Julian ran after Astrid, his heart pounding in his chest, "Astrid… hey stop I didn't mean to pick up the call!" he yelled after her but she slammed the door against him.

"Hey Astrid.." he called out again pushing the door open, but she didn't respond instead she was already removing the hoodie he had given to her nit minding he was still standing there.

He sighed as he noticed her angry gaze, he drew closer his fingers brushing against her skin, "I am sorry," he whispered, his lips inches from her ear.

Astrid scoffed, yanking his hands forward as she pulled down the jacket on her nightwear, she finally turned to him now her gaze filled with pain.

"What do I need to do to get Mattie off your mind?" she asked, her voice trembling, only now did Julian notice how sad she was.

"already given you everything I think I can, I even made you my first still I can't shake off the feeling..." she trailed off, her voice cracking.