When we came out of the base, I found the soldiers of the heir of Talonwing sitting outside in full armor under the sun.
Despite being mid- October, the weather was still relatively nice at noon, so the soldiers must letting water through their bodies as if it was raining inside their clothes.
Even the female soldier who was ex-heir Talonwing's right hand was there. She was the closest to the base and yet the one who seems to suffer the most due to not having a building's nor her helmet for a good while, since the sun is right up in the sky and that shots right to your head making very little shadow to go to.
'Can I . . . Ask what are these rats doing here?' I asked unamused yet amused at the same time.
'Well, you seemed to have good ideas, so, since you were almost trafficked one way or the other, we figured that you would have a good punishment for each one of them.' The judge . 'Yes, there are a lot of other victims, but most of them are not in the right state of mind to at least give a coherent answer.'
'Define the "right state of mind?"' I asked.
'Well, one of them even tried to go for the right hand's throat with their own mouth.' The judge inquired me with their eyes wided as he recollected that moment. 'Poor woman, being betrayed by a fellow woman.' The judge judged the right hand with his eyes.
The ex right hand of the ex-heir of Talonwing, immediately looked to the floor, with her hair on her face as if she used it hide herself.
I sighed. So the peace of those ex-slaves and survivors of the slave trade are on my shoulders now huh? I went into deep thought about it. 'Hmm. . . I don't know. We might as well left them right in the sun day and until they either starve or until winter comes.' I shrugged. 'Whichever came first.'
The punished soldiers gasped
The judge laughed at my joke but he quickly straightened up. 'M-Maybe, but pff—Ehem, em. . . I think you should be more human about it. After all, you are a survivor and a victim, but they weren't able to do something to you.'
'But they quickly went to do that to another human being, even though they are humans themselves.' I reminded them. 'What should we give them mercy when they weren't merciful to others?' I asked once again. 'I just made up a saying, and it goes, "there's no black or white, just different shades of grey." Even if they were just following orders, it doesn't take a genius to understand that what they did was wrong in a lot of levels, yet you are right, they are human.' Walked to where the right hand was sitting at.
The woman jumped a bit when she felt my little shadow cover her and looked up a little.
'I have a question for you.' I informed her crossing my arms. 'Are you proud of yourself?' I asked.
The woman frown. 'W-What?'
'I'll ask again, are you proud of yourself?' I asked.
The woman thought about it for a moment but still looked at me with confusion. 'I-I don't know what you are talking about.' She responded.
'Are you proud of your achievements? Of your successes? Of your goals aquired?' I asked her.
The woman smiled rolling her eyes. 'Well, I became a knight, of course I'm gonna proud!' She responded with pride.
'Oh. So you are proud of the many women you stole from their homes, the hundreds of children you stole to sell and make the money you are proud of having. Is that correct?' I asked.
'What?! No!' The woman retracted.
'Really? Because, a real knight is always proud of whatever he or she accomplished. Whether the knight kills or captures people, is the same thing.' I shrugged as I walked around her.
'It's not the same! I-I didn't know Talonwing was a trafficker!' She claim.
'Yet you are a knight. The knight that supposedly knew everything that her master did and did everything he told her to do.' I said out loud. 'Personally, there's no big difference between knight and a slave trader.' I admitted out loud.
All of the prisioners unders the sun, and the soldiers under the shadow, looked at me in shock. Some of them in disbelief and distain.
'Come on. Ask me why?' I asked.
The woman knight looked at me with distrust. 'Why?'
'Well, to answer that question, I would need to go into some conext.' I started to talk. 'In this country, our knights are saviors, but put them in another kingdom and they'll be seen as trespassers or even attackers. Is the same as in the other kingdom, if their knights stepped a foot in our country without permission they'll be seen as invaders but in their country they are seen as saviors.' I stopped in front of her.
'And?' She asked.
