Ch 36: Winter supplies.

Thursday. . .

The dishwashers were less than one hopes for, and most of time applied for part-time jobs, therefore, I think I can hire at least. . . Four to six.

We even finished earlier with two of those dishwashers asking for the housement. I gave them a tour and they were practically impressed with what the "mini houses" offer.

They became ecstatic when they saw they didn't need to go to the frozen lake in winter.

After that, I took Liam and baby girl to the market zone to buy better clothes for them since winter is starting to affect them.

Since the cold was starting to affect everyone, the market had moved to inside the Centre building, just like in the GreatForks. Therefore, we went there and left my horse in a renting stable.

'Wow!' Liam was impressed with the place.

'I know right?' I told him as we walked by. 'Now, let's get you and baby girl a new wardrobe for winter.' I went to search for homemade crafts before looking for a boutique inside the city. Boutiques are expensive, even with the low prices of the last bit of "last season" fashion, and crafts last a bit longer, therefore, I need to try to find hand-made winter clothing before going to the city. I frowned at the thought.

I saw a family who had a herd of sheep and were doing different things with the clotton already groomed. I went to them quickly and greeted them. 'Hello!'

'Oh, Hello Miss Baker!' The woman greeted me.

I went surprised and confused. 'Em, you know me?' I asked her.

'Fairly, everyone in town knows you already Miss!' The woman giggled. People say things like "Miss baker's restaurant is the best!" Or "If the restaurant hadn't opened I wouldn't have moved here." And many more things like that.' She told with a smile.

I blushed deep red. When did things went like that?! I asked on the inside but remained calm on the outside. 'I-I see, em. . . Changing of subject, can you take some measures for these babies?' I asked her show it Liam and baby girl. 'I've been too busy till now to buy the babies' proper winter clothing.' I admitted embarrassed.

'Oh dear me! Don't worry.' The woman winked at me. 'You have a restaurant and people to order around, it's normal. But don't worry, I already have some products ready.' She sat up and guided me to what would her kid's section. 'I have the beanies, gloves, sweaters, pants, and socks of the colors black, white, gray, blue, red, yellow and green.' She showed me.

'Can I have green?' Liam asked.

'Sure! What clothing?' The woman asked him.

'Eh. . . Yes.' Liam answered.

The woman and I giggled out of cuteness. 'Guess he likes green, huh?' The woman deduced.

I nodded.

'Yes, don't worry, I have plenty of green.' The woman assured Liam while ruffling his hair. 'I believe you might want to save costs and either two pairs of each clothing or buy bigger size. Which choice?' She asked.

'Eh, yes.' I answered.

The woman chuckled. 'No wonder, he really is his momma's boy!' She giggled a bit more and went on to searched what we were looking for.

Liam seemed to go deep in thought and then hugged my leg clinging on it.

I wonder what went on his mind? I wondered. Probably his mother. I sighed but kept smiling at him and gave him a pat on his head.

The woman let us try on some of the green clothing and I settled on two pairs that one and two sizes bigger than him. After that, we went through my baby girls clothings.

Since the baby was a girl, the woman showed me her female baby products. There were short sleeve onesies, long sleeve onesies, show coats, normal hats, warm hats, sweaters, socks, jumpers, sleep jumpers, baby mittensm dresses and scarfs. All of the female section had the colours: strawberry, normal and poppy red, peony, rose and light pink, turquoise and sky blue, white, sunflower, normal and lime yellow, coral, burn and normal orange, normal, sand, cinnamon and brunette brown.

'The colours pink, yellow and orange are for summer and the colors white, brown and blue are for winter.' The woman let me know with a smile. 'As for the red, the darker the color, the warmer it is.'

I nodded and started to choose the pairs for both winter and next summer.

