I woke up early and excited for the Grand re-opening for the restaurant.
I made sure the animals were safe and exceptionally fed to then go to the kitchen and heat up the stove and oven with wood and fire.
*Knock knock* The kitchen door was knocked and from there, Nathan, Sipfra, Agnes and Ginevra came from it.
'Oh! Y'all came early!!' I extended my arms to hug all of them.
'I couldn't sleep a wink as I prepared myself to be a bartender again!' Nathan responded with a smile.
'We had a few gigs these days, but nothing pays like this job!' Agnes exclaimed with relief in her voice.
'Agnes is right, most people pay maximum 15 coppers per day, you pay us 13.50 coppers per hour now days, it's a huge difference!' Ginevra responded streching herself up as she stopped the hug. 'Now, what do you need us to do?' She asked.
'Well, you go host and Agnes, prepare the menus, and hot water for coffee and tea.' I pointed to the restaurant lounge.
'Alright!' They exclaimed and went to do as told.
'Sipfra, go start helping me with the pancake and Bronce toast mix, if families come with kids, those would be most asked for.' I pointed to the ingredients in the kitchen table.
Sipfra nodded and quickly got to work.
'You Nathan, take it easy in the bar, not many people will be asking for alcohol in the morning.' I reminded him.
'Yeah, but, what about juices and milk combinations?' Nathan reminded me.
'Oh, true. Go do that then.' I told him patting him on the shoulder and let him go to his place.
As for myself, I went to make the necessary batters with Sipfra and we chatted for a while.
Soon, Ginevra came running through the kitchen a bit exhausted.
'What is it Gin?' I asked curiously.
'Ah . . . Ah . . . Ah. . . Em, did you, hired a Fairy and an Orc for the guard job?' Ginevra asked.
'Why yes, I did.' I nodded as I felt how Sipfra turned to look at me with surprise. 'In my defense, Fairies have very good hearing, so danger should be easily located by Meadow, as for Karga the Orc, well. . . I'm pretty sure you have seen her very strong features and should have gotten an idea for what I contracted her for.' I explained my reasoning.
'Oooh!!' Then girls nodded at my explanation. 'Okay, thanks. . . I just, needed to check.' She smiled a bit uncomfortable and went right back at her place.
Seems it's not everyday you have a boss that's willing to contract employers of other species , eh? I smiled to myself as I looked to Sipfra. 'Meadow is a fairy so she eats just veggies, Karga is the opposite so she eats pure protein, which food would you want to serve?' I asked her.
Sipfra thought about it and almost instantly answered. 'The Orc.'
I raised an eyebrow. 'I thought you might have wanted to do the fairy one.' I admitted as I took out some vegetables.
'Yet Orcs are not as vengeful as fairies are.' Sipfra murmured.
I turn to see her with my mouth agape. 'Oh so you wanted to save your own skin?' I suggested not very amused yet quite amused at the same time.
'Em. . .' Sipfra got a bit of sweat as she took out some more eggs. 'More like I don't think I will be able to surpass a fairy's expectations.' She smiled a bit scared at me.
I bored my eyes into her. 'Is this your way of complimenting your way out of this conversation or boosting my ego?' I asked.
Sipfra looked away briefly. 'T-The second one?'
I looked at her for five more second and looked my at the veggies. 'It worked.' I smiled.
Sipfra exhaled of relief and Ginevra came with a paper. 'Em, Karga the Orc wants a breakfast especial combo with pancakes on the side and hot a chocolate. Meadow the fairy wants two veggie bagel breakfast with cubed potatoes and fried tomatoes, a double dark roast coffee with four sugar cubes and no milk or and toast with compota and no butter.' She put the note on the table and look at a decade space. 'I was expecting everything except the beverages.' she murmured as she prepared the beverages.
