On Monday. . .
As I promised I kept the restaurant closed to attend all the people who wanted to have an interview.
And the posters seemed, to have worked better than expected.
'Mama! There's a whole crowd outside!' He pointed to the window.
I went over to see. 'Oh boy.' I started to count. 'One, two. . . Four, eight. . . Ten. . . Fifteen. . .' I raised my eyebrows in surprise. 'It's good that I checked with Meadow and Karga about this yesterday and let them know that a lot of people would still come looking for employment, otherwise, I can already imagine how many people would those two send to the hospital. Or to the heavens.' I murmured the last part.
'What to do?' Liam asked.
'What you'll do is to stay in the kids area with baby girl.' I told him as I took his hand and brought him downstairs and saw Minerva, Orson, Meadow and Karga already in a restaurant table. 'Thank you for coming.' I sighed.
'No problem.' Minerva took the kids to the play area and I got ready with Orson to prepare for the interviews.
'Meadow, Karga, please let the people know that I shall organize things for all of them in a few minutes.' I asked them to do as I went to the kitchen and took out a box. 'And give them each one these pies as a compensation for the waiting.' I heave the heavy box to Karga who took it as if it was something delicate. They're leftovers that would end up in the trash, might as well use them to feed everyone. I smiled at them. 'Let them know that those for the apartment complex must go to the gate at twelve o clock.' I added.
Meadow and Karga nodded and went outside to deal with the people.
It seemed that the people while, skepticall about the fairy and the orc, they did as they were asked, but not before receiving a mini pie as compensation.
'Very well, Orson, our priority today is to interview all the cooks and servers, alright?' I asked.
Orson nodded and went to sit in a table as I went to see what was happening outside. 'Hello everyone! You may call me Amy or Amelia, and I'm the owner of the restaurant.' I presented myself with a smile.
The majority of men were getting even more skeptical now.
'Yes, I know is not common for women to rule business but my decision in how to make ends meat in not of your business.' I told them getting myself serious. 'Let me remind you that in my poster I asked specifically for people who are open minded about everything, if you are not capable of respecting me, it means you will not respect my clients, and if you are not capable of respecting my clients whether women, men, fae or anything else, you can go get an interview somewhere else.' I shrugged.
That sure offended and scared away a bunch of men who had very specific ideas about what they wanted to do and they left. But otherwise, there were a lot who still stayed for the interviews.
'Any other complaints? I asked. I received no answer. 'Very well. Now, I'll divide you into groups so we can meet the next few days if we are not capable of taking everyone's interview.' I declared. 'Cooks to the left! Servers at their side! Bartenders on your right and dish washers between bartenders and servers!! Those who want cleaning behind and those who wanted to apply for more than one job, try to squish between the jobs that you applied for!' I ordered.
They did as I asked and now it was much more organized.
'Now, we shall start with cooks and servers, one each per interview and each interview shall last between ten and fifteen minutes!' I said out loud. 'Let me remind you that I don't tolerate violence of ANY kind towards ANYONE!! If you cause the smallest bit of trouble, these two have the authority and privilege to kick you out of MY property!!' I wanted them pointing at Meadow and Karga. 'First and last warning!' I added.
They all nodded understanding.
'Good. Now. . .' I cleared my throat. 'Whoever wants to go first, please come inside and we can start!' I opened my arms to the door of the restaurant.
For a few minutes everyone discussed who wanted to go first. I think I must have come rather intimidating due to having fae creatures "under my command."
'Since you've been having trouble, I shall make a little trick!' I took out a wearied top hat from my chest vest and inside it, it had the names and applications for those who wanted to cook and serve. 'Let's see. . . Oh!' I smiled to them.
Very one gulped as they heard call the names of the "poor people" for the first interview.
A few hours later. . .
The good news, is that we finished with the interviews. The bad news, is that those who were still hoping for an interview would not have it today.
'I'm really sorry everyone! But don't worry, we still have until Friday, so I made a last minute adjustments for the rest of you!' I told them taking out some papers. 'Hosts and register accountants, you may come tomorrow at the same time and hour as today! Bartenders on Wednesday! Dishwashers on Thursday! Those who have applied for two or various jobs shall be attended on Friday and you all should receive a letter notifying whether you are contracted from Sunday this week to the Wednesday of next week!' I let everyone know.