For summer (all pink):

— Four pairs of short sleeve onesies (2 peony pink , 1 rose pink, 1 light pink)

— Two pairs sleep jumpers (1 rose & 1 peony)

— Six pairs of socks ( 2 rose pink, 2 peony pink, 2 light pink)

— Three light sweaters (1 normal red, 1 coral)

— Six dresses ( 2 peony pink, 2 light pink, 2 coral, 2 rose pink)

— Three hats (1 peony, 1 rose and 1 light)

For winter (all blue & white):

— Four pairs of long sleeve onesies (2 white, 1 turquoise, 1 sky blue)

— Two pairs of sleep jumpers (1 turquoise, 1 white)

— Six pairs of socks (1 sky, 1 turquoise, 2 white)

— Four sweaters (2 white, 1 turquoise, 1 sky)

— Three snow coats (1 white, 1 turquoise, 1 sky)

— Three warm hats (1 white, 1 turquoise, 1 sky)

— Three pairs of mittens ( 1 white, 1 turquoise, 1 sky)

— Three scarfs (1 white, 1 turquoise, 1 sky)

I payed for all items and I went to put the things on the cart. I immediately dressed the kids so they would be more comfortable with the weather.

'Wow. I feel much warmer.' Liam said amazed.

'Ehem, didn't your mom gave you this type of winter clothes?' I asked him.

He shook his head. 'Mother used to say elves don't need winter clothing or protection or something like that.' He responded. 'But I would always try to snuggle with her due to feeling cold.' He hugged himself.

I hugged him. 'It's okay Liam, you are with me now.' I reassured him. 'Your mom probably thought that despite only being half elf, it was "probably enough" for you to not need this type of protection.' I thought out loud. 'But it's was probably for the best that you ended up with me, you may have elf features, but you have human mind and resistance, which, in comparison to fae in general, is much weaker.' I nodded to myself.

Liam started to tear up. 'Did my mom ever loved me?' He questioned.

I didn't know how to respond to that. Human society would say "she probably wasn't ready to be a mom," "she thought that you would be better off with humans than with elf," or even "most probably not, if she loved you, she would have chosen you instead of her family." I sighed at the thought. As a human, I'm ignorant to fae customs, let alone elf expectations and there's the problem of her wanting to be with her clan and having up her child so easily.

I just stayed quiet. '. . .'

'Momma?' Liam stared up at me. 'Did mother ever loved me?' He asked.

I stared at space for a moment and then went back to him and opened my mouth. 'That's. . . A question only your mom is able to answer.' I responded him.

Liam frowned. 'But she's not here now.' He recalled.

'No.' I affirmed that. 'And she probably won't return for at least a while.' I added. If ever, in the worst case escenario. I thought on my mind but kept that to myself. 'But, one day, you'll be old enough to go off on your own and. . . You might want to go find her.' I shrugged. 'It's your choice, but for that you need to grow up.'

Liam went into thought about it. 'When will I be old enough?' He asked.

'Well, I don't know in elf years, but in human years, a boy becomes officially and legally a man when he turns eighteen years old.' I answered with a smile. 'And that reminds me, your birthday is coming up, isn't it?' I asked him.

Liam looked at me confused. 'Birthday?' He asked.

'Yeah, birthday. The day that you were born. The day you turn from two to three years old.' I responded. 'The day when your receive presents and a cake to celebrate your anniversary arrival to this world.'

Liam blinked. 'I, think so?' He raised an eyebrow.

'Ehe, maybe elves aren't much for birthdays.' I shrugged. 'But this year, you deserve so much more.' I wiggled his nose.

Liam giggles.

Baby girl squeals out of jealousy.

'Hahahaha! You are still too small my baby.' I kissed her. 'You'll barely turn your first year of life next summer, and that's a HUGE while from here.'

The baby seemed to understand because she pouted unamused.

Both Liam and me laughed.

'Returning to subject, is there anything that you want for your birthday present?' I asked Liam.

'Em, I don't know, I never thought about it.' Liam responded looking down at his feet. 'Maybe, a pet like Charlie and Lottie?' He asked with puppy eyes.

