Ch 31: Problem solving.

The next day. . .

I woke up with a jump start to a loud bang on the door and quickly went into survival mode.

Baby girl started crying due to the noise and Liam was tearing up from the scare.

'Okay, don't panic!' I said as I took the knife out. 'Liam, hide yourself and the baby on the closet and don't come out until I say so.' I whispered to him.

Liam did just that and stayed quite as a mouse.

I went door stairs and looked from afar who it was. 'What the?!' I quickly went down after seeing who it was. 'Lottie?! Charlie?!' I opened the door for them. 'What in the name of the heavens are doing here?!'

The twins just hugged me tightly and they took a look at the mess.

'Kids?! It's a school day, you can't just showed up!' I scolded them.

'We couldn't just leave you alone!' The twins protested.

'Yes, you can. And you will!!' I declared pushing them away to the chariot. 'You are children! It's not your job to take care of me!' I exclaimed incredibly annoyed.

'But we want to help!' They exclaimed trying to stop me from pushing them away.

'I can handle it myself! You kids need to go back!' I ordered them to do so.

'But—' The twins tried to protest once more.

'ENOUGH!!' I declared having enough of that. The twins froze. I could feel Liam's stare from the window. I took a deep breath and exhaled. 'Look. You are thirteen years old, I'm twenty so years old. The age gap is big, big enough so I can easily tell you to not to worry. Okay? I know you guys want to help, and you can help me by staying at school, okay? If you stay in school, that means you'll have shelter, food and water.' I tolde them keeping a more serene composure. 'I, as an adult, have the obligation to make sure you guys are safe and sound, not backwards. Understood?!'

The twins nodded but they were most definitely not happy.

'Alright, now, please—' I was interrupted by an arrow who almost got to me but missed by a hair. I gasped shocked. The twins covered their mouths and the coachman hopped down of his horse to check on me. 'What on beautiful Mother Earth?!' I turned to check where did that arrow came from and found a small black figure standing a kilometer away.

The figure had a HUGE cloak and a hood covering him, so I couldn't see his face. But I was pretty sure it was the figure who shot the arrow.

I made sure to keep staring at him, to make sure to see when he would a sudden move.

'The arrow has a note on it!' Charlie said taking a paper that was rolled attached on he arrow. 'You sent out captain and boss to jail, now you face the consequences.' He said out loud and looked at me with worry. 'The captain must have been Bonfire!'

'And whoever you sent to jail recently was, must have been the boss!' Lottie exclaimed frightened.

The coachman and me paled. When I went to look at the hooded figure, it had vanished. I then went to Charlie and snatched the note from him and read it.

"You sent out captain and boss to jail, now you face the consequences.

— S"

I started to breath rapidly, the coachman tried to comfort me but I stepped away. I need to scream. 'Kids, cover your ears!!' I demanded.

The twins paled and put their back on me and covered their ears.

I could only hope that Liam did as I told him to, because I definetely went full ranch farmer mode on the curses and screams on that moment.

When I finally let it all out, I saw the coachman was trembling and covering his mouth with his eyes widened. Whether he was trying not to laugh or he was frightened I didn't know. And I wasn't in the mood to find out.

I sighed heavily as I took the twins and dragged them inside the chariot. 'Please don't let them out while I get the others, sir.' I asked him to wait, and he nodded. I went inside the house, made some letters for the principal and my kid's professors and took the other two kids and a huge bag of money.

'Wait! A-Amelia!!' Liam tried to protest while strugggling to get out of my grasp but I, who not only was bigger and taller than him, I also had the body of baker and the strength of a farmer, just had a lot of more force than him, so it was useless. 'Amelia!!'

'Enough!' I stopped him and put him inside the chariot with two suitcases, one for him and one for baby girl. Then I turned to the twins and gave them the bag of money to Lottie and the baby to Charlie. 'You are not to return until I send a letter to allow it, is that clear?' I ordered.

'Y-Yes.' The three kids who could talk nodded.

Baby girl could feel that something horribly because as soon as she didn't feel herself in my arms she starting wailing and making "grabby hands" at me.