They all cheered for that.
'I'll let you guys go and hope you have a safe trip home!!' I said goodbye to everyone and went to attend those who want to live (and maybe work) in the complex.
What I saw was a lot of. . . Fae, retired people and a few young single people. Maybe Meadow and Karga spread word about it. Meadow did said that communication among fae was faster than transportation. I remembered but still smiled. 'Hello everyone! You guys may call me Amy, and I so happy that you guys are desiring to live in my complex.' I let them know.
The all expressed their happiness with a nod.
'Meadow and Karga shall help me with showing you around this place and what it can give you to some extent.' I pointed to the ones I called with my hands. 'We shall divide you into three groups, fae, workers and retirees. Fae on my right, workers in the middle, and retirees on my left.' I pointed to the specific places and saw better who was coming in.
The fae were mostly fairies, elves, some nymphs, gnomes, some humanoids with scales and cat-like eyes. . . And, yeah, there quite a few.
'Now I will mention a few rules and please appreciate them and follow them.' I told them as I raised on finger. 'One, no pushing shoving nor disrespecting anyone outside nor inside the group, for those who will be able to enter and live here will live among fairy and human, and both sides deserve respect.' I raised a second finger. 'Two, no foul language allow, I don't if it's a language I don't know nor anything of the sort, you want to be treated with respect? Respect others then.' I raised a third finger. 'Third, these apartments or houses, are for single people, I made sure of it because as the posters said, there's only enough for the comodity of one person or fae inside each house. Want your friend or family member to join? Then they will need to take a different house and pay for it.'
One human raised their hand.
'Yes?' I asked.
'What if we want to have visits?' He asked.
'Oh don't worry, visits are allowed, but I do not recommend inviting a lot of people and much less letting someone sleep, for there's literal no room to accommodate more than one person permanently and about four or five people inside the house for a few hours.' I explained with more detail. 'There's also the fact that one of the official rules are no parties allowed and another rule is no loud noises at night, for that will disturb the neighbours and will get you on, probation to get evicted.' I clarified.
'Oh.' The human nodded understand and let me continue.
I raised a fourth finger. 'Fourth, things such as treated people badly due to their species, gender, sex, clothing, social status, etc etc, is forbidden.' I declared. 'I do not take things lightly when it comes to this things, the smallest suspicion or rumour will get you on the red flag to get evicted sooner rather than later. That also goes to those who think it would be a "great joke" to make that kind of statement and get away with it.' I clarified looking straight to some young humans. 'Am I clear?'
All the groups nodded.
'Good. Now, we shall start with the seniors since they tend to get weary more easily. Come along!' I declared motioning the seniors to walk with me.
They all followed me without much complaining.
. . . .
A few hours later. .
In the end, as expected, not many people stayed after seeing how "basic" the houses were. Sure they were nice and all, but most of them wanted someone more expensive-looking. Especially the seniors, most of them didn't even wanted to continue to talk about the perks of being close to the city and left within twenty minutes.
The young humans and worker humans were neutral about it, some were more excited to have an inside showeroom and most of the youngsters liked the idea of independence.
As for the fae, well, I got to meet Meadow's sister in arms, Diana Moonlake. She was pretty nice, platinum blonde hair, pointy ears like a fairy, pinky eyes, C-cup chest and small hips. Diana had a timid but very polite demeanor and pleasant personality, which was welcoming to me.
Another pair of good news is that, after most people leaved, five people stayed. The five people were:
1) Diana Moonlake who will stay here and take the small job as a gardener.
2) Lady Elara Willowlake. A young girl who ran away from her abusive parents and will live here and take the self-employed housemaid thanks to her experience as the forced labor her parents put her through.
3) Emile Midwest. A mid-aged man who told his family that he wanted to stay for a "year round vacation" in the countryside, but in reality he just wanted to escape from his responsibilities of searching for marriage and to gain inspiration to write a book.