Pet? Oh! He must have met the twin's guinea pigs! Chubby and Cookie! I smiled. 'Sure! But, you are still a bit too small for that type of responsibility.' I responded with honesty. 'Let's put that birthday present for a future birthday, when you are a little older.' I proposed.

'Like, Charlie and Lottie?' He asked.

'Yeah. They are thirteen years old so they have more sense of responsibility than you, but one day you'll be too.' I promised him. 'How about we go and see through the market to give you an idea for the present you might want.' I proposed instead.

'Kay Kay!' Liam jumped into my arms.

'Watch out!' I almost dropped him. 'Be careful Liam, baby girl is in front of me and you might have squish her.' I warned him.

'Kay, sorry.' He looked down and his feet.

'It's fine, but be mindful next time.' I took Liam's hand and turn to see the horses that accompanied us. 'Make sure no one gets close, got it?'

The horses whined in response, as if to say "Got it!"

As the babies and I went back to the market, I remembered the season of Christmas. While it seems like Christmas doesn't exist here, I might as well prepare dinner and give and send the people some goods and presents as a sign of goodwill.

. . . . .

Back home. . .

A few new letters came with the names of my twins.

"Dear mom,

It's Charlie! The professors suggested that we were to send a letter to our guardians because of the snow starting to come and it'll be harder to send mail when the snow stays, so I took their advice to let you know that everything is going well.

I also want to let you know that I got a part-time job at the school library! I get payed 7.50 coppers per day (which is barely enough for snacks and Chubby's food) but is still something!

As you advised, I tried to talk to the girl in my gastronomy class. I got rejected by her who said, "don't talk to me you filthy commoner." I took your advise on the matter of rejection and took the hint. Which in my humble opinion it was not much of a "hint" and more of a straight up classist rejection.

I also sent something for Liam's birthday! Is his, third birthday right? Either way, I sent it with this letter so you might get it sooner or later. Just a heads up.

Also, guess what? Prince Floyd actually confessed himself to Lottie!!

My gang had to stop me from committing treason against the royal prince because there was no way he was gonna get away with this!!

Fortunately, Lottie straight up rejected him. I don't know exactly what she said, but she left the eight prince quite. . . Dumbstruck? I think that's the name for it, and the she left for class.

I hope that like me, that prince got the N.O. from the start. For Lottie's sake.

Changing of subject, the professor witch said to have predicted a blizzard that will block the city within itself probably for weeks, and kids like Lottie and me won't be able to make it for winter vacation.

Sorry mom. But we promise to visit on spring week.

Love and care,


I sighed with relief. Lottie is quite conscious about the social status she has compared with the eighth prince. Sure, the eight prince has from a little to no chance of becoming king, therefore, there's less responsibility for him in getting someone of noblety or an arranged marriage. But even then, the eigth prince seems to be ignorant about how that would that affect Lottie's reputation. Let alone rumors if word gets out. I deduced before opening Lottie's letter.

Dearest mom,

I. HATE. Princes.

The eighth prince seemed nice, once upon a time. But now I know his true colors and I don't want anything to do with him. He wanted to marry me! At 13 YEARS OLD!!

I obviously rejected the idea entirely. Not just for marrying right now but also for the entire idea of marriage. I feel betrayed and angry. I don't want to be near the prince again.

Some girls even had the audacity to say something along the lines of "you should be grateful that anyone is getting his eyes on you," like I was wasting sometime magnificent! It's horrible! Many kids started to try to pressure me into accepting.

I went to the witch professor for help. I couldn't tell Charlie because he would go "monster mode" and get in trouble for real, I couldn't risk loosing my twin just in our first year.

Fortunately, the witch professor had a talk with the principal and now the kids who were trying to pressure me are now plain ignoring me. I don't what or how he did it, I'm just glad that everything has calmed down now.

Merlin, my real friend (I think), has been increasingly protective of me, like, he's not leaving my side unless I'm safe in the classroom or my dorm. I believe he's becoming capable of seeing he future in small glances. Some powerful witches (like Professor) and wizards are capable of becoming sight-seers and even though it's more common than one would think, it's pretty uncommon to identify one. Let alone one of them knowing that they have future vision.

