Blood thirsty Prince

Davis was confused when he noticed the candles and the lump on his bed, and all those flower petals. He closed the door behind him, but didn't bother turn the lights on. He takes off his cape and crown, laying them on his dresser before walking over to his bed. He lightly poked the little mountain, making it shake and release a 'squeal'. This isn't the size of Inky, and Inky hisses or meows but never squeal.

"Nicole?" His hand gripping the ends of the cover, lifting it up a bit before Nicol gripped it and bought it down so he can't see her. Now Davis was even more confused.

"Are you okay in there?" His hand went under the cover and brushed against her thigh on accident, causing Nicole to gasp at his cold hand. But just as he felt her skin, he immediately took his hand out.

"I'm sorry if I t-touched you in somewhere forbidden!" He stuttered, before he backed away and tripped on one of the pillows, dropping on the ground harshly and hitting his head on the ground. Nicole pushed the covers away when she heard the loud thud. Davis was groaning and rubbing his head with his eyes closed.

She blinked, completely forgetting that she is wearing such vulgar clothing and jumped off the bed and made her way next to him, crouching slightly to see if he is okay or not. When ever Nicole slipped or fell when she was young, her mother will always crouch next to her and put her head on her lap, scolding her of why wasn't she paying attention to we're she is stepping.

Nicole laid Davis's head on her lap on instinct, his eyes were still closed so she took time to admire his features. Her fingers reached up to trace his brow, before his dark circles under his eyes. His lips were parted, showing his pearly sharp fangs, very sharp fangs. His pale skin was sick, not like the other vampires. He had long lashes and quite the defined nose. Such a shame, if it wasn't for his very skinny build becuase he doesn't feed, every girl will be at his feet. Nicole has to admit that he looks a bit attractive; maybe he will look a lot healthier for a vampire if he drinks her blood.

His eyes opened and he looked at her with confusion.

"What are you staring at, Mademoiselle Nicole?" He asked, allowing Nicole to flush, having no idea how to answer that. It took a few seconds for Davis to notice Nicole's clothes, and when he did he closed his eyes again. He kept his eyes closed and he stood up, turning around so his back was facing her.

"W-why did you wear that!?" He stuttered, his cheeks bright red while shaking his head.

"M-my queen w-wished for it!" Nicole said, her arms around her body. Davis groaned.

"No wonder! Ma- mother is always trouble!" Davis knew he can't scold his mother for this now, it's now evening. Davis walked over to his closet and takes out a gray shirt, before tossing it over to Nicole. Nicole immediately put it on, and she was grateful that it reached her knees. Davis turned around and looked at her, his eyes lingering a bit too long on her legs before locking with her eyes.

"I'll be right back." He enters the bathroom and exits after a few minutes with sweat pants and a black shirt, before speaking to Nicole.

"I can sleep on the floor and you on the be down for the night, and tomarrow I'll ask for them to bring a mattress in the room." Davis was back to his calm state. He grabbed a pillow but just before he should lay on the floor Nicole spoke up, regretting it later;

"The bed is big enough for both of us, your magisty..." Nicole's gaze shifted to the floor awkwardly, before Davis agreed and both of them laid on the bed. As far away from each other from possible.

_ _ _

Nicole woke up in the middle of the night at the sound of coughing. She turned to see Davis sitting up, holding his neck while he was basically wheezing for breath. Nicole stared at him as he inhaled sharply, before he stood up and ran to the bathroom. She should see that he is sick, and his stomach can't digest human food...which causes problems for him.

This is his sixteenth time in two weeks to puke.