'I'm not surprised though.' I let her know as I prepared to take the bagels and the cut them in half. 'Hot chocolate includes dairy which is an animal product, while the coffee just contains coffee beans, water and sugar.' I shrugged and started to cut the vegetables required. 'Unless you ask for cream or milk, which are animal products, the fairy kept her breakfast vegetarian.' I remarked.
Sipfra and Ginevra thought about it for a second and nodded at my explanations. 'I-I think I saw fairy Meadow as just. . . Too sweet for that level of coffee.' Ginevra scratched her head. 'I would have thought she would ask for tea or something.' She went on to serve the coffee and get the milk and chocolate for Nathan to prepare.
'Well, I remind you that I tend to sell coffee on a much affordable price than other places.' I reminded her. 'Same could be said for chocolate so, they probably want to try the luxury.' I shrugged it off.
'Oh, right.' She nodded understanding that point. 'I'll come back for the plates soon.' She let us know as she went to deliver the beverages.
'Alright!' We exclaimed and went back quickly to work.
The bagels were ready and I was roasting the tomatoes and cubed potatoes while Sipfra put the eggs, bacon, sausage and bread on the plate for the Orc's breakfast, and went on to toast the bread and make the batter into pancakes.
Ginevra quickly returned t for the dishes and I had safely finished. 'One more minute for for the Orc's order.' I let her know.
I quickly went to help Sipfra finish and put the food safely on the plate. We then collocated the plates on the tray that it was on Ginevra's hands and she went to serve them.
Just as we were to catch out breath, Agnes stepped up with a good amount of food. 'There's a family of ten people in one of the big tables.' She told me quite fearful.
Oh boy. Sipfra and I thought the same thing.
Nathan made an appearance. 'Em, would be good if I went for my cousin?' He suggested.
'Yes, tell him that if he can come help us for the day I'll be willing to hire him starting from part-time.' I declared.
Nathan went running like the wind out of the restaurant and we all could hear the horse's clacking of his hooves running away.
'Let's do our best for now. Shall we?' I asked Sipfra as I rolled up my sleeves.
She did the same with me and nodded. 'I am ready!' She declared and we went straight to work.
. . .
20 minutes later. . .
Not even ten o clock and the two of us were exhausted from all the plates we had served and we still needed to. Thankfully, Nathan's cousin came with his beautiful chef attire and came to help us despite the rush.
I help with the baking, Sipfra with the meat and Nathan's cousin, Orson, got quickly adapted on the way I asked him to cut the fruits and vegetables as well as to make pancakes and bronce toast.
As we delivered that last pair of meals, we exhaled of relief. 'Thank you so much, Orson.' I patted him on the shoulder.
'It was nothing, my classes are thankfully on the days that you closed, so I can work here and study at home at the same time.' Orson stretched. 'So, how much is the pay again?' He asked.
'For part-time I just raised the value to 7.50 coppers.' I admitted.
'Oh! 7.50 coppers per day?! That's very generous for a new restaurant!' Orson looked at me with bright eyes.
'Em, actually. . .' I was about to open my mouth but Nathan stumbled into the kitchen looking smug.
'Hey idiot! She pays per hour!' Nathan clarified as he took a small spoon from the kitchen and disappeared.
Orson had his jaw on the floor and looked at me in surprise. I just smiled and shrugged along side Sipfra.
While the correct thing to do would be giving 15 per hour, not a lot of employers and businesses are willing to do that. I recalled. Only those with high paying jobs can get the per hour and more and even then, they have to fight tooth and nail against their employers and even to their employees.
Orson kneeled on both knees and made a Chinese bow. 'You are a goddess!!' She exclaimed.
I blushed of embarrassment as Sipfra laughed. 'O-Orson, get up! Clients might come at any minute!!' I reminded him that it was barely the start. 'Morning rush might come soon!' I added.
'Morning rush?' Orson asked confused as he raised himself.
*Pam!!* Agnes and Ginevra stomped inside the kitchen with seriousness in her eyes, a smug smile in their faces and three papers full of orders.
