
Nicole watched as the maid sprinkled some pink rose petals on Davis's black plush bed, her jaw hanging low. Another maid was placing scented candles on the dressers and some on the ground. While the other one bought more pillows to decorate the bed with.

"W-what- What are you all doing!?" Nicole stammered, her arms flailing in confusion. The maids looked at her with small grins.

"The queen ordered us—" but just before one of the maids finished her sentence, the queen herself entered the room, her face bright and cheerful.

"To create a 'mood' for my Davi!~" Nicole stared in disbelief at the queen.

"As you can see, Nicole dear, my son is very determined to never feed. And well, I'm worried for him! So why not create a romantic theme that will set the urge for him to drink blood? Great idea, don't you think?" Annabeth grinned, showing off her pearly fangs.

"So basically, your going to make him do the freckle frackle with me!? My queen, if only you will wait a bit more and I swear I'll get him to drink from me! It's only my first day!" Nicole begged, making the queen raise her eyebrow.

"First, yes I will do anything that will make my son feed on you, even with the 'freckle frackle'. Second, I'm a very impatient woman. Third, maid! I said red rose petals not pink!" The queen spoke, now ignoring Nicole and turning over to the maid decorating the bed with pink roses.

"But your magisty! There was only a pink nightgown and no red one!" Annabeth groaned. Nicole stared at her with wide eyes when she picks up the word 'nightgown'. The queen sighed and looked out of the window, to see the gates opening and a car enter. The same car Davis left with.

"Davis is coming in less than fifteen minutes! Hurry!" The queen shrieked, two maids ran at Nicole, taking her to the bathroom of Davis's room.

One of the maids stripped Nicole out of her dress, and the other started to brush Nicole's hair rapidly, as if ripping her hair out. Nicole screeched when they harshly put on a pink nightgown on her, before dragging her out of the room and in front of the queen. Annabeth grinned at Nicole.

"Purrfect, correct Inky?" Annabeth looks down at the black cat next to her leg, but Inky looked highly displeased as Nicole was.

Nicole flushed when she looked into the mirror, her eyes widening at her own reflection. The pink satin nightgown only reached to her mid-thigh, while the top was barely covered at all, showing off lots of cleavage. Basically, the night gown only covered her hips, stomach and a very small amount of her bust. But just before Nicole should complain, Annabeth and her maids shut the lights and escaped the room, closing the door behind them while giggling like school girls.

Only the dim flares of the candles lit the room, enough to show the bed and Nicole. She gulped before sitting on the bed, grabbing the covers and covered her entire body. After a couple of minutes, she listened to steps nearing the room, she held her breath when the door opened. Revealing no-other than the prince himself.