The Queen

Davis held his body in his arms, trying not to lose control and attack Inky, who was staring at his owner with worry. Davis's pupils dilated then formed a straight line on his red iris. He was shaking uncontrollably and his veins are turning visible on his arms and neck. A human won't shake if he drank that drug, they will just feel hungry. But Davis, a vampire that never drank blood in four years.

In only six minutes and forty-two seconds, Davis snapped and his eyes fell on the door. Inky whimpers realising his owner is now a dangerous vampire that can snap his neck. Inky flattens his ears and climbs to the open window shield, he looks behind him one more time before he leaps, only to land on a nearby tree branch.

Davis didn't even notice his cat escaping.

Davis stood up and then walks in front of his locked door, his hand made it's way to the doorknob, jiggling it, hoping it will open. He growls and picks up his vase in the corner, he raises it up higher in the air before bringing it down harshly against the doorknob, breaking it instantly. Allowing the door to swing open at the alarmed guards that were guarding his door.

He twitches and shakes, the guards stood staring at him with large eyes. Davis raises his nose up, as the sweet aroma of blood that came from down the halls.

He suddenly runs at the fast speed of a vampire, pushing the guards away and jumps up to fly through the halls down to the throne room where his parents sat.

He crashes through the throne room door, tumbling against the ground and smashing against the ground. The Queen gasped while the king rose an eyebrow. Davis gasps and holds his stomach, before standing up and glaring at his parents.

The queen's jaw dropped as soon as she noticed how his pupils were so very small and saliva was escaping his lips, she looks at the king who gave her a look with large wide eyes.

"I'm hungry..." Davis whimpers.

"The kitchen is that way—"

"For blood."

His parents were even more suprised. His father looked at his wife and whispers; "We have to give Madilyn a raise."

And speak of the devil and he shall appear; the door opens to reveal Madilyn with a tray of two large golden cups of fresh blood for the king and queen from their blood servents. She pauses when she spots Davis glaring at her.

"Davis? Are you okay—" just before she finishes her sentence he cuts in, his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes showing fury.

"you. You are dead to me now." he spat.

"I- it isn't my fault—"

"You wouldn't have poisoned me with that drug if you really did care!!" He growled and held his head as pain striked his chest, that was only covered by bandages and no shirt. Davis's Mother raises her eyebrow, before standing up and walking to Madilyn, taking a cup from the tray and making her way to her son.

She brought the cup closer to his lips with a large smile painting her red lips.

"Drink the red fluid, Davis." Davis was already going crazy at the smell of the liquid, but he can't just give up becuase of a drug...right? He shakes his head, trying to push the hunger away from his mind by thinking of all the horrible things vampire's did to humans ever since they took over the world.

"You just said you are hungry. You also need to drink blood for your health, drink, Davis." Davis's pupils Dilated, thinking of 'The blood servant' and how the author still fought for her freedom. He has to fight against his appetite. He shook his head again, whispering 'Non' over and over. Now, the queen was very angry.

"Davis Evendor Dracula, I'm ordering you to!" Davis turned his head away. That's it, the string is cut. Annebeth grabbed Davis's jaw harshly, before forcing the drink into his lips. His eyes widen, and just before the taste reaches his taste buds, he spits out the fluid at the ground, before grabbing the cup and smashing it to the ground.


The queen look in awe at her son, before clenching her fists.

"The Family Doctor— he said that you'll die in four months if you don't drink blood!" Tears spill from her eyes as Davis stares at her, while the king had his eyes wide on both of them.

"Is that a trick?" He asks, not trusting them so much as before after they allowed Madilyn to feed him the drug. His mother shakes her head, turning around and running out of the throne room, tears falling from her eyes like waterfalls. While her maids ran after her, to make sure she will be okay.

Davis lowers his head, she was only trying to keep him alive. He didn't want to see his mother sad, and he knew his death will result in large problems. And he is the heir to the throne...

He looks at his hands, but then at his father with blank eyes.

"I'm participating in the auction tomarrow, father. Please inform mother." His father, Vincent Dracula nods with a small faint of a smile; "The first good decision of yours."

Davis locks eyes with Madilyn, giving her a glare before flying his way out of the throne room back to his room to prepare for the ceremony.


Davis is starting to become very angry with his bow tie. He knows how to make his neck tie, but he never tried a bow tie. And he didn't believe he was losing his temper over a bow tie. He sighs and hits his head on the wall, already given up.

He was getting ready for the blood auction, he woke up at eleven in the morning since the auction will begin at one pm.

He bathed when he woke up, brushed his teeth six times at eleven twenty-five, wrapped his bandages around his body at eleven forty-three. And finally, in twelve ten he dressed in his black trousers, white shirt, black vest and wore his necklace. And now, at tweleve thirty-six, having a struggle with putting on his bow tie.

Suddenly, a soft knock on the door saved Davis from breaking his head against the wall.

"Come in." The door opened to reveal Annabeth, which made Davis frown slightly. Annabeth smiles weakly before closing the door behind her, and walks over to her son.

"Are you ready, dear?" Her hands reach his cheeks, holding both side of his face with her petite hands. He averts his eyes and turns his head a bit.

"I'm having trouble with the bow tie, mother." He muttered, she grins and her hands started to work on his bow tie. Her delicate fingers brushing against the fabric, she slips the long end under the shorter end, before she pulls the longer end over and under to create a knot. She looks up at Davis, whose eyes were focused on her fingers, so he can do it on his own later on.

She continues with her work before she spoke; "Don't call me 'mother'. I prefer 'mama'. You used to call me that."

"Alright...mama." She smiles wider, tapping the finished bow tie and looking up at him with her face bright. Annabeth is always the cheerful, caring person, but on her throne, she has to keep her head up high so the crown won't fall.

Her hands touch his cheeks, and then she lays her forehead against his, her golden-like brown eyes locks with his crimson ones. She rubs her nose against his to form an adorable Eskimo kiss.

"Common, wear your cape and grab your crown, and make mama proud!" She giggles like a complete child before waltzing out of the room, leaving Davis with a small faint smile. He puts on his cape and crown, before leaving his room.

_ _ _