I felt my would leave my body. Morning rush!!
We went to our battle stations and kept working hard.
. . . .
2 hours + a heavy morning rush later. . .
The morning rush was over, but the lunch rush was about to begin.
'Okay people! Who wants to go on their break right now?!' I asked.
Sipfra and Agnes raised their hands.
'You may go!' I let them go.
They ran as if their lives depended on it.
'What's a break?' Orson asked curiously.
'It's a period of time to rest completely.' I answered. 'I try to get my employees to have one or two breaks depending on how many hours they work and how many clients we have. For example, Sipfra and Agnes are taking their brake right now, they have thirty minutes to eat and go to potty and practically rest their feet and when they come back they work again.' I explained.
Orson looked at me with a blank stare. 'If, there rest of my classmates, were to hear about your job offers and what it contains. . . You would be overstaffed by now.' He declared putting into thoughts. 'Are you accepting more people?' He wondered.
'Well, I wouldn't like to, buuuuuuut, with how many clients were are getting and the fact that I made the kitchen quite big to hold from six to eight chefs in advance. . .' I thought about it. 'I would be willing to get more people, both servers and cooks.' I thought about it for a moment. 'And about . . . Two more bartenders.' I added.
Orson looked marvelled at my generosity.
'But I would like you to remeber that Nathan talked highly of you, therefore I trust, so I want to believe that you will tell good people about this offers.' I added on. 'Let me tell you that I have an Orc and fairy as guards, therefore, any aggression towards them, women or anyone in general is completely FOR-BI-DDEN.' I declared completed serious. 'Understood?'
Orson made a military sign.
'I'll also have the posters next week, so you can help me out them through your school's boards.' I let him know. 'Let your classmates know my specifics and how I handle things, any misconduct from their part and I'll make sure to let them hear it from me. And let me tell you, that most of the employees have seen me angry, and they do everything to avoid that.' I assured him.
Orson gulped down and nodded.
'In that case we are good now.' I sighed heavily. 'I will also add that I give cash payments at the end of every week, so you will receive the money by Friday.' I let him know as I guided him to my office quickly.
Orson nodded as he followed me.
I opened a notebook and added his name to some days. 'Sipfra works part time Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, so you'll work part-time on Tuesdays and Thursdays with Friday afternoons and evenings, every now and then.' I yanked the a paper and gave it to him. 'This shall be you schedule. Tuesdays and Thursdays all day from eight to five makes eighteen days, plus Fridays from two to five in the afternoon. Any questions?' I asked
Orson thought about for a second. 'A-Are you sure is just part-time? It seems more like full-time.' He expressed his concerned.
'Being a full time employee is working all five days, Monday to Friday, from eight to five.' I responded. 'Which makes full-time hours of forty-five hours per week.'
Orson had his mouth on the floor once again.
'You on the other hand, you are working today, which is Wednesday, you'll be working tomorrow and on Friday just a few hours.' I reminded him. 'That would make . . . Twenty-sort of hours this week.' I shrugged.
Orson nodded at my calculations. 'That's quite a lot of hours.' He tried to hold on to a smile.
'And a lot of money.' I added guiding him out of the office. 'If you don't miss any hours this week, you should be able to get about . . . 150 copper hours?' I made a rough guess.
Orson looked like he was about to cry and looked briefly at his cousin who came for more wine bottles and if to say "thank you!" Nathan only gave him a nod like saying "I told you so."
We quickly went back to work since a few mor clients were coming just in time.
. . .
3 hours and a lunch rush after. . .
'Orson, take a break, Sipfra and I will handle it.' I patted his shoulder as I returned from my break.
Orson nodded shyly and went running outside. He clearly wanted to use the bathroom.
Sipfra and I both laughed and quickly went to work.
Ginevra followed Orson quickly after since she also haven't got her break.
. . .
At four. . .
'Door's closed!' I exclaimed.
