
When Nicole woke up in the morning, she was alone In the bedroom. She whined and refused to leave the covers, the room was just too cold. She suddenly remembers her dagger that was still laying on the bathroom floor. She sighed and hops out of the bed, opening Davis's closet hoping to find a dress. She knew she wouldn't find any, why would Davis even have a dress in his closet?


There in the corner, sat a dark simple red dress with black flats right next to them. Nicole rose an eyebrow, why did the vampire prince have a dress in his closet? Madilyn is a maid, she can't have a dress like that! Millions of thoughts are running in Nicole's head, ranging from if he has a secret lover to if he just likes dresses.

Nicole shook her head and took the dress and shoes out, before stripping off the grey shirt and the nightgown beneath. She gently slips on the dress, hugging her body perfectly. The dress was extremely comfort and 'light'. Not too thin to make her shiver and not too thick to make her sweat. Nicole slides into the shoes and walks to the mirror, to stare at her reflection and at the mess she once called 'hair'.

Nicole did some tidying with her brown locks, turning it to a messy yet adorable braid. She grins before walking out of the room, making a beeline to the same bathroom her weapon is in.

_ _ _

Davis did what he does every day, wake up, shower, dress up, and eat breakfast. But, he skipped the breakfast part since he was running late to his training. To make matters worse, it was horseback riding day. And right when he climbed on the horse, he felt dizzy and sick, falling off the animal immediately and earn scratches in the process of harshly smashing against the floor, and not to forget the fractured ankle. At least the horse didn't kick him. And at least his is a vampire, he will heal fast, only two hours or so.

But now, he laid shirtless and injured on the hospital bed, feeling pathetic and weak. His trainer took him to the hospital wing of the castle, also known as the 'Royal Infirmary'. Davis won't be surprised that he was laying in the same bed great great great grandfather Dracula died on. Davis looked at the bruises he had formed on his hands when he fell, and the scratches on his arms. Davis sighs, knowing his mother will hear the news and crash down the door and scream his ear out for not eating his oatmeal.

Davis was staring off into space until the door opened. He turned his face to see Madilyn enter, carrying a tray with bandages, vitamins and orange juice. Davis's face turned to displeasure in seeing Madilyn close the door behind her with her foot and place the tray on the dresser next to his bed.

"How are you feeling, Davis?" She gives him a grin. He turns his face away so he won't meet her eyes. Madilyn frowns and sits on the bed, her hand cupping his cheek to make him look at her.

"You can't be still mad at me!" She pouts, rubbing her thumb against his cold cheek. A moment of silence and Davis glaring at Madilyn. Madilyn signs and slowly leans down, enough for Davis to break out of his 'serious' character and turn red when her nose touched his.