I chuckled. 'What happens if there's a war, and we surrender?' I asked, but without missing a beat I answered my own question. 'That's right, we'll become prisioners of war for that country. And what would they do to our knights? Imprisoned them? Torture them? Kill?' I kneeled beside her. 'Ensalved them?'
The woman flinched but didn't move.
'And what would happen if we were to win that war?' I asked a different question. 'Wouldn't we do the same things? Wouldn't we do what they would be trying to do to us as well?' I asked to not just the female knight but to the other knights. 'Answer this, what's the difference between a war between countries, and a war between nobles and the slave traders?' I asked raising my voice. 'If we were to lose, how many nobles are willing to corrupt to save their own skins? If we were to win, how many criminals would bribe the nobles to save themselves to even the minimum of jail time?! And just how many nobles and commoners are willing to accept the bribe just for greed and money and take a blind side to real problem?!' I grabbed the woman's armour by the collar and pull her to face me. 'Just how many bribes and sex did you accept from his ex-grace for you to IGNORE his corruption and even HELP HIM?!' I screamed at her face with fury.
The birds have stopped singing. There was no wind anymore.
I could hear the general whisper something to someone, that someone whispered a bit louder, I think it was Nathan and he was not happy with whatever the general said.
The woman knight's face was full of tears. The other knights were trebling at the realization of my words.
'I'll ask once more and a bit more detail in case you haven't understood me. Are you proud, of pulling a treason this high, on this kingdom?!' I demanded an answer from her. 'Your Kingdom?'
'Ho. . .' The judge chuckled behind me. I gnored him as I kept the woman's collar on my hand.
The knight wasn't able to handle that much emotional pain and broke down crying.
I looked bore at her. 'Crying is not an answer for me, are you proud or not?!' I dropped her to the floor.
'Nooo!' The knight cried with her face on the floor, 'I'm not proud!' She sobbed. 'I-I-I I'm sorry!! Waahhhh!!' She cried unconsolable.
I nodded and then walked away from her. 'That's all I needed to know.' I said softly and then motion the law enforcement to come inside with me.
The judge understood what I mean and ordered that the punished soldiers were to stay were they until further notice.
We then settled in the office.
'The shade of this girl is twisted of black desperation and white guilty.' I declared. 'I have four, no, five options for all of them but you are the ones who will decide on.' I informed the judge.
The judge nodded.
'The first option is the revocation of their titles as knights. I mean, it's only fair since they betrayed their kingdom and its people.' I shrugged. 'The second option, is exile.'
The judge looked confused by my word.
Modern word, got it. I cleared my throat. 'I mean, banishment, from the kingdom.' I rephrased my sentence. 'With the additions of taking everything from them and only leaving a sword and some coins by minimum; and a sword, coins, food and a horse by maximum so they can leave and never come back.'
'Ooooooh!!' Everyone in the room nodded in approval.
'The third is doing free labour.' I said out loud. 'They get to keep their titles and their money, but they are to work for free in the city.'
The judge looked at me curiosity. 'For example?'
'For example sweeping the streets, cleaning garbages, taking care of the gardens. . . Any type of work would do but they will not be paid in any type of way.' I explained.
'I see.' The judge nodded. 'Like a kid forced to clean his own room.'
'Basically, but instead of a room is the city itself for a good amount of period of time.' I told him. 'It's a way of enslavery, but without the chains and if you are putting them in that type of punishment, I suggest it would be of about 30 or 40 hours a week?' I suggested. 'You can easily do the details about it.' I shrugged it off.
The judge made a note of it and let me continue on.
'The fourth one is the typical jail time, depending on how heavy are their crimes of course.' I shrugged again.
The judge nodded in approval.
'The fifth is correlating the punishments.' I declared. 'From to three types of punishments in one person. For example, one knight shall be stripped from his title and is forever banished from the kingdom, while other knight has to do free labour and jail time.' I explained the last one.
The judge nodded smiling broadly and wrote something in his papers. 'Marvelous suggestions Miss Baker, I'll do as you suggest.' He promised. 'Although I am surprised you are not going to take one for free labour.' He said indirectly.
