Astrid woke up to the sound of bustling activity in the mansion. She stretched and yawned, wondering what was going on.
As she walked out of her bedroom, she was greeted by the mansion's staff, who were busily cleaning and preparing for the day, leaving her confused.
Everyone stopped what they were doing the moment they set their eyes on her and greeted her with a respectful "Good morning, Madam."
Astrid was taken aback by the sudden formalities. She looked around, trying to take it all in.
She nodded her head slightly as she made her way to the living room, where she was met with another surprise.
Several guards in black suits were standing at attention, one at each corner of the room. While Julian was talking to one of them, he nodded at Astrid as she approached.
"Good morning," Julian said, as the guard he was talking to showed courtesy and left.