4) An old male librarian from the capital. He has no wife and no children, so he needs little space and will take pleasure of keeping the small library for me. He's retired but I still offered him some money for extra cash (he might need it for medical bills) and he couldn't say no. He also asked if I was willing to take in some books he kept from this old library which were quite a few and I gladly accepted.
5) The gnome from before. She goes by name Ivy Hippit. From what I understand, whether the gnome is female or male, both have beard, but to differentiate, males often have their beard well groomed and straight or sometimes in a n upside down pony tail, while females have their beards have braids with little gemstones on them.
I gave them the rules in paper and immiately let them know how much it costed to replace a simple key.
I swear, the reactions to the key prices will never get old.
Afterwards, they were allowed to settle in and I leaved them be.
I returned to the restaurant and Orson and me went to organize and discard the people who we interviewed them.
It took ours, but we were able to settle in three for now.
'We still need to wait for Friday, so I won't sent any letter until then.' I declared.
'Understood.' Orson stretched and yawned. 'I'll be getting home now.' He let me know.
'Very well, ride safe.' I told him as I went for my kids and gave Minerva her money. 'The nights are getting longer so both of you might want to get home faster now.' I let them know briefly looking at the sky through the window.
'Okay!' Minerva left with high speed and Orson nodded while leaving a bit more calmly.
After they left, I made dinner, we took a bath in the inside showeroom witht the other girls. Liam was staring at everyone with more curiosity than anything else.
'I'm sorry Liam, but you are still too little to bath on your own.' I told him as I washed him.
'I-I'm fine.' Liam answered.
Baby girl was enjoying bath time and splashing the water happily.
After washing, we all turned in for the night.
. . .
Tuesday. . .
The people who came for Host and register interviews came as I asked, then me and Orson went straight to work.
After a few hours, we finished everybody and sent them home, but as we started to close the door, we noticed a beautiful woman who was walking with just a suitcase and a donkey.
'May I help you?' I asked her.
'I, yes. . .' She hopped down the donkey and hold up one poster . 'Is a place still available?' She asked. 'I would like to pay for a winter stay.' She let me know.
I smiled. 'Of course, not many people have been interested lately, so we have a lot of rooms.' I invited her to my office. 'Shall we talk the details?' I asked her.
She nodded and I helped her lead her donkey to the bigger barn and then we went back to my office.
'Let's see.' I took out the forms and a note pad. 'Full name?' I asked.
'Primrose Steelbrave.' She answered.
I wrote that. 'How many luggage?' I asked her.
'Just this one.' She hold up the situase she had with herself.
I nodded. 'Status?'
'Single.' She answered. 'With child.' She added.
My eyes went wide and to her. 'Em. . . My lady. . .'
'That why I asked to stay for the winter.' Primrose explained. 'Winter is starting and your place seems perfect for such time. As soon as spring gets here, I'll move inside the city.' She detailed her plan.
I sighed of relief. 'Ah, I see.' I took note of that. 'Employment?'
'Em. . . Not yet. I do have savings though.' She opened her luggage and she put it on my desk. 'This is my savings' pouch. It contains enough for it to be around, four to five months?' She guessed. 'You can check it out, but I'm giving money in advance while I make more money for rent.'
I smiled and took money worth two months of rent. 'I'll just take 500 coppers, save the rest in case you loose, break or damage any property because it's going to cost.' I advised her. 'Also, I suggest to prepare and buy things for the baby's arrival, believe me, you are going to need it.'
Primrose nodded slowly and took back the money that I returned.
'Also, there are some jobs that I can offer.' I took out a poster for housecleaning, cleaner and assistant librarian. 'You might want to consider it, or you might want to apply at my restaurant which needs a lot of people too, although the restaurant position is less guaranteed than the employment in the complex.' I let her know.
She nodded. 'I'll think about it.' She said.
'Very well. Now, I won't ask where is the father nor who is he if That's what you want. But! I would like to know his full name.' I asked her. 'That way, in any sort of case I find, hear, or in the worst case escenario, meet the father, I can let you know before hand as a way of protection. Therefore, I would prefer if you were to be honest, just in case.' I explained my worries and conditions to her hoping she doesn't take it badly or goes into defensive mode.
