
A maid came in carrying a dark blue gown. Nicole couldn't help but admire the dress, until she notices the maid with the dress had a look of disapproval.

"Is something wrong?" Nicole asked as she took in this maids looks. From light blue eyes to brown hair in a braid.

"Nothing, Madam! I'm sorry if I gave you an improper stare." The maid apologizes, but Nicole can see it's not an honest apology.

"What's your name?" Nicole asks, with a kind fake smile.

"Madilyn, Madilyn Kane." Madilyn grins at Nicole. Clenching her fists tighter. The other maids looked at each other in worry before putting Nicole's hair in a bun decorated with flowers. Before helping her put her gown on, and patting her back as they escorted her out of the bathroom and on the way to the throne room where the queen is awaiting.

Nicole stood in front of the queens throne, feeling goosebumps on her skin as Annabeth's eyes were setteled on her. Annabeth stands up and walks right next to Nicole. And suddenly, without no warning, brings Nicole into a bone-cracking hug. Nicole looked at her in surprise when Annebeth let her go.

"Please, make sure he feeds. That's all I ask for." Annabeth smiles at Nicole, and immediately Nicole felt bad about planning to kill the prince...Nah.

Two guards later took Nicole to Davis's room, and left her there. Davis was no where to be seen, so Nicole just sat on the large bed with black pillows. She looked around the room, hoping to find any weapon to murder the prince with later on. That's until a cats trill intrupted her thoughts. Nicole looked over the window, where a Bombay cat climbed in.

The dark cat climbed on the bed, having no fear for Nicole. Nicole was about to rub the animal behind the ear, before the feline backed away. I don't think he trusts me...Nicole thinks as she stares at the golden-eyed cat.

The door suddenly opened to reveal prince Davis. He looks over at Nicole, closing the door behind him and making his way next to the bed. His crimson eyes fall on his pet, a smile painting his lips before picking Inky up.

"sorry I scared you yesterday, Inky." Inky licks the tip of Davis's nose, causing him to chuckle and cuddle Inky.

'He seems more excited in seeing him than me.' Nicole clears her throat, driving Davis's attention to her. He puts the cat down and outstretched his hand.

"Davis Dracula. Heir to the vampire throne and half Romanian. I play the piano, and I'm terrible at horseback riding. et toi?" Davis smiled, and Nicole's wondered how can a vampire be kind. That's until she noticed the black circles under his eyes and how unhealthy he looks.

"Nicole O'Kiere. Half British and no parents or care. I organize books for a living and I'm terrible at nearly everything. May I ask a question?" Davis looked at her with a confused look.

"not the answer I was expecting, but if you have a question— go on!" He grinned weakly, sitting on the bed next to her. Before scooting away and gulps when the smell of her delightful blood reach his nose. Strange, he didn't have this effect with Madilyn.

"When was the last time you drank blood? God—you look dead."

Davis was speechless for a moment. He has no idea how to answer either. Nicole rolls her eyes and changes her setting position and takes off her flats before sitting cross-legged on the bed.

"So? When was the last time you fed on blood, mister?" She is speaking to him as if he was merely her own rank. A filthy, low human peasant and not a strong vampire prince! His jaw was hanging and his mind was running.

"I- um- never drank blood...?" His words almost made Nicole fall off her bed. She stares at him in disbelief. But his expression was serious. She looked at the ground, biting her lip in nervousness. This became quite the habit of hers, biting her lip whenever she is stressed and nervous.

So this is what the queen actually meant... Nicole pondered. A new plan slowly forming into her head. She can just make him feed off her and make him trust her, it's way easier than randomly stabbing him in front of his parents. And after she fully earns his trust, BAM! He'll as good as dead. And second, a vampire bite doesn't hurt badly? Does it?

Nicole looks at Davis again, to find him petting his cat, Inky on his lap. She tapped his shoulder making him turn his head to her with a raised eyebrow. Nicole glared at Inky and shooed it a away, before giving Davis her hand.

"You can drink blood from me, the Queen asked me for this. And I'm your blood servant, too." Davis's expression went from calm and collected to flustered and shy. He turned his head, ignoring Nicole. Nicole groaned and moved a bit closer, and started to poke him on the shoulder multiple times.

"Jeez, your acting as if I asked you to have your children. You can die by not drinking blood, you know." Davis looks back at her, only to find her way to close for his comfort and startle him. Her scent was much more stronger and it made Davis even more red. Nicole sighed and tipped her head slightly to the side, revealing her fair and clear neck.

But just before any action was made, a knock on the door disturbed them both. Nicole growled in her head, backing away from Davis and further into the bed.

"Uhm- c-come in." Davis fixed his collar before the door opened. Revealing Madilyn with a tray full of what Davis needs to go through everyday. Medicine, vitamins, and bandages. Nicole immediately noticed the look of disapproval on Davis. Madilyn stopped when she noticed Nicole, but she tried to ignore her.

"Your Majesty y, it's time for your daily medication—" Nicole cuts off Madilyn quite rudely.

"I don't think he need anymore medication, Madilyn. He will be fed well and healthy of me." Nicole knew she was rude to Madilyn. But something about her was off. Madilyn looked over at Davis, but his eyes only carried emptiness and hatered for her now. Madilyn sighed and walked closer, putting down the tray on the dresser before picked up the medicine spoon.

"Davis, will you please take off your top so I can add the bandage—"

"You may leave, Ms. Kane. I can add them my self." Davis spoke, her last name rolled out of his tongue like venom. Alright, Nicole now felt bad. Madilyn's eyes were starting to become glassy slowly. She turns to Davis and gives him a hopeful smile.

"Your not still mad at me becuase I fed you the drug, right? Becuase it isn't really my faul-"

"leave." Davis growled, glaring at her. Madilyn lowered her head and nodded, before leaving the room and closing the door behind her. She fed him a drug!? Nicole's eyes were wide at Davis, but he didn't see, like he really wanted to have a chat anymore. His fingers traced his own bottom lip, before he shamelessly unbuttoned his black shirt right in front Nicole.

Her eyes were wide and she tried to avert her eyes, but the scars and how skinny his delicate and porcelain body looks just made her stare. Till she finally speaks.

"What are you doing!?" She squeaks, he turns his head around and looks at her with his crimson eyes.

"Undressing so I can put on my bandages."

"I know that but why in front of me!?" Blush growing on her cheeks. It was only her first day and this is the state she is in.

"Nicole, everybody had seen me shirtless in this damn castle. Even the guards to the maids. Heck, the cook saw me topless, too! So what is the difference with you?" He spat, fully taking off his garment and unwrapping the bandages off his body.

This boy is trying to get kill on day one. Nicole screamed mentally in her mind.