I teared up and cuddled her in my arms once more. 'I'm sorry sweetly, mommy has to leave you for a while. Hopefully just for little while.' I kissed her forehead and gave her to Charlie once more.

Baby girl started whimpering once again when she didn't feel me.

I just kissed the rest of my kid's foreheads.

I then turned to the coachman and gave him the letters. 'Please give them to the principal and distribute them. They should have a heads up so this type of thing doesn't happen again.' I closed the chariot door for him.

The coachman nodded. Took the letters and stuff them in his coat to then hop on his place in the chariot and got himself on the way.

I could hear my baby girl's wails for me and Liam crying out of heart ache and pain.

I'm sorry Liam, I know you were just starting feel safe with me. I sighed as I took the note that I snatched from Charlie and stuff it in my pocket. 'Once again, I'm all alone. Now, I must face things alone.' I entered the restaurant and started to clean up.

As I cleaned up, I took out the good luck charm that I had in my neck. Many would believe it was an accident, but I know different. The arrow was meant to shot me in the head, and the charm protected me. I kissed it and stuff it inside my clothes again.

The door opened and quickly put myself in battle position, but I relaxed once I saw Nathan. 'Oh, it's just you.' I relaxed.

'Y-Yeah.' Nathan closed the door as he let what I could guess was his male cousin and his female cousin. 'Sorry for the intrusion.'

'No, no. I'm, sorry for not having the better organized.' I apologized back.

'No mam, don't worry.' The male cousin shook his head with a sad smile. 'Nathan told us, that there were some setbacks with some thieves thanks to an irresponsible cook. I'm really sorry for that.' He let me know he knew.

'Yea don't worry.' The female cousin agreed.

I sighed of relief but then I looked away. 'Seeing that, you guys came rather early, I suppose you witnessed the drama that unfolded outside.' I guessed.

The three of the youngsters looked down. They have heard and seen everything.

I sighed heavily once more. 'Yeah, don't worry, it's was not a big deal. I just. . .' I grunted out of frustration.

Nathan out a hand on my shoulder and looked at me with worry. 'Someone, has you on the blacklist and wants to. . . "Take you out"?' He asked as he drawed a line through his neck with his finger.

I nodded with sadness and despair. 'I. . . I had to make sure that my children would be safe.' I started to breakdown but I had to hold on. 'Now, that they will be safe all the way inside the city, these evil bastards won't have any other choice than to go against me directly.' I frowned at the thought.

Nathan smiled at me. 'I can help you, some of our family members work as soldiers in town.' He told me as he turned to his cousins. 'Right guys?'

They both nodded. 'That type of threat is not to be taken lightly.' The male cousin determined. 'The sooner we go to them, the sooner we can found out who did it.'

'Actually, I believe that arrow was mean to be pointed at my head.' I confided.

They all turned to look at me with shock.

'What?' I asked. 'The arrow flies way too close to my face to be just a "warning," it only makes sense that the objective was to kill me.' I gave my reasoning.

'. . . Well, with more reason we need to move.' The three cousins declared at the same time.

'In fact, I think it's best that you stay somewhere else.' Nathan suggested. 'The fact that they know where you live makes you more vulnerable and with almost no protection from the soldiers in this outskirts, those people might take advantage.' He deduced.

'Worst case escenario, I'll have to move again and this time it might have to be inside the city; change my name and possibly work as a maid in the royal castle.' I declared with annoyance. 'I can already feel my feet and hands sore just the though of have it to lick royal booths.' I murmured.

'Miss Baker!' The cousins exclaimed surprised.

'Ehe. . . Sorry.' I apologized. Right, people from this type of kingdoms and worlds see their royal leaders as pure and fair, and they show loyalty to them. I looked away while smiling ackwardly. 'So, em, can we meet those family members?' I asked.

'Eh? Oh right! Yes.' Nathan responded. 'I was actually thinking of either bringing you with us, or that my cousins will go to them while I stay here and keep an eye out while you pack your things. Any idea from your part?' He asked.

'No no. The second option is good enough for me, thank you.' I patted his head.