Primrose nodded. 'Well, I, don't know his real name.' She admitted. 'I only know what he calls of self among humans.' She told me.
He must be a fae. Most probably an elf or a fairy. I nodded her explanation. 'Can I know the name you know him as, then? Even if he calls himself different names at once, I would still like to know.' I insisted.
Primrose sighed a bit annoyed but nodded. 'He, called himself, Levyn Forestheart, or something.' She admitted.
'Levyn Forest—?!' The name clicked inside my head. Liam's uncle!! The older brother of Velvenna!! . . . . . . . . Fuck. I cursed inside my head. 'Heart. . . Okay, it doesn't ring a bell but I shall keep an eye open to keep him away from you just in case.' I lied to her as I took note of the name.
Primrose sighed of relief. 'Thank you. Is just, I heard he was in town for a short while so I was a bit afraid that he would have contacts here.' She admitted her worries as she pated her plain womb yet to grow. 'I really, do not want to see him.' She declared with a serious tone.
'I can only imagine.' I nodded in agreement with her and took a whole key set. 'Do you have specific features you would like?' I asked.
'Well, I would like to be in a place not too high but not too low either.' She told me. 'And, maybe, with the view to a garden?' She asked.
I took the especific key for that house and gave it to her plus a key for a gate. 'Here they are the house and gate keys. Just to let you know, each key costs for 150 copper. I let you know this to discourage you from breaking it or loosing it.' I told her with a smile.
Primrose trembled as she took her keys and sweated cold as she gulped due to the nervousness.
'And, that cost will be added to your rent, plus the costs of breaking or damaging anything from he property you are renting. Just a heads up.' I sat up.
Primrose gave a military sign and sat up to take her luggage.
I motioned her to follow me and we went to the complex.
Inside the garden patio, there was a a small tea gathering with Meadow, Diana, Elara and Ivy with come berries, cookies (that surely Meadow bought from my bakery), scented tea and all of them were chatting.
'Ladies, this is Prim and she will move to the second floor apartment for the winter, please welcome her accordingly.' I presented Primrose to the rest.
'Hello!!' The ladies said hi.
Primrose waved back a bit shyly and then went inside the building.
I brought her to the room I gave the key to and we went inside
'Wow! Cozy!' Primrose squealed in excitement. 'Sure, it's a bit small, but really cozy. And I don't have to remodel nor buy anything, there's everything like in the poster.' She made little jumps.
'I'm glad you like it.' I told her.
'Can I see the free space?' She asked.
'Sure.' I brought her to that space. 'It may not be much, but you can use it as you wish.'
Primrose squeaked in excitement.
I chuckled a bit. 'Put your luggage there, I show you where everything is.' I motioned here to come outside.
Primrose put her luggage on her bed and stared at the window. 'I always wanted a window by the bedroom.' She sighed marvelled and then followed me outside.
I gave her a tour by the library, the backyard, the inside shower room, the potty casket (outside bathroom), library and the sex area limit.
She seemed to be even more kin to live here, at least for the winter.
Then we went back to her new home and we said goodbye to each other. She went inside to enjoy her new alone time and I went back to the restaurant to help Orson with the interviews.
. . . .
Wednesday. . . .
There were A LOT of bartenders. Mostly male, a couple of females, some even asked the availability to relocate at my apartment complex in case they get the job.
Even with Nathan helping us, it took us from nine in the morning to two in the afternoon!!
Exhausted doesn't describe our fatigue, for some bartenders who were actually trying to "seduce me" or being pricks to either Nathan and Orson for being "too young" or "inexperienced," made it hell for us.
The good news is, that Karga would put them right in their place. And as for us, we would immediately cross the person's profile with a huge X in black to mark them as no-fitted for the position.
Once we were finally done, I gave Karga her and Meadow's paycheck.
'Let me tell you beforehand, that I tend to pay more fairly to my employees, so try to not get surprise after opening it, will ya?' I asked her.
'I has seen me fair share of generous kind humans, I won't be surprised.' Karga brushed it off with confidence.
'Okay then.' I shrugged it off as well and let her leave. Once she was gone, I turned to see the boys and smiled. 'Who wants to help me make new season foods?' I asked.