'Mr. Judge, when you want free labour, it means you still have to keep them alive. Aka, giving them a place to sleep, eat and drink.' I told him. 'Free labour means you can afford without major repercussions. Me? I have to renovate the restaurant AND possibly the apartment complex. And after this fiasco, who knows how many will want to come to at least eat until I have security.' I inquired. 'Do you think I can give myself that luxury right now?' I asked him.
The judge didn't even thought about it twice before shaking head in negation.
'Exactly! Also, why would I want traitors working under me?' I asked. 'If they accepted a bribe from a boss they will accept a bribe from a future competitor or competitors that I might have in the future, and I'm NOT willing to risk that!' I declared loud, clear and proudly.
The judged nodded understandind my point. 'Well, thank you for your cooperation. Once the punishments have been set and ordered, we will discuss the compensation payment for your distress and destroynent of business.' He gave me his hand. 'You should be safe to return home by next week.' He deduced.
I stretched it. 'Thank you Mr. Judge.' I smiled to him and went to my room at the base to rest. 'What a long day.' I grabbed my cat, I motioned my dog to come with me and flopped on the bed with me cuddling them for the rest of the day.
. . .
A week and a half after. . .
I finally returned to my home and got the handy man's to keep working in a few more houses.
I wasn't able to find clues or even references for the washing plumping system that I wanted, but, I was indeed able to make two huge bathrooms to bath. One for males and one for females.
With the handy man, we made sure that the bathrooms were as FAR away from each other as possible, and even if a man or a woman were to go to the other sex's bathroom, they would have to pass through the common room and have the key to either the front or the back room door.
It is indeed more expensive to have different types of keys than just one type of key, but it's for safe measures and reduce the chances of harassment.
I also made the blacksmith to engrave different symbols for each type of key. Plus numbers.
I allowed Nathan and the girls to come and help me renovate the restaurant and see that nothing went missing and what food needs to be discharded.
So many food and money needs to be throwed out. I cried on the inside. But I have no choice. I sighed as I throwed the rotten and spoiled food out in the trash and the rest in a bucket to feed the goats. 'Eat your fuel, my babies!' I exclaimed throwing the food to the goats who came running with their reclaims of not being fed properly for "ages." 'Yeah yeah, I'm sorry! But at least you had water and grass!'
The baby (not-so-baby) goat looked to me as if to say, "are you kidding me?!"
I looked back at him. 'For being a goat, I can easily know when you are indeed judging me, eat your meal!' I exclaimed frowning.
The goat complied with a "meeeeehh" and ate with his parents.
I sighed and went to feed the chickens.
The chickens were good. In fact, due to me not checking for eggs very often, some of them had babies! 'Oh my heavens!' I exclaims ecstatics.
I quickly took the eggs that didn't seemed to have babies inside and left those who seemed too heavy and not that fragile.
Then I quickly returned and set the cat free so he could find whatever mice it had probably settled inside.
I went to check the wood traps. . . And yes, some of them have mice captured and were decomposing already.
I even found two rabbits! Fortunately they were not decomposed yet, so I could make use of them right away.
Besides everything else, nothing was destroyed, broken or even burned. Guess the good luck charm worked better than I hoped for.
Still, it would be better if I call for my kids ONCE I put everything in order, from getting the restaurant working again, to getting people to live on the apartment complex. I thought to myself as I checked the rooms upstairs.
I went through the kitchen and and the food closet. I had to throw out a huge chunk of food, but there weren't any mice inside so that's nice.
As soon as I saw the sun setting, I sent the girls and Nathan home. Nathan insisted on staying because he feared for my safety, which I appreciated and gave him one of the bedrooms to sleep in.
. . .
The next day. . .
I had to go to buy supplies and food to restock everything and make sure I can bake and cook everything by the day after tomorrow.
I also went to post some fliers about the restaurant reopening soon and the apartment complex and how it was going to work.