Can you please come visit before the great blizzard Witch Professor foresaught? Some classmates have said that due to a blizzard approximating, they asked their parents to come to spend sometime with them before probably never seeing them until spring.

I need advice and guidance from you.



P.S: Please bring the season menu with you. I want to taste it just this once."

I teared up. My sweet little Lottie. I sat up abruptly. 'Don't worry baby, mommy is on her way!' I ran to the restaurant and started to prepare things for the weekend as well as arrange the new schedules.




Friday. . .

Most of the people who applied for more than two jobs were primarily young and inexperienced people. Around fourteen to eighteen people.

I noticed that some (if not the majority) of them were indeed from the local school of the village and seemed fond of the idea of working for me.

I found it very cute and adorable.

We were able to finish everyone by two o'clock.

Ten minutes after, Primrose came in and asked if she could still apply.

'I mean, you can, but I already interviewed a lot of people, so, your best bet is to ask for a job to help in the apartment complex.' I let her know.

Primrose looked a bit disappointed and frustrated. Although I didn't know whether with me or helped. 'In that case, I worked as a laundry lady for a noble in my old town.' She told me a bit more confident.

I raised my eyebrows in surprise and nodded to it. 'Yeah, actually I haven't thought about that, you must definitely can become one.' I smiled to her. 'Although I will have to make a space for that job, winter is starting and I don't want you to wash and get cold outside. Wait for a few weeks and I'll have a place arranged.' I promised.

Primrose jumped a bit happily. 'Thank you!' Then she stopped. 'Do you know where I can find art supplies? Since winter will keep me inside I would like something to keep me from insanity and such.'

'Oh sure!' I went back to the arrangements. 'Let me finish here, and I'll pick you up.' I promised.

'Yes! I'll be ready by then!' She waved at me goodbye and left.

Orson and I went back to arrange the last few letters as well as to discharge the non-fitable profiles.

We then went to send the letters through the mail post office and then we went our difference paths biding each other goodbye.

Once I returned home, I went to pick up Prim and, I just had to bring everyone else. Me, being the petty woman that I am, I added 5 copper to their month payments. We all laughed in the end of course.

'Can I help with the babies?' Diana asked me with puppy eyes.

Noooo!! I screamed inside me but kept my composure. 'Oh don't worry, it's fine.' I denied her.

'Aww.' Diana went back to talk to Meadow who was more relieved than concerned at that point.

We arrived at the market centre in Centre building.

'Okay people, here are the rules! We meet here by five at the lastest! No excuses! Those who do will have to get home by walking and I am sure no one wants that!' I hoped off the horses and tied them up. 'Second, try to keep your money limited to necessities and entertainment! Winter does not forgive anyone and much less will be merciful on your sanity! Third, have fun! Off you go!' I shooed them away after my speech.

Most of them ran away to check everything out.

Primrose and I went to see the entertainment shops.

I myself started to buy some card games and board games. With an almost three year old, the restlessness will only grow as time passes. Might as well buy some art supplies as well.

I also bought a lot of cooking and baking supplies to fill my twins and people's bellies. We are going to need it.

I also bought frozen vegetables and meat, rice, and most importantly, different kinds of sugar and liquid flavor essences and spices(vanilla, nutmeg, strawberry, mint, etc).

I also bought some more books to write on. As well as new pens and the double of ink.

Everyone bought what they saw fit and we quickly returned to our homes.

'Thanks, Miss baker!!' They all thanked me.

'You are welcome!' I nodded and waved and went to leave the cart and horses on their places and fed the animals.

Then I gathered the eggs and milked the goat to then went to stack the supplies where they belonged.

'There, we are all set now.' I declared and let myself drop on my rocking chair exhausted and observed Liam and baby girl play together on the floor. 'Phew! Seemslike you both like the toys, that's good.' I sighed of relief.