They all gave a huge and loud sighed.
'Give yourselves five minutes to rest and then we start to clean up.' I stretched myself and went to check the mail and went to check on the guards. 'How's the view up there?!' I asked to the roof.
Meadow peeked out and smiled. 'Really good!' She told me.
'Very well!!' I thought about Karga. 'And Karga?!' I asked.
'She went to check the patio!!' Meadow let me know. 'By the way, I got in contact with a sister in arms of mine! She's a healer and gardener! I let her know that you have housing and payment available!!'
I raised my eyebrows in surprise. 'That quickly?!'
'We use magic, communication is faster!!' Meadow explained.
'Oooh!!' I understood. 'When should I expect her?!'
'By next week!!' Meadow let me know. 'Communication and transportation are WAY different!! But you should receive her letter by the next three days out of politeness and respect!'
'Alright!!' I almost went to check on Karga until I remembered something. 'Is she a Fairy too?!'
'Eh. . . More like an incomplete one!' She seemed to admit with a bit of concern.
I raised an eyebrow not understanding.
'. . . A half-fairy!!' She admitted.
'Oh that's not a problem Meadow!' I told her. 'I have a half-fae son too! He's a half-human half-elf boy!'
Meadow raised her eyebrows.
'Yeah! I'm not one to judge someone just because their "incompleteness," it brings shame to a creature that doesn't have the fault in it!' I told her with seriousness. 'He should be coming home any day now since he's still young and still needs care, so I'm REALLY hoping that there won't be any misconduct from neither you nor Karga!' I reminded her.
Meadow raised her eyebrows. 'Nonononono! I didn't mean it like that! It's just. . .'
'Humans are not so nick to half-breeds I KNOW that!' I finished the sentence for her. 'We are not kind to each other half the time either, but be assured that I haven't got time nor energy to think of such differences!' I promised her. 'I'm going to check on Karga, I'll be back!' I let her know.
'Okay!!' Meadow waved goodbye. 'Oh! And thanks for the welcome basket!!'
'You're welcome!' I told her as I entered the complex gate.
I quickly found Karga checking everything carefully without discretion.
'Everything okay Karga?' I asked her.
'Everything is fine, just making sure no one has put a foot without permission and covered their tracks.' Karga declared with a bump on her chest and pride in her face.
'Ha! Very well, I'll leave you be.' I let her do her own. 'Have a nice day!'
'Have a nice day too! And thanks for dinner and breakfast!' Karga waved goodbye.
Dinner and breakfast? I wondered about the dinner part. Oh! The welcome basket, right! I smiled to myself and left closing the gate behind me.
. . .
At night. . .
I recorded the money and distributed into the envelops for the employees and sighed. I sure need more staff. The cat came on the table and asked for pets. I gave some to them and went back to work. Finishing this I should start working on the posters looking for young people to work for me. I reminded myself of that as I kept counting and distributing money.
Once I finished, I started to work on the posters, but the candle was getting too small and the night sky was filling itself with stars.
I standed up, picked everything up and went upstairs and turned myself in on my bed.
The next day. . .
I woke up, put my clothes on, went to feed the livestock, and started to heat the ovens.
*Knock knock* Someone knocked from the front door of the restaurant. I walked to check who it was and it was Meadow. She looked worried.
I opened the door and smiled at her. 'Good morning. Something of the matter?'
'Yes, three—no, four kids just of out a chariot close to the mailbox announcing themselves to be your kids.' Meadow let me know pointing to where my kids where as they were being stopped by Karga.
The kids were not amused by the situation, much less the coachman who had a LOT of luggage in his hands and arms.
'Oh! They are!' I trotted to Karga. 'Karga! They are mi kids, let them enter!' I patted her arm. 'And also, let the coachman come to the house, he needs to bring their luggage.'
'Mom!!' The kids ran to me and hugged me with baby girl on Charlie's hands.