"Gran-reopening of the Spice Delight!
Two days from now!
Offering delicious food and baked goods.
Especial for autum season down below:"
Then the poster would give the names of some of the specials and what it has.
As for the apartment complex. . .
"Having a hard time finding a temporal place to stay? Come to rent a mini house!
This building complex contains 10 houses inside of itself and has great space for a first-time home. And we are still constructing another 6 more!
The houses are design for single people and we allow both men and women to live in the same building. Each house includes:
— 1 bedroom which includes: 1 bed, 1 nightstand, 1 wardrobe.
— 1 kitchen which includes: cabinets, 1 small cupboard, 1 stove + oven, 1 kitchen counter.
— 1 living room which includes: 2 single sofas, 1 rocky chair, 1 small coffee table, 1 small fireplace.
— 1 small dining room: 1 small circle dinning table, 2 chairs.
— 1 free space: this space is free to use as you see fit with no discrimination or harassment.
The building also includes:
— Common area.
— Library.
— 2 Gardens (in front and inside).
— 2 bathrooms to bath —> One for men, the other for women.
— A patio in the center of the inside garden which includes: a pit fire, a pond, tables and chairs for tea and other activists.
If you also want to offer services from the professions that we are looking for, we will let you relocate inside the complex and let you live at a lower rent rate!
Some of these professions are but not limited to:
— Gardener
— Housekeeper/cleaner/maid
— Bodyguard or Guard
— Library
— Bookeeper
Any questions you may have, please send a solicitude letter with a sheet of paper with your abilities, professions and/or experience to the Spice Delight's mail and we will send you a letter whether to confirm or reject your application.
We hope to meet you!
I smiled to myself proudly putting the posters on the boards of the places I knew and went back.
Thankfully, the girls and Nathan have helped a lot in baking mixing and restocking everything.
'Okay, let's re-check one last time everything!' I exclaimed standing on a stool. 'Batter?'
'In the cupboards until morning.' Sipfra answered.
'Dishes, cups and cutlery?' I asked.
'Everything it's in its place, by a miracle there were no damages.' Agentes responded.
'Extra supplies?' I turned to see the other two.
'Checked up and down and while we have most of everything I did made a list of extra things we should get.' Ginevra gave me a list.
'Good.' I nodded taking the list and stuffing it in my pocket. 'Beverages?'
'The wine, whisky, and other drinks are good and well conserved.' Nathan responded. 'But, we need more water and milk.' He answered.
I nodded. 'I'll milk my goats early before re-opening the restaurant, tomorrow we will get water from the well.' I turned to see everyone at the same time. 'For now, go rest with your families, long days are ahead of us.' I let them go home.
The girls went back, but as before, Nathan stayed for my protection.
It was nice.
. . .
The next day. . .
Nathan and I went for decorative material for this season. Thankfully, I had asked Sipra to make some crafts about it for a good price and she returned with these candle holders in a pumpkin form, and napkin holders with orange leaf shapes. She also made pretty pottery with the same shape and sizes as pumpkins and I bought some for outside decor.
I also decided to ask her about winter type pottery and patterns that could go with it.
I should be able to see some options by two weeks from now, mostly snowflakes and possibly a few snowman pottery. But is still very good.
'Thank goodness that I came with the idea of traffic flags, or this would have been a huge problem. And possibly have major losses' I commented as I rode with my horses and cart through a much safer center.
'Yeah, no kidding! I don't know if I would be able to guard all these if the road had been with a lot of crazy stops and even a possible accident.' Nathan commented as he guarded the boxes full of delicate pottery.
'You got that right.' I murmured out loud as I came to a solid yet soft stop due to a red flag. 'We are almost there now, just hold on a litt longer.' I let him know.
'Okay! Not worries!!' Nathan exclaimed as he hold on to the boxes with dear live.
I tried not too chuckle. Once the free flag let us go on, I went to a steady pace and we were able to make it safely. 'We are here! You can rest for a moment!' I told him as I hop off the horse.
