I have been very lucky, I'm not entirely sure if I'll be able to rely on it for more time than I already had.'
The professor nodded and went to her closet. She took a huge Cristal of amethyst, a necklace with a rose quartz, a forest green ribbon with a small emerald brooch attached to it and a leather bracelet with a Jasper gem attached.
'The small gems would be good luck charms to carry around or on your body, while the amethyst would be for the whole building.' The Professor summarized what it could have been a long explanation. 'This should compensate for letting your daughter study with me. And the pastries.' She briefly smiled.
'Aww.' I was touched. 'Thank you, but I can pay for it.' I let her know.
The Professor shook her head. 'You let your prodigy daughter come to my class, the principal let us all know that you gave yourself away to help the kids triumph and get the Diamond scholarship. It's only right that we respect you as both a mother and a strong woman.' She told me.
I almost teared up as I felt the twins and Marcus tugged on my skirt. 'T-Thanks.' I smiled with gratitude. 'I'm guessing the Jasper bracelet would be for Marcus, the ribbon for my baby girl and he necklace for me, right?' I asked her.
The Professor nodded. 'The twins already have a good luck charms on their bismuth brooches, so don't worry.' She let me know.
I raised my eyebrows and look at the twins who were looking proud of themselves. ' In that case, I can breath more at ease now.' I sighed of relief. 'Let's go with the other professors.' I told them and we left. 'Enjoy the pastries!' I said to the professor as we left
She waved goodbye and I was able to see how the professor inspected the pumpkin pie like it was a "fine specimen."
. . .
With the science professor. . .
'Oooohh!! Apple cinnamon pies for fiber and sweetness for my life, and pecan pies for brain protein! Thank you very much!' Professor Einston exclaimed making a mini happy dance as he waved two mini pies in the air as it was a discovery.
We all laughed.
'I hope you enjoy them.' I told him with a smile.
'Of course! Apple's fiber can help you when potting and its antioxidants will help the inflammation in my respiratory system! The cinnamon will help me with my and boost my heart and brain function as well as it enhances oral health! As for the pecans, the improve my blood sugar as well as supporting brain and heart function like cinnamon!' The Professor Einston exclaimed excited. 'For being sweet pastries, you sure have me a huge amount of rich health boost!'
I was smiling broadly, Charlie and Marcus looked like all the information they received was being throwed out the window as well as their will to live. Lottie on the other hand, was even taking notes about what her professor was saying, and baby girl was just chilling and sometimes giggling at the professor.
'Well, I am glad you like the present.' I let him know. 'Although there is one more professor I have to go see, therefore, I need to go.' I told him pointing to the door while still smiling.
'Oh! Of course, of course.' He waved at us. 'You may go, and thank you again for this present.' He smiled at me like a little kid would.
'You are welcome.' I started to leave and then I stopped on my tracks as I a thought came to me. 'Em, Professor Einston? Do you know anything about plants?' I asked.
Einston was already munchin on a pecan pie when he heard and after gulping he responded. 'I may know a little, but that area is specified on the Biology branch. Want a specific or maybe a rare plant? You may need to go with the Biology professor.' He told me.
'Oh! Okay, Thank you!' I nodded and left with the kids while waving goodbye at him.
'No, thank you for these healthy sweets!' He exclaimed as he waved goodbye back.
. . .
With the Math Professor. . .
Professor Maxim was munchin on a pecan pie while letting me know how of a wonderful student Lottie was.
We had a small chat as he inquired more about the concept of cero and I gave him the basics of it. He is a smart person, so he should be able to come up with a more accurate concept of cero.
After that, we left and we made our way to the biology professor. Who was neutral to see me but he soften as he learned my interest in being able to find especific plants and herbs.
He gave a book of edible and healing plants and sent me on my way.
We then made our way to the Art Professor who had everything ready from the start and organized us the way he believed it would benefit us.
There was a beautiful big royal type-chair with a cabriole wood carving, a fan back and it was brown and red verlvet.
The professor told me to sit down on it, with baby girl in my arms and her face to where he was. There was also a small lotus lounge seat at my right which Lottie was ordered to sit at. Marcus was made to sit on my lap and helped me with baby girl by taking her i. His arms while I helped him hola her correctly. Lastly, Charlie was made to stand at my left and we all made our best smile while the professor worked.
. . .
2 hours later. . .
It was finally done!! More peace for Charlie and the professor who was tearing up with his new master piece!
Of course, the painting needed to dry, but the Professor would let Charlie know when it was ready so I could come for it by then.
We exchanged our goodbyes and then we went to our final destination which was the principal's office.
Fortunately, he was still there, so I went in and gave him pumpkin and apple cinnamon pies.
He took them graciously along the vice principal who immediately took a pumpkin pie and started to munch on it.
After a small chat, I left with Marcus and baby girl back to the other side of the city walls, of course, not before I got the kid's goodbye and went to the chariot to get back home.
As always, the road was bumpy due to the lack of order on the streets, but, it seemed as the good luck charms that the witch professor gave us made effect, for we didn't have any major obstacles or almost-accidents.
Marcus and baby girl were knocked out cold due to the long travel we had today, so I carried them both upstairs and left them sleep in the crib.
I was also tired, but thankfully, I got to place the huge amethyst on the top of a shelf and made sure it stayed there without falling.
Afterwards, I got ready for bed and took the book from the Biology professor and read for twenty minutes while making some quick notes for future references. I put the candle out and went to sleep like a baby. . .
Waaaaaaah!! waaaaaah!! Baby girl cried.
'M-Miss Amelia?' Marcus mover me to wake me up. 'The baby is crying and she smells mortifying.' He let me know. 'Also, I'm hungry.' He arder, and his stomach proved his point by making hungry sounds.
Correction, I went to sleep like a baby, until it was time for dinner and diaper change. Not in that order.