'Oh, thank you!!' The coachman thank me as he passed me and went to the front door.
'Hahaha! Meadow! Open the door for the poor man!' I asked her.
Meadow did as I asked Rand the coachman thank her as well.
Lottie was cilinging herself to me by my waist while sobbing, Charlie was hugging me with an arm as he teared up a bit, Liam was tugging himself inside my skirt whimpering and crying out of relief. I took baby girl from Charlie and hugged tightly, he cries immediately stopped and she cuddled in my arms and chest.
'It's okay kids, I'm fine. I'm fine.' I teared up a tear but quickly cleaned it as I didn't want my children to worry.
'W-We are glad. . . T-That you ar-are oka-ay mom.' Lottie murmured.
I chucked a bit. 'Let's go inside and I'll get you something to eat.' I proposed. 'I bet that at the first chance you got you came all the way from the school to here.' I sighed heavily.
'Sorry.' They apologized.
'It's okay.' I let them know. 'But at least you let the principal know. Right?' I asked as I was about to open the door.
'Yes! The principal gave us permission to visit you and bring our baby siblings back yesterday!' Charlie told me repidly.
I sighed with relief. 'That's good to know.' I opened the door and the kids went in quickly.
As I expected, Nathan has entered through the kitchen door with his cousin Orson. Nathan went to say hi to the kids as lively as ever. Orson on the other hand, he waved his hand at them when Nathan introduced them, but he kept his distance.
'Em, mam?' Orson asked along side with Meadow and Karga.
'Hm? Oh right.' I smacked myself in the head. 'These are my kids. The twins' names are Charles Victor, Charlotte Victoria, the two and so years is Liam and, well. . .' As I finished pointing the orders kids I showed them the little girl in my arms. 'This one doesn't have a name yet, due to her being born just this summer.'
'Awwwww.' Orson and the girls went goo-goo eye on the smallest.
'Yeah.' I kissed the baby's forehead. 'Nathan, sorry to ask you this, but, could you go for Minerva? She might want to have her babysitting job back.' I asked him.
Nathan nodded. 'Of course, be right back!' He ran out like a cartoon character.
'You Orson, please start checking the inventory, we are going to open soon.' I asked him.
'I'll get it done soon.' Orson nodded and went trotting to the kitchen to get started.
'Charles, Lottie, please bring Liam's luggage upstairs and help him unpack his things. Remember that you are about to return soon to school so please don't unpack too much luggage.' I asked them to do.
'Awww, but mom!' The twins complained.
'What? Did you thought that I would let you stay for a week or so?! Nah-ah! We did not dropped blood, sweat and tears to be able to win your scholarships just so you could miss those classes!' I declared. 'Now, do as you are told. Breakfast shall be ready soon.' I told them to do so.
The twins pouted but they did as they were told while taking Liam upstairs.
I sighed. 'I swear, it's like they have become too overconfident.' I shook my head at them. 'Karga, Meadow.' I turned to see them and they straighten themselves up in the process. 'Please go do your guarding duties as always, and please remeber my kids faces. They live with me.' I asked them.
They both nodded and went on their way outside.
The baby made gibberish sounds as she saw and squealed and clapped. I laughed and made squeaky tone to make her laugh.
And about ten minutes before opening, Nathan returned with Minerva and took baby girl from my hands and took Liam with him as he and the twins came downstairs. Agnes and Ginevra also came and were overjoyed when they saw my baby and the kids.
'Kids, since you are here, you shall help me and the rest of the employees for the day.' I smiled mallevously.
'Okay.' The twins nodded and stretched their arms and back. 'The same places as the last time?' They asked at the same time.
'Yes, Charlie to the kitchen, Lottie to the register counter.' I pointed to the places and went with Charlie to the kitchen. 'Orson, my son Charlie used to help in the kitchen, and like you he is also studying gastronomy so he shall help us today.' I let Orson know.