'Phew!!' Nathan let himself fall on his back (but no before making sure there was no pottery behind me) an extend his arms and legs to stretch carefully. 'I thought I would crack my back!' He exclaimed.
'Sorry Nathan.' I apologized as I opened the cart and climbed on a stool to grab two boxes. 'Once you rest a few more seconds, help me with these.' I told him.
Nathan responded with a thumbs up and I went to open the restaurant to put the pottery on a random table. 'Well, these ones are for the inside. Might as well take the others.' I turned around and when I stepped out of the restaurant I stopped in my tracks a when I felt two presences by my side. I turned my head to see who it was and. . . 'May I help you Miss . . . Orc, and Miss Elf?' I asked with curiosity.
Nathan straightened up once he heard the words "orc" and his eyes widened as he saw what I saw.
On my right, there a beautiful and muscular female orc (or at least, I thought she was female) with a height of almost twice as me, top that only covered her breast and a skirt that covered her inner parts and down to her knees. She also wore a belt with knifes and a few trinkets that I couldn't recognize (due to both Amelia's ignorance and my lack of knowledge in this world) and heavy parts of armor in her knees, shoulder elbows and feet. The female orc also had her hair in a high pony tail and wore a very beautiful gold earring in her left ear.
'Actually, I'm a fairy, Miss.' The elf—Ehem, fairy corrected.
'Oh! My apologies for my ignorance.' I apologized immediately. 'I had the misconception that fairies were. . . Smaller.' I admitted.
Nathan shrunked at my words and sweat paled.
'Oh hahahaha!! That's okay! You are not the only one! Although you are the first one to not deny your ignorance or something like that.' She smiled accepting the apology.
I smiled back and looked at her from head to toe.
The fairy wore a tight yet not so revealing tutor-neck top that covered her from her stomach up to her neck, she had fingerless green gloves and armor in her elbows and shoulders as well as in her knees. She wore boots that went up to below the knee and she wore a fanny pack with a pouch and what I could guess were potions and around her waist below her belt had two long swords.
'Meadow and I saw post for guards and place to sleep in permanent job's board!' The female onc. 'Meadow and I thought that the job was a good retiring job after last adventure!' She nodded proudly.
'Oh really?! I'm glad!' I exhaled relieved. The guards came sooner than I thought. But I felt a pang of worry as I kept noting the size of the female orc. 'Em, not offense, but, it might be difficult to house you when it comes to. . . Size.'
Nathan took cover inside the restaurant in fear.
'Oh, you don't need to worry about that.' Meadow the fairy promised. 'Karga over here can change her size without any problem or future deterioration.'
'Oh really?!' I turned to see Karga the orc.
Karga nodded keeping her chin up with pride.
'In that case, let's go inside and let me interview you.' I guided them inside and saw Nathan accommodating the decor. 'Nathan!'
Nathan yelped but straighten himself up. 'Yes mam?!'
'I'll be interviewing them, please make sure the decor are either safely put inside or in their places!' I let them both inside my office. 'Afterwards, you can take a break.'
'Okay, be safe!' Nathan hurried to do his new responsibility.
I raised an eyebrow at that but I shrugged it off.
Once I closed the door, I look at both of them and just as they said, Karga was able to change her height without much problem.
'Well, let's get started shall we?' I asked bringing a smile to them. 'Do you have your papers?'
Fairy raised and actual scroll with words written on it and Karga brought a white squared cloth in the size of an actual paper with words written on it too.
Close enough. I nodded to them and took them softly from them and gave it a small read. 'Well. . . Karga, your skills are. . .' It was a bit difficult to read due to the ink being blurry in the cloth. 'Close combat and knife skill. . . Am I reading right?' I asked.
'Yes!' Karga looked proud,
'And Meadow,' I turned to look at her paper. 'I can see that your skills come from herbs and healing, plus fighting with bow and arrow, is that correct?' I asked looking tat her.
Meadow nodded.