I took a book nearly finished and kept on writing what was left of it. I soon should be able to finish it and start promoting it, maybe even selling it under an alias. I smiled to myself.




Saturday. . .

The handymen went to make a laundry room and I left Meadow and Karga in charge of taking care of my animals. I called for a chariot who came and Liam, baby girl and me hop on along with luggage and we rode off to the city.

The travel itself was calming and this time Liam and baby girl were not that uncomfortable with the cold. They still cling onto me but more out of reassurance and protection than from the cold.

Again, the traffic of the city was as awful as before. Kids coming and going as if they thought hey were immortal, adults thinking while walking in the wrong direction, only to remeber where to go and turn around and make the coachmen throw curses at them. All, the living hell for it.

It took four hours to be able to get to the Bismuth Academy. And we started the journey at the seven in the morning. We arrived at the Academy by eleven a.m.

By the looks of it, it seems that other parents thought of visiting their kids on weekends too. Most of them, being from rich families, had chariots full of gifts and expensive looking snacks. They seem to try to show off and boast their own confidence to everyone else.

Oh boy. I sighed feeling discouraged by the long line of chariots that were waiting their turn to leave their passengers in the indicated place. If I had known that would happen I would have chosen tomorrow or the day after. I cried on the inside.

It took almost forty-five minutes for the chariot to let us down at the designated station.

'Finally.' I sighed tired and nudged Liam to walk up. Liam pouted out,grumpiness but that grumpiness transformed into marvelled at the sight of the giant Academy.

The coachman dropped us off plus our luggage and we quickly ran inside to avoidnxurious eyes.

As expected, rich and noble parents were here and there with their children. I ignored some stares and went to the clerk of the main hall. 'Ehem, excuse me?' I called the male clerk.

The male clerk looked up with a bored expression and when he saw me that bored expression became an excited one. 'Oh! Lady Baker, how are you?' He asked me.

Wow. Do I come here too often? I asked myself but smiled back. 'Em, I'm good sir. I came to see my children, can I?' I requested.

'Of course! Let me see where they are right now and you may go see them.' He nodded to me checking some documents for two minutes and then returned to see me. 'Your son should be in his art class while your daughter should be in her science class. Do you need assistance to get there?' He asked.

I shook my head. 'Oh no, don't worry I think I can get myself there.' I responded him taking the mail I'm personally delivering. 'But thank you, anyway.' I thanked him and left quickly with Liam on my trail and baby girl on my back.

. . . .

In the art classroom. . .

Everyone seemed busy with a sketch of a fruit bowl in the middle of the classroom while the students were arranged in a circle. Everyone was in silence and quietly working what the professor looking over them with a ruler in his hand and every now and then he would look over the shoulders of a student to see the sketch more clearly and whisper something to them.

I timidly knocked on the door and received everyone's attention, plus the professor's.

Charlie made eye contact to me and gasped. 'Mom!!' He jumped out of his seat leaving his sketch and pencil behind and came running to hug me. 'Mother dearest!' He exclaimed out of happiness. 'You did came!' He rubbed his face against my waist since that was his height limit.

I just laughed. 'Did I interrupt an important exam, sir?' Ias ele the professor.

He waved the question off with his hand. 'Of course not. This was just a practice exam for the real one.' He told me.

'Oh! I see.' I was a bit surprised to the professor serious demeanor but turned to see the Charlie and smiled at him. 'I'm sure they are doing and excellent job.' I turned to see the clas. 'All of them.' I nodded to them.

Some low nobles and common status children smiled at that, which those of higher status rolled their eyes and went back to ignoring what was happening.

'Anyway, I apologize to everyone for interrupting.' I let everyone know. 'Charlie, one you are done, come to find me in the cafeteria, okay?' I asked him.

Charlie nodded furiously with a smiled, got the gist and went back to his sketch.

I nodded to the professor and then we went away to see Lottie.

. . .

In the science class. . .

Lottie was a bit more quiet about it but still came running to hug me and whisper to me. The science professor nodded to me and went back to watching the class.

