The King's wrath

Most vampire parents are careless and irresponsible with their children. They take care of them until they are of seven years of age and then let them do whatever they want. That's why when vampires grow up, they grow distant from their parents and live far away from them. But for royal/important vampires, the parents have to give their child pure care and love. So when they age, the child will care and become responsible. Those noble vampires have to make sure their little angel is comfortable and healthy, no matter what.

_ _ _

The prince finished adding new bandages to his body, putting on his shirt again and buttoning it while giving Nicole a confused stare to why is she so flustered. He stood up and draped his cape on his body, before slipping into his black dress shoes.

He rolled his eyes as he noticed Nicole is still in her flushed state.

"Really? It's been fifteen minutes since I put on my shirt and your still acting as if I'm naked. If that going to be your reaction each time I bandage myself, well, you're not going to survive in the same room as me." Nicole knew he was right; she maybe overreacting. She took a deep breath and gave him a straight face, placing her hands on her lap and raising her head high.

Davis shook his head at her, putting on his gloves and crown, before making his way to the door.

"Hey— where are you going?" Nicole asked before standing up from the plush bed. He turned around, finally realizing how short she was to him.

"I have matters to attend to, I am the prince." He smugly answered her, making her want to kick him, hard. And just before she should even speak, he opened his door and flew out of the room. She just stood there, in the middle of the dark, cold room.

_ _ _

"I don't think he will bite his slave, Annabeth." Vincent spoke, playing with Annabeth's long brown locks, twirling them around his fingers. Annabeth sighs, and places a hand on her husbands cheek, her fingers stroking his pale skin.

"I believe he won't, either." Her face was painted in sadness, her bottom lip trembling at the thought of her son dying if he doesn't drink blood. Vincent furrows his eyebrows, before sneaking his hand on his partners waist, pulling her closer to place a kiss on her forehead.

"It's okay, love. I'll try to talk with him." Annabeth hums a smile adoring her lips.

"You are always trying to help me— but arnt we supposed to be on our thrones right now?" She asked, her finger running down his cheek. They could be finishing royal business, instead Vincent took her to their room to cuddle. Vincent chuckles and rubs his nose against hers.

"I told them I had a headache to spend more time with you— it's been a while, you know?" Annabeth grins at him.

"Rebelling again after all those years, Vin?" She giggles and rolls her eyes, while Vincent bought her closer and placed an innocent kiss on her neck, stuffing his head in the crook of her shoulders.

"I'll rebel all the time to be with you, Anna."

"Your so cheesy I want to throw up."

"Then plan accomplished."

"Just kiss me you goof."

_ _ _

Davis never really felt intimidated by his father until this very second. Just the way he was looking at him knew something was wrong. And Davis was 199% sure he has done nothing wrong.

"Yes, father?" Davis held himself high, trying to show he isn't scared and is ready to listen to what ever his father needs to say.

"have you bitten your servant, Davis?" Alright, now Davis knows why he is here.

"No." Davis averted his eyes from the great king in front of him. Vincent raised an eyebrow.

"Are you planning to?"

"" Davis hung his head, ready for some scolding.

"There is only four months left, Davis. Think wisely." Davis's eyes widen as he looks at his father. Vincent had a straight, emotionless face. Before turning around to make his way back to his room, turning his head back at Davis to comment;

"Because if you don't— I will take matters into my own hands." Vincent growled, a glint in his crimson eyes, before leaving Davis alone in the throne room. Vincent hated to threaten or scare his son, but he is the only heir to the throne. The only trusted heir to the throne.