'Very well.' I put the papers down and looked at them with seriousness. 'Here's the thing, the principal jobs that I'll be willing to give you are guards and security since you seem the most experience with. As you might have heard, I've had unpleasant surprises that I wish did not occur again.' I explained briefly my situation.
'Yes, we have heard. The whole town complimented your food and how welcoming is to everyone despite their financial situation.' Meadow explained.
'We heard the food was delicious and had both meat and veggie pure options as desired, so we thought to try it out.' Karga added looking hopeful but then her face changed into a grim one. 'But then the news about an attack making the restaurant close broke our hearts.'
I was touched about it. 'Aww, I'm sorry.'
'No no! Don't apologized, in fact we tried to involve ourselves to help, but, humans are not that fond of other species "meddling" into their internal business.' Meadow told me with a soft voice
'I see.' I nodded to that. 'Don't worry now, the restaurant opens tomorrow so you'll be able to try your most suitable options.' I promised.
'Woohooooo!!' Karga from her seat flexing her muscle arms in a victory positions while Meadow clapped out of joy.
'But!' I raised my finger to stop them. 'First let's go back to the job subject first.'
'Oh right.' Karga sat down obediently in her seat.
I stuffed a chuckle and continued on. 'Since you are both together, I have to remind you that the rooms are just for one person, therefore, if you guys want to be as close as possible, the best I can do is give you both a place beside each other.' I inquired to them.
'Oh that's totally fine.' Meadow let me know. 'We might be sisters in battle, but, when it comes to different cultures, we want to have our own space.'
Karga nodded. 'I want to turn the "free space" in my personal gym!' She rubbed her hands excited.
'And I want to make into a green house.' Meadow sighed deeply. 'As you can see, if we were to live in the same house, things would have gotten ugly pretty quickly.'
I nodded both understandably and frightened at the thought. 'Em, Karga, just to let you know, since you house will be in the same complex as other houses, I would like it if you were to have your excersice routine between ten and twelve o clock, which is when primarily most people or humans are at work.' I told her. 'That way, the chances of people complaining will be minimal, if you know what I mean.'
'Yes, understood.' Karga made a military sign.
'Meadow, as you most likely know, men have the habit of being too hormonal for their own good. Sure, women are not so different when it comes to hot or cute guys, but, you know the gist.' I told her and she nodded rolling her eyes. 'Therefore, one of the primarily objectives as a guard is to keep men and women on their respectable sides of the building, unless is consensual from a person from the other side, has a job like gardening, or me.' I specified the exceptions. 'Otherwise, if a male or female were to step a foot on the other side, you are to make sure they do not even think about it again.'
Meadow and Karga nodded with seriousness.
'I would also like it if the methods are not violent unless the person starts to get aggressive.' I added. 'If that's bound to happen, please knock him or her out and bring them to me so I can have a chat with them. Alright?' I asked. 'I don't care whether is female or male, beco ONG agresiva or making a roackus for any reason is not allowed unless is in self-defense.'
They both nodded.
'One more thing.' I took some forms and place them in front of them. 'The ten most important rules as to live as a resident in the complex are: 1: No parties or festivities inside the homes after eight. 2: No fighting with dangerous things inside; there's a patio for it or outside the building. 3: Anything that you have broken or damaged that needs to be fixed or replaced will be added to the rent cost. 4: Be sure to pay on time; by the third time skipping rent, you'll have oficially two weeks to either pay the full amount of the rentes money or you can be officially be evicted. 5: No judging people by their color, gender, especies or culture; any complaint about it will put you at risk of eviction. 6: The bathrooms to shower are open from five a.m. to ten o'clock sharp. 7: You are expected to clean after yourself and keep your place clean; if too busy, you may ask the future housemaid respectfully to clean for you for fourteen coppers per hour. 8: The common room is open from seven in the morning to eight at night. 9: The free space can be used as you wish with the exceptions of illegal actions, these includes, but are not limited to: slavery, human trafficking, kidnapping, abuse and murder. 10 and last: If you don't have anything nice to say about a neighbour or a person, keep quite and mind your own business.' I finished and served myself some water.