'In that case, we will be right back with the soldiers!' Nathan's cousins ran outside and to what I could hear their own horses.

I raised an eyebrow at that. 'I thought you said that you family was not well off.' I asked Nathan about it.

'Yeah, well, my nuclear family for the most part.' Nathan admitted. 'The rest of my family members do have decent jobs like farming, military and a few transportation jobs, so technically speaking it's more that they need the horses to be better off.' He scratched his head.

'Oh.' I nodded understanding. 'So, how's your nuclear family actually struggling?' I asked.

'Well, my mom used to work as a crafter but her finger joints eventually gave out and struggles to do housework.' Nathan told me. 'My father was a good soldier, until a few weeks before I applied for a job here. He had the misfortune of suffering a great injury which costed him an arm.' He pointed to his own right arm. 'Ever since then, he's been dependent on alcohol to drown his sorrows and mom is on the verge of leaving him unless takes his sh-life together.' He corre red hi sele and sighed.

'Wow.' I raised my eyebrows. 'Any siblings?' I asked.

'Three actually. All of them older. My oldest brother works as scholar in a good public school inside the city, my oldest sister works at restaurant inside the city, and my second sister married to a very well off Lord. But none of them are available to help.' Nathan crossed his arms. 'Nor willing to do so.' He murmured annoyed.

I rolled my eyes at that. Of course. I sighed. 'That's a shame. So you are basically the only one who's helping his parents?'

'I'm afraid so, yeah. This job is really good and brings money on the table, but. . .' Nathan rubbed his eyes. 'If that man doesn't stop feeling sorry for himself and starts to at least do something to help around the house, I'm gonna commit the unthinkable and throw him on the streets just so my mom can have some peace.' He complained.

'Ouch.' I commented. 'Don't worry.' I hugged him. 'Everything would be fine.'

'T-Thanks.' Nathan cuddled on my big chest. 'A-And just so you know, my extended family would help, but my father lashes out at them and my mom and I must accept the help while he's not looking. Otherwise he lashes out at us too.' He told me.

'Really?! Physically?!' I asked with worry.

'No.' Nathan unconsciously started to move his crotch against mine. 'He does scream at us, but he does not go for physical damage. . . Yet.' He hugged me from my wait and sighs.

I didn't want to admit it, but I was enjoying myself too, so I let him move onto me for a little bit. Oh God, my sexual desires are onto me! I bitted my lip.

He moved rather faster in a few minutes, lost in thought.

Feeling that this was getting dangerous, I stopped him. 'Em, Nathan. . .'

Nathan entered in reality and quickly stepped away from me looking like a red tomato. 'Oh my heavens! I'm so sorry!!' He covered his face.

A little dark voice came to me and said, Let's fuck him! He wants to fuck?! LET'S FUCK!!! While the other voice said, He's a minor! Sure, he must be around eighteen but the age gap is STILL there!!

I just shook my head and sighed. 'Just don't do that again to me. Nor to other girls unless it's with consent.' I warned him.

He nodded with fast speed.

'Good. Now, help clean this up while I make my bags.' I asked him.

'Y-Yes! Yes!! I'll do it!' He exclaimed while doing what I asked him to while being incredibly embarrassed.

I just laughed a bit and went upstairs.




An hour later. . .

My animals, the cart full of things (not that much of course) and I were being escorted to a safe place after the soldiers came with a scout squad to search for spies and THANKFULLY, they found two.

They were escorted out with us, but not before I. . .

*WHACK!!* *POW!!!* I gave them a piece of their own medicine with my wooden spoon. Afterwards, we went to the soldier's base and while they took the spies to a cell, they gave me a room where sleep with a soldier to guard me.

'Please rest, for now, my lady.' The general (Nathan's uncle) told me. 'Hopefully tomorrow we'll have the information we require.'

I nodded to the, and then thought about an idea. 'Em, if I may. . . Can I suggest something?' I asked.

'Yes?' The general turned to look at me.

'How about you make a background check on the spies?' I suggested. The general looked confused so I explained. 'Like, checking their criminal records, to see if they have been arrested or wanted in other places and check the patterns. With that, you might be able to find something to use against them like. . . A secret lover? A family member?' I explained.