'Lottie, you and brother meet me at the cafeteria once the class is done, okay?' I asked her quietly.

Lottie nodded at the same pace as her sibling and then returned to her seat.

The professor and I nodded to each other and I went away to the cafeteria.

. . . .

In the cafeteria. . .

Thank goodness I have taught myself to have entertainment supplies for kids and made a habit out of it. Liam was both grateful and happy to have something to have fun and entertain himself. As for baby girl, well, the crochet rabbit attached to a mini blanket seemed to entertained her to nibble through.

It's a pain to carry that stuff and I would prefer to have left the babies with a nanny, but with Diana being a potential baby fever monster (with fairy lineage making her twice as dangerous), it can be difficult for me to leave them in other people's care with Diana roaming around.

I wasn't about to risk it.

'Well hello there.' Someone talked behind me.

Curious, I turned to look an there was a beautiful lady with a green satin dress with bell sleeves blouse, small white gloves, pearl necklace, wonderful makeup and her hair was styled in a Gibson girl hairdo. She was behind me and looking at me with a mysterious glint in her eye and practically covering the rest of her face with a fan.

In other words, either she wanted to make a conversation, she's trying to pick a fight with a mere commoner like me, or she was looking down at me.

But I gave her my best smile at her. 'Why hello my lady.' I sat briefly and made a bow. 'Can I help you?'

'Hmm.' The lady closed her eyes as if thinking. 'Not much. I was just abandoned by my husband who is spending more time with the other nobles than with me, since you are also alone, I thought of maybe making a conversation.' She gave a small explanation.

'Oh, I see.' I made a space for her. 'Feel free to sit down if you want.' I offered her a seat by my side.

The lady obliged and we made a small a small conversation.

Turns out she was the older sister of the heir of Talonwing. Sirene Seawright. Used to be Sirene Talonwing until her marriage, of course. She not happy with her married life, but she's not angry nor sad about it.

'I see.' I nodded to her. 'My guess is that you married him for either money or to escape your parents.' I guessed.

'Both.' She answered. 'They might have been good parents to me and for my other two sisters, but as soon as that idiot was born, we were forgotten. Fortunately, I didn't let desperation get to me to marry to someone who would have been a horrible husband, so I can see myself as lucky.' She nodded to herself.

'Good job then.' I told her. 'I mean, you kept your head calm and serene despite de adversities and was able to leave triumphal, not many women are capable of doing that unfortunately, some don't even have the choice to choose their lifelong partners, so the fact that you left with a smile on your face means that you don't have to deal with your brother's downfall.' I reflected out loud.

The Marquess Seawright clearly didn't have family priorities, but he didn't neglect them either. He did his job as a husband and father by giving them what they needed and if they were being good enough he gave them what they wanted. This means he wasn't a bastard who would force a finger to his children (unless necessary like, misbehaving) and he was a gentleman with his wife.

Not many woman are that fortunate.

'I thank you for the encouragement Miss Baker, and I hope that the man doesn't become a monster of the bunch as we grow older, as that seems to happen often enough in noblety.' Lady Sirene sighed with worry.

'Then just make sure that the life behind public is interesting enough.' I shrugged it off.

Lady Sirene raised an eyebrow at me. 'How would you do it so?' She asked with genuine curiousness in her voice.

I thought about it and looked up and down at her for a few moments. She seemed to have a c-cup chest, a thin waist and slender arms. She also had brown hair and although that color was common, her green eyes was most definetely what would stand out. She was most probably a very desired lady back before her marriage.

I smiled and got close to her. 'Can I make a suggestion in the ear, my lady?' I asked.

'Eh, sure.' She lended me her ear.

'What I'm about to tell you is for women and women only mam.' I warned her. 'It's best if you keep this to yourself from now on.' I highly suggested.

Lady Sirene covered me and her with her fan nodding.

I whispered to her something that I had donde with her brother back in June. But she didn't need to know that I did that to her brother. She only needed to know the process of pleasure.