The other two looked shocked and impressed. 'Where do we sign?' They asked.
'Follow the instructions in the forms.' I pointed at the forms before them. 'Write your full name, age, and day of birth here. Put a mark on your sex and gender over there.' I pointed to the specific place. 'Then you put a mark on the job you are taking.' I pointed to the list of jobs. 'The rent here is usually 250 copper per month or silver coin, but since you are also employees, the cost of rent is reduced to 150 copper.' I let them know and continued to help them. 'You write the day of today in this place , and your signature over here.' I pointed there.
They did as I guided them.
'Now, you do the same thing with the other four pages.' I raised the first page to show them. 'The first page is to sign in for the room, second page to mark the hours and the money you'll be receiving, and the money you'll should be capable to pay per month.' I guided them through the process. Once they finished. I showed them the last page. 'Now the last part, is a sign of confidentiality and professionalism. When on the job, you keep things and opinions to yourself and keep people living in the complex and restaurant safe. No exceptions. You basically making a promise to yourself and me to be honest and professional while you both live and work here.' I summarized the context for them. 'The fourth page is the same thing as the first page, but for authenticity reasons, you guys get to keep. Fair warning: you are NOT to loose them or giving it to someone else under ANY circumstances. You are to keep it safe and tidy, and only give it to me when or if you desire to move out the place, got it?'
They nodded and happily signed up.
'There! That's all.' I clipped out the the paper they get to keep and they stuff it in their pockets. 'Now, you have your luggage with you?' I asked them.
'Oh no, we left it back at the inn, where we were staying out of fear of not being able to move in.' Meadow admitted.
'I see, don't worry it's okay.' I sat up and took out a bunch of keys. 'Here, let me show you the complex and since you are first residents, you get to choose your first rooms.' I let them know.
'Ooohhh!!' They smiled broaden.
I opened the door and saw the decorations almost done. 'Wow, Nathan! Marvelous!' I exclaimed pleased.
'Thanks!' Nathan was moving a big pumpkin pottery to the kids' area. 'This is the last thing! I have moved the horses already and the animals have been fed too!' He let me know.
'You are such a sweetheart Nathan!' I walked to him as he put the pumpkin that had a smiley face and a hollow inside in the center of the kids' area. 'Take a break after this and help youself some food.'
'Thanks!' Nathan wiped his sweat with a cloth as he walked to the kitchen and waved a polite hi to the girls who waved back. 'Hi, bye!'
'Hi! Bye!' The girls repeated his words and then turned to see me.
I laughed a bit and then we went to the complex which was just a few steps away.
'Since you are employees, you get four keys:your room's key obviously, the main gate, the armoury especifically for big weapons, and the washrooms.' I showed them the specific keys. 'The key with the pillow engraved on it is a room key, the key with a G engraved is the gate key, the key with bubbles is the bathroom, and the key in form of a sword is the armoury one.' I gave them each a key of each. 'Remember girls, a key missing or broken an it goes to your rent cost.'
They nodded as they took their keys. 'How much for each each?' Meadow asked to verify.
I stare at her dead in the eye. '150 coppers, each.'
Both mouths slammed on the floor.
'Hey, a simple key with no distinction is definetely cheaper, but I used the extra cost so no one mistakes them and easier to identify and find. It reduces the chances of mistake and having to pay for another one later.' I shrugged.
They gulped and trembled at the sight of the costly keys.
'N-No wonder rent is so cheap.' Meadow whispered to Karga.
'Yeah, one mistake, and the rent goes to sky high.' Karga grunted frightened.
I laughed. 'Let's enter shall we?' I opened the gate and showed them the complex.
'Woooww!' They both exclaimee impressed.
'The place looks beautiful!' Karga exclaimed fascinated.
'Yeah, although it would look better with a better garden management.' I admitted.