Orson looked surprised but nodded. 'Understood.' He looked around. 'What does he usually help with?'
'I tend to help with baking, but I can also cooks certain dishes that involve vegetables, creams and soups.' Charlie answered for himself. 'Since you seem to take care of the meat and it's morning, I'll help with the pancakes and Bronce Toast.' He declared rolling up his sleeves and taking charge of that position.
'Very well, I'll take care of the baked goods. Let's open!' I declared out loud for everyone inside the restaurant to hear.
Agnes opened the doors and the people started to arrive in seconds.
'Wow! We are going to need a lot of pancakes!' Charlie exclaimed amazed. 'I hope Lottie can handle this.' He murmured worried.
'She will, she's on the math program so the register counts for math and mental problem solving.' I assured him.
Charlie nodded to that and went onto make the pancake batter.
Orson gave us a side-eye but went back to work.
. . .
At the end of the day. . .
'Phew!!' I closed the doors. 'We are done!'
'Yes!' Everyone was tired.
Lottie even made a point by falling on her face in the floor. She of all people was both physically and mentally exhausted.
'I know, Lottie, I know.' I patted her head. 'Please get up, we still need to clean.'
'Say mom. . .' Charlie peeked out from the kitchen entrance. 'Have you considered taking in a dish washer?' He asked.
'Why do you—oh, never mind.' I remembered. 'Yes, I have been considering it. But after the last TWO imbeciles that tried to take me out due to selfishness it's hard to come by with good employees.' I sighed.
'Then how about you contract orphans or scholars like him?' Charlie asked pointing at Orson.
'The last orphan was the one who triggered those who wanted my head for some petty reason and I'm actually doing posters for more cooks so Orson can put them through his school.' I let him know.
Orson smiled at that.
'I might as well make posters for dish washers part-time and full-time.' I let Orson know. 'Just in case someone wants extra cash and job experience.'
Orson nodded at that.
'Can I have some of them too?' Charlie asked. 'Some of my classmates have been pressuring me to get them a job in here but I told them that unless my mom makes an announcement directly, there's no hope for that happening.' He explained.
'Ohhh! I get it now.' I nodded to that. 'Don't worry I'll get you some posters by tomorrow. And the posters for the clean-washers shall be done by the day after tomorrow.' I declared.
'Thank you.' The chefs nodded and went back to cleaning the kitchen.
I turned to see Agnes and Ginevra. 'Should I?'
'Yes, we need more servers too.' They declared.
'Don't forget the bartenders!' Nathan added as he took out some trash bags full of trash. 'The drinks get more demand every day that it passes! If we get more staff, we might be able to even keep it open for longer than four and extended until six or even seven.' He suggested.
I nodded to that. 'We might as well, but I can't make any promises.' I let him know.
'I know I know. It's just a suggestion.' Nathan let me know. 'Any way, I'm almost done with my part and I'll be getting home.' He opened the back door but not before also, 'Orson! You coming?!'
'Ehh. . . I'll catch up to you!!' Orson let him know from the kitchen. 'Hopefully!!'
'Okay!' Nathan responded as he went to throw the trash.
'By the way mom, I noticed that the town grew in such a short amount of time, what happened?' Lottie asked curious.
'Want me to be honest?' I asked and she nodded. 'I have no idea.' I shrugged. I could sense my employees to be staring at me for some reason. 'But I think it has something to do with the restaurant or something like that.' I admitted with a bit of embarrassment.
'Really? Why?' Lottie asked.
I shrugged. 'I don't know, I'm not the only one who has a business or restaurant in the kingdom. Not even in town anymore.' I raised my hands.