The boys straightened themselves up and raised their hands. 'Me!!' They exclaimed.
I laughed and motioned them to follow me with my hand.
We established in the kitchen and got the thinks we were able to collect.
'Now, let's see.' I tried to give myself an idea. 'How about this. . .' I poured some mints on a hot chocolate and tasted it. 'Ah. . . Not bad.' I have the boys the cup to try. 'I got a mint aftertaste, and you?'
They both tasted it and nodded smiling brightly.
'I've been also thinking of making mint candy, but I don't know how to do them.' I admitted.
'Oh! I have a recipe for it.' Orson let me know. 'It's practically the same as normal hard candy, we just add the mint to it for the flavor.' He explained briefly.
I nodded to it. 'I was thinking of making them in the shape of candy canes with white and red spiral.' I draw an draft image of it. 'What do you think?' I asked.
'It looks good.' Orson nodded.
Nathan was just watching things happening while drinking the hot chocolate. 'Do you think we should add a seasoned drink besides hot chocolate with mint?' He asked wanting to be included.
'I've been thinking about it, though I'm not sure if people would like it.' I admitted my worries. 'Let alone succeed about making it.'
Both boys looked at each other. 'What mosntruosity did you thought of?' They asked a bit nervous.
'Well. . .' I scratched my head. 'You haven't heard from a drink called "eggnog," right?'
. . .
A few minutes later. . .
We poured brandy, milk, sugar, eggs, cream & cinnamon.
'Well. . . It's not exactly my favorite.' I admitted after tasting it.
'It's not bad though.' Orson to a sip from it. 'I would not recommend it to light weights though, nor anything with delicate palates.' He gave it to Nathan.
Nathan took a sip, and as consequence, he immediately let us know what did Orson meant. One sip is all he took to start feeling "funny" and had to be taken to a chair where he fell asleep.
'He's going to hate himself after waking up.' Orson and I said at the same time, we looked at each other and laughed.
'Changing the subject, I thought of making gingerbread.' I told Orson.
Orson frowned. 'Like, bread made with ginger?' He asked.
'Yes, follow me.' I motioned him back to the kitchen and we went straight into baking.
. . .
After the bread was ready . . .
I took some molds and we quickly made shapes like human, shapes and flowers. I used sugar glaze to make faces, clothes, etc.
'Wow! These look amazing!' Orson took a bite. 'Magnificent!' He chewed on. 'Although I would reduced the ginger amount, it's a bit too strong in this batch.'
I nodded and took note of that. 'I wonder if we could make a house with it.' I murmured out loud.
I looked at Orson and he looked at me. We thought the same way. 'Let's do it!!'
. . .
Two hours later. . . .
Liam, Minerva and Nathan (hating himself at the moment), were first fed lunch and then received gingerbread cookies and a gingerbread house.
'Wow!! Amazing!!' The kids were marvelled at the gingerbread house and the glazing decorations.
'Say, Orson, tomorrow can you come with the candy recipe? I would like to try the candy cane idea as soon as possible.' I asked Orson.
Orson was munchin on a gingerbread man. 'Em. . . Sure.' He nodded.
I stifled a chuckle when I caught him eating the gingerbread. 'Good.'
After a few more hours deciding on the season menu, and tips from the kids, I sent Minerva home with her payment and some gingerbread cookies to bring home.
I gave Orson and Nathan some heavy share to share with his family (and because I practically figured they would be eating the cookies on his way home).
I myself started to teach Liam some basic things like the names of colors, things and how draw and color some already made drawings to keep him busy. I then put that especial cloth to have the baby with me as I did my other responsibilities like feeding the livestock, gathering eggs, milking the goats and cleaning their poops.
After that, I took Liam to the patio of the apartment complex where some ladies were having tea with each other.
'Hey guys, I'm gonna clean the outside bathrooms, can anyone take care of my kids for a few minutes?' I asked.
Diana went to turn to see me quickly, 'oh! Me! Me!' She raised her hand.
'Thank you so much.' I gave Liam and baby girl to her but not before teaching her how to put the cloth on. 'There! I'll try to be back as soon as possible!' I let her know.