'Hm?' Lady Sirene's eye were wide as I finished and I backed off from her. She then covered her face with her fan but I could still see the redness in her ears. 'Do you believe that would work?' She asked shyly yet very interested.

'Let's make a bet then.' I offered. She looked at me wide eye. 'If it works when you both go to sleep at night, you pay me about. . . 250 copper. If it doesn't then I give you 500 copper.' I gave her my hand. 'Deal?'

She didn't even blink and stretched it. 'You are one odd commoner, lady Baker.' She told me.

'Yes, I have heard that before, don't worry.' I assured her.

'By the way, what's a commoner doing in here? Do you work here?' She asked.

'No no. My twins are studying here.' I answered with a smile as I took a small ripped piece of paper and wrote my address on it. 'They were able to get a scholarship for it.' I boasted.

'Oh! Congratulations!' Lady Sirene's eyes smiled at me. 'Wait, there are few commoner names who made it scholarships, and only two had the Baker last name. . .' Her eyes widened once more. 'Did your kids. . .'

'Got the Diamond scholarship? Yes.' I smiled with excitement. 'Either it was fate or luck, but fortunately they were able to make it here despite the adversities.' I sighed heavily. 'Now I am here, visiting them again, just to deliver one last package before the blizzard hits.'

Lady Sirene nodded understanding. 'How's your husband?' She asked with worry in her eyes.

'I never married.' I answered. She looked wide eye again. 'Hold on, don't get any ideas.' I stopped her. 'I never had children coming out of my womb, mam. I adopted all of them. I got the twins out of slavery, Liam's mother decided to return to her elf clan leaving him behind because he "half-breed" and baby girl, well. . . I found her in a pile of trash with her umbilical cord yet attached.' I gave brief summaries.

Lady Sirene stared blanked at me. 'Are you going around adopting children without parents?'

'As long as I can maintain them, yes.' I answered honestly. 'I have a restaurant a manor full of mini houses giving out to rent, this gives a high income for a commoner and it gives me the commodity and the opportunity to be able to leave the place for a while and visit the kids when possible.' I explained.

'. . . You are a wonder, Miss Baker.' Lady Sirene breathed lightly.

'Well, when you have to escape from the evil stepfather who conspired with your mother to kill my father, you need to be able to have the guts to barge in a noble party in order to survive.' I chuckled.

Lady Sirene didn't find it funny though, she patted my shoulder as if to say, "don't worry, it's okay."

'Thanks.' I nodded to her. 'My biggest worry right now is daughter, Charlotte, or Lottie as I call her.' I admitted. 'She sent a letter wanting to meet me for encouragement, she's suffering harassment because she. . . Rejected the attention of some noble.' I explained.

Lady Sirene frowned. 'What kind of kid gets bullied for rejecting someone?' She asked quite outraged herself.

'I know, right?! But the other girls, who probably are the nobles' little fans, are outraged on his behalf and tried to treat her badly. Fortunately, since she has the Diamond scholarship, she has the help of the principal. But who knows how long?' I interlaced my hands. 'Her brother doesn't know because, knowing his reaction, he will probably jump and try to punch them, putting his scholarship at risk.'

Lady Sirene kept patting my shoulder.

'I'll try to do everything that I can, but I'm afraid it won't be enough.' I teared up. 'I'm just a commoner, I can't afford private bodyguards to keep an eye on things all the time, and I don't want to prive them from freedom like studying here. The least I can do is be there, until I can't because of the blizzard.' I sighed with tears in my eyes.

Liam, sensing that I'm sad left his coloring pages and came to hug me.

Baby girl was calmly munching on her toy on the table.

'I'm sorry for that Miss Baker.' Lady Sirene offered her sympathy. 'I can only imagine what horrors did your daughter would go through without you there.'

'I know.' I sniffed and cleaned my tears with my sleeves. 'Which is why I came. I'm going to find those kids with Lottie's help.' I went to sad to determined.

'And then, I will give them a piece of my mind.' I declared.