'In my humble opinion, I believe the reason is because of the affordable prices of the goods the restaurant sells.' Orson announces through the door. 'Yes, your restaurant might be common, but you let women, children, men, and even creatures from other species to have a meal and buy from you.' Orson gave an explanation. 'Most restaurants in the city tend to keep women and men separated unless it's a specific dating or special event or place, and most creatures from other species cannot enter unless they are for high status, have permission from the owner or from the King itself.' He helped Charlie take out the leftover and place them on the table. 'And even then, not all of the owners are willing to let other creatures inside, let alone have a permanent long-time job with them.' He added.
'. . .' I blinked twice. 'Well that's dumb.' I declared looking bored at such fact. 'I like to think with my own phrase, "if they have money to spend and want a good meal, why turned them away?" For me, as long as I can get legal money out people, I don't care who do I contract nor who I serve.' I shrugged. 'But of course, that person needs to be decent and have cero connection with barbarians that want to make my life impossible, right?' I asked.
They all nodded to my logic and reasoning.
We all went back to work and we divided ourselves the leftovers and not-so-good looking products like: uneven sliced pies, crumbled granola bars, dry bacon, etc.
We then closed everything and with my kids I went to check the mail box. It was a letter from someone called from someone called Diana Moonlake.
The name sounds very fae. I thought about and turned to see Meadow who was leaving for her apartment. 'Meadow! Is your sister in arms called Diana?' I asked her from the distance.
'Eh, yes! That should be her nickname!' Meadow affirmed. 'You see, most fae prefer to have their real names secret, so as a half-fairy who grew up among fairies she follows that custom!' She let me know.
'Okay! If you can, tell her that I've received her letter!' I raised the letter to show her.
'Okay! Thanks!' Meadow nodded and went to the the gate and entered.
I smiled and kept checking the mail. Oh boy, taxes are coming soon. And I haven't seen the witch professors resources! I scolded myself for forgetting about it. Well, might as well accompany my kids to school and then go to those places as we returned. I thought of the plan and felt sick to my stomach. I can already feel myself in an chariot accident. I sighed heavily.
'Mom? Are you okay?' Lottie asked.
I nodded. 'Yes. I am.' I told her as I stuffed the letters in my pockets. 'Do you and your brother need anything from school?' I asked her.
'Not really, although I've been wanting buy a diary.' Lottie told me. 'I've been saving up for a pretty diary in the school bookstore some should be able to buy it soon.' She let me know.
'Wow! Your first purchase, how exciting!' I was proud of her. I turned to see Charlie who was running towards. 'What about you Charlie? Have you found a part-time job yet?'
'Eh?! Em eh. . .' Harlow looked away while sweating a bit. 'I-I'm having trouble with that.' He admitted a bit ashamed.
'It's okay Charlie, I'll still send you and your sister the amount of money accordingly if it requires it.' I reminded him. 'How about you become one of your professor's assistant like your sister?' I suggested.
'And become the punching bag, the slave or the prisoner from either of those eccentric and crazy professors?! No thank you.' Charlie declared. 'Knighthood trainer is a good teacher, but I feel if I became an assistant he would try to take advantage to get close to you which I'm NOT fine with that. Chef is already eccentric and strict with the recipes, becoming his assistant would be hell even for part-time. As for the art teacher. . . Well. . .' He played with his fingers.
'He's too crazy for you, isn't he?' I assumed.
'Y. . . Yes.' Charlie admitted nodding. 'My attention spam is already pretty short so the idea putting more attention that I've already been doing feels already tiring.' He sighed exhausted with just thinking about it. 'If I were to find a job, I would like it if it was a job with little to no movement required and in a quiet place.' He told me.
Hmm. . . I thought about it. 'In that case, how about you search for job in a shop, bookstore or library? While it requires organization, small local shops tend to be visited less than big stores. You might as well try it.' I recommended.
Charlie thought about it and nodded. 'That would be good.' He smiled to that. 'I'll check that out.'
'Good. For now let's have dinner with the leftovers.' I proposed.
'Yeah!' The twins exclaimed and we went inside.
The four of my kids and me had our first meal together for the first time. It felt like we were truly living in a successful dream.