'That's true.' Meadow nodded to that as she saw the decent yet dry state of the garden. 'Any reason to not plant flowers?'
'Mostly because of lack of time and resources. Also I have little to know knowledge about planting.' I responded a little embarrassed. 'Most of professional gardeners prefer to find jobs inside the city than in the countryside, you know.'
Meadow nodded understanding as she went deep in thought.
'Another reason is because of season change.' I added on. 'Autum is about to end and winter is a kill joy, so, it would basically be a waste of time right now.' I shrugged I as guided them inside the patio with the dinning set, pit fire and pond. 'Maybe next spring I'll have better luck.'
'Maybe.' Meadow agreed with me and she went o put attention.
I guided them to show them, the common room, the inside bathrooms especifically to wash (they were amazed), the bathrooms to pee outside (they were neutral about that one), and the armoury.
Then, I guided them through both men's and women's sections.
'Usually, the people use especific gender colors for the sex separation.' Meadow recalled.
'Yea, but it's much more cheaper to get brown and yellow colors than pink and blue colors, trust me.' I confided in her. 'Also, I was only able to get that paint for either the bathrooms or the bedrooms. Due to the limit of investment I had to choose either one or the other. In the end, I chose the bathrooms.' I shrugged resigned.
'Good point.' They both agreed on my decisions.
'Well, you have seen the rooms on the main, first, second and third floor.' I declared with a sigh. 'Any room of your choosing or are you okay with the ones that I gave you the keys for?' I asked.
'I would like a main floor one.' Karga gave me the key back. 'I'm not that fond of tall places.' She let me know.
'Okay.' I took the key back and gave her a key of the main floor. 'Can I have a third floor one?' She asked. 'Unlike Karga, I prefer high places where I can see everything. Also, can I add the being able look to the countryside feature?' She requested.
'Of course.' I nodded and changed her key. 'Here you go! Now you guys can move whenever you wish for!' I declared.
'Yes!!' They cheered.
'Just one things, you are to work from the moment you woke up to the moment you go to sleep until I find more guards who you can change your shift with, respect the curfew limit, the rules and pay the 150 coppers by today of the next month. Understood?' I clarified with them.
They nodded excitedly.
'Let's go Karga!' Meadow ran outside. Karga followed behind her.
I sighed smiling and left more calmly and closed the gate for safe keeping.
Then I returned to the restaurant and took out two normal baskets from the cupboard and started to put goodies inside it.
Nathan approached me with a sandwich on his hand and munching. 'What are you doing?' He asked.
'Welcome gift baskets.' I told him as I took some mini pies. 'Do you know any fairy and orc preferences?' I asked him.
Nathan gulped down his food. 'Well, orcs are carnivores, so preferably add a whole bunch of meat and animal fat, fairies are practically vegetarian, so you might as well give her all your salads, seeds and fruit.' He shrugged.
I nodded at the information and got to work. In Karga's basket, I put granola bars (my newest product), some beef, pumpkin, and pork mini pies, I went to cook some chicken thighs, a big jar of chicken broth and I put two bags of peanuts and almonds, and a small mini jar of spicy pepper.
In Meadow's basket, I put a small bowl with sliced tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, apple, carrots, banana and green beans, I put two medium jars of pumpkin cream soup and tomatoe soup, granola bars, and some pumpkin, pecan and apple pies, two bags of peanuts and pecans, and a mini jar of cinnamon.
Then, I wrapped the goods with big paper bag as to not let the bugs or other things get two them and left went to the girls places and placed the baskets in front of the door on the floor with a note that said "Welcome" on it.
I then returned to make sure everything was in place and sent Nathan finally home because there were finally guards here.
With everything back to some normalcy, I sent letters to my kids and the principal to give them the green flag and sent them on the mail box. As if luck would be magnet for me, the mail man was arriving and I gave them the letters to him and sent him on his way,
I quickly gave myself a small bath with a spong and turned in with my cat and dog in bed with me.