The general thought about it and nodded to it. 'That, sounds like a really good idea. We shall do as you suggested and if we find out anything, we come to let you know.' He promised.

'Thank you. Goodnight.' I made a small bow.

'Goodnight.' The general bowed in returned and left me alone in my temporal room

To pass the time, I took out some books which I have used to write small children's stories that I remember from my past life, create new recipes and write my feelings out.

I needed to keep my mind off things, I didn't want to cry again.

Crying won't solve anything. I remembered when I was dying and crying my heart out in that cold dark alley. 'It's. . . Been like a year for me being in this world.' I whispered coming to the sudden realization. Heh, it's been quite a while. I sighed as then a small thought came to me. 'What if. . .' The idea came and I took a white book to write the idea out. This is brilliant!! The first fictional non-fantasy book about what the future could look like!!

I felt like Hamilton writing the Federalist papers for a few hours.

Scout and Apple (the cat) started to tug me from the skirt and sleeves while whimpering and meowing.

'Oh, right. You guys must be starving.' I sat up feeling weary but I managed to give Scout a two meat buns plus a bit of bacon, and Apple some pumpkin cream soup with a raw egg and some carrots. 'Take it easy, Scout. You injured your leg while trying to protect the house when I was running for my life with Clementine.' I kissed its head.

I decided to make myself some camomile tea to sleep better and had two meat buns for dinner.

Then I crawled to my bed and my pets crawled up on the bed and slept with me. We all deserved it.




The next day. . .

I woke up groggy and feeling sick. I once read in an article that whenever you go for a long period of stress your immunize system fails to do its job normallly or something like that. I remembered while coughing a hideous and feeling my throat sore. And when then body relax, your immune system returns to normal and finds viruses to exterminate. I sighed and to clear my throat. Thank goodness the kids were not here, then. I might have had contaminated them unwillingly.

I felt tired and wasted. I decided to just get up and give the animals some breakfast and then turn in again. I felt like my body was drained from all the shit that has been happening nowadays and fell on my pillow like I was shot dead.

Once I finished giving the cat and dog their food of the morning, I turn in and fell on my pillow out of exhaustion.

Best remedy for the the cold, is to get good and warm hours of sleep. So I slept.

. . .

Unknown time later. . .

I woke up to the muffled voices of familiar and unfamiliar voices. They sounded extremely exasperated, frightened even.

I opened my eyes slowly and made grunting sound to let people know that I was alive.

A hand was putted on my shoulder and I jumped back out of fear, but soon saw that it was a doctor, so I relaxed. 'Hey, don't worry, you are safe.' The doctor told and started to make a check up. 'You have been out cold for the last seven hours mam, it's a miracle you handled your own pets one last time before passing out of fever.' He complimented me.

I smiled weakly.

'Miss Baker!' Nathan called me in a panicked tone and Apple in his arms. 'A-Apple the cat escaped from the window and let us know you needed help! By when we arrived we saw that your guards were trying to feed you hot soup but you were knocked out cold!' He explained as he exclaimed. 'A-Are you okay?!'

I nodded slowly. 'T-Thro-at tig-ht. . . But a-live.' I tried to speak softly but was still weak and I felt pain as I spoke.

'It's normal for the throat to dry and irritate when the fever hits.' The doctor took out some medicine. 'It's a natural reaction of the body, so don't worry Mr. Nathan.' He assured Nathan who could only nod.

'Can we know what caused the fever? We made sure nobody around her was sick.' The general inquired.

'Well, she works in a restaurant.' The doctor answered. 'Maybe someone was infected and infected Miss Baker.' He explained. 'Also, while it's not exact results, there have been some experiments where they noticed a correlation between stress and flu. The higher the stress the more likely you are to get the flu. Why? We are not sure either, but due to the recent events, it might have had something to do with a lack of protection inside her body.' He detailed on as he fed me the medicine.

I took the medicine and made a horrible face when I tasted it. It's terrible!! I gagged.

