The Bid

Nicole winces as they prick her finger with the needle, allowing her blood to drop on a paper before pushing her to an old woman behind a desk.

"name, sweetheart?"

"Nicole O'Kiere."

"Ohhh, the emotionless one!" The old woman chuckles before opening Nicole's folder, taking out a paper and standing up, carrying a pin with her. The old woman sticks the paper in Nicole's chest before slapping Nicole's shoulder, startling her.

"Show 'em yer ugly face if you don't want to get chosen! Just sayin'." Nicole nods and rolls her eyes before checking the paper on her torso.


AGE: 22

SEX: Female

LOOKS: Brown hair, brown eyes, fair skin. 5'5 feet tall and a weight of 138 pounds (62 KG)

BLOOD SCORE: 2/5 (40% of 100%)



BEAUTY: 3/5 (60% of 100%)

"Rude. 3/5 beauty? Pa-lease." Nicole giggles at her silliness, though the situation she is in is no laughing matter. She climbs up the large stage with the rest of the girls, and looks down at all the hungry vampires, their eyes containing lust and greed.

She cringes in disgust before looking at the other girls. At least ten of them are pure-blooded. Since this blood auction is at the capital of the country, only the girls born in the capital are on stage. Other blood auctions are in different parts of the country of Mavernem.

There was about over a hundred girls on stage, and there is a large catwalk in the front of the stage for when they call their names. Nicole snorts, her last name starts with an O, meaning the will be one of the last ones on the catwalk. Since most of the girls last names on stage start with an A or C.

Nicole rubbed her thigh, since the small belt around her leg was itching her. It carry's a small pocket containing Nicole's knife.

The bell finally rang, signals the start of the blood auction. And just before they call the first name up, a black limo arrives at the gate. Nicole tries to hide her grin, knowing it's the royals that arrived. The driver left his seat and opens the door, allowing king Vincent to come out of the limo, helping his queen Annabeth out, before both of them climbed up the stairs to their two large seats where guards are settled near to protect them.

Prince Davis exits the limo and almost everyone gasped. It's been four years since they last seen him wandering in town. And he changed so much. Whispers soon broke out as he climbs the stairs to his seat decorated with pearls and gold just a little bit under his parents thrones. Luckily, the thrones were under a tent-like shader to block the sun, even though all of the vampires at the blood auction are wearing their protective necklaces.

And finally, the auction begun. First, they will start calling names out, each name they call, the girl walks down the cat walk and stands there for all the vampire to see if they are good enough of not. They will start with a 100 golden coins each girl, then the bidding will start.

"Angelica Aston." A girl with jet black hair an baby blue eyes walks down the cat walk, she had a tight blouse on and a skirt that reached above her knees. She was a dull blood with a beauty of 4/5. The man named Neil spoke;

"100 Golden coins! anyone bid higher?" A vampire raised his arm up.

"205 golden coins!"

"No! 489 golden coins!"

"Anyone bid higher than 489 gold coins?" Neil shouted, but no one else spoke. Neil looked over to the prince, but Davis looked completely uninterested.

"Alright! Sold to the vamp with the red tie!"

The auction continued like this, until slowly the queen lost her patience with Davis. He wasn't interested with any of the lovely ladies. So she taps on his shoulder, making Davis look at her lazily.

"When are you going to choose, Davis!" She whisper-yelled, and Davis groaned.

"mama...they all look scared and not my type."

"So a cat is your type, eh!?"

"Mama, please—"

"Please! For me!" Davis sighs and nods.

"Nicole O'Kiere." And just as Nicole walked next to Neil, a scent of her blood enters Davis's nostrils, and he felt hunger. He gulped and took a deep breath.

"205 golden coins!"

"250 golden coins!" Two vampires were duelling with each other over Nicole, while she looked over at Davis and locked eyes. Davis's breath was cut as soon as he notices the fire dancing in her eyes.

"3008 golden coins!" Davis stood up from his seat and each one of the vampires looked at him with wide eyes, while Nicole grinned. Annabeth clapped happily and the king smiled.

"I- alright- Nicole O'Kiere now belongs to the prince of Mavernem! Lucky gal." Neil muttered the last two words at Nicole. Davis hopped down from his seat, awkwardly making his way to her and helping her jump down the stage.

His hand was intertwined with hers as they made their way back to the limo, with the king and queen happily waltzing behind them.

Just as Davis and Nicole set foot in the castle, the maids rushed at them, giggling as they grabbed Nicole without a word and took her upstairs. Davis looks at his cheerful mother, she congratulated him on his first blood servant before she dashed to the throne room. Davis groans, walking like a zombie to the kitchen for some apple juice and a snack.

_ _

Nicole gasps when they push her into a large bathroom, locking the door behind them. The maids immediately started to inspect every piece of her, from her hair to her finger nails.

"My, my, you are a pretty lady. But we still have to polish your nails, curl your hair. Hm...a blue dress does suit you." A maid said, before unzipping Nicole's dress. Nicole pushed her away and glared at her.

"What are you doing!?" Nicole hissed, holding her dress from falling.

"Dear, we are going to clean you up for the prince! Y'know, you are his first blood servant!" The maid clapped happily—maybe she won't have to take care of the prince anymore after he drinks blood!

"I can do it myself, thank you very much." Nicole said, making the maid gasp.

"Oh dear no! We can't risk you running away, can we?" Nicole squeaked when they basically stripped her from her dress, and tossed away her shoes. A maid actually grabbed the belt holding the knife around Nicole's thigh and threw it away without care, making Nicole think about safety in this castle if they didn't care that she was carrying a blade.

They untied her hair and literally pushed her to the large bathtub filled with hot boiling water causing Nicole to shriek. A maid used a jug of water to moist Nicole's hair, another used strawberry-scented shampoo. Why does a vampire use strawberry-scented shampoo? And why strawberry!? Nicole thought grumpily. Even though there is no reason to be mad, just confused.

After eleven minutes of scrubbing Nicole with a sponge, they dried her with a towel before forcing her to sit down on a chair they bought. That's when they started to torture her, clipping her nails to brushing her hair just to make her 'perfect' enough for the prince. Nicole hated what they were doing to her, but she knew it may help her with her plan.