The Cabin

Feeling his heart racing in his chest, Jean slowly turned around to face in the direction of the sound.

The moment he stared in the distance, he noticed that the door that had been opened was the one that was locked some moments ago, and the person who had opened it, was standing right at the door. the person was donning in a black suit with a round black hat. From a closer look, it was easy for one to notice his ugly unserious face.

Letting out a maniac smile, the person stepped forward and entered the bed chamber. He then quickly gazed at the bed before approaching it and lifting it up.

Seeing this, Jean lunged to the sides and hid himself from the sight of the person.

'He must be looking for me.'

At that moment, Jean cursed his luck as he squeezed himself in the cabinet section. He was praying in his heart that the person should not spot him from where he was hiding, but the chances of the person finding him after missing him in the bed chamber were high. This was because the plane didn't have that much nooks to hide in.

With each passing second, he grew dreadful. He was not sure with what would happen next after the person didn't find him in the bed.

Inhaling deeply but vigilant enough not to alert the person, Jean craned to the side and tried peering in the person's direction. The person seemed to be engrossed with searching under the bed, and after a few moments, the person pulled out a briefcase from underneath the bed.

From the look of things, it seemed that he had not noticed Jean. Maybe because he was hiding in the shadows of the dark space that he was in.

When the ugly guy had pulled out the briefcase, he studied it for a few moments and returned the bed to its original position.

In the next moment, he threw some quick glances to the sides, prompting Jean to quickly hide from his sight. After a few moments, the ugly guy turned around and left the bed chamber with the briefcase, closing the door behind him.

At that moment, Jean shifted and craned in his direction. Confirming that he had left, Jean's mind was flooded with numerous questions.

'What did he pick under the bed? How comes he didn't bother to search for me after not finding me in bed? How many are they behind that door?'

From where Jean was standing, it was somewhat difficult for him to notice what lied behind the door that the guy went through. So, by the time the ugly guy was leaving, Jean had tried on several occasions to check through the door but he didn't manage to deduce what lied behind it.

Rubbing off the beads of sweat in his face, Jean sighed heavily. Quickly scanning the surroundings, Jean paused for a moment while still gazing at the door that the guy went through.

'I think I should just return in bed before things get out of hand.'

With that thought, Jean quickly scanned the surroundings, noticing nothing, he immediately lunged forward and slowly moved towards the bed chamber.

A few moments later, he arrived at the bed and slowly climbed it before vigilantly lowering himself in it. He then assumed his initial position, closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.


In the cabin

The ugly guy walked through a door and entered the cabin, while holding a briefcase in his hands. He then closed the door behind him and locked it. For a few seconds he stayed at the same spot without moving even an inch.

In the cabin, several people, precisely six in number including the ugly guy, could be seen at different spots. The strange thing was that each of the people was donning a black suit, a pair of safety boots and a white shirt. They had athletic bodies each except for the ugly guy who looked somewhat fat. From a distance, they strangely looked the same.

Among the people, there was also a lady. She was the only one among five men and she was now coming from the galley area at the furthest end, next to the cockpit. She was holding a mug in her hand with some steaming liquid inside.

'This might be coffee.'

That could have been the thought that could have ignited in someone's head the moment he saw the lady.

Although donning in a suit, her curves were still visible from a distance. Her long black raven hair swung from behind as she walked in the cabin area. Her beautiful face begged for attention whenever she passed.

The strange thing was that it was only the ugly guy who had a hat.

Three of them were seated on the divan enjoying a movie on a screen in front of them. The last person was sitting at a conference table that was a few meters away from where the three were enjoying their movie. He was rummaging through some documents with a serious face. And from time to time, the serious guy could be seen glaring at the three guys whenever they could disturb the silence around him, of which they would respond by keeping quiet almost immediately.

Passing the lavatory, that was next to the galley area, the lady approached the guy at the conference table and placed the mug in front of him.

"Have some coffee"

The lady said in a friendly tone while smiling with the corners of her mouth.

Lifting his head slightly, the serious guy nodded silently while still maintaining a serious face.

A heartbeat later, the lady turned to her back and noticed the ugly guy staring at her from the other end. She then turned around and placed her hands on her waist, before heaving heavily.

"What are you still doing there? Bring that briefcase here right away."

The lady's voice echoed across the cabin area, causing everybody present including the serious guy to stare at her before shifting their gazes towards the ugly guy.

The serious guy glanced back at the heap of documents almost immediately he noticed the ugly guy. The ugly guy then let out a wicked smile before walking forward. He passed the three guys and finally arrived at the conference table.

Immediately he arrived there, the lady took the briefcase from his hands. She then stared at him for a few seconds before unzipping it and checking inside.

During this time, the ugly guy was staring at the mug of coffee in front of the serious guy who sat in one of the four seats around the conference table, facing in the direction of the cockpit area.

In the next moment, the ugly guy started licking his lips. That was the moment the lady shouted at him.

"What have you done?"

The lady asked in an angry tone causing everyone in the cabin area to panic a little except for the serious guy, who remained put and slowly turned in the lady's direction.

"What is the meaning of that?"

The serious guy asked in a gallant tone while furrowing his brows.

Turning in the serious guy's direction, the lady smiled wryly.

"I think he brought the wrong briefcase."

Almost immediately, the serious guy grabbed the briefcase from the lady's hands and peered inside. Without uttering a word, he immediately threw the briefcase straight at the ugly guy, who dodged it and let it drop to the floor, scattering a few documents in the process.

The ugly guy then quickly picked the briefcase off the floor with fright. He then picked the scattered documents and returned them to the briefcase.

During this time, the three guys had stopped watching their movie and were now staring at what was happening at the other end.

"It is like another movie has started there"

One of the three guys mumbled. The other two chuckled while covering their mouths with their hands.

"That seems more interesting than this"

Another guy added. The three guys then chuckled this time louder to be heard by the others.

Noticing that the other three including the serious guy were staring in their direction, they assumed their initial states and pretended to be engrossed with watching their movie.

Clicking his tongue and shifting his gaze towards the ugly guy who was now done picking the documents, the serious guy scoffed and turned his attention at the documents in front of him.

A moment later, the lady glowered at the ugly guy and heaved a sigh before crossing her arms.

"Where did you pick this briefcase, blockhead?"

The lady asked with a hint of exasperation in her voice.

The ugly guy panicked and remained mute for a moment.

"At… at the back chamber"

The ugly guy said with a starter while tightly embracing the briefcase in his hands.

"Where specifically?"

The lady asked with a glint of anger evident in her black eyes.

"Under the bed"

The ugly guy answered in a low tone.

In an instance, there was utter silence in the area as the lady and the serious guy exchanged gazes. A seconds later, the serious guy rose from his seat and looked at the ugly guy with a complicated look.