'Hehe, yeah, the worst taste the medicine has, the more effective it is. Believe me, I know.' The doctor assured me. 'I suggest having a female nurse or friend to care for her. Bet she had enough of men for now.' He winked.

I blushed of embarrassment. Did I said something while I was out?!

'I will contact Agnes and Ginevra. They have been worried sick since they receive Miss Baker's letter about staying away from the restaurant until further notice.' Nathan inquired. 'Sipfra will also want to know about the situation.' He added as he thought about things.

I quickly shook my head. They don't need to! Don't tell them!

Nathan looked at me with a smile. 'Don't worry Mam! I will contact them to at least let them know that you and the kids are okay!' He ran away with the cat on his arms. 'I'll be back!' He promised.

I sighed heavily.

The general laughed. 'He's a good boy. Unlike his idiotic father.' He murmured the last sentence. 'Does Miss Baker need anything else?' He asked.

The doctor thought about it for a second. 'It's getting colder, and it has been found that women get cold sooner than men, so I suggest heavier blankets.' The doctor suggested. 'The warmer the body, the quicker the flu passes. That, and A LOT of fluids. The body needs to be warm, but also hydrated.' He added.

The general nodded. 'Very well.' He turned to see me. 'I shouldn't tell you this now because Miss baker is in a delicate state, but you also have the right to know since you are the principle victim of this.' He put his hands behind his back. 'We have found high amount of information about the spies and have used it against them. They're singing like birds now.' He laughed a bit. 'But it seems you have sent a captain and a general of these slave traders. The captain is the one who was arrested recently. But do you have any idea of who could be the general?' He asked.

It was as Lottie and Charlie said, but in reverse. Mr. Bonfire must have been the general! I sighed and took a paper page and wrote slowly but steady in the paper with a pencil borrowed by the doctor. Hopefully that imbecile will help with the case. I finished writing and showed them what I wrote.

"Mr. Bonfire. That's at least the name he used when we met. He faked being a baker and with lies he contracted me to move with him inside the capital to a nonexistent bakery. The heir of Talonwing was supposed to arrest him the moment our groups clashed in a village a few down to the North, but the "little duke" decided to get drunk because of his birthday and I had to fight to survive and avoid slavery.

Talonwing has supposedly arrest him the day we parted way, but, he and I did not end in good terms. Especially because I was angry at him for drinking at work. And I might have had spoken a few (a lot) of nasty realities at his face. I don't really trust him.

But if you want to find Mr. Bonfire, you should ask him.

And if you desire to speak with my kids about Mr. Bonfire, go to Bismuth Academy and ask for Charles Victor and Charlotte Victoria.

That's all I can think of."

The doctor and the general looked at each other in surprise, but then nodded.

I then wrote somethings on the other side.

"Can I write a few letters? My four kids have a huge attachment for me, they will only trust if I send a letter first and you arrive later.

They also know how I write so I should be the one to write the letters, just in case,"

They nodded understanding.

'Well, seems that the medicine has taken effect a you look more energetic now.' The doctor smiled proudly. 'We might as well get you to make the letters sooner rather than letter, the effect only last for so long.' He suggested to me and the general.

The general nodded. 'I'll bring paper, ink and pen. How many letters do you need to write?' He asked.

I raised four fingers.

'Very well, I have them here in twenty minutes, doctor please keep an eye on her while I am out.' The general asked while whe went out.

'Take your time.' The doctor nodded along side me.

The general left and closed the door.

The doctor and I kept ourselves quiet. The doctor is older, but he looks very well kept for his apparent age.

He went on to write on what it seemed like his journal and I opened the specific book for my future novel inspired in my old life.

The ideas that flooded my mind washed down like a cascade to the pages as I wrote them and try to figure out how to describe in a more accurate way certain modern words and phrases.

When the general finally returned, I wrote letters for my kids and sent them through the general. When the general left again, I went in to write again.

I didn't know when it happened, but I started to feel sleepy and weary again.

A maid entered with a tray of two plates.

'Let me add some medicine on your food so that it will help you sleep, Miss baker.' The doctor pull out a tiny jar of the size of a thumb and sprinkled the medicine on my porridge. 'There we go.' He put the medicine away and took his own plate.