'Take your time!' Diana told me at her distance as she started to talk to my babies with a squeaky voice.
. . .
One hour and a half after. . .
I finally got rid of the human and creatures' waste from the bathrooms and clean it spotless. Thankfully, it does seem like some people do clean after themselves which was not much work this time.
I put the buckets of waste away and went back to Diana. 'Diana! I'm done!' I let them know as I approached.
'Mama!' Liam wriggled free from Diana's hug and jumped to hug me.
'Oh hoho! What happened?' I asked both amused and concerned.
'Em, I think Diana can be a little too overwhelming with toddlers which can scare them sometimes.' Meadow responded a bit nervous as she took my baby girl and the cloth out from Diana's grip. 'Listen here. . .' She whispered something to Diana with a concerned face.
Diana looked annoyed and sad at the same time.
Oh oh. I frowned. Either she has baby fever, she's dueling from an abortion, or she baby died and she might try to get other babies to help her with dueling. I put Liam behind me.
Meadow then gave me the cloth and my girl in such order. 'My apologies Miss Baker.' She leaned on my ear. 'Diana's baby died from a very young age so now she's been having desires of taking in every kid she sees. Whether is orphan or with parents.' She whispered to me. 'Don't worry, I'll make sure she keeps her distance but, I don't think it's a good idea to let her take care of your kids again.' She expressed her concern.
Oh oh. It's like the fairy legends where fairies would sometimes exchange their babies with a human baby, just plain kidnapping without a changeling. I frowned of concern. I must warn Primrose about this. I nodded and then waved to the rest of the girls pretending that everything's fine with a smile and then left.
I took myself and my kids to Primrose's house and knocked. 'Primrose? Are you inside?'
Prim opened the door and looked like she just came out of bed. 'Oh, hi Miss Baker.' She greeted me with a tired smiled.
'Did you slept in?' I asked.
'Em, yeah pretty much. It was a long travel, so I just decided to sleep in and let myself rest for a few days.' She yawned. 'After that, I'll go straight to find a job.' She let me know.
'Okay, em, I just wanted to let you know something crucial.' I told her.
She gasped. 'Levyn is here?!' She whispered alert.
'No no. I wish it was though.' I told her.
She started to tremble.
'Here, let me show you.' I entered and discreetly opened the curtain to let Prim see through the window. 'See the half fairy with pink eyes?' I asked her.
Prim took a look and nodded
'Well, I was just told about that she lost her baby sometime ago, and ever since then she's been dueling with it, and with that came the desire to take both children with parents and without parents.' I informed her. 'She's not dangerous, don't worry. But, in the case that you go into labour earlier than usual. . .' I trailed off not knowing how to say it.
'I. . . Should not let her come near my baby, right?' She guessed.
I nodded. 'Don't worry, if that comes to be your case, I'll arrange Meadow and Karga plus a doctor to make sure you are safe and sound and I'll make sure that no one except you gets close to the baby.' I promised her.
Primrose relaxed a bit. 'Thank you. I almost forgot that even half fairies have that nature fo wanting children they're not theirs. Especially when they are more beautiful than average.' She remembered.
I nodded. 'Which is why I highly suggest you do not go around saying your pregnant until the belly gives you away, maybe even a bit after that.' I suggested. 'Winter is starting early this year, so the winter clothes should cover you up to your fifth or sixth month, which is around February and March.' I calculated for her.
'But I might give myself away in the inside bathroom.' Prim expressed her concern.
'Oh no, that's right.' I remembered. 'That's a problem.' I affirmed that and went into deep thought. 'I'll see what I can do, but don't worry, we have time until the third month which is when the bellow starts showing the tiniest bit.' I reminded her.
She sighed of relief. 'Yes, your right.' She brushed her hair with her hands.
'For now rest once more and we'll talk later about it.' I told her . 'By the way, did you liked the welcome basket?' I asked her.
'Oh! Yes. It was a glorious gift.' Primrose thanked me. 'It saved me from going to buy food for until Monday which is phenomenal.' She jumped.
I smiled and nodded, then I opened the door, waved goodbye once more with my babies and left.
So much to do in so little time. I can only hope I can manage it as I have always been able to.