I thanked him with a nod and quickly started to eat. The food felt numb on my tongue as I felt the porridge flowing and as it rushing through my throat I felt a pang of pain when swallowing. The only good side is that my tastebuds were numb, and I couldn't taste anything good or bad on my food.

After eating I fell asleep with the help of the doctor who patted my head softly.

. . .

A few days later. . .

I was just started to feel much better when news reached and it was found to be "secret creed of slavery" or a mafia, as I know it. But not just a mafia but thee mafia of slavery.

Under the rule of the heir of Talonwing himself!!!

'What the fuck?!' Exclaimed out loud and then coughed loudly too. So that's the reason as to why he wanted to bring me with him inside the city! He was to finish the mission since Bonfire didn't finished it!!! I raged on the inside.

The general, his soldiers, my lawyer and the judge were shocked at my reation.

'Easy there My lady.' The doctor patted me on the back.

'T-Thanks.' I sighed heavily. 'Why. . . Why would, the heir of Talonwing would do such a thing?!' I demanded to know.

'Well, from what we have seen and witnessed, he's the only child of the Talonwing Duke.' The judge answered. 'When there is an only child in a noble household, the parents tend to dote on them to the point of spoiling them which might have contributed to his rotten behavior and money greed.' He sighed. 'He thought that since he's a noble he could get away with anything and everything, but of course, he did not expected that the law would come walking through his front door and he then sang like a hummingbird.' He shook his head annoyed.

'. . . So he chickend out thinking that pleading guilty would soften his sentence?' I asked a bit confused.

'More like to go for his parents protection.' The judge clarified. 'Since they have always supported him, he thought that this time, they would support him too.'

I shook my head at that. 'No parent, mother or father, in their right mind would defend a son nor daughter who made such devious deeds and actions.' I stated.

'Fortunately though, their graces, the Duke and the Duchess of Talonwing were indeed in their right minds.' The judge chuckled. 'Their son is officially disinherited from the family tree and history books now.'

We all cheered at that.

'And he is sentenced for a life in prison.' The judge added and gave his hand to me. 'We all thank you for your help mam. Without your idea of searching the people's background we would have been searching for the culprit like a thin needle within a sack of hay.' He smiled to me.

I cleared my throat. 'It was nothing. It's like to find something you lost. You walk through your steps in reverse until you see where did you put it. Just in this case you would see where have people been before and what have been doing by investigating.' I explained my reasoning.

'Yet, the method was the key to put down one of the most successful "slavery emporiums" in the whole kingdom!' The judge exclaimed with pride. 'The good news is, now that we have confiscated to the last pitiful servant of the ex-heir of Talonwing, we can now let you go back to your restaurant.' He let me know.

'Oh! Thank you!' I sighed heavily and thankful for it. 'And the bad news?' I asked worried.

'The bad news is that you must get new employers.' He declared. 'While we are making sure the village gets better protection measure, you still liveein the outskirts, while the law enforcement focuses on the center, where the crime rate can happen more frequently.' He went on. 'So, you might have to employ some guards or body guards. Especially with the new mini tavern and the new mini neighborhood complex that you invested in.' He especified.

I nodded in agreement. 'I figured as much.' I rubbed my eyes. 'My problem with this is, that I have a lot of bad experience with men. No offense, but, the clientele I want for the apartment complex that I created is specified for single women.' I scratched my head. 'And with a man who might as well turn out to be a womanizer, or worse? I-I think it's gonna cost me a while to do that.' I streched my back which cracked a bit. 'But I'll make sure to get that extra protection.' I promised both to the judge and myself.

'Well, yes. I trust that you might be able to get a good bodyguard on your own.' The judge nodded in agreement.

I stared at him for a moment. 'But?' I asked.

The judged chuckled a bit. 'But if I may, Miss Baker, I think I might have a solution for such problem.' He inquired.

I raised an eyebrow and got closer. 'I'm listening.' I accepted to hear him out.

His smile broaden and he motioned me to outside.

What